Vocal Tod
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vocaltod · 1 year ago
CVAP WEEK 4: Voice outside the Industry
Hi everyone! Vocal Tod here with our final blog for our training here in Certified Voice Artist Program! It's a wonderful experience to have and to join but this week, is a bit short since it's more focused on the protecting and using the armor that we have (Voices and Equipment) and for the afternoon session, we had on point critics from the professional voice artists!
During the morning, we discussed about how we can make use of the equipment that we have for our voice acting career. We were told to make and let other people hear your voice by making a voice demo reel and presenting to the company that you are trying to join! We were also taught about how we can protect ourselves from the scammers so this last week sure is still helpful and informative even if there are no assignments or activities to do during the session.
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vocaltod · 1 year ago
CVAP WEEK 3: Narration and proper care
Hi everyone! Vocal Tod here writing this blog! We are now onto Week 3! Almost done with the whole training of CVAP ! We are here to discuss about the events and happenings during our week 3 session!
One of the fun week actually!
During the morning session we get to learn how to take care of our voices with the proper care. With the help of the guest for the session, we actually thought it was a live presentation but it was actually a recorded session. Everyone got confused as we thought it was real. It was funny but eventually we realized it was recorded. From there the session continues with talking about proper care. Since I am sick, it did helped me take care of my voice as well (I had coughs most of the time)
With the afternoon session, it was also fun since we get to experience narrating live. Participated most of the time since it was also fun to narrate with a live feedback from the mentors and the guest speaker for the presentation. In summary, week 3 has been fun and exciting experience since we get to try our voices with different types of deliverance and the speed of out voice!
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vocaltod · 1 year ago
CVAP WEEK 2: Know your weapon (Equipment)
Hi everyone, Welcome to Vocal Tod! Apologies to a very late posts about my experiences with CVAP Journey! (Been busy and Sick)
So what are my experiences with my CVAP Week 2? During Week 2 CVAP training, we had discussed about the equipment that we could use for our voice acting career. During the morning discussions, the guest speakers, Sir Navi discussed about different types of mic and their functions, a basic tour with sir Navi inside the studio of CVAP and suggestions of how to have a simple set up.
During the afternoon session we discussed the icon for ourselves in the world of voice acting. We discussed how to have our niche, different range of our voices, pitches, and more that could add more character to our voices.
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vocaltod · 1 year ago
CVAP Week 1: Take the chance
Hi everyone! Vocal Tod here with our very first Blog post about my experience under the training of CVAP (Certified Voice Acting Program) First of all, I won't be diving into much details about what I learned or rather the things that have been discussed during the presentation, but I will share my experiences with it. During my first week in CVAP, It was very exciting especially if you really want to use your voice as something for entertainment or voicing out to people who needs to be heard. I learned that joining in CVAP, It's not just about voice acting or voice over, It's about letting your voice be heard.
There are a lot of quotes that I have learned such as "Never start voice acting to make money, start to make a difference, promote it as an art, and creative positive social change". Meaning, you should not view money as primary goals in voice acting, but rather voicing out and letting people hear your voice by promoting voice acting as a figure of art.
Now that we were introduced to that wonderful Pochology as they say, you might be wondering, where do we really start? I'd say, whenever there's an opportunity for you to use your voice talent, grab it but yes, there will be doubts with our capabilities. Another Pochology that I grabbed is "The best time to believe in yourself is when no one believes in you" and with that, you should always believe in what you can do.
There's a lot more to cover in my first week but to keep the story short, I learned a lot during my first week in CVAP. Still excited for the next week's activities and lectures! Like one of our mentor said "Do what you love, love what you do." This is Vocal Tod, and I'll see you on my next blog post! - Marcus Tayas, CVAP Batch 23'
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vocaltod · 1 year ago
Vocal Tod
Welcome to Vocal Tod! I am a 21 year old Voice Artist from the Philippines, who would like to entertain people with the use of my voice! May it be through voice acting, voice over or motivating audios!
About Vocal Tod: I created Vocal Tod to represent who I am and what I want to do. I want to be vocal to the public with the use of my voice acting talent, to ensure that I am able to entertain everyone who watch or hear my voice. I chose Tod because of two reasons. First reason is because Fox has been my online animal persona and it already grew in me ever since. Second reason is, like a Fox, I may be shy most of the time but I get too jolly whenever I see everyone happy with the things that I do!
" Care to join me for some fun and joyful ride? "
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