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vycelux · 2 months ago
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vycelux · 2 months ago
I support perverts. Like all of you for example
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vycelux · 3 months ago
I have managed to get to the second encounter in the Vesper Station Dungeon on my own.
Which for others does not sound like a major feat, but for me who is a squishy Hunter whose only skill is Panic, this is amazing.
I do not predict surviving the second encounter.
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vycelux · 4 months ago
“Men should have short hair
“Long hair on men is too feminine”
“Long hair on men is girly. It looks bad”
Shut up.
I will defend men with long hair till I die.
I’m native, and so are my cousins. Two of my cousins have hella long hair. One is down to his waist. The other is mid back.
And another cousin is currently growing his out, currently to his collar bone.
Hair is spiritually important to us.
I met a lot of natives with a lot of different reasons.
I know my cousins specially decided to grow their hair out to wear their hair long for those who couldn’t.
After some of them kept it short for a really long time; not cuz they even wanted to. Yk.
Time and time again my male cousins have had to fight hair dressers and leave the damn salon because they’re afraid they’ll chop it all off after getting these bitch ass comments “boys shouldn’t have long hair” or even “you look like a girl”
My aunt Yelled at a female stylist with a green Mohawk that if she can have her hair short and neon green J can have his hair long and continue to grow it and nurture it.
They absolutely do not look like women either. They look like men. With long curly hair.
I see it a lot online too, where people leave comments telling men to cut their hair cuz it makes them look to effeminate.
Like shut up what is wrong with you?
I knew girls get those comments with short hair, that they look too boyish. It’s a choice. Shouldn’t force a girl to grow out her hair. Shouldn’t force a man to cut his hair.
Idk that topic gets me heated
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vycelux · 5 months ago
Is gay wrist an advantage or disadvantage in sword fighting technique time-sensitive
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vycelux · 5 months ago
Do people not already wear tank tops and sweats when doing chores?? Even in the middle of summer I—
we need to start romanticizing doing household chores in tank tops and sweatpants in the same way that we romanticize knighthood and i am not fucking kidding
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vycelux · 5 months ago
as a phrase, “she [x] on my [x] til’ i [x]” only is funny if on either side of a spectrum. either the phrase ends so specific to a sexual action it’s a smart joke (for example, “she strogan me off til i beef” uses the word “beef stroganoff’ but also makes a “stroking off” joke, making it clever wordplay.) or it makes so little sense that it ends up funny from the absurdity of deciphering what type of sexual action could even be taking place. (example: when my roomate the other night asked to hand them a sanpelligrino and then said “she san on my pelli til’ i grino” which begs the question of what ‘sanning’ is, what a ‘pelli’ repersents in terms of human genitalia and what ‘grinoing’ could possibly be.)
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vycelux · 5 months ago
I find it kind of stupid how 'half full' vs 'half empty' is framed as an optimist/pessimist thing. If it starts full and gets halfway drained, it's half empty. If it starts empty and gets halfway filled, it's half full. If you don't know the starting state it's both simultaneously.
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vycelux · 6 years ago
Sounds like my grandma after the dementia kicked in
so i used something called infinite jukebox to cut out every other beat of this song and
here ya go
250 miles
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vycelux · 6 years ago
The way Amanda says “Keep it together, gurrrrrrl!” To Sloane in the Siren Song adventure.
Reblog if you agree.
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vycelux · 6 years ago
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life imitates art… I cosplayed as myself today.
You can now buy this sticker in real life for $3! Half of all proceeds will go to Western Native Voice, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting voter suppression in native communities, a huge issue in this year’s mid-term elections. 
Thanks for selling these out last time. Please take them off my hands once more~
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vycelux · 6 years ago
on the note of activision, the fact bungie has increased the drop rates of eververse cosmetics exponentially and gone as far as to give us free brightdust, really says that they listened to us when we called them out on the lootboxes. 
so with that in mind, maybe, just maybe, we should consider that it’s activision pushing them to sell silver. like, the temporal surge (cosmetics only purchasable w/ silver) right before activision announced they don’t like destiny 2′s sells? not a coincidence. (we also know for a fact they’re one of the more greedy companies.)
basically what i’m saying is bungie has listened to us every single time and activision only cares about making money. so maybe consider they’re the ones pushing for silver and stop blaming bungie for everything.
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vycelux · 6 years ago
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I’m coming home, Ace..♠️
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vycelux · 6 years ago
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i’m playing destiny 2 and my exo is our clan leader
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vycelux · 6 years ago
If your tombstone doesn’t say rest in peace, you will be automatically drafted to the skeleton wars. (source)
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vycelux · 6 years ago
Dear Bungie,
Great job with Forsaken, guys! I mean really awesome. You’ve both resolved and set up some great plotlines to keep this momentum going. But, I’ve got an idea that might help capitalize both on your great setup in Forsaken and some shortcomings in Warmind. And let’s start with our old friend, Variks, yes?
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In the “Warden of Nothing” strike and rewards from it, we find out that - - SPOILER WARNING - -
Variks has abandoned the Reef, aiming to unite all the Eliksni under his rule as Kell of House Judgement, Kell of Kells. And to be honest, good for him. Fits with his character, and normally I’d hope he succeeds wildly…but…I’ve got a new favorite Fallen.
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This is Mithrax. After a fun little run in on Titan where we either save him or do what I did and blow him up alongside a particularly nasty Hive Knight. But he comes back to life either way. Apparently he’s totally cool with Guardians now and wants the Eliksni and Humans to coexist on Earth beneath the Traveler’s protection. To accomplish this, he too wants to unite all Eliksni and become Kell of Kells.
Guardians have a vested interest in both of these characters, and it would be awesome to play them off against each other. Now, before I hit my main point, there’s one other thing I want to touch on.
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Cayde’s death has left his vanguard spot open, and although he seems to have left the traditional “Vanguard Dare” to Marcus Ren, Shiro-4 (pictured above) has been the fan favorite so far to replace the lovable blue bot.
My idea? It’s time to add a little more gravity to faction rallies by tying them to the in-world events of the rise of the Kell of Kells and the choosing of the next Hunter Vanguard. Let us, the players, determine which Hunter becomes our new Vanguard by helping them complete tasks on their “Vanguard Dares”. Let us, the Guardians, choose which Eliksni becomes Kell of Kells. It gets the players more involved in the world and the lore, and allows faction rallies to mean more than which weapon we get after a 2 week cycle.
Oh well, not like anybody will read this anyways. ‘‘Twas a good study break at least.”
HBB, signing off
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vycelux · 6 years ago
hey as a Known Satanist id like to remind people that the 11 satantic rules explicitly mention not to harm little children, not to harm animals beyond to get food, and not to rape people. and that they don’t allow minors to become official members because they actually want to protect them from people who might prey on them, and they don’t want to get them in trouble with unsupportive parents. oh, and on their website they say in no unclear terms that they’re supportive of lgbtq+ members.
so please stop being surprised when satanists or the church of satan claps back against child abusers, pedophiles, sexual abusers, and homo/transphobes.
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