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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
[ BEARDY BOY ] i thought you’d be bigger :/ [ BEARDY BOY ] lmao i’m kidding. but i AM disappointed that that wasn’t for me. not in the mood for a cute soldier tonight??
[ army guy ]: uh fuck u [ army guy ]: not funny [ fucking bootlicker ]: yeah maybe before [ fucking bootlicker ]: ur sense of humr really killed the mood
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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            “  But it’s kinda hot ,    isn’ it ??  “    She’s trying to lighten the mood now really so he doesn’t get too annoyed with her having gone through his things .    She frowns when he takes the magazine out but she understands she can’t be trusted with it in at the moment .    Then again how could you really trust anyone pointing a gun in your face ,    especially considering what he does .      She really should have thought this through more ,    but at least he’s being nice .    He did promise to teach her after all .     And she smiles when he gives her instructions .    Following each for left hand since she’s left handed ,   her grip loosened as well as her posture adjusted .    “  Like this ??  “
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Only a grunt came in return, unconvinced. But, he wasn’t angry. Not after the adrenaline wore down. And definitely not after she corrected her posture. Glare dropped and face brightened. “There ya’go.” He licked his lower lip. “Now, it’s kind’a hot.” More than kind’a. There was something able a hot girl with a gun (that wasn’t loaded and pointed at your goddamn face) that was just fucking irresistible. Anton step back and, for a few seconds, just looked her up a down. Then, with a little grin, he gave her a nod. “Okay, now go ahead ‘nd show me again how you’re gonna pop me.”
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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     she  needed  a  moment  to  collect  herself  ,  figure  out  how  much  cash  she  had  and  how  far  away  it  would  take  her.  dolores  would  suck  a  trucker’s  dick  if  it  meant  getting  her  far  away  from  anton.  their  fucked  up  relationship  had  gone  on  for  too  long  and  she  was  sick  of  it.  wiping  the  tears  away  with  her  wrist  ,  she  completely  ignored  him  as  he  sat  on  the  curb.  deadly  glare  at  him  as  he  offered  her  a  cigarette.  he  had  almost  choked  her  to  death  ,  a  cigarette  would  only  make  her  sore  throat  worse.  she  turned  her  head  ,  taking  out  her  phone  to  check  her  location.  fuck  ,  she  was  truly  far  away  from  anything  decent.  then  an  idea  came  to  her  and  suddenly  her  features  are  softened  ,  ❛ i’m  good  thanks …  ❜ a  hoarse  voice  as  she  moves  to  stand  and  sit  next  to  him. 
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Anton pursed his lips, nodded, and slipped the carton back into his pocket, before lighting his over cigarette. Her sitting next to him made his feel a little better -- a form of comfort, even after what he had just done. It relaxed him enough, in fact, to finally say: “You can’t be pissin’ me off like that, Lo. A’right? Y’can’t. I get mean. And, y’know, sometimes I can’t help myself.” That was just a fact that, this late in life, he accepted about himself.  As far as he was concerned, this was bound to happen. His temper was a time bomb. But, even now, he truly didn’t seem to understand the severity of it. After a few long drags from his smoke, he said, “We’re not gonna let this change things between us, though, right?” He peered up from under his brows. “I mean. We’re still good, right? You and me?”
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
      HE COULD SMELL THE ADRENALINE OFF this guy, Vincent didn’t like it much. It would mean trouble, because this guy didn’t quite strike him as one to flee from the fight – and Keller wasn’t one to pick the fight over the flight. At least not anymore, because he couldn’t afford it. Exposure was bad for him, as well as the person who would end up finding out about him. They usually end up dying, and no matter how irritating this guy seemed to be… Vincent didn’t quite want him to die by the hands of Muirfield – if he wasn’t already one of them, that is. 
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      While it could’ve been simple for Vincent to avoid the push and to anticipate, he still let it happen. Part of him was curious how far this guy was willing to go for some stolen money. The answer seemed to be pretty far. Though, the push had still struck a nerve with Keller, who had kept his head down all this time while the culprit continued to taunt him. Vincent felt himself change, influenced by the anger he felt for the man. His fingers twitched by his sides, claws itching to crawl out and sharp teeth scraping against his lips demanding to be bared. A low rumble roared in the base of his throat, sounding nothing human-like to the ears of those who might’ve heard it. No matter how dearly Keller tried to hold it back, the beast had awoken – and when he looked up at the other, the man was met with eyes shining golden, and filled with rage.
He was gearing up for a fight. The excitement coming off him was primal, like a carnivor that could finally smell its next kill. But it faltered.
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It was the sound coming from the man’s throat that finally gave Anton pause, made the hairs on the back of his neck stand. It wasn’t anything he had heard from another person before. It was much more akin to the throaty growl he heard from the neighbors’ dogs before they let out a bark, a sound that absolutely filled him with dread as a child. And, he couldn’t completely quell the wave of anxiety that swelled in his chest when he heard it across from him. But, he had to be mishearing, right? It had to be the adrenaline. Still, that didn’t stop him from being a little twitchier where he stood, fingers flicking, rearranging his footing. At this point, though, he was too far in to let his momentary anxiety get in his way. Right? 
“Look at me.” Though still a snarl, his voice was a little lower now. More curiosity than just reckless anger -- mostly, at least. “C’mon, you fuckin’ pussy. Look at me.” 
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
a quick psa : if we rp together, i want to know everything about your muse. like seriously, no detail is too small and no factoid is unimportant. i wanna know who they are, what makes them tick, what they think about before they fall asleep at night, their fave food, their senior quote when they graduated high school !!! i love it all !!!
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
*don’t stop me now by queen plays on the stereo as i lie bleeding and unconscious outside my car*
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
home invader: you’re using a luger for home defense? aren’t those incredibly unreliable??
me: *beats home invader to death with luger*
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
Anton: I’m am the scariest fucking lone wolf to ever win. I live and breathe independence and thrive working alone fuck teams and fuck alll yall
Also Anton: *kept on a leash by Fargo’s shorter than his own dick*
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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      Why does he always have to be such a party pooper ?!     There’s a pout the moment he starts yelling .    He really can’t take a joke can he ?    When the guns snatched from her hands all she does is roll her eyes at him ,    no real regard given to how dangerous it really could have been if it had been loaded and her finger slipped or anything else .    “  You’re no fun .  “    Huffed back at him with her arms crossed ,    but she does add a soft ,    “  ‘m sorry .    Don’t be mad .  “
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“Yeah? 'Cuse the fuck outta me for not thinkin’ a gun in my fuckin’ face is your best fuckin’ foreplay. Jesus.” Even as he was snarling away, though, his fingers were finding the little button to pop the magazine and slide it from the grip. He slipped the magainze into his back pocket. Her ass couldn’t be trusted. Tightly drawn brows ease just a little when she apologized, though. Then, with a hoarse sigh, he passed the emptied gun back to her. “Y’aren’t even fuckin’ holding it right. Right hand higher on the grip. Left hand on the other side, thumb forward. And quit squeezin’ it so fuckin’ hard. It’ll throw your shot.”
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w0lf1sh-blog · 5 years ago
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       a  harsh  cough  and  she  tried  to  catch  her  breath  again.  hand  on  the  bar  ,  trying  to  compose  herself.  she  swatted  away  anyone  trying  to  help  her  ,  not  in  the  mood  for  assholes  to  be  in  her  face.  she  was  fucking  livid  ,  vowing  to  herself  to  kill  him  when  she  got  the  chance.  she’d  do  it  right  then  and   there  if  there  weren’t  witnesses.  it  was  the  middle  of  nowhere  and  the  escape  wouldn’t  be  as  easy  as  thought.  not  a  word  is  spoken  to  anton  ,  she’d  had  enough  of  his  psyhco  bullshit.  pushing  past  everyone  ,  she  rushed  through  the  doors  and  gasped  for  air  as  she  fell  to  the  ground  ,  sobbing. 
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Anton’s expression was unchanged when Lo rushed through the crowd and out the door. If anything, he reveled in it for that moment -- in that ugly gasp she let out as soon as he let go, the judgmental gazes of those around him, he loved it all. Only in that moment, though. Then, reality set in. Breathing steadied, adrenaline dropped, and, as it did, a familiar ache developed in his gut. The “got too angry, said too much” ache. He rubbed his face. Goddammit. He pushed his way through the crowd, out the door, and, fuck, there she was. Still maintaining a healthy distance between them, Anton sat on the curb, fished in his pocket, and pulled out his box of cigs. He popped between his lips before, wordlessly, offering the box out to her. A peace offering, of sorts.
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