@void_soupz on insta | LGBT+ | AuDHD | dragon enthusiasthe/they
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Hi, been awhile, turns out getting of my anti depressants wasn't a good idea, but hey, gotta try to know for sure:)
this was a quick 50 min. doodle. Tried out a bit of a different approach. Might do more like this in the future so I hope you(?) like it:)
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you can't have this cake and you also can't eat it, the worst kind of cake:0
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#cake#practice#study#nom#omnomnom#delicious#tasty#pumpkincake#my art#artists on tumblr
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finally finished this one:) turned out really nice in my opinion:))
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#dragon#fluffy#wings#fantasy#fantasyart#monster#bitingyourowntail#circelingdragon#ethereal#creature#my art#artists on tumblr
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A quick hand study:)
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Do you sell prints of your art? I would totally buy your tea dragon design!
I'm currently setting it up:))
also nice profile pic, great podcast
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Look at that handsome boy
also, I'm currently researching merch/print companies, so if you know any to absolutely avoid, let me know:))
I'm gonna try to make merch of my art!!:)!
(don't know if any1 is interested, don't care (jk, I hope every1 dreams of having my art))
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hope everyone's having a good day, here's a drawing i finished today, could have definitely kept working on it, but sometimes it's important to move on:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#girl#summer#hat#summerhat#cape#fantasy#pretty#anime-ish#portrait#my art#artists on tumblr
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camping with magic fire
actually drew this a while back but just hadn't finished some minor details:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#magic#fantasy#camping#fantasyart#mage#creature#fire#hair#my art#artists on tumblr#artwork
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made this for my warm-up today and then proceed to not work on what i was warming up for😅
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a little portrait study, used a reference pic for the angle but it still ended up a bit wonky😅 and wow do i hate drawing mouths
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#portrait#practice#face#human#girl#woman#hair#study#person#my art#artists on tumblr
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this was a wedding gift for some people I've known and cherished for many years, may many more happy years follow them<3 it took me three days of drawing to complete and it was all worth it:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#diving#fish#whaleshark#whalesharks#mantarey#gift#blue#ocean#sea#deepsea#somanyfish#creature#my art#artists on tumblr#artwork
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warm up portrait I did before working on the bigger project I'm currently fighting:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#person#girl#oni#demon#whitehair#portrait#blueeyes#face#human#fantasy#fantasyart#my art#artists on tublr
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ending of smaugust with this one:) wanted to render this one more but all the legs made me run out of time:´( insp. words: porcelain, broken, lindwurm(kinda)] kinda following @kmccaigue 's list:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#dragon#smaugust#smaugust2024#monster#fantasy#fantasyart#creature#pretty#porcelain#gold#centipede#horror#legs#doll#snek#snake#my art#artists on tumblr
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had a lot of fun drawing this one:)
insp. words: vulture, pearl, wyrven] kinda following @kmccaigue 's list:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#dragon#smaugust#smaugust2024#monster#fantasy#fantasyart#creature#pearl#shiny#vulture#wyrven#pretty#my art#artists on tublr#artwork
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couldn't draw at all today:`0 all I could manage was this 3 minute doodle, but hey, it's cute right?
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tattooed in blood, written in tears. A cursed dragon watches the horizon.
insp. words: tattoo, gothic, lung dragon] kinda following @kmccaigue 's list:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#dragon#smaugust#smaugust2024#monster#fantasy#fantasyart#creature#noodle#snek#gothic#blood#horror#dark#darkfantasy#abandonedhouse#reclaimedhouse#perle#artists on tublr#my art
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lobster dragon, I don't have anything else to say about it so bye:)
insp. words: lobster, cloud, wyrven] kinda following @kmccaigue 's list:)
#illustration#art#paintstorm#digitalart#painting#dragon#smaugust#smaugust2024#monster#fantasy#fantasyart#creature#lobster#wyrven#sunset#clouds#artists on tublr#my art#blue lobster#pretty#japan ish
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