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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
text → nathan
MIA: can i borrow your beautiful little face for a bit?
MIA: i have a quick makeup change during saturday night's show and i'd like to practice on someone, but the cast members are too 'busy'
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
“I wasn’t aware you still considered yourself the center of m-the universe.” There was no mistaking the bitterness in his tone, however, the glacial look featured in his eyes ever since he’d seen her lean towards whatshisface. It was hard not to - his eyes swept up and down her figure, now that she was so close by - before refocusing on the angry glare she appeared to be sending his way. Cameron couldn’t even pretend to flinch at the sight, the corners of his lips pointing up into a smirk. “Can’t exactly help it if you get bothered when I’m walking by you, Mia. Lots of people do.”
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his tone was like a slap to the face, and shock passed over her features for a brief moment before her scowl returned. “well, you obviously still need to shove yourself into the center of mine -- literally -- so this sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.” she tensed at his smirk -- she hated what it still did to her, sending her stomach fluttering. in an attempt to come off more intimidating, she pulled herself up to her full height -- still unimpressive compared to his. “yes, i was bothered by you, because you’re a bother. you’re like a fly that won’t stop buzzing around me,” she sneered.
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
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Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List.
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
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Victoria Justice photographed by Fouad Jreige
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
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mia couldn’t remember the name of the guy she was talking to, and too much time had passed for her to ask now -- but did it really matter? he was a prop in her grand scheme; she may as well have been caressing the arm of a cardboard cutout. she felt eyes on her, and with a subtle shift of her head she found the eyes in question. would cameron be able to see the smirk on her lips from across the room in a dimly lit club? she leaned in close to whatshisname’s ear, whispering words of gibberish -- he was well past tipsy and she knew he wouldn’t understand what she was saying anyway. without warning, a taller form shoved their way through her and whatshisname; she recognized the voice before she saw his face. turning towards cameron with a scowl, she stomped off after him. “what the hell, cameron?!” she was taking the bait, she knew it, but she couldn’t stop herself. “you just had to squeeze in between me and my friend back there? out of every possible route through this club?”
There had to be some sort of rule against the amount of hours one could spend around their ex-girlfriend without going completely off their heads. Given the recentness of the break up, and given how he was pretty much meant to look in her direction for the better part of his work day, he’d been hoping for a little bit of a reprieve at night. Of course, with it being a work-related night, he perhaps should’ve guessed… Cameron’s eyes narrowed as he caught yet another glimpse of @vxrgcs chatting with some intern, or actor, or whoever that guy happened to be. Quite irrelevant, in his opinion. Was she touching him that way because she knew he was around? Not that he could bet any money on it but, with one casual move of her head, their eyes met across the room. He reacted as though he’d been zapped, lifting his empty cup for the drink he desperately needed, but had to walk up her way to refill. “Un-freaking-believable,” he grunted out, head shaking, gaze sweeping over the brunette as their distance lessened. “Excuse you.” And, did he really need to cut his way through them? Maybe so.
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
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mia was in top form that night. everything in her look from head to toe was perfectly executed and the guy she’d managed to snag on the dance floor was icing on the cake. sage was cute, there was no question about that. he wasn’t exactly who she wanted to be dancing with, but the guy she wanted to be dancing with wasn’t exactly an option. instead she moved in closer, her arms draped around his neck and her fingers twisting in the curls on his neck. she laughed her most flirtatious laugh, the music too loud and her mind too far gone to really process what he was saying. did it really matter, though? // @sagecalvcrt
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vxrgcs · 7 years ago
and now this binch
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( victoria justice / cisfemale / she/her ) the paparazzi have spotted AMELIA ‘MIA’ VARGAS, the TWENTY-TWO year old CREW MEMBER who’s currently working as MAKEUP ARTIST on THAT’S SO RANDOM. the tabloids have called them WITTY and INSIGHTFUL, but also ACRIMONIOUS and RESENTFUL. during their time in the spotlight, they’ve been dubbed the ADJUNCT.
mia here is the youngest of three, the older two being twins
she’s always lived in their shadows, because they were always super talented and mia was just kinda there
she made average grades in school, couldn’t play any instruments or draw or act, was shit at sports
the only thing she was ever good at was doing her makeup
she started doing makeup tutorials on youtube and she actually got Pretty Big
thanks to her internet fame she got to work a red carpet and interview celebrities and that’s where she met musician/heartthrob cameron stark ( who it won’t let me tag )
they dated for a while and then after some circumstances that still have to be discussed, they had a messy break up
now, one thing u should know about mia is that she can hold a grudge like nobody’s business
also she’s a MESSY BITCH and petty as hell
when her parents forced her mopey butt off their couch after her break up, mia started looking around for work as a makeup artist
it just so happened that the makeup artist on that’s so random quit just as she was looking for a job, so it was basically fate
the unfortunate thing about that job, though, was that her ex-boyfriend had also started working on it
now as you all know mia is a petty bitch so when she’s doing the makeup of the cast members -- especially the pretty ones -- she’s always super flirty with them, more so if she knows cam’s watching
so far it’s just limited to that, but there is no doubt in my mind that she’s in the planning stages for more ( and worse ) petty revenge
if you’re not cam, she can actually be pretty funny and nice
she’s great at flirting though so she knows exactly how to turn it on and off in such a subtle way that you don’t even notice the change
has anything ever actually resulted from her flirtationships ??????????? probably not bc a bitch is stuck on her ex
( why else would she try to make his life hell ???? )
mmmm yeah that’s good enough for now i still got one more kid to write up an intro for tn xo
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