231 posts
due to personal reasons & shit i DO NOT want to put up with, this account is closed and will (most likely) never be opened again. thank you all, it has been quite a ride.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I know I haven’t been on, for a month? Two? I am not sure, really. I haven’t had muse to write Carmilla, I haven’t had the time nor the motivation to do so; and things are currently happening with certain people that I’m just too tired and not patient to deal with. Although I love Carm deeply, I’ll have to archive her because I do not have the brain space to put up with people’s shit. 
It’s been quite a ride! Thanks ** !!!
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your local bisexual nerd here showing off the best outfits in the past week 
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me: [still has 11 drafts to answer] also me: i should totally do michaela pratt indie account
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Mal would like to believe that the tall girl had not spoke to her; but considering that they were sitting across from the other, and they were the only beings around (aside from a sick, homeless man), her belief had become nonexistent. Not that it ever did exist to begin with with the other, which was somewhat peculiar. They just met, they did not know nor call each other by their names, and yet they were chatting as if they were– Her fingers twitched suddenly at the unfinished notion and her eyes lowered to stare at anywhere but the other’s face. 
                                       –As if they were…                                                                   ‘Friends’??? 
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“Right now?” Her eyes raised to meet the other set of eyes. silently questioning the other girl. “… That doesn’t sound too bad of an idea.”
The answer came a few seconds later than she had expected it, but it was a positive one so she allowed herself to give the purple haired a smile, it wasn’t forced or fake, it was genuine and the action itself weirded Carmilla out -- She decided not to look much into it, she was in hunger for some human food and to have someone to share it with was a nice change instead of going all alone to said places. She stood up from where they were sitting and in one swift action ook out her phone, snatchted a text to her brother, telling him she was gonna “steal” his motorbike for a while and then returned her gaze to the smaller girl.
               ❛ Well yea, why not. I’ll pay for your milkshake if you                want me to, cutie. Come on, my brother’s bike should                be in the parking lot -- You’ve ever got on one before? ❜
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*me flirting* hey wanna suffer together
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Varias cosas ocurrieron a la vez. Notó la mano temblorosa de Mircalla sobre la perilla de la puerta, y se preguntó vagamente si tendría motivos más allá del repentino encuentro para temblar. Luego, la voz de una chica al fondo ( o más bien, al frente ) de la habitación y finalmente, la grácil figura de la vampiro que se dirigía al otro cuerpo, atrapándolo en un abrazo mucho más estrecho de lo que Elle podría desear para ella. 
Apretó los labios, ¿Qué era esto? No deseaba colocarle un nombre con tan pocos segundos de haber llegado. Tomó una bocanada de aire, dando un paso definitivo al interior del cuarto. 
Era… tan pequeño. 
Nada comparado a su casa…
Sus ojos se toparon con un extraño aparato, probablemente la cosa con la que la rubia había estado conversando. Intentó controlar su expresión confundida, pero ya suponía que sería inútil. Esa cosa hizo un ruido extraño que la sobresaltó y le provocó un respingo.
❛ ¿Qué es eso? ❜ 
Se llevó ambas manos a la boca. No le gustaba la escena, pero tampoco deseaba interrumpir la reunión entre amigas. 
❛ Perdón. ❜
No tenía palabras, todas habían muerto a mitad de su garganta ahora que Laura se aferraba a ella con toda la fuerza de su pequeño ser. Sus problemas desaparecieron por un momento, dejó de pensar en el cráter, en la espada, en su madre fallecida; Lo único que importaba en ése preciso momento, era Laura y cómo su perfume se impregnaba en la sucia ropa negra que tendría que lavar después. Se separaron tan sólo unos centímetros, la vampiro podía sentir la respiración de su contraria por sobre su labio, tan fácil, sería tan fácil cerrar la brecha entre ambas. Lo consideró por unos segundos, estaba dispuesta a hacerlo cuando de pronto la voz de Elle la trajo de vuelta al momento -- Maldición. 
“Carmilla... ¿Quién?” La voz de Laura sonaba confundida al momento en que la dejaba en el piso e irónicamente quedaba entre ambas figuras femeniles. Bueno, en ése momento preferiría sin duda volver a enfrentarse a su madre.
               ❛ Uhm... Laura, ella es... Es Elle. Elle, ella es Laura.  ❜
Laura abrió los ojos como platos, apenas creyendo lo que escuchaba, seguro la pequeña periodista estaba a punto de hacer una pregunta acerca de cómo era aquello posible cuando Elle se acercó a la computadora de escritorio y dio un respingo, visiblemente espantada. Se puso a su lado rápidamente, con una mano tomándole la propia mientras que la otra se enredaba en su cintura, tratando de alejarla del aparato para que no le provocase más molestias. 
               ❛ Se llama computadora, Elle. Hay muchas cosas que                tienes que aprender y conocer todavía, cosas que te                 dije que yo te enseñaría, ¿bien, bonita? Tranquila,                                 estoy aquí. ❜
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                                             after how carmilla had reacted to a pretty scary bug, laura kept calling out ( W A S P ! ) & it was pretty clear that the vampire had gotten fed up with it when she went on her rant. stifled laughter came from laura until it was acknowledged & she started laughing out loud, ❛ carm, carm… i’m sorry, but it’s hard to take you SERIOUSLY when there’s a wasp in your hair. ❜
She wasn’t an idiot, she could feel Laura’s gaze on her, she could see how she was biting the inside of her cheek to avoid laughing. So yea, she was a vampire and she was a little scared of wasps, what about it? They were enormous, they did absolutely nothing good for the world and they caused her major stress, there was nothing -- 
               ❛ What the FUCK, Hollis. What do you mean I have                a FUCKING wasp in my hair? Get it off !!! ❜
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An audible groan was the initial response, crossing her arms over her chest in a show of defiance. Why was Carmilla always so dodgy when it came to questions like this? Why did she always deny the invitation to hang out with LaFontaine and Perry, or scoff and make some sarcastic remark about any outing involving the Zetas or Summers? She had seemed plenty comfortable with her ‘study buddies’ before, and during her copious (probably unhealthy and borderline creeper status) amounts of research, found Carmilla frequented social events.
Did she just not like to show affection around others? –Maybe that was it. That had to be it. Laura was being too clingy, wasn’t she? Cheek kissing, hand holding, puppy dog eyes–they all must be something you should only do when you’re alone. …Maybe. 
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“If it’s something I did, you should probably tell me now. Or else it’ll probably happen often. And in public.” A weak grin followed the poor attempt at making light of the situation. She hated seeing the vampire look distraught, her strained voice tugging at her heart. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be all that bad, right? It could be an easy fix because of the love they shared. That was how love worked…right?
If she had a beating heart, it would’ve probably ached at the mere mention of Laura believing it was her fault. She sighed, none of this was Laura’s fault, hell, it was not even her annoying friends’ fault. It was all... Her. It was because she didn’t feel enough, because she knew that she wasn’t enough. She was trying so hard to fit into an impossible standard, she was hurting herself. Would she admit it? Would she ever admit that she was afraid? That she was scared of losing the one person that made everything seem perfect, full of life and color once more? No. She would never. Her Mother had taught her, her Mother had scolded her, her Mother had beaten her up until the lesson was loud and clear into her head, “vampires don’t feel”, she wasn’t supposed to fright. She wasn’t supposed to cry. She was supposed to keep her head up high and never show emotion. And, everything was going midly okay until Laura came tumbling to her life, breaking all of her walls and making her feel like a stupid human once again. Laura with her stupid jokes and her stupid smile. Laura with the way she kissed her in the mornings and how she smelled after showering. Laura, just... Everything about her.
She looked at the honey haired girl, tender and kind, but her irises showed vulnerability. If there was one thing she couldn’t bear even more as her own feelings, was the girl she loved feeling guilty for something that she wasn’t even involved in. She closed the gap between them, kissing her softly, as if that action could help making her feel everything she wanted to say but didn’t even know how to begin with. “I’m scared, Laura,” she muttered against the younger girl’s lips, trying to get all the courage she needed to keep talking. “I am scared I will lose you.”
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    Stops moving so WILDLY then, instead swaying languidly, smirk catching on her lips at the other’s words —– barely heard over the ear-shattering music. She personally loves the noise, the grime,  the scent of sweat hanging heavy in the air. Makes her skin tingle, heart beat raucously against her ribs.
   Baby dances over to the woman, throws some money at the bar and yells for a COCA-COLA. Isn’t old enough to drink legally yet, but she’d rather have her sodie-pop over alcohol any day anyhow.
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          ❝ —– Ya know, everybody dances. Just some do it in SECRET. Ain’t gotta do it in secret, sugarplum. Nothin’ to be nervous about. I bet you’d look real good on the dancefloor..  ❞
Did the stranger just asked for a coke? No whisky, no rum in it? Plain, simple soda? Carmilla raised an eyebrow, was this girl even legal to be in the smoky bar? Why else would she deny herself the PLEASURE of alcohol? She took a sip of her own drink and smiled in a mix of sarcasm and kindness, she couldn’t tell if the stranger was playing dumb or if she was always this enthusiastic about dancing.
               ❛ I never said I didn’t know how to -- I said I didn’t                want to. You don’t look so bad yourself over there,                cutie... Been observing you for a while, you sure                                 know how to move. ❜
Could it be considered creepy to have looked her way once or twice before the stranger actually came closer? Probably, but, hey, staring was not a crime. At least, not that she knew of.
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i have today off, so i’ll try my best to aswer my drafts!! 
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And whether you like it or not, I belong to you.
Franz Kafka, Letters To Felice  (via wordsnquotes)
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At first you needed her. Then she needed you. Maybe what you needed Was a little bit of each other.
Touched By Stars (Blind Carmilla AU)
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Her moans became louder and raspier by the second, with each thrust she felt her insides clenching, begging for a release that surely wouldn’t be given any time soon. Oh, how she loved and hated the torture of being the submissive one. Looking deep into her partner’s eyes, she felt as the dildo went deeper inside of her, thing that she thought couldn’t be possible (she was SO wrong), she tilted her head backwards, closing her eyes. When had she become that weak when it came to Danny’s voice?
               ❛ Oh my god -- Danny, oh my GOD !!!!! ❜
She almost screamed as she heard she was allowed to come. Her toes curled and her hips bucked hardly against the moisted toy still inside of her. Short nails dug into Danny’s freckled shoulders, too hard (she was sure she had drawn blood). Her whole body was shaking, her climax reaching her in the most violent way, she wasn’t even able to speak, let alone groan. Her forehead came to rest against the redhead’s one and breathing heavily, she kept rolling her hips softly against her. 
               ❛ Thank you, thank you... Fuck... ❜
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     And she’s shaking her hips as she nears you, dropping slowly to the ground, arms raised above her head as the bass from her stereo rattles the dusty basement floor. She looks over at you, flips a few strands of messy brunette hair from her face, smilin’. 
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                ❝ ——- WATCHA waitin’ on ??? Dance with me, sugar !  ❞
Why was she even in a club when she was’t fond of the noise? Or dancing? Or just people in general? Oh, right, she was baby sitting her stupid brother, whom apparently could not handle his blood thirst yet. 300 years old and she was taking care of someone else, sighing, she took a sip of her vodka, when --
               ❛ Oh, sugar... I DON’T dance. But keep on                trying. you look adorable, someone might                go ahead and take your invitation. ❜
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i have yet one starter to be made for @nctafraiid and 11 drafts to answer (yikes), i’ve been busy with work and with school, but i promise i’ll do everything tomorrow!!
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The curse fell from her lips without a second thought, her head spinning slightly as she slumped forward into the strangers arms, the book she had been carrying falling to the floor with a ‘thump’ — - only to be immediately covered in coffee. That illicited another colorful piece of language in French. She lingered for a moment in the strangers arms, still dazed before Val came back to herself and shoved away, straightening up, swaying slightly.
“You really should watch where the hell you are going,” Dark brows furrowed heavily over purple optics as she kneeled down to pick up the book, the pages dripping. “This book is over one hundred years old and now…” Those uniquely colored eyes flicked up at the other woman accusingly.
It was only then, with sopping book in hand, still half kneeling on the floor that Val realized she and her assailant were not so different. Were not human.
“Considering what you are, you should be more graceful than this, chérie.” Her tone was markedly unkind…
Only when she released the stranger from her grip she realized the book, covered in coffee and probably ruined, the other girl seemed pretty upset about it, Carmilla, however, did not care much. It hadn’t been her fault that she had ran into the womanly figure, if there was someone to blame was those frat boys who were now sitting a few feet behind them, trying to catch popcorn in their mouth -- Idiots.
              ❛ Considering that my mother forces me to act like               a clumsy human being, you should understand               I cannot simply move at my regular speed without               earning curious looks. I'm sorry about the book,               it does look old and I’m not sure entirely you’ll be able               to read it... ❜
She shrugged, was this girl a vampire too? She could feel a certain scent and familiarity, and the french just made her question if Maman knew her (the answer was probably yes, her mother knew everyone around). Looking at the purple irises, she sighed. It was not common that she did something that could be qualified as “nice”, but, ruined literature... That was always something she couldn’t bear.
              ❛ You can probably find that tome on the University’s               library. I can -- I can let you use my card if you want. ❜
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