voidsaveforthestars · 2 months
Honestly there's nothing a child can do in public that's as much of a disturbance as an adult yelling at them
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 months
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every time.
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 months
It's actually kind of striking how tightly wedded most major genres of tabletop RPGs are to the decades when they were popularised.
Trad fantasy tabletop RPGs – even those that aren't positioned as revivalist – are so intent on emulating the sword and sorcery literature of the 1970s that the only reason they don't come off as quaintly nostalgic is because nobody reads sword and sorcery anymore.
Cyberpunk tabletop RPGs are, at this point, essentially an exercise in retrofuturism, endlessly polishing a vision of what people in the 1980s thought the year 2015 would look like.
Urban fantasy tabletop RPGs might include smartphones and electric cars in their equipment tables and mention 9/11 in their lore chapters, but culturally and aesthetically, most of them are taking place in a world where the 1990s never ended.
I don't mean this as a criticism – I'm just fascinated with how this tendency is so strong that, for example, a brand new urban fantasy RPG written in the year 2024 is liable to end up being a 1990s period piece at heart even when that was 100% not the author's intention, simply through the inertia of the medium's well-established tropes.
I'm mostly curious what the characteristic tabletop RPG genre of the 2020s is going to end up being thirty or forty years from now, and I hope I live long enough to find out!
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voidsaveforthestars · 9 months
i saw you in my dream last night
you were impassive and blase
i haven’t seen you in almost five months
and in my head you just don’t care
you were walking through a parking lot
and i saw you with your brother
i said hello,
holy shit it’s been so long how are you?
you never texted.
and your brother said more to me than you did
i woke up and realized
that i think i’ve given up
even on being your friend.
i stopped wanting more a long time ago,
so that’s over and done
but i still liked your company, you know
you were more to me than a stupid high school crush
i loved you as a friend before and longer
you were my best friend, for a time
and then i think you outgrew me.
i wasn’t ready to be outgrown.
you used to love the cookies i would bake
(such a funny coincidence
how i always seemed to make them on your birthday)
you used to text me hours after we’d seen each other
can we hang out soon, i miss you, i love you
you used to hug me every day,
i remember that part the most.
every day after school.
there’s a vivid memory of a certain day
your laptop flew out of your hand
as you flung your arms open to me,
walking down the hallway i watched
the laptop slide like a puck down the hall
because you wanted to hug me.
i think that was the first time
that i felt truly and honestly wanted
i had done nothing
yet you flung the innocent thing away from you
across the hard tile floor
because a single quotidian moment with me
meant more to you than any repair bill
any grade setback
any reprimand, anything at all.
i remember how vividly loved i felt in that moment,
and i compare it to how vividly unloved i feel now.
i resent you.
i resent you because you left me behind
when i still had care to give you
you left me behind with the pile of shits i still give about you
and nowhere to put them
and i’m angry at myself
because i let you fucking drift
and i even watched it happening
and i did nothing
because i figured that you’d text me once in a while
at least a stupid dick joke every couple months
but they never came (hah)
and still i did nothing
because i told myself if he still cares
he’ll be the one to reach out
so i never reached out
and i let you fucking drift
and now you’ve drifted too far for me to fix
i don’t think i can fix this
i don’t know how to un-drift a gap this wide
i hung out with your best friend tonight, did you know that?
i almost talked to him about you.
i almost told him that i used to love you
but was too afraid to do anything
i even almost got some fucking closure
but the drive back to his house was just too short
his driveway was closer than your name off my lips
and time won again
and uncertainty won again
maybe if i hadn’t let the silences stretch so long
maybe if i had just gotten to the fucking point
maybe if i stop stalling, and stalling, and stalling,
and just DO something,
things will turn out all right.
but i’ll never fucking do something
because i will never be 100% sure of something
and oh if that isn't just the woeful human condition.
so now i resent you and i resent myself along with you
and it’s the only way we’ve been together in a long time.
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cherry sucker
he grins around the stick with red-stained teeth and the air fills with the smell of intoxicating chemical cherry.
his shirt is cherry red and your bottom button is open as you stretch back, back, reaching, reaching, up and over, behind your head.
chill air brushes featherlight over a triangle of skin and you don't know where his eyes are
but you know where you want them to be,
cherry patterns pressed into stomach fat, kissed there by a slouch and a tarnished old belt buckle.
chemical cherry stains the stick and stains his lips and surely stains your face but his eyeline only stains the board.
the ball of it cracks on his teeth as it leaves and the stick of it is marked and bent where his teeth held it down.
artificial flavor burns down the back of your nose and artificial color clings inside your lungs until your head spins.
he grins around the stick with red-stained teeth and the air fills with chemical cherry,
and you breathe it in like gasoline.
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Ode to a Page (One-Way Glass Dimension)
I exist in a one-way glass dimension.
Invisible hands shelve the books, lovingly.
You cannot see the love, but it is there.
There is care pressed into the cold metal cart,
As it disappears full and reappears, magically empty.
I am a library spectre.
I exist only to children, 
Searching for their favorite worlds,
And little old women lost in the paperbacks.
To the childrens’ parents I am an imaginary friend,
And to the librarians, the little old ladies
Answer their own questions
Before the librarian can speak.
I enjoy my invisibility.
My care is not conditional.
I do not need eyes on the back of my neck.
My care will line the shelves regardless.
I wear quiet shoes. Take quiet steps.
I am not seen as the cart wheels itself out to the shelves.
The books are put away.
The shelves are straightened and neat.
The little girl finds her favorite book sitting next to her mother’s bag.
I love the library from my little glass dimension.
I stain the shelves with care like fingerprints against the window.
I look after the quiet haven of the library
From my one-way glass dimension.
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like we used to in the neon blues
we sat together last night, on a swing tucked back into the reaches of the top row of a dark stadium. neon midnights and magentas pressed almost as closely as my shoulder to yours, and you let me hold you again. like we used to. and i buried my face in your hair, like i always wished i could, and everything was right.
we scrolled through my phone, listened blithely to the roar of the stadium. two spectators, as we always were. i miss our swing, that big white porch swing, slatted wood and cushions and the soporific lull of simple harmonic motion. deep blue neon lights mottle across it, across us, and i feel your hair against my face and you are warm and everything is warm. the thunder of the crowd is hypnotic, like rain, and there is so much rain, and there is rolling thunder, and i am alone in my pale blue sheets.
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man in his study with a saxophone
i call this piece
man in his study with a saxophone
subtitle, an image of sound.
i cannot paint, so i must write.
i am consigned to mediocrity.
yet even my patron saint could compose,
and i cannot.
i am consigned to description
of that which i cannot create.
my secret pain, that eats me away,
is that i will never do justice the workings of my mind.
the man shall never sit in his study.
not a note shall sound from his reed.
light from the window shall never catch a single part of him,
not hair nor eye nor key.
i am the only one who knows about this man.
i am the only one who will ever know him.
and that i cannot change this, where others can,
is the undoing of my soul.
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on sexuality
You are sixteen and you've never felt like this before.
His smile makes you warm like nothing else has.
His eyes and voice are the sweet, smooth taste of chocolate,
Slipping over your tongue and down your throat,
Hot in your stomach like the sips of Merlot you steal from the bottle
While your father isn't looking.
You are seventeen and you've never felt like this before.
Your heart races, pounding, and you dig your fingers into the seat,
Bite down hard on your stupid tongue, your flush-hot cheek,
So you won't do something you'll regret.
The boy who drives you home pulls his hair back from his face
And he sings as wind rushes through the open car windows,
And you scream a little inside as something begs to snap.
The chocolate boy grins and his teeth are sharp,
Sharp as an ivory dagger locked in a glass case,
With a plaque that reads:
Forgive him, Father, he knows not what he thinks.
His brother's hair is black as coals and his voice is wine-dark red,
As deep, bloody red as the stains on the bone-white blade.
His best friend's eyes lock with yours for seconds too long, lingering,
On eyes, hands, mouths, empty buttonholes, savoring, lingering,
Lingering on something you cannot name,
And you wonder.
You are not yet eighteen, and the weight of it all overwhelms you.
What do you want? What do you feel? How can you know?
You stumble blindly without hope of an answer,
Knowing only that you want,
That you want so badly,
And you can't even tell what exactly you want,
And you don't know how to get it, how to sate the hunger,
But you want,
You want so badly that you cannot sleep, you cannot think
Of anything but wanting.
You are seventeen and you are hungry, empty, wanting,
Wanting things you cannot name and food you've never tasted,
And you want.
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black box.
there are bars on the doors at school.
cast-iron braces just above the floor.
a black box bolted to the wall holds iron pins,
that fit like a glove in the holes drilled in the floor.
they're working on rigging a system
to alert the office if the black box starts recording.
a phone picks up the p.a.
this is a lockdown drill for an external threat.
continue teaching.
this is only a drill.
this is a lockdown drill for an internal threat.
turn off the lights and move to the corner. 
this is only a drill.
this is a lockdown for an external threat.
lock your doors. continue teaching.
this is only a drill?
this is a lockdown for an internal threat.
you forgot to say drill.
this is a lockdown for an internal threat.
internal threat.
this is only a drill.
internal. internal. internal.
this is a lockdown for an internal threat.
turn off the lights and move to the corner.
text your parents that you love them.
the black box is screaming.
how do i tell my mother goodbye?
how do i tell my father i love him?
where is my brother?
i need my siblings to know that i love them.
there's not enough time.
i need more time.
time, time, time,
please, i'm only seventeen, i need-
this is a lockdown drill for an internal threat.
drill. drill. drill.
the black box is silent.
you are okay.
it's all in your head.
you are okay.
it's just your imagination.
it's as statistically likely as lightning.
you're fine, it's just in case.
worst case scenario.
worst case scenario.
worst case scenario.
the black box is silently screaming.
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
his hair brushed my arm today, 
and i felt at home as a house long sold.
whole in a way 
that ripped me from myself,
so utterly myself again that i was nothing but him.
it's an old feeling,
as old as change in all its ways.
ancient as a lightning strike and fleeting as earth, was that touch.
i was sixteen when i first fell in love,
naïveté wise beyond years.
i fell in love with a being 
that changed in a way 
that was always the same
and built patterns of novelty,
a chrysalis becoming itself.
his hair brushed my arm today,
and something like a slingshot sent me home.
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
this moving on is hopeful, moving
moving up away, i 
pieces of you, they 
to me from everyone, every
i fall for again, the
the old and rediscovered, all
all glow and golden, and
love them all, each
each crack, each
splintered reed
speaks that little warmth, my
that never was, but
nonetheless i am home, with
without you, i
pieces of you with me, forever
i think of you, fondly
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
i hate holiday nostalgia.
i hate holiday nostalgia,
but death comes for us all in its turn.
so deck the fucking halls
with all the feelings i forgot,
i’ll light the memories ablaze
to keep the mulled wine hot.
when candles glow from hazy pasts,
i’ll douse their flickers and bin the whole damn lot.
this shit stayed behind for a reason,
don’t you get it?
maybe it felt good back then,
but have you considered
that maybe i wanted to forget it?
so i’ll open this book
and i’ll overlook
the damn emotions in my gut.
i don’t want the warmth,
i don’t want the longing.
i don’t need anything but
gingerbread and carefree songing.
i’ve got a fireplace and christmas dinner,
i’m a warm and full and happy sinner.
so what more can you want from me?
are you never fucking satisfied
with all the things you’ll never have?
i don’t need this company.
i don’t need him, or him, or them.
how do i this ugly bleeding stem?
so line the fucking mantle
with all the thoughts i had dismantled,
i’ll light the memories afire
and watch the syrup-sweet expire.
when candles glow from days of old,
i’ll quench their flames before the ham gets cold.
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
i have an odd relationship with gender.
sometimes i feel 
like i missed something crucial.
all the stories start the same -
like a fairy tale,
and its promised little "once upon a time".
i could never be myself-
i was trapped-
my whole façade, my life an act-
that was the stair i missed.
my brain replays that jolt a lot–
my stomach's drop as my foot plummets through
the stair i thought was surely there.
life's a checklist, right?
tick off the boxes, one
one, until 
you're done.
and i missed a box.
so mustn't that mean
it doesn't really count?
i never felt the pain they all describe,
the pain that all the stories start with.
i was never able to be me,
not in the times before.
the real me was trapped, locked away,
the dragon in a dress was my warden
and my mother had thrown out the key-
i was always me.
i'm sorry you weren't -
but somehow i was.
i had always been me.
the skirt didn't change who i was.
barrettes didn't lock me away.
i am and always have been me.
does getting a haircut change the self?
does a pair of shoes define the ego?
no, you said,
that's laughable.
clothes don't make a person.
so why should they make me?
i'm the same i've always been.
so what, if i tried on new pronouns?
i liked how they went with my shirt.
my name matched my hair dye.
looking in the mirror
made me smile,
because all my clothes finally fit.
so maybe i never missed anything.
i'm still me, just like i always was.
i just smile at the person 
in the shop windows, now.
i like his style.
he's got cool clothes.
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
when i'm tired
you're the only one 
my fragile mind can stand
but with standing comes
a neverending nag
because what do you do
when your home is a person
paint and drywall can't reject you
but what do you do
with a home
that doesn't want you
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
i love you in the past tense
i love you 
in the past tense, my dear.
not i loved you -
i still do love you, love -
but i love the you
that lives in the past tense.
he lives in the unsaved old letters
and dances through ballrooms lit dim 
with the blue-tinted faintness of age.
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voidsaveforthestars · 2 years
winter love
people all romanticize about a summer love - 
the honeyed kiss of sunshine,
lovers in the dark like fireflies,
but he was gone when autumn came -
i had a winter love.
winter has always settled a chill into my bones
that doesn't lift till spring.
he melted the frost
and kept me warm all winter.
but then summer came
and the chill left on its own.
the season brought its own sunshine,
and i lost his in the glare.
i'm sure he'll be back next winter,
a candleflame against the chill,
but for now i am warm
on my own.
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