vulturefare · 3 days
The isolation and touch starvation is getting to me and I think I need to put myself in dangerous situations /hj
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vulturefare · 5 days
My kink “limits” are so funny cause it’s like
Yeah stalking, kidnapping, drugging and r*ping me is fine. You can wound me to the brink of death. You can permanently scar me both mentally and physically.
But I draw the line at being mean >:( no degradation or name calling >:( THAT’s too far >:(
You’ve gotta be nice to me while you drain the life from my body. Do it with LOVE >:(
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vulturefare · 7 days
i will sexualise the horrifying and find the horror in the sexualised
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vulturefare · 15 days
I need someone to turn me into a cold case.
Not in the way of killing me, just… kidnapping me and hiding me away somewhere no one will ever find me
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vulturefare · 16 days
drink my blood, cannibalize me, tell me im the prettiest boy you have ever seen, devote your life to me
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vulturefare · 22 days
Corruption kink, but in the way of a priest slitting the throat of his favourite sacrificial lamb, enraptured as he watches the blood spill down its pretty white wool…
The desecration of what is sacred and pure, done in the name of love. A violent worship, a ravaging indulgence in the body and blood of something holy. Not sculpting subservience out of hand-warmed clay, but tearing apart something that’s never been touched… then putting the broken pieces back together to make something that needs you just as you need it❣️
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vulturefare · 23 days
Someone hurt me and give me an excuse to scream and cry and futilely thrash against the force of someone who *likes* seeing me that way. Please please please I’ve got so much bottled up that I need to violently sob out but if I do it ‘unprompted’… they will put me back in the psych ward.
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vulturefare · 24 days
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Buffet Froid | bloody hands
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vulturefare · 25 days
The isolation and touch starvation is getting to me and I think I need to put myself in dangerous situations /hj
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vulturefare · 26 days
"why would you be into the idea of being butchered?"
because i am enthralled by the idea that someone could be so in love with me, could want me so badly, that they simply could not help but cut me open and tear me apart to feel every inch of my body in their hands, inside and out.
because i spent my whole life whittling myself down to only those parts most pleasing to the people around me, and the idea of someone else doing that so literally is somehow healing.
because i love the aesthetics of blood and gore, and the visuals of myself reduced to such a state turn me on.
because the idea of someone else taking this body I despise and turning it into something they love, into their art, into something all their own, is so profound to me it makes me want to cry.
because i was forced into positions of responsibility far too early in my life, and the idea that someone would physically take away my choices, my agency, my ability to decide and act for myself, and instead make me reliant wholly on them comforts and relaxes me.
because older women with big knives are very, very hot.
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vulturefare · 28 days
Intox kink, but reverse the typical dynamic. He’s drunk out of his right mind and has lost grip of his morals, his inhibitions, his reason… and he’s been suppressing this desire for so very long. Now it’s taken over him entirely… no more waiting… no matter how much you fight. He’s not thinking about the consequences.❣️
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vulturefare · 28 days
tw // movie death
wanna watch a horror movie with someone else and start getting hard during a murder scene, putting my hand on their thigh and going up slowly as the scene progresses
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vulturefare · 1 month
Being chronically ill and yearning for an obsessive/ possessive partner…
So… so what you’re saying is that you’d PREFER me to be isolated and often unable to leave the house???? You WANT someone who’s dependant on you and unable to survive without you?????? WOAH. BOY HAVE I GOT GREAT NEWS FOR YOU!!!
Being chronically ill and yearning for a sadist partner…
So… so what you’re saying is that you LIKE to see me weak and in pain??? Woah. Boy have I got great news for you!
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vulturefare · 1 month
Being chronically ill and yearning for a sadist partner…
So… so what you’re saying is that you LIKE to see me weak and in pain??? Woah. Boy have I got great news for you!
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vulturefare · 1 month
You deserve the sex you fantasize about.
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vulturefare · 1 month
badly need some body to leave grip bruises and claw marks on my hips
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vulturefare · 1 month
dni my idea of romance is being hunted like deer with a bow and arrow
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