volkan süleymanoğlu 2000+. mechanic. bouncer at the embassy. remember i was rich so i bought me some new emotions and a new boat 'cause i rather cry on the ocean
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“If that is the fantasy that fills your dreams, then I pity your awakening,” she says, and yet Mara is smiling, shaking her head. There was a time when Volkan had meant more to her than nearly anyone in this world; though those days have passed now, the fondness remains. “I hope you do not expect me to have been pining for the last two thousand years.” In hindsight, making it work would’ve been nearly an impossibility; trying to reconnect across life after life is difficult for any of them. They were fated to be pulled apart, but at the time Mara had been too young to understand that, only on her second life. “Oh, I’m certain he’d have them dancing naked in the streets and castrating their balls in offering, if it so amused him.” But entertaining as such an idea is, it would serve them no purpose. Mara reaches for the glass of wine, one blessedly free of any markings from Mount Olympus, before pouring a glass for both herself and Volkan. “Tell me of your life. Your most recent one, if nothing else. Where were you before here?”
“I’m pretty sure you pity me regardless of if that is my fantasy or not.” He wasn’t going to further delve into that. Whatever they felt for each other now was merely friendship. And it would stay that way for the rest of their lives. Clearly, there was a reason other than death that had kept them apart. “Pining? For me? No, never,” he stated with an air of sarcasm. It was still a joke though. He wasn’t pining for her nor was she doing the same for him. It simply wasn’t like that anymore. His interests nowadays included someone who was now a vampire. A short chuckle left his mouth at the thought of Gio even remotely seeing him talking to an ex. “I have yet to see that happen so he’s clearly slacking.” His shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Nothing important came from this life. No siblings. Parents were decent. I haven’t contacted them in years though. And you?”
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“I was young,” Giovanni reminded, “I had terrible taste in men back then.” The vampire joked playfully, while there was some truth to the statement Volkan was the exception. Or maybe he was the rule, cannibalism and ritualistic sacrifice aside, at least Volkan was a good person. Either way the heart what the heart wanted and seeing his first love in front of him again after so many years apart almost felt surreal. “You with your multiple reincarnations and multiple lifetimes are going to get stingy with the details? Kind of rude don’t you think?” Giovanni challenged as he quirked a brow at Volkan. An air of seriousness permeated the space between them as Gio’s voice lost some of his mirth, he shook his head lightly. “I’m not the same person you knew.”
“Well, you’re still interested in me so I think your taste hasn’t improved if that’s your logic,” he stated with a smile. His past was something he wouldn’t exactly say he was ashamed of. The cult thing was just something he had happened to run upon with his father. It was some of the best times of his life. However, he knew the things they did in that cult were nowhere near normal nowadays. He was sure the only thing people still did now in the open was drinking and roaming the streets. They called that a festival now though. “I mean, do you want to hear about the cannibalism part or the sacrifices? There’s a lot we could go through.” He let his eyes meet Gio’s. “And what does that mean?”
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“All further proof that you should not keep yourself away for so long, I barely know how to talk to you anymore.” He grinned over at Volkan, and his brows shot up. “Should I be asking what your intentions are with my sister, or should we just gloss over that? I already liked you enough the first time you married her, I don’t think it’ll be a problem if you want to do it again. Not with me, at least.” He continued to pay the cat attention, snorting at the other’s words. “I’m actively trying to change the dog’s name. They named me Monty in this life, but that’s no name for a dog. Maybe we’ll start calling him Filos, and see what happens.”
“You know, it works both ways. And it’s not always that easy to find someone you remember very far into your life instead of at birth.” Volkan immediately laughed at the question that left Milos’ mouth. If there was one thing that was certain, it was that there was nothing going on between Mara and him. As a matter of fact, he was sure that that was going to be the case for a very long time. “Absolutely not. You think I’m going to subject myself to that kind of verbal harassment again? No, thank you.” He was perfectly fine with them just being friends. It was better that way. “Or maybe just name the dog literally anything that has nothing to do with you. I think that’s best,” he state jokingly.
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autumn / halloween inbox memes ♡ a series of prompts appropriate for the autumn season. feel free to change anything as needed. happy writing!
my muse = the receiver’s muse, your muse = the asker’s muse
[ pumpkin ] for our muses to carve pumpkins together
[ costume ] for our muses to show each other their costumes (+bonus if you include what your muse is wearing!)
[ matching costumes ] for your muse to ask my muse to wear matching costumes with them (+bonus if you include what their costumes would be!)
[ accidentally matching ] for our muses to show up to a costume party wearing the same costume
[ forbidden exploration ] for our muses to explore the nearby haunted woods
[ graveyard games ] for our muses to use a ouija board while near or inside a graveyard (whether or not something goes wrong is up to the muns)
[ m!a supernatural ] for my muse to magically transform into their most feared creature (vampire, ghost, etc etc) for the reply / thread
[ what’s your favourite scary movie? ] for our muses to reenact the mun’s favourite horror movie (+bonus if you include which movie; otherwise it’s the receiver’s choice)
[ a good spook ] for our muses to go to a haunted house attraction
[ a night in ] for our muses to make hot chocolate and snuggle up to watch spooky movies by a fireplace for the evening
[ baking ] for our muses to bake autumn-themed goodies together
[ tarot ] for our muses to do their own tarot card reading for each other (+bonus if you include what your muse would ask!)
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Alp Navruz photographed by Tamer Yilmaz
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“Jury is still out on that-” Giovanni said pointedly, though there was a smile curved at the edge of his lips that indicated he was joking. Mostly, anyways. “but you’re still cute, so that’s a bonus.” The vampire pointed out as he reached for the other and brushed some of Volkan’s considerable hair from his face. Giovanni was fond of saying that he loved the process of falling in love, but seeing Volkan again stirred something in him that he’d long considered dead: genuine affection. Gio had practically forgotten what this sensation was like, but if Volkan had been a kobalos all along then the vampire could simply learn to love that to. “So what, you were part of his little wine cult thing then?” Gio knew the history well enough, artists from his age were obsessed with appropriating Greek culture into their work.
The joke was obvious. If there was one thing Volkan for sure knew about Giovanni, it was that the vampire was very much a hopeless romantic. Of course, the other had been angry upon seeing the kobalos again, but he knew that his former-probably-present boyfriend was going to be happy to see him regardless. “Oh, thank you. And here I thought it wasn’t just my looks that got me in your pants in the first place,” he joked. His hand went to rest on Gio’s knee as the other’s hand went through his hair. “Yes. I was. I wouldn’t exactly call it just a little wine cult though. We did a lot of things that aren’t exactly common nowadays. Best not to mention it though. You’d be a little disgusted.” His thumb moved against the other’s leg. “Let’s talk about you though. What happened?”
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“You vastly overestimate your importance, to think I would shed tears at the sight of your face.” Crying is not in her nature, not unless it’s preconceived; a weakness so often attributed to women, and yet capable of being used for their benefit all the same. Mara cannot remember the last time she’s given a legitimate tear. “Perhaps out of fear, maybe, that a ghoul has come to haunt me in my final hours.” She smiles in tease, gesturing for Volkan to follow her. Mara does not trust any wine that’s come from within the city, but she has managed to procure her own supply of much more suitable taste and repute. “He shills out piss in a bottle, and the locals drink it like madmen. Perhaps the effects of Dionysus linger on this city still, for I see no other reason why even such fools as mortals would entertain it.”
“Or you just vastly underestimate my importance to you. I like to think of it that way. Makes me feel good.” Antagonizing her was one of his favorite things to do. What would she do in response? Probably just tell him she wouldn’t do such a thing and then they would just keep going in circles. Annoying her was far too fun for him to stop now though. “Are you calling me a ghoul? If that’s the case, I should be doing better at this annoying you until your death thing.” He moved to follow her as she walked in the direction of their home for the night. Wherever there was good wine. “If anyone is going to get the people of Corinth to drink shitty wine, it is sure to be Ikaros. I’d love to see what else he can get them to do.”
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“You used to be much better at handling my teasing,” Milos noted, clapping his hand on Volkan’s shoulder. “Also, I thought that marriage was dissolved, was it not? Brothers no longer, though between you and me, I sort of liked the idea of having one. Mara has far too big of a chip on her shoulder being the eldest.” He scratched at the little beast’s chin, laughing. “My partner, she has a dog named Milos. Toast is an excellent name for an animal, a fine creature, no doubt.”
“And you used to be so much better at picking up my sarcasm.” His hand lifted to lightly punch Milos’ shoulder. They were still like brothers, he liked to think. Even if there was no marriage involved. Volkan was sure he wouldn’t look at the other kobaloi any other way. “It’s very much dissolved, but I wouldn’t say I love her any less. Don’t tell her that though.” He definitely didn’t want Mara to hold that over his head forever. Even though she definitely would regardless. Maybe, if he annoyed her enough, he would be safe. “She named her dog after you? I feel so bad for her. And that dog. They’ve got to live with that name forever now,” he stated jokingly.
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“Likewise.” Giovanni said simply before he squeezed Volkan’s shoulder and brushed past him to enter the club, his lips touched the edge of the man’s cheek - short but familiar, a distinct promise of what was to come. As fun as the club was, Volkan was the only person on the vampire’s mind. Even after he’d called Harlow and spilled his diatribe about his once and hopefully future boyfriend he couldn’t stop thinking about the man who’d come back from the dead. “I’ve had better.” Giovanni answered simply, “Better now, anyways.” He added as he pulverized a bit of lime at the bottom of an empty glass with his straw. Dark eyes met Volkan’s and somehow it was as if no time had passed, but a great deal in fact had. So much, hopefully not too much. “So you just,” he’d had a few hours to think everything through now, “die and come back, over and over again?” Giovanni clarified. “How does something like that even happen, what are you?”
“I guess I should be glad my presence still brings you happiness.” Thankfully. To be honest, he had never expected to see Gio again. After all, he had died before the other had. When he reincarnated, he wouldn’t even remember the other until he was well into his life. And now her they were several lives later running into each other again. Volkan couldn’t help but be happy about it. He had had one love in his life and now the other had made their way back to him. If he only could have Mara and Giovanni in his life for the rest of his many, he was sure he would be pretty damn happy. “Yes. That’s exactly it.” He kept thinking about how he had been so blindly worshipping of Dionysus. How he felt about the god now, he still wasn’t sure of. It wouldn’t be something he needed to think about until the time came where he needed to absolutely be sure of it. “Well, Dionysus promised us immortality. That was the price of it. Turning us into kobaloi. It was a gift for our undying loyalty.”
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“Gods know I would be old and gray by the time you returned.” That is, if Mara would even abide by such a visage. Her vanity perhaps is taken to the extreme, but she has grown tired of old age in her years, her value being diminished by it’s tie to her beauty. When the kobalos is aware another life waits on the other side, she is often ill content to wait out the ending naturally, and will see to it that she does not have to suffer such a life. “Consider yourself fortunate to be spared by my impatience.” No, Mara would not let Volkan go so easily, not now that she has him again. In whatever compacity, she knows that she wants him to be in her life, the way that he always should have been if fate had been kind. “And I expect to hear every word of it from you. Perhaps over a drink? I crave something red, far from Ikaros’s machinations.”
“Oh, I would never let you wait so long to see me. I wouldn’t want to see the tears upon your dear old face,” he joked. Mara was always someone he admired. He obviously wouldn’t say such a thing out loud considering how she was as a person. Volkan was not the kind of person to give her exactly what she wanted. No, she would have to pull that out of him if she wanted to. And nine times out of ten, she wasn’t going to. “I’ll treasure that thought forever.” He placed a hand over his heart as if it was the most precious thing he had from her. Although, if he truly thought about it, it actually was. Even her brother didn’t have that from her. Perhaps it was a perk from them being married once upon a time. “I would never submit myself to such horrible wine. I have heard nothing good about his place. After you though, my dear.”
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“Probably not long enough,” Milos boomed good naturedly, clapping the other man on the back as he leaned in for what was half of an embrace. It had been several cycles since he had seen his ex-brother in law, but their relationship had always remained pleasant. There were few kobaloi that he didn’t enjoy the company of, with Xanthe being the primary root of his distress when he found out that there were some of their kind in a place. He reached out, drawing a finger along the velvety nose of the animal before looking at Volkan with a grin. “A can named Kitten? You’re not getting any awards for your creativity there, I think.”
“Oh, well, that’s just disrespectful. I thought we were brothers.” He moved in for what was considered not even a full hug. It was a simple half embrace that Volkan was certainly not used to. He always brought his arms around the entire person he was talking to. Nevertheless, he didn’t mind it from Milos. As long as they were still on good terms, he didn’t mind how they welcomed each other nowadays. “No, no. If you think about it, it’s actually really creative. Nobody would ever expect for me to just name a cat Kitten. My other cats are even more creative. One named Butter. The other named Toast. Those are good names, you have to admit.”
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alp navruz for beman magazine 09/2021.
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