Void Walk With Me
132 posts
World of Warcraft player character "Jaeness" of Wyrmrest Accord. Follows and asks come from @manaheart.
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voidwalkwithme · 4 years ago
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Seams, by Martina Scafa, via ArtStation.
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voidwalkwithme · 5 years ago
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voidwalkwithme · 5 years ago
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voidwalkwithme · 5 years ago
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((They’ll, uh, work it out… I think.))
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voidwalkwithme · 5 years ago
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Vision of N’Zoth || The Black Empire:  Void Portal
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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Warcraft Aesthetics → Children of… 4/5 | Ren’dorei
“You belong in the sky in the endless void” — k.p.
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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I wish I had a magic radio. Or maybe I don’t.
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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Telogrus Rift
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
What is a kink your muse has? How would they bring it up to their partner?
Drawing blood. By tooth, nail, or blade - doesn't matter. Ever since the Incident at Telogrus Rift, she has been fascinated with her own blood: its taintedness, its power. Being made to bleed and - on occasion - making others bleed (strictly in a sexual context, of course) has become a thing for her.
As for how she would bring it up? Probably in the heat of the moment, which might be awkward for some.
Thanks for the ask. ;)
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
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What’s your favorite space photo?
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
What gets your muse in the mood instantly?
POWER. It can come in many forms: a display of wealth, of physical strength, of cunning, command of magic - even wit, charisma, and sexual prowess are all forms of power. She covets it, and lusts after it.
Skillful touch doesn't hurt, either.
Thanks for the ask, @helryder666!
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
How would Jaeness react if Dardillien killed a Forsaken while they are in Gilneas?
I think there exists a range of potential reactions, depending on the situation.Was the Forsaken a combatant? Were they a threat? How does it happen?For example: if a more or less harmless non-combatant were to appear and be summarily executed simply for being Undead, Jaeness wouldn’t necessarily be appalled, but she wouldn’t be impressed, either. In fact, if Dardillien flew off the handle without provocation, she would be disappointed to find out he’s a loose cannon. Jae views people as resources, and a (truly) dead Forsaken can neither offer assistance nor information. It’s fine to shoot first and ask questions later, but it’d best be in the knee.If there was a situation in which either of them were threatened and Dardillien Did What Had To Be Done, she would be satisfied that he performed his duty. If he did so in a display of excellent marksmanship, or he shifted, she would be impressed.Let’s just see what happens, shall we? ;)
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
Describe Jaeness's experience when using her Void rifts to travel. What does she see when she enters the portal? Is it instantaneous travel? Does some time pass?
So, it’s worth mentioning that while her in-game class is hunter, her weapon of choice is a revolver, and she keeps magically-altered animals as pets, Jae is actually a mage/hunter/rogue hybrid, and she studies and combines multiple magic disciplines including Arcane, Blood, Fel, Void, and - most recently - Necromancy.
Jae can do more than one trick with the Void, but her specialty is Void Rifts. She can essentially conjure two different kinds. The one she uses the most is the Spatial Rift that is represented in the Void Elf racials in-game: she can tear open a rift in space and use it to teleport a short distance (up to thirty yards). My understanding of this spell is that while it utilizes the Void, it’s a relatively instantaneous teleportation spell and she doesn’t go anywhere or see anything special. It does require physical and mental exertion on her part, and she might experience a brief chill or a single wave of nausea following a teleport.The second kind of rift she can conjure is essentially a Void-powered mage portal. She has gotten very good at making these look effortless (as Dardillien has seen), but they actually take a hell of a toll on her. The travel is, again, relatively instantaneous, and there are no creepy “pit stops” between Point A and Point B. Because she is always touched by the Void, she doesn’t feel the same effects as others who use her rifts to travel - it’s just a massive drain on her energy. Others who have used her rifts reported effects ranging from mild to severe - anything from the same brief chill or single wave of nausea to lingering malaise, disturbing auditory and/or visual hallucinations, a night terror upon their next sleep, or even lasting trauma. The nature, severity, and duration of symptoms depend entirely upon the individual and their sensitivity to the Void.
Thanks again!
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voidwalkwithme · 6 years ago
What are Jaeness's thoughts on Worgen/Gilneans? What about the other races of the Alliance?
The Quel’dorei and Gilneas both withdrew from the Alliance at the end of the Second War. The Fall of Quel’Thalas came a couple years later - only about thirteen years ago - and the Incident at Telogrus Rift occurred within the past year. It’s safe to say that things are different now, but the people of the Alliance aren’t exactly new to Jaeness, as her time in the Horde as a Sin’dorei was quite short - which is not to say it was unimportant. In fact, it was everything… but let’s start at the beginning.
Jaeness was born and raised in a port town, so she has always been exposed to a lot of people, and has never thought too much of it. Given the geography of the Eastern Kingdoms, it’s actually likely she encountered plenty of Gilneans (and probably found their way of speaking quite charming compared to the humans of Lordaeron, but otherwise didn’t distinguish between flavors of human).
When the Quel’dorei withdrew from the Alliance, and the Greymane Wall was being built, Jaeness was already more than 70 years old, which is more than old enough to be observant and have opinions. At that time, I’m sure she considered herself aligned with the Kingdom of Gilneas in the matter of telling the Alliance to get bent - but she got a little too busy to think about them after that, what with her entire homeland and nearly everyone in it being destroyed by the Scourge.
My headcanon has always been that Jaeness spent nearly the entirety of the last three expansions taking advantage of the chaos of constant war. She traveled, trained in enchanting and forbidden magic, and acquired a lot of artifacts and gold. At the time Gilneas - and the Worgen - joined the Alliance, Jaeness may have been a Blood Elf, but she had no real love for the Horde. She did, however, still hate the Alliance. She lost all respect for Genn Greymane.
As for the Worgen… well, Jaeness has long admired power, and the Worgen curse is a fine example of it. Now that her designation is no longer “to be killed on sight”, I’m sure that she’s rather curious about them - so much so that unafflicted Gilneans are probably dismissed as boring. She still identifies with Gilneans more than any other Alliance race, but even now, with the Ren’dorei officially aligned with the Alliance… she still hates the Alliance. 
She probably thinks Draenei are kind of neat, though.Thanks for the ask, @dardillien-ward!
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