vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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We don’t know about you.. But we think this question is very common. A question that happens to plague our minds very often, but also one that remains unanswered most of the time.
We are exploring the Bhakti Texts for answers…would you like to join us? :)
'I am a good person…Why am I suffering?' ~ Just got published on Kirtan for Life! :))
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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While festivities occur all over the world, celebrating the appearence of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, we would also like to make our small contribution in his service by posting the very first installment of His Divine Grace’s life on Kirtan for Life! There is no better way to mark this occasion than to chalk out the very beginning of the wonderful Krsna Consciousness movement, Prabhupada’d birth!
Read this brief article on Kirtan for Life!
So yes! The 'Srila Prabhupada Nectar' category has officially been unveiled! All glories to Prabhupada! :))
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise Ye the Lord." ~ Psalm 150 (King James Version)
Praise Ye the Lord! : Latest post on Kirtan for Life :)
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
All glories to Srila Prabhupada! The most sublime video!
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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It truly is the simplest and most joyful process! I mean...you simply dance and chant...dance and chant...and feel spiritual bliss! :)
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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When Kirtan takes you High....... you never have to come down! :))
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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The Classic Prabhupada tune just got publised on Kirtan Central! :)) No one can forget this wonderful tune in which Prabhupada often renedered the Mahamantra....
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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Performing kirtana and hearing the vibration of the sound Hare Krishna is actually seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly. Purport on Srimad Bhagavatam 7.4.25-26
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
Take to Kirtan!
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Other yajnas prescribed in the Vedic literatures are not easy to perform in this Age of Kali, but the sankirtana-yajna is easy and sublime for all purposes. Bhagavad Gita 3.10, Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
"There is no need to understand the language of the mantra, nor is there any need of mental speculation, nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this maha-mantra. It springs automatically from the spiritual platform, and as such anyone can take part in this transcendental sound vibration without any previous qualification and dance in ecstasy. We have seen it practically—even a child can take part in the chanting.” ~Srila Prabhupada 
(Video : Ecstatic Chant in Chainatown, London....don't you just wish you were there? :D)
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
Chant! Chant! Chant! :))
One of the many ways in which devotees chant the Mahamantra is literally by getting out with it on the streets! Chanting the Mahamantra takes a whole new level of ecstasy when street Sankirtan is performed....
  To the Streets! - on Kirtan for Life 
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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"It’s Karma brother!" …..we often hear people say this but do you really know what Karma is? Karma is not a simple word as it seems…it’s much much more complex than you think….
The Shackles of Karma - read on Kirtan for Life
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
The Power of Chanting
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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Srila Prabhupada Nectar 
An all new category on Kirtan for Life! Get ready to delve into the ocean of Prabhupada's wonderful pastimes! :)
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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"As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change." ~ Bhagavad Gita 2.13
As the soul, we are constantly travelling from one body to  another, carrying the luggage of desire from previous births.
We are 'travellers'. Check out the latest post on Kirtan for Life to find out more :))
The Traveller 
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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vrinda-radhika-blog · 11 years
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Is there an easy way to connect with the Spiritual World? One that's not taxing, does not involve austerity? An easy way out? Hmmm....
'Highway to the Spirtual World' ; Newest post on Kirtan for Life - http://kirtanforlife.blogspot.ae/2013/08/highway-to-spiritual-world.html?m=1
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