w1nt3rfr05t · 6 hours
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w1nt3rfr05t · 6 hours
Tim tells the Batclan he's going on a space mission with Young Justice for a few weeks, he's got everything sorted civilian side and his cases and patrol routes covered, and also if any of his usual Rogue's Gallery suddenly comes looking for him don't worry about it.
And all of that is fine and normal - except that last part hey Tim what the fuck does that mean?
and Tim just goes it's fine don't worry about it anyway gotta go bye! and then he just bounces
and everything is fine until not even a day later when Babs forwards them a video Red Robin uploaded to his social medias that is a music video of him (Red Robin) seductively lip-syncing along to Chappell Roan's "My Kink is Karma" against a backdrop of fail compilation clips of several of the villains Tim has a particular grudge against, including Azrael, Lex Luthor, and most prominently Ra's al Ghul.
so there's Tim, in a form-fitting catsuit styled like his Red Robin costume, in heels, feeling himself up with a video clip in the background showing Ra's tripping on his own robes and face planting into the brickwork, evidence he dyes out some of the gray in his hair, his sash coming undone and pants falling off in the middle of a fight, trying to swipe the effects of a glitterbomb off of himself, etc.
It all ends with the Mean Girls clip of "why are you so obsessed with me?"
The video is immediately viral.
(There's some clips of Red Hood in there fucking up but Jason can't even be mad because he's laughing so hard he's gonna throw up)
Tim's Rogues absolutely DO show up to Gotham looking for him, and while they all want revenge, Red Robin is THEIR arch enemy like HELL are they going to work with these other embarrassments, so they all start fighting each other and it is absolutely CHAOS (Lex decides discretion is the better part of valor and makes a statement that no of course he has nothing against Red Robin he has no idea why he was included in that video haha yes of course it was Very Funny when a bird accidentally pooped on his head he is Very Capable of laughing at himself Thank You, and then he quietly goes to one of his vacation houses and moodily drinks for several days waiting for things to blow over)
Tim, meanwhile, is having a wonderful vacation with Young Justice, catching up with Lobo and Slobo, chasing down some space pirates, and just getting out of Gotham and away from his Rogues trying to challenge him/seduce him/kill him/whatever.
Bruce is taking the constant psychic damage of having the image of softcore Red Robin erotica burned into his brain along with the realization that way, way, WAY too many of Tim's Rogues want to sleep with him like an absolute champ. (Dick is not taking it like a champ, Dick is taking it like an unhinged vengeful wraith and has had to be benched for trying to tear out Ra's throat with his teeth.)
Stephanie is having the Time of Her Life. Damian cannot look anyone in the eye and absolutely cannot look Ra's (or his mother who ALSO showed up prominently in the video) in the face and is Not Having the Time of His Life.
(Jason is with Steph on this one, he is having SUCH a blast, this is so fucking hysterical)
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w1nt3rfr05t · 21 hours
When Bruce “died” all his kids ended up gathering together for the reading of his will. Things were split pretty evenly between them with certain assets going to certain people (the company to Tim, the Manor to Alfred etc). At the end of the will there is one last line
“Don’t let your brother turn into a supervillian.”
All of the siblings are busy arguing about who Bruce might be talking about except for Tim and Cass, who are standing away from the group. Tim has an amused gleam in his eye and Cass is staring him down.
“Don’t you dare.” She signs at him knowing full well that Bruce was talking about Tim.
“I’m going to take over the League of Assassins.” He signs back to her.
Which was always the plan, he just couldn’t leave right away. Dick giving Damian Robin was a perfect excuse. Also, Bruce was def alive just lost in the time stream and the league would have the resources he needs to find answers.
Six months later, over 100 bases blown up, and with coordinates to recover Bruce, Tim returns to Gotham. He’s not alone though. Oh no. Drake Industries has had a complete overhaul under the leadership of the teenage heir and if all of the new employees are ninja assassins thats for Tim to know and no one else.
When Bruce returns he gets swarmed with questions from his kids about which brother he was referencing at the end of his will and he gives them all a confused look.
“Tim of course. The kid borrows my morals like library books.” At this, Dick goes ashen.
Tim? Bruce had been concerned about Tim? Tim who has been off the grid for the last 6 months doing god knows what?
“Tim should have known I was referencing him. He should have told you and the fact that he didn’t means I should be concerned.” Bruce glances to his son who can’t contain his smile.
“It’s hardly my fault the Ra’s has the charisma of a used gym sock. Besides, at least I offer benefits and paid time off. Also you don’t have to worry about the LOA anymore. They all work for me now.” He smiles a bit wider and then disappears into the shadows.
Bruce, who wrote that last line after going through Tim’s Young Justice Records, simply signs. “Could be worse. He could have become Gun Batman.” Which unloads an entirely new floodgate of questions from those around him, but as long as his kids are safe, happy, and still walking a mostly moral line then Bruce is happy.
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w1nt3rfr05t · 2 days
i like to think that ever since they met it was mutually ON SIGHT bullying <3
they’re both losers (said with love)
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w1nt3rfr05t · 3 days
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Freiwald Amphora Pottery Art
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w1nt3rfr05t · 8 days
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And here it is at last! The Gravity Falls Multi-Artist Lyric Comic tribute to the Stan Twins, "Trouble"!
Stay tuned, as @stariousfalls is working on making all of this into a video version. That will be coming along in the next few weeks!
And of course, Happy Birthday to Dipper and Mabel! (Even if this project was Grunkles-centric, Stan and Ford's stories wouldn't have come to such a heart-warming resolution if it wasn't for their niblings. Credit where it's due!)
Some credits and acknowledgements below the read-more:
(I'll have remarks and thanks in another post; but for now, thank you SO MUCH TO EVERYONE who worked on this and made it spectacular!)
Polaroid Collage One: elishevart, zephrunsimperium, pinkplatiploo, mother-ofthe-universedraws, fordtato, shadeartstuff, creativepup, skysdrawings
I've been a beggar: lemonfodrizzleart
And I've been a king: kingsofjersey
I've been a loner: muria-art
And I've worn the ring: everlight_283 (instagram)
Losing myself: batman-gif
Just to find me again: tazmiilly & gin-juice-tonic
I'm a million miles smarter: eregyrn-falls-art & stephreynaart
But I ain't learned a thing: annakitsun3
I've been a teacher: gobblewanker
And a student of hurt: skysdrawings
I kept my word: orangephoenix6
For whatever that's worth: mother-ofthe-universedraws
Never been last: jackyjackdraws
But I've never been first: jasmine-sketchbook
Oh I may not be the best: stephreynaart
But I'm far from the worst: spectralreplica
Oh I may not be the best: elishevart
But I'm far from the worst: zkyeline
Oh, I've seen trouble: fexiled / fexalted
More than any man should bear: mischieflily
But I've seen enough joy: ginandshattereddreams
I've had more than my share: gin-juice-tonic
And I'm still not done: morcian-draws
I'm only halfway there: jamesfenimoreharper
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from: fordtato
But there's still another million miles to come: deerpines, orangephoenix6 & fordtato
Polaroid Collage Two: creativepup, cbmagus49, inkdrawndreamer, bluefrostyy, mother-ofthe-universedraws, fordtato, bewildred-grimsley, shadeartstuff, alphazed
Oh I keep on searching for the City of Gold: vililae
So I'm gonna follow this yellow brick road: cbmagus49
Thinking that maybe it might lead me on: cutebatart
I'm a million miles farther: hellmandraws
And a long way from home: eregyrn-falls-art
I know that there's a plan that goes way beyond mine: possumbreath
Got to step back just to see the design: pottersfieldcustodian
The mind fears the heart: rechoclo
But the heart doesn't mind: novantinuum
Oh I may not be perfect: tazmiilly
But I'm loving this life: hubbabubbagumpop
Oh I may not be perfect: athgalla-arts
But I'm loving this life: thisiswhereidraw
Oh I've seen trouble: purblzart
More than any man should bear: shadowofaghost5
But I've seen enough joy: alextwdgf01 & fordtato
I've had more than my share: dragonsheepstudios
And I'm still not done: acetyzias & stephreynaart
I'm only halfway there: cryptidjeepers
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from: chiiroptereh
But there's still another million miles to come: stephreynaart
Polaroids Collage Three: cbmagus49; fordsy; fordtato; puppylove24680; sciencevillain; lemonfodrizzleart; mother-ofthe-universedraws; possumbreath
Polaroids Collage Four: jamesfenimoreharper; gin-juice-tonic; rusted-blue; shadowofaghost5; cutebatart; possumbreath; fordtato; nour386
Polaroids Collage Five: fordtato; pinestwinssimp; tazmiillly; melodramaticwolf; eregyrn-falls-art
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w1nt3rfr05t · 10 days
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i want it to be put on record that when i posted this to tiktok, i did not think it would blow up, nor did i ever imagine that the ship name would be "billfiddlesford"
the council decided that name without my consent, but i do appreciate the whimsy of it /j
i made these comics as a joke with myself about "what if fidds just got tired of bill's nonsense and teased him 24/7 bc Bill's a menace but Fiddleford grew up on a farm" type of thing, which has now spiraled.
also bc consider; I want Fiddleford to have a win? i want him to be happy and healthy and also in a polyamorous gay marriage with his college friend and his muse, nothing too dramatic
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w1nt3rfr05t · 24 days
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Garden of Hope - James Gurney (detail)
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w1nt3rfr05t · 29 days
Tiny forest for your dash
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w1nt3rfr05t · 1 month
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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w1nt3rfr05t · 1 month
Vicki Vale: Mr. Wayne are you Batman?
Bruce Wayne: What is a “Bat man?”
Vicki Vale: Mr. Drake are you Red Robin?
Tim Drake: Like the restaurant?
Vicki Vale: So Cassandra, are you Orphan?
Cassandra Cain: No I’m not an orphan. I have a dad.
Vicki Vale: Mr. Thomas are you Signal?
Duke Thomas: Am I what?
Vicki Vale: Are you the Bat Signal?
Duke Thomas: That is the stupidest question I’ve ever been asked.
Vicki Vale: Damian, are you Robin?
Damian Wayne: Tt, I am not a bird. Are you well, Ms. Vale? I’m concerned for your mental state.
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w1nt3rfr05t · 1 month
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Justice for REcunt Shirt
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w1nt3rfr05t · 2 months
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w1nt3rfr05t · 2 months
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w1nt3rfr05t · 2 months
The worst part about having so many ideas to write about is when I tell someone about something I am excited to be creating and all they ask about is if I’m going to finish something or focus on working on one thing.
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w1nt3rfr05t · 2 months
Sphinx but instead of asking people riddles, it just badly and awkwardly flirts with people instead
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w1nt3rfr05t · 2 months
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