" grass grows, birds fly, an' brother? i hurt people. " ( red scout rp blog affiliated with castletownhqs ) written by eggsy!
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The lights go off and suddenly, Jeremy’s bat is raised up real high and his heart rate goes along with it. Everyone knew just how much of a goof he could be in almost every situation— but when it came to things like this? He always had this overwhelming need to protect those he cares about; his... teammates? Where did that word come from? Ugh, no matter. Something is coming and you bet your ass he is ready for whatever it is.
...Or, that’s what he thinks.
The ghost that appears to him at first is a large man with a machine gun. This machine gun was fucking huge and yet this guy held it like it was nothing. It was intimidating to say the least but it didn’t manage to scare Jeremy despite him getting flashes of familiarity from the figure.
“ Ya gunna shoot me with a ghost bullet or somethin’, bro? Then hit me with your best shot! “ He challenges, confidence in his voice as well as his swing. The apparition doesn’t respond at first but soon enough it begins shooting right at him, the bullets just phasing through him as expected. It would have made Jeremy laugh, but for some odd reason— he KNEW how it felt to have bullets go through him like that. There were no bullet wounds or any sort of bleeding to be found, but it felt like there was and he has no idea why or how. Fear started to overcome him and his breathing begins to shorten as he spins around to maybe run the other way— to which he is then suddenly faced with himself, guts hanging out of him and blood dribbling down his mouth. It causes him to fall back with a scream, tears filling the corners of his eyes while he does his best to back away from the terrifying vision.
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It doesn’t take much time for Jeremy to find Aroma. He would brag about it being their spiritual connection or zodiac sign compatibility, but it was really just because they both sent each other pictures of their outfits on snapchat. Then again, nobody knows about that so maybe he can go with his original plan to brag about it. Strutting over to where she stood by the punch bowl, he does his best to squeeze past a bunch of the partygoers before inevitably yelling at one of them as they aggressively bumped into him. It wasn’t their fault but Jeremy was a ticking time bomb often times.
“ Nice chicken costume, dude! “ Jeremy exclaims once he finally arrives by her side, his bat now being used like a cane as he leans most of his weight on it. “ Suits ya a whole lot more than what I suggested at first. “ He initially suggested a diaper and a rattle so... yeah. “ But seriously, goin’ as a chicken is— “
#the sweet aroma of beef jerky; ( aroma )#day 57693942 in where i say i hate him#event: masquerade#castletown.event02
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This definitely wasn’t how Jeremy pictured the night was going to go. I mean, it’s not like he was able to imagine or plan how everything was going to go tonight, but this wasn’t what he thought he would be feeling at all! Instead of being his usual excited self, all that was harbouring in his chest was anxiety, guilt, and regret. It was so goddamn bad that he had to excuse himself to the bathroom just to try and get himself back down to earth. What was his issue anyway? Well, the thing is— Vicente originally didn’t want to come to the masquerade; Jeremy only asked him to. The initial answer wasn’t a ‘yes’ so Jeremy had to do some convincing until Viz accepted. Now that they were here though? It almost felt like he just forced him into tagging along. In all honesty, all that he wanted was to be with Vicente, but now he’s starting to realize that maybe it was a bit selfish on his part.
Sighing as he leaned against the sink with his head hung low, he proceeds to taking in a breath afterwards before making his way back to his “date” for the night. God, the way the light from the chandelier above them just shines down on Vicente makes his heart race and the grip on his bat tighten. It’s easy for Jeremy to fall in love, he admits that, but it was much harder for him to fall deeper down and yet he managed to do so with this goddamn idiot. He picked a nice outfit for him. He’s proud. Once he arrives before him, the way his eyes flicker back and forth towards him makes Jeremy shift a bit, face flushing just the same. Upon the question, he brings the bat to his shoulder and looks down at their feet.
“ ...Are you enjoyin’ it? Cuz if ya didn’t really wanna come with me, ya coulda jus’ told me ya know. ” Pause then a thick swallow. “ —B-But anytime I’m with ya is a good time, dumbass. Ya know tha’. ”
@vulgarbatting ◇ ◇ ◇ had anyone else picked out vicente’s clothes. surely he would have thrown a fit. but the way the lapel runs over his chest, the fit not too tight nor loose, just sleek… - it feels right, like he could get used to wearing this more often. vicente knows he can always count on jeremy to make him feel comfortable, understand what it’s like to feel… dysphoric. even then, he’s still feeling a little out of place in this whole masquerade. he really doesn’t want to be here, but… anything for jeremy. he’s standing by the stairs, observing the crowd, trying not to be obvious about how miserable he is when a slow dance song floats through the room. as he watches people pairing off, withdrawing into their intimacy, vicente… wants that. when he sees jeremy, that feeling only intensifies. and yet as much as he wants to have that moment with jeremy, his shoulders square, his arms cross. something about him is… still not comfortable being so public, so open. still, seeing jeremy instantly makes him flush lightly behind his mask and bite his upper lip. ❝ hey, uhhh, ❞ he stumbles, finally making eye contact. ❝ are you enjoying yourself? ❞
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—Jeremy Scott is ELTON JOHN.
#castletown.task003#YEEEEEHAW I DID IT#the fact that elton has a dodgers outfit and jeremy has a baseball bat??? fate
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going to be doing event stuff on here and on papyrus when i wake up later!! and will also fix tom nook’s blog while i’m at it! today has been,,, long as hell
#castletown.ooc#the announcer; ( ooc )#HHHH I FINALLY AM FREE TO DO STUFF HERE SO LETS GET THIS BREAD
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do you dab?
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You and three other people are stuck on an island - who would those people be? When a boat that can only carry three of you comes around, do you stay behind or leave someone else behind - and if the latter, who?
“ Gettin’ all psychological now, eh? Well, for the three people, I’m gunna have ta say Vicente, Aroma, and Leon. I’m bringin’ Vivi cuz I’d miss him if I don’t. I’m bringin’ Aroma cuz if I ever got m’self in a shitty situation, she’s gunna get dragged down with me whether she wants t’ or not. And I’m takin’ Leon jus’ cuz he’s m’ boss and I won’t get fired for not bein’ at work if he’s with me. Smart, right?
And as for the boat problem, we can just build a raft and tie it to the boat then put Aroma on it cuz she’s small and stuff so we can all go! Wow, I am a goddamn genius. “
( @hclaxxicn , @forgottenfragrance , @cfracooncity )
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What is the meanest thing you have EVER done to someone
“ Man, this is a really hard question ta answer jus’ cuz I’ve done a whole lotta mean shit ta people before. But I guess the meanest I’ve done is prooooobably kickin’ ‘em in the nuts after spittin’ in their face. Which, by the way, I did t’ a police officer. Pretty badass, right? Tha’s how ya fuckin’ do it, bro. “
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“ Aw, sweet! So sorta like a friends with benefits kinda thing, yeah? Well, you’s in luck cuz I would like ta fuck ya too, dude. An honor, really. “
mfk - any of your co workers
— ❝ MARRY … F … KILL … but what does the f stand for ?? Friend ?? I guess … Well , I guess I could say marry to Dodie - but of course , I think that would only be in the case of , say , tax benefits considering she does not like me but I would want to assist her in any way possible. F … Friend … I’ll say … Jeremy ?? I’ll go with Jeremy. I’d like to grow closer with him. And kill … no , I - I don’t like killing. I have d … if you will force me , I will say … no , not Finn. And n-not Dodie , I canno … Hayden. I will say … Hayden. Reluctantly. ❞ / @onlythcrns , @vulgarbatting , @swcrdsdvnce , @chaosbois
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honesty day — !!
jeremy. / papyrus.
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Worry? Him worry? HAH! Why--- Why would he be worried, huh? I mean, all she did was not show up for DAYS without any fucking explanation! All she did was not text him back whenever he would flood her with a couple that basically said the same thing: “wer the fuk r u????” There’s absolutely nothing to be worried about, and yet you’re accusing him of actually caring THAT much? We have to laugh.
TLDR: Jeremy is actually pissed at her for not talking to him all this time. All he wants is a simple explanation and yet here he was getting none of that.
Well, at least, that’s what he thought.
Slow days in the diner meant that Jeremy could just sit down and play Minecraft on his phone, not giving a singe damn about everything else. So you could only imagine the way he jumps at the sudden weight that presses against his back, a yelp escaping him afterwards.
As soon as he hears the voice though, the angry monologue he prepared initially for her is instantly forgotten and now he’s just slowly turning around to face her with a horribly worried expression.
“ I think I should be the one that’s sorry. I mean, look at ya! Can’t believe not bein’ ‘round me for that long can fuck ya up this much. ” Then cue a hand laying atop her head. “ C’mon. Spill. ”
∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹ @vulgarbatting
She hasn’t been in such a low mood for this long in such a long time. And when she’s sad, it’s easy to just… withdraw from people. To stay indoors and write her music until whatever it is that’s getting her into this funk lets itself out. Today, though, she thinks she finally has the energy to go out again, maybe check up on her friends - most importantly, one friend. She knows he tends to worry.
Thankfully it’s a slow day at the diner when she walks in - good. It means it’s easier to find Jeremy, doing something or other, she didn’t really notice. Instead she just walks up until she’s behind him, before resting her cheek against his back without warning.
❝ … Hey, Jerk. Sorry I haven’t been around. ❞
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the moment the window shuts a plume of anxiety fills the cavity of his chest. vicente just wants to slip in, thud onto jeremy’s floor if he must, but he scuttles to the front hoping nobody sees him on the way inside. only when he’s inside do jeremy’s words really register on him, can he formulate a response. vicente won’t exactly respond to them out loud, but he duly notes that adorable is as superfluous as adjectives get.
“well,” vicente says, pulling his shirt down and adjusting the way his coat wraps around his body. “i just know you’re prone to getting in trouble. when i’m not around.” for a half second he just flashes a smirk as he stands before jeremy, elated to see him in person. it feels right to go for a hug — so, so right as everything in his posture tells him inch forward and wrap his arms around him — and yet… he can’t help but cross his arms, keep his distance, eyes withering past jeremy. “do you have anything or should i use tape in the meanwhile,” he says softly, gingerly meeting jeremy’s eyes as he tries to ignore his discomfort with the whole situation. vicente can feel it consuming him, his hands shaking against his arms as he holds himself. the feeling is all too… much. and so he hugs jeremy and inhales deeply against him. and it all feels right again.
Jeremy was really just telling the truth since he was a rather blunt guy after all despite the things he says just backfiring at him most of the time. Sure, he would get embarrassed or flustered right after but he wouldn’t regret it. Besides, not a lot of people say nice things about Viz. He was a bit intimidating to say the least so Jeremy wanted to change that a bit. A compliment a day won’t hurt, right?
Whenever Viz would attempt to do something to hide his chest, Jeremy’s eyes always manage to immediately shift towards it before quickly glancing away afterwards out of pure respect. He knows how uncomfortable it feels without the binder after you experience how great it feels wearing it for the first time, so he can’t help but feel awful about Viz’s current situation. The smirk doesn’t go unseen though and he can’t help but scoff at his words. “ Uh, ‘scuse you, mister--- I have been nuffin but fuckin’ trouble-free for the past few days! ” Because Viz told him to. Not that he would admit that.
Then cue a sudden frown at the mention of tape. “ Vivi, there’s no goddamn way I’m gunna let ya use tape. Tha’ shit’s gunna do worse things to your ribs, I tell ya. Had to experience it myself t’ get it through my thick sku--- ” Jeremy needed to shut up often times when he rambled on like this. Thankfully, the hug that he was pulled into was enough to do just that. Heat rose to his face and his heart picks up so much more compared to when Viz scared him earlier. Dammit, Viz. Why does he have this much of an effect on him?
He hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms in return, taking in the scent with a soft sigh following. “ ...A-Alright, alright, I gots a spare of my own. Ya can borrow tha’ for now, sounds good? ”
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I’m 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴
That everyone who 𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓈 you 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 you
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i will be active on here and on papyrus as well soon! probably around friday??? hOPEFULLY,, anyways, i’m so sorry for the inactivity!
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Late for the fuckin’ party BUT—
Excellent choice, m’ dude.
whos on your kiss marry kill list. i need to know
KISS: Anyone who’ll take me but most specifically , Gideon. ( @monitorism )MARRY: Same as the above but also , Jeremy. ( @vulgarbatting )KILL: None of you but like. Wally ( @dovblctrovblc ) and I can meet up in a Denny’s parking lot.
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who do you think naruto-ran during middle school?
… Hmm . . . uhhh , Emily Yamashita ( @vvaledictorians ) for one , she gives me major Naruto run energy. Mmaaaaybe Link ( @shhpiersen ) , feel like he’s another contender. Ritsu ( @bcrnofdeath ) tries to ACT cool I feel but he definitely Naruto-ran during middle school and I feel like Chad ( @paved-path-to-the-dawn ) was right next to him. Also Jeremy. ( @vulgarbatting ) That’s it. That’s the verdict.
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