Vylnce Odrillian
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
The Coven of Eternal Night is Recruiting!
We are opening our doors to the RP Horde community of WrA for recruitment. Join and take part in our plots, server events, as well as a wonderful group of friends to attend them with.
The Coven is a brand new, heavy RP guild with a true neutral alignment. We are a anti-war themed organization focusing on the action/adventure side of DM story lines from three different experienced DM’s. We do story line events, lore/history/science events, and other social events; such as drinking games, brawl nights, and community events. Not only that, we also enjoy PvE (raids and mythics) to help our members gear, and experience end-game content. Several of our members also take great interest in PvP and are looking to do rated BG’s and arenas! And yes! We have a discord!
The Decroix and the Coven family has carried on a rich, occult, dark theme for over ten thousand years. We try out hardest to cater to every type of schedule, and form events that will match anyone who seeks to join. The Coven strives to adhere to global/server standard of a drama-free environment. We set for creative, literate, and maturity standard for our members. While restrictive, if you can type with decent enough grammar, and act like a logical adult you will fit in perfectly.
From feasts and oaths every two weeks, where our members sign their blood oath to the Book of Shadows, to friendly brawl nights, to engaging campaigns, to beach nights, we try to cover all grounds to allow everyone to enjoy something. We also allow our members the opportunity to build their own events, and plot out their own story lines, for their fellow members to take part in. No one should ever feel left out!
Inquire if you wish to join, or fill out an application, which you can find a link to below!
Application ( Or tinyurl.com/applycoven )
Guild Combat System: ( or tinyurl.com/covenclassbonus ) It’s looks like a lot, but it’s easy! We promise!                                                    
Our Mission:  The Coven is a unified coalition that operates under the Suramarian House Decroix’s protection and secrecy. It offers a sanctuary to those of unified mind. We seek to show the world that not all those of the horde are dishonorable and blind have loyalism to atrocity. We seek to right the wrongs the war has caused and offer relief to those affected by it’s crimes. We protect the common good, ensure that our loved ones families can live in peace. We strive to provide hope, be honorable, be courageous, seek justice, show compassion, be determined, and live in harmony.
You and your character will fit in within The Coven if…
Your are 18 years or older.
You are seeking to be active, friendly, and engaging to all members. (IC and OOC)
Your character is attentive ICly, and willing to be loyal to a cause.
You OOCly are a logical RPer, and do not mind roll-based fighting event.
You OOCly are mature enough to have a conversation without being offended, and having people walk on eggshells around you. Generally pleasant to be around, and do not cause drama on a regular basis.
You OOCly do not demand attention to be placed on your character as a hero for every situation, and do not attempt to take the spotlight from other RPers. Our unique combat system gives everyone the spot light.
The Coven’s Ranks
Every recruit requires an In-Character interview in order to gain an In-Character rank.
The Nightmother (GM):Lady  Marguerite ��Margot” Decroix.
The Lady’s Hand (Co-GM): Magistrate Sandoridon, The Coven’s Liaison.
High Council (Senior Officers): Division Leaders, and primary commanders of operations within the house. Direct delegates of the Lady, using the combined strength of the divisions to assure they are all utilized to their full potential. (IC and OOC officers.)
Nightguard (Junior Officers, and commanders in the field):  The Coven’s most trusted and skilled. They are personally chosen by Margot and the High Council from those that have proven their worth in any of the divisions listed below to lead our members in our campaigns.
Akasha (Medical Division):  For characters with healing capabilities, on and off the field; divided into combat medicine, and clinical medicine. For combat and non-combat individuals.
Athame (Specialist Division): Special operations and intelligence gathers. They are the task force that detaches to complete reconnaissance and detailed operations that require a certain…finesse.
Labrys (Ground Forces Division): Specialized in ground tactics, the battalion operates as a unit to lay siege upon enemy forces, and to out-maneuver their opponents in the field, and protects our members from harm on the front lines.
Mystic (Scholar/Caster Division): Spell weavers, and masters of the magical arts. These gifted individuals are the head of the research and development core. They study artifacts and items of interest recovered from operations, and handle supernatural affairs.
Neophyte (Enlisted):  Those awaiting to take their oath, unproven combatants, or skilled workers. Those who join the Coven’s cause start off here, until they have proven themselves in the field to be placed among their brothers and sister’s in their aspired division.
OCC (OOC rank): Well there isn’t much to say here! Alternate characters, characters awaiting interviews, friends of the guild, or characters ICly dismissed from duty.
                     Thank you for reading. We hope to hear from you.
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
The Coven of Eternal Night is Recruiting!
We are opening our doors to the RP Horde community of WrA for recruitment. Join and take part in our plots, server events, as well as a wonderful group of friends to attend them with.
The Coven is a brand new, heavy RP guild with a true neutral alignment. We are a anti-war themed organization focusing on the action/adventure side of DM story lines from three different experienced DM’s. We do story line events, lore/history/science events, and other social events; such as drinking games, brawl nights, and community events. Not only that, we also enjoy PvE (raids and mythics) to help our members gear, and experience end-game content. Several of our members also take great interest in PvP and are looking to do rated BG’s and arenas! And yes! We have a discord!
The Decroix and the Coven family has carried on a rich, occult, dark theme for over ten thousand years. We try out hardest to cater to every type of schedule, and form events that will match anyone who seeks to join. The Coven strives to adhere to global/server standard of a drama-free environment. We set for creative, literate, and maturity standard for our members. While restrictive, if you can type with decent enough grammar, and act like a logical adult you will fit in perfectly.
From feasts and oaths every two weeks, where our members sign their blood oath to the Book of Shadows, to friendly brawl nights, to engaging campaigns, to beach nights, we try to cover all grounds to allow everyone to enjoy something. We also allow our members the opportunity to build their own events, and plot out their own story lines, for their fellow members to take part in. No one should ever feel left out!
Inquire if you wish to join, or fill out an application, which you can find a link to below!
Application ( Or tinyurl.com/applycoven )
Guild Combat System: ( or tinyurl.com/covenclassbonus ) It’s looks like a lot, but it’s easy! We promise!                                                    
Our Mission:  The Coven is a unified coalition that operates under the Suramarian House Decroix’s protection and secrecy. It offers a sanctuary to those of unified mind. We seek to show the world that not all those of the horde are dishonorable and blind have loyalism to atrocity. We seek to right the wrongs the war has caused and offer relief to those affected by it’s crimes. We protect the common good, ensure that our loved ones families can live in peace. We strive to provide hope, be honorable, be courageous, seek justice, show compassion, be determined, and live in harmony.
You and your character will fit in within The Coven if…
Your are 18 years or older.
You are seeking to be active, friendly, and engaging to all members. (IC and OOC)
Your character is attentive ICly, and willing to be loyal to a cause.
You OOCly are a logical RPer, and do not mind roll-based fighting event.
You OOCly are mature enough to have a conversation without being offended, and having people walk on eggshells around you. Generally pleasant to be around, and do not cause drama on a regular basis.
You OOCly do not demand attention to be placed on your character as a hero for every situation, and do not attempt to take the spotlight from other RPers. Our unique combat system gives everyone the spot light.
The Coven’s Ranks
Every recruit requires an In-Character interview in order to gain an In-Character rank.
The Nightmother (GM):Lady  Marguerite “Margot” Decroix.
The Lady’s Hand (Co-GM): Magistrate Sandoridon, The Coven’s Liaison.
High Council (Senior Officers): Division Leaders, and primary commanders of operations within the house. Direct delegates of the Lady, using the combined strength of the divisions to assure they are all utilized to their full potential. (IC and OOC officers.)
Nightguard (Junior Officers, and commanders in the field):  The Coven’s most trusted and skilled. They are personally chosen by Margot and the High Council from those that have proven their worth in any of the divisions listed below to lead our members in our campaigns.
Akasha (Medical Division):  For characters with healing capabilities, on and off the field; divided into combat medicine, and clinical medicine. For combat and non-combat individuals.
Athame (Specialist Division): Special operations and intelligence gathers. They are the task force that detaches to complete reconnaissance and detailed operations that require a certain…finesse.
Labrys (Ground Forces Division): Specialized in ground tactics, the battalion operates as a unit to lay siege upon enemy forces, and to out-maneuver their opponents in the field, and protects our members from harm on the front lines.
Mystic (Scholar/Caster Division): Spell weavers, and masters of the magical arts. These gifted individuals are the head of the research and development core. They study artifacts and items of interest recovered from operations, and handle supernatural affairs.
Neophyte (Enlisted):  Those awaiting to take their oath, unproven combatants, or skilled workers. Those who join the Coven’s cause start off here, until they have proven themselves in the field to be placed among their brothers and sister’s in their aspired division.
OCC (OOC rank): Well there isn’t much to say here! Alternate characters, characters awaiting interviews, friends of the guild, or characters ICly dismissed from duty.
                     Thank you for reading. We hope to hear from you.
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Night Elf by Yuuza
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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via weheartit
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
New beginnings?
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Dying ember light danced off the mica whirls decorating the High Elf’s countenance; designs like the scouring desert squalls. He sat crossed legged in the sun baked bowl, scoffing at the veiled seers answers and staring at her aged companion who’s sun bronzed flesh was gaunt over his bones, but the old man’s eyes held a perfect serenity and clarity of purpose, as if the desert had scoured him to his purest essence and Vylnce envied him that. Vylnce turned his gaze to the silken gauze of a veil that divided him and the seer, her form barely visibile in the scant light. “Miersae is lost to me and I am the last of White Lions. They fought their final battle on shores far from here– and for -what-?! This? I have prayed for answers–“ she cut him off with a voice so frail but somehow beyond reason it felt like mountains should break asunder at her words “The light has guided you thus far, Child of the Sun, but, it has failed you and your people then as it does now. Where you are destined it will serve you no longer. It is time you place your faith in yourself and…elsewhere…” her words burned in the the ears of the High elf. Once upon a time his comrades confided that it was natural to question one’s faith, that to so do and remain ardent was true faith, but, he knew in deep down in the marrow of his bones that the seeress was right…
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
Aitherton Isles
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Hellfire Cliffs
Once named Gryphon’s Flight Peaks, the Hellfire Cliffs were recently dubbed during  the recent Legion invasions. Not more than a year ago a raging infernal dropped causing the lush green landscape to wither to dirt and ash. The mountains began to twist and deform into sharp jagged edges much like the bordering Shadowlands and from the area the invasion of the Aitherton Isles had begun. Armies of the Burning Legion began their assault on Halftide, but were encountered in force by an Alliance unit and every available man from the Aitherton Garrison. this battle ensued just beyond the Bridge of Sighs, and ended just below old Raven’s Peak - The highest ridge of the now named Hellfire Cliffs. Since the invasion attempts to reclaim the land have been in vain, Fel energy has poured to the earth itself to cause it’s barren nature to continue.
(See the Badlands for in-game representation)
Halftide Port
The port village of Halftide is home to the seafaring folk of the island. Known for its rough around the edges appeal. Ship captains, bartenders, and fishermen are the majority of what you will find within. The crime rate of Halftide is known to be high, but the view from it’s lighthouse is second to only the manor at Clouds Rest. Once the town was more forgotten, now it is seeing an emergence. Halftide now is the replacement for the docks lost to the flooding of Willow wisp Marsh.
(Boralus Port, in game - Or Howling Fjord)
Willow Wisp Marsh
Once the thriving port of Aitherton, this was the first part of the land claimed when the isle was discovered. Now, Willow Wisp Marsh is all that remains. Ruins of the dock are visible to any who dare to enter the haunted swamplands. Haunted, you ask? Ask any soul from Clouds Rest to Halftide and they will tell you of the whispers and wisp-like creatures one can see after the sun sets. Those interested in the darker things of life will camp in the nearby Whispering Hills to catch a glimpse of the paranormal, some even claim on the darkest nights they can hear wailing from the swampy marshes below. Next to the Shadowlands, the Willow Wisp Marsh is the island’s second favorite horror story to tell to children. As for its origins? Some blame the sorcery of a lone warlock for its downfall, others the Aitherton family themselves. All that is known is that any who try to solve the mystery rarely come back the same.
(Dustwallow Marsh, in game)
Aitherton Manor/Stables/Spice Fields/Garrison
Cobbled streets, a rich town surrounded by walls and plains. Beyond the walls to the east you can see the rolling spice fields, the Aitherton’s oldest claim to fame. The spices grown in the fields contain a selection of crop unique to all of Azeroth. Adiron is the Atherton’s claim to fame, a mixture of Moonseed imported from Ashenvale, dried and chopped Bear’s Claw from the Hinterlands and a secret ingredient of which the family will not release. Ground and mixed together with the perfect amounts the Aitherton family released their family’s first trademarked spice claiming to heal any minor sickness twice as quickly as most poultices. Aside Adiron the family also has their own spice claimed “Valentine” which does simply what one would think. A mixture of usual spices as well as Alor’el from Ashenvale as well will make any date night fixture a sure-success. Aside from the imported ingredients the Aitherton family also has their generic spices sold across the Eastern Kingdoms, this is the foundation of the family’s wealth.
To the north following a dirt road you will find yourself at Aramis’ Stables. Named after the son of Duke Trenton Aitherton, this is the newest addition to the ventures of the Aitherton family, and why the Duke pressed his son to horses so often as a child. Success from Aramis’ competitions obviously led to a spike in business that is still felt today, even when the young Lord’s tournament days have fallen to a halt. The Aitherton household is remembered now more for their native prize mares than even their spices.
Winding down the Wildwood trail to the east you can find the Aitherton Garrison. The home for the trailkeepers and guardsmen of both Clouds Rest and Aitherton Manor. The barracks host more than fifty troops and hold your usual combat training necessities as well as a field hospital that was established during the Legion invasion just recently.
In-game: Old Theramore
Eyden’s Edge
The furthest north of all the land in the isles, Eyden’s Edge is home to the finer things of life. A commonwealth city where socialites gather and parties are common. Established by the Wyndham family, this town’s first and sole purpose was to thrive in Eyden’s growing businesses (Infused Tea, Essential Oils, and Exotic Wines).. However, what started as a small working space swiftly turned to a home for many. Within the village the Isle’s renowned seamstress Alexandria lives, with aspirations to share her product with more than just the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. The biggest attraction, however, is the wine produced and shipped from Eyden’s Edge.  Supplying both the Aitherton and the Wyndham families, the concoctions made here are known even beyond the small expanse of land. Eyden’s Edge is often where the two families would peacefully meet to discuss and negotiate their future on the land. Of course, their rivalry is not totally disappeared from the town, each family has a winery in the city, making their own famous mixture.. However beer and wine are not the only things brewing at Eyden’s Edge of late.. A new family has started making their own brew, and it is sweeping the nation and putting both the noble houses to shame.
Clouds Rest
During the Island’s infant years turmoil and dissatisfaction brewed between the founding Lords. From the many disagreements of Lord Aitherton, and Sir Wyndham, the two could never see eye to eye. Though they had fought side by side through the toughest battles, a split was inevitable. After amassing a following, the Wyndhams and the Aithertons broke apart. The Wyndhams then established Clouds Rest. Named after the tall cliffs and kissing clouds, the manor was founded over three generations ago. Though travel was difficult, the reward was tenfold. The prosperous and rich soils brought new trades, and a new port was built, thus the Wyndham Trades were born. With hard work and determination, the new noble household rivaled the Aithertons on every front.
Clouds Rest is home to the Wyndhams infused potions and teas, essential oils, and a winery. Not to mention one of the grandest chapels in all of Azeroth, the family has a background in the Light just as they have a history of the best healing potions anyone could get their hands upon.
Now that tradition continues, but the rivalry between the two houses has finally reached a point of stagnation. Both families know this could  be their undoing, but neither want to budge an inch and lose any speck of control of the land to the other.  
The Shadowlands
Tall cliffs surround an island to the northeast, within lies the place only known as the Shadowlands. Countless expeditions have been sent by the Aitherton and Wyndham family time and time again to claim the land. Even once a small skirmish erupted from the two sides in conquest of this land.. None have been successful, however. Even gryphon-riders overhead have been unable to map out the expansive land - and most were lost to the storms. Only an estimated ten percent of the Isle has been explored but many horror tales have been made from visits both official and those who wander despite the laws of the Isle stating that nobody should go to this cursed place.
There are rumors in these stories of the undead, ghosts and the void all creeping about the Shadowlands, but also there is the claim of treasure to any who would brave what lies within. No matter the weather storm clouds always appear over the towering cliffs that can be spotted from Cloud’s Rest.
@aramisaitherton @eydenaitherton
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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The world you live in.
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Luna and the Wolf Guard (Dennis Fröhlich)
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Knight process
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Dragon Knight (Konstantin Turovec)
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Azeroth stands strong.
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Princess •
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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Aitherton/Wyndham Crest
Gold: Understanding, Respect, Virtue, Majestic Generosity
Azure: Steadfast, Strength, Loyalty
Silver/White: Peace and Serenity, Light
Red: Warrior or Martyr, Military, Strength Magnanimity
Black: Royal Majesty, Sovereignty, Justice
Green: Hope, Joy, Loyalty, Love
Armored Arm:Represents one who has served as a senior political figure or leader.
Helmet: Denotes wisdom and security in defense, strength, protection, invulnerability.
Caduceus: Light, balance and the union of opposing forces/families.
Crown or Coronet: Royal or seigniorial authority, prestige.
Chains: Reward for acceptable and weighty service, with crowns and collars, this suggests the bearer bore the chain of obligation or obliged others because of services done.
Wings: Swiftness and protection.
Diamonds: Represents both families
Lion: Bravery, strength, ferocity, valor.
Horse: Extreme courage, virtue, strength.
Shield/Fleur-de-lis: Flower of Light
Horse/Spice/Oil/Tea leaf: These symbols represent both families in trade and business.
House Aitherton Motto: By spirit and truth, let there be eternal light.
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vylnceodrilian · 6 years ago
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