vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
maybe its just depression
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
[i hate to think that im done here. or burnt out on the character. spock will always be one of my fav fictional characters but after 3 years of writing him across fic and rp i honestly feel burnt out.]
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
When was the last time she was in a library, she couldn’t tell you. But that same glint of misery in her eye - that was forever, and unique only to the last physical institutions of knowledge. Her shoulders were slumped as she poured over the text, lips jutted into a pout.
God, she was going to DIE without Google. 
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“…I’d get home quicker if I knew what the hell any of this meant.” 
Lottie didn’t know what an inside voice was, and her groan could be heard aisles down. But this was serious stuff! She can’t pay attention to silly things like etiquette when there was crisis. She figured quantum physics would be her ticket back home, back to Los Angeles. City of angels and WIFI. That all said, her eyes scanned over the same word for 15 minutes now. Said word was, simply, the.
“Having trouble?” Even without her wailing, he could tell by how frustrated she looked. It was the same way his students looked at test time when he knew they hadn’t studied. He couldn’t blame all of them or even her. No one really red books anymore these days.
He approached her table and scanned the titles she’d chosen. Quantum physics was a personal favorite of his, but it seemed she couldn’t understand anything in it.
“Is this for a school assignment, or for personal use?” He asked. “Either way, you should know that in books you can easily find what you want by checking the front index.”
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
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There was a incident that happened. Someone car had crashed and he could not help since there were already a hospital nearby. Still its somewhat odd, not being the cause of said accidents. Perhaps he is used to being in danger , most of the time. 
 “He’ll be fine.” he’s talking about the ones involve in the accident. Still its best to confirm yourself. 
 “Just a minor bruise.” he has to remind himself of that. 
“Did you know him?” Spock approached the stranger, his eyes scanning over the terrible scene. If it truly was a minor incident, then he didn’t have to worry on the stranger’s behalf. Still, it was hard to walk away from the scene where a car had gone right into a pole.
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
Is it just me? Or does laughter feel too much like showing weakness.
Probably just a thinker thing.
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
*pokes my head in*
*makes the :3c face irl*
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
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Star treks for inktober 2016
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
9/5 – 9/19
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I just have some other stuff that needs my full attention. If you wanna contact me, please feel free to IM me, as I will still check here and on Steven. Any replies for me in that time will be drafted and done when I return!
See you soon!
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
“Invisible waves..” Anne echoed with wild fascination, eyes glancing around the area as if trying to see the waves but of course she couldn’t see any. “Are all things like that, with the invisible waves? I have a teacher, Miss Smith, who did an experiment of creating electricity with wire and potatoes. Is it something similar?” More than likely not, but technology was something she hardly knew.
Anne opened her mouth then quickly closed it. Yes, she could search for them! They could be here, waiting for her somewhere in the city. Last she saw the were finishing breakfast as she made her way to school. But what if they weren’t? The redhead would be utterly alone if she parted from the stranger. He was her only guide, for the moment. Despite being adventurous, she wasn’t exactly ready to take on the city just yet.
She immediately moved to his side, glancing over her shoulder as she did, hoping for a glance of her adoptive parents but there were none. “Green Gables cannot be described with justice of it’s beauty! I wish I had a picture to show as one holds a thousand words. Just thinking about it makes me homesick. I miss terribly the Lake of Shining Waters, The White Way of Delight, or Dryad’s Bubble…” Anne trailed off, as if lost in thought for a few minutes before turning her attention to the man. Such pointed ears. “ - what’s your home like? I’m assuming it’s quite different than mine.”
“Something like that. Those are the most basic ways to harness electricity. In the future, humans will discover more and more ways, making technology indistinguishable from magic.” He hoped she understood he wasn’t saying magic was real. All magic was science, really. And science was his favorite thing.
He had no idea what any of those things were, but she described such beauty that he wondered for a moment what part of Earth that was. “That sounds fascinating. If only you had these phones at home as well. They can take pictures.” He’d have to show her how.
He paused when he got to the shop. He glanced at the sign in the window. Yes. Oatmeal and tea special. That was today, and his personal favorite day of the week. He opened the door for her politely.
“It was different, and it was very far away. It was an entirely different planet --covered in vast deserts of sand and cacti. I miss it dearly.” 
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
He didn’t want to believe it was true –that Spock could ever be sad around him, but apparently it was true. The festival was supposed to be fun, even though it marked the end of summer. Was Spock just down because he loved summer so much? Jim matched Spock’s frown before reaching over to poke him in the face, smearing the ice cream they were sharing across his nose.
“Hey, why the long face? You wanna get back to the hunt and look for more pearls?” Jim had been super romantic to let Spock keep the black one they’d found.
Spock wordlessly reached into his pocket for the black pearl Jim had found earlier in the sand. A fascinating specimen. He did not care for prizes and would rather keep the pearl to remember this day. He was glad Jim understood that.
“I...” He couldn’t lie. He was not supposed to feel fear or sadness, but he could not lie either. “I must admit, I am upset at you. You chose a job in law enforcement. That is very dangerous. What if you get hurt? Did you not think of that?”
He put the pearl back in his pocket and took a napkin to wipe his face. He knew the festive mood was gone and it was his fault. How very unVulcan.
“Never mind. That was emotion. We should just finish eating.” 
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
“It reacts to touch?” She echoed, eyeing the device with a mixture of weary yet fascination on her face. Surely Anne could understand the concept, given a few days. The experience right now much felt like school but with a much better teacher than she originally had. “How can letters be sent so..so quickly? That I cannot even begin to understand. But I suppose it would be much more efficient in them getting the news earlier. Especially if it is more urgent. But I wonder, where are the cords? The only telephone - I’m assuming as such - I know of is considerably bulky and takes time to even connect with another person, if they own one.”
The redhead peered in closer to the screen which showed many different buttons on it. Something she’ll have to investigate later on, should this man not explain everything. What he said was helpful enough, but who could she possibly send a quick letter to? She knew no one here.
However, her train of thought stopped abruptly at the mention of guardians. Anne perked up and looked around quickly, eyes peering the scene but of course there were no signs of her adoptive parents. How could she not think of them until now? What a terrible daughter she was.”Marilla - Mathew! Oh, goodess, I haven’t even thought of checking if they were here or not! One moment I was situated at Green Gables, then the next I was here! I bet they’re out there, looking for me!” That should be answer enough that she indeed was alone.
Of course she wouldn’t really understand if electricity still hadn’t become common where she was from. It was so fascinating to think they were born on different planets hundreds of years apart, and yet were somehow here together. That was one thing he liked about being here. Another thing was while he taught at the university, he still had the chance to educate children.
“While telephones are connected with wires, the signal these mobile phones use is sent through invisible waves in the air.” He had no idea if she could understand that either.
“If you want to check and see if they are here, unfortunately the only way I know of is to search on foot. If you find them, you can register their numbers.” He had many things to do today, and while he likely answered her as best as he could, he did not think he could walk away.
“In the meantime, I cannot allow a child to wander unsupervised. You should stay near me.” He started down the street again towards his intended destination for breakfast and hoped she’d follow. “You can also tell me more about Green Gables. It sounds like a fascinating place.”
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
“Do you possibly understand what this contraption means? Or does, rather? I have never seen one before.” Anne was fiddling with her phone, the one every person received when they arrived to the island. This was far too advanced from anything back home; Avonlea didn’t even have electricity. Charlotte Town did, however, and she only visited a few times. Nothing like that was ever in town, though.
“I hate to interrupt what you were doing, but you were the first person I found upon even noticing this..item and I really hope you can help me understand what this is!”
He didn’t mind at all, especially since she seemed genuinely confused. A lot of people here didn’t have this sort of technology, so this was not the first time he’d had to help someone. Children were interesting in that they were blatantly honest. Regardless of whether or not what they said was good or bad, he always would rather talk to someone like that.
“It is very simple. The screen reacts to touch --like so.” He crouched down and slid his finger across the screen to unlock it. “You can send messages to other people. They are like letters, only they arrive instantaneously to the other person. You can also call them and speak to them, though that seems outdated lately.”
Something about her wide eyes and freckled face made him logically feel compassion. Though his species were not supposed to feel, it was natural to want to feel compassion for a child who seemed lost.
“Where are your guardians?” He asked, standing back up and looking around. “Or are you alone?”
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
“Oh you mean the chaos pearls?” chuckled Spock.
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
worst trope is a super smart character being like “love isn’t real it’s just chemical reactions” so is every other feeling you dumb bitch
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
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“Can confirm the homework fairy is me.”
“You should come put fear into my students.”
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vulcanblues-blog · 6 years
“If you do not do your homework, the Homework Fairy will come and put a failing grade under your pillow.”
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