Some Team Assembly Required
725 posts
RP blog for Bennett of Genshin Impact! See carrd post for rules and details.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
voyage-inferno · 11 months ago
. Should I bite the bullet and finally download star rail
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voyage-inferno · 11 months ago
"I'm just staying inside today- hey why's the floor look like it's got ghost water-"
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voyage-inferno · 11 months ago
[hooooboy hopefully I get hired on with the city- the schedule change will make things easier. I've been. So tired. I miss y'all.]
[Might go through soon and do a bit of a purge though. Nothing personal obviously if blocking happens, I think I just need to sneak back into Tumblr slowly, and soft blocking holds the risk of someone innocently refollowing because Tumblr is a Webbed Site and makes people unfollow sometimes. No blame there. Love you]
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Long time no see
Hey y'all, sorry it's been a while. A mix of life stuff and "returning to my rp roots" (aka discord RP) have taken my spoons away from here.
I'm going to place this blog on [Low Activity], because I'm not completely abandoning it. However, if anyone was enjoying a thread here and wants to continue it sooner, I'll put my discord under the cut.
It's just been a lot gentler on my mental health. I'm 100% willing to do RP in DMs or create a personal server for us. If I'm not up to it, I'll let you know.
Much love y'all, and thank you for your time <3
Discord @: kestral_sharkkes
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Natlan Coquito. Send post
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
"I've heard of your skills as an adventurer from passing word, but I am left to wonder... Do you know how to handle yourself during a fight?"
It's a bit of an excuse, for he wants to test the other's combat skills, whether or not he has any potential in the battlefield, if perhaps he was capable of becoming as much of a warrior. Perhaps there was a little of projection, if nothing else.
"How would you like to try your skills against me? I'm quite the savvy fighter, as you'd know if you've heard word of me too!" It is an invitation to fight.
[for the ask call! sorry for the delay]
"I always try my best!!"
Bennett puffs out his chest a little in emphasis. And it was true- hopelessly outmatched or not, him quitting was very far out of the norm. Most of his scars contain the stories of such fights, each one he held as proof of being able to survive.
"I'll admit- most of my recent uh, practice, hasn't been with people, but I'm more than happy to fight with you!!! It'll be really nice to fight someone new- I appreciate your invite!"
Truly, it was a treat. Bennett's own reputation had many people cautious, and not all of his friends favored such activities. Would the other prefer him to contain his curse? Fight him with a weapon he hadn't seen? Show unique techniques? He had heard of Childe's fighting reputation in a loose sort of sense- someone who inhaled battle and exhaled experience, creative and effective yet not particularly unfair.
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"Just let me know what rules you want! What weapons, if you want me to shove my curse down, if we're sparing for a time or until tap-out. Stuff like that. I'm really only confident with swords under claymore weight, but that won't stop me from trying if you don't mind."
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Well, at least he wasn't absurdly far from home. A day's travel at the worst. He offered a confirming hum and a thanks in response.
Bennett sat up then- facing today's rescuer. All things considered, he really wasn't doing bad, and if he still was as intensely embarrassed by such things, he would've felt worse that a normal hilichurl had likely knocked him out. To be more fair to himself, it had been multiple, the last he saw.
"Yeah,, I don't know how I didn't hear them, but I was stopping to check a sweet flower. They're basically a quiz every time, because if you're not careful then you can be fighting a whopper for the next bit-"
And so the man is treated to a retelling of being "conked like a hazelnut in a forge" during said examination, and going down embarrassingly fast. A fairly normal day, honestly. But as for the details how many.. that was where it got blurry. Literally.
"But uh, yeah! Just another Tuesday, more or less. I'm in one piece and I don't count more or less fingers right now, so I'm probably fine."
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"Do I owe you anything for the rescue?"
Didn't hurt to make sure.
Well, Haru was glad the boy was feeling alright enough to chat with him. He was bouncing back remarkably quickly, actually. A good sign he hadn't been seriously hurt after all.
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"Don't mention it. Just glad I could help." Turning his attention back to tidying up his campsite a bit, Haru didn't even look up when his guest asked a question.
"Close. We're near the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, a little more on Liyue's side." Haru had already figured this boy came from Mondstadt simply by examining the clothing he wore, so it came as no surprise to him.
After a few minutes Haru seemed satisfied with his cleaning efforts, finding a spot to sit down and finally giving his guest his fully attention.
"So, how did you end up getting caught? They surround you or something?"
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
A pit forms in his stomach the instant he recognizes the body as wolf. While he doesn't know the individual just on sight, that doesn't stop him from going for his pack to free a roll bandages from its confines, continuing forward even when Nephele stops, albeit not fast. The last thing he wanted to do was spook the poor guy. Had a pyrotech group snuck up on them..?
The breaks were put on when he spotted Razor though. Under better circumstances he'd be much more excited to see his friend- but worry colored his vision this time.
"Razor-!! Yeah this is Nephele, are they-"
-he gestured to the downed wolf-
"-can I help? I've got bandages and I can try to help heal-"
Ah, why did it have to be answered here and now?. Could he have not waited instead?. Well too late now but it far from earned him an annoyed glance or grumbling noise. Not with what she might have taken notice of.
When he did walk the other way, the direction of instructed, does Nephele looks over to Bennett, well as best as she could, given she is still on his back. Not that she intend on staying there for a whole day or something, that'd be flustering and he, no doubt, got people to return to.
She hardly matters as it is.
''None of those'', the disguised abyss mage says, keeping an even tone. No further is admitted, not when the sight of a wounded wolf becomes much more apparent at every step and this is where she finally choose to get off the human's back but does not approach the animal.
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Rather, her attention shifted to burn marks and masks of defeated hilichurls. ''This is what i meant'', self defense, the mage could only believes.
But to fight alone?, what wolf does that?.
''Who there?!'', rung a voice, only for Razor to walk past some foliages, wolfhooks and other essentials to help the wolf, in folded arms. The sight gives him pause, locking eyes with..
''Bennett and..., other person?'', no something is off, whoever she is.
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
[Trying to get my Tumblr writing feet back under me but random reminder that I've got no problem tossing Bennett like a bowl of spaghetti into a different universe. If I'm familiar with the universe/fandom/etc it's obviously easier but if you can vibe "he fell through a portal again into [your muse(s)' universe]", that kind of situation is a guilty pleasure of mine and I'm all for it.]
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Open door, looks around, immediately closes it
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Sorry I've been mostly missing, stuff's gotten rough IRL so my writing spoons are limited. I appreciate the patience 🤲💛
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Hey Furina lovers uh- I can only vouch for the fish keeper half of this, but y'all think she'd enjoy having a pufferfish?
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
I wonder if Monstadt's alcohol industry plus various beaches/shorelines means that there's sea glass to be found
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Expounding upon this a little-
Because QPR is like. Bennett's ideal setup for [a] life partner(s). You can do all the same stuff as a romantic couple, but it doesn't have to have only romantic feelings. You can do all the same stuff as a best friendship, but it's not completely platonic. And it's definitely not familial- because he definetly has a category for people who are Family. But it's just. Close. And love. And it doesn't have to pick platonic or romantic. It just. Is. Seems about as funky to define as romantic relationships are- but it feels Him, y'know? Maybe
It's late and I'm tired but I'm starting to wonder if my Bennett is less inclined to romance and more inclined to QPR like relationships. Idk. Goodnight
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
It's late and I'm tired but I'm starting to wonder if my Bennett is less inclined to romance and more inclined to QPR like relationships. Idk. Goodnight
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voyage-inferno · 1 year ago
Look into my eyes
[look into my eyes]
| Hope | Love | Passion | Hate | Resentment | Envy | Indifference | Confidence | Insecurity | Greed | Desire | Optimism | Spite | Hostility | Kindness | Warmth | Intelligence | Experience | Trauma | Aggression | Gentleness |  Arrogance | Pride | Lust | Cruelty | You’re soft | You’re trusting | You seem honest | You’re humble | You’re cold | You’re closed off | You’re reserved and guarded | You’re unfeeling | You’re remorseless | You’re heartless | You’re inhuman | You’re frightening | You’re frightened | You’re devious | You’re unpredictable | You’re struggling | You’re lost | You’re broken | You’re disheartened | You seem headstrong | You seem difficult | You’re stubborn | I see hope | I see purpose | I see absolute conviction | I see compassion | I see a shining light | I see shattered remains | I see something familiar | I see a friend | I see an enemy | I see a lover | I see thirst for blood | I see malicious intent | I see pity | You’re pitiful | I see darkness | You’re unwavering | You’re pure | You’re noble |
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