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vldmoonsoo · 4 years ago
joonbin’s face broke out into a genuine smile and he couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “only a little bit,” he defended. “i probably know more than most of you think i do.” which was true. not because he was nosy or invasive, but just because he caught snippets of conversations as he passed through a room or was able to know what mood a member was in just by the air around them. that being said, moonsoo had a tendency to disappear more than the others.
when his dongsaeng mentioned getting food, he reached for his phone and turned it on. he squinted against the bright light, and then because without his glasses it was getting exceedingly hard to read lately. “that sounds great honestly,” he consented. “let’s get chicken. please. i’ve been wanting it since we got here but i haven’t had the time. i’ll pay.” his already empty wallet was cursing at him from the dresser, but food was always money well spent. he’d always pay for his younger members.
at the leader’s bright smile, moonsoo couldn’t help but give one of his own — no matter the situation, some people’s emotions definitely rubbed off on him, and joonbin was definitely one of those people. “oh yeah? prove it.” he challenged mostly as a joke knowing that the other could at least pull out one thing from his schedule, even if it wasn’t overly specific.
the thought of chicken had moonsoo’s mouth watering, realizing he hadn’t eaten much all day. surviving on ramen alone was starting to get really annoying. “chicken is good.” he confirmed with a nod, moving even closer to joonbin to look at his phone screen. “i don’t mind paying, hyung.” though he wouldn’t press, he never minded paying for meals — coming from money meant his bank account was never low enough that he had to worry about paying for such things, and he knew it wasn’t a privilege everyone in twentytwenty had. “we’ve all been really annoying recently, consider it an apology or something.” he shrugged, letting his head rest on the other’s shoulder.
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vldmoonsoo · 4 years ago
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official2020  wish my luck <3 #moonsoo
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
that admission was surprising – usually, moonsoo came over, and they ended up either going through seungyong’s newest work or messing around on a new file, mostly things that would never see the light of day but that we fun to create anyway. it was good practice; there were approaches they took that were fundamentally different, and it forced seungyong to push both himself as a person and his perspective.
the notebook looked like it was still in one piece mostly because moonsoo was willing it to, and like nothing in it could be salvaged at all, even if it might be possible to make out some of the lyrics. seungyong didn’t reach for it – he was particular about his notebooks himself, and didn’t want outsiders seeing his unfinished work – but he held his hand out anyway, with very little expectation that it’d be handed over to him. “yeah, i get where you’re coming from.” he couldn’t relate, but seungyong could imagine what that was like, having the work of months destroyed as if it was nothing. “we can see what we can pull from your brain first, and then if there’s anything we can make out in there? there’s got to be some ink that isn’t completely unreadable.”
it felt strange, having come to seungyong’s studio with an actual plan. the particle member had been essential in moonsoo’s slow progress in learning about making his own music, but it was mostly just for fun — this felt like something important, something he had to get done before it was completely ruined. the sense of urgency wasn’t something he was used to but, with his things had been going on recently, he couldn’t help but cling to the one thing he seemed to be able to control.
though he trusted seungyong, it didn’t feel right to hand over the notebook — the only person to ever glance at the now ruined pages had been twentytwenty’s leader, and that was only because they shared a room. still, if he wanted seungyong’s help, he had to actually have him know what they were working on. reluctantly, he placed the fragile notebook in the other’s hands before sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms. “i’ve got a few melodies that i remember but some of them are, like... i don’t know, really vague? i don’t know how much is actually salvageable, but i thought if anyone can give it a go, it’d be you.”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
If you had even breathed in Han Minkyu’s direction in the last month, you would have been aware that his mood was
 Less than pleasant. Not that he was the most cheerful of the bunch of thirteen members on a good day, but the situation with the dorms had particularly heightened his sour mood. He couldn’t sleep in his own bed, he couldn’t practice the way he wanted to, his father’s watch was ruined, and most recently he’d witnessed his leader participate in a physical altercation and smile about it. It was safe to say he was a little on edge.
The comments that usually left Minkyu’s lips, directed at Moonie, were on autopilot. It was kind of their thing. Hearing harsh words be exchanged between the two of them was normal, because deep down if they had to, the two twentytwenty members would move heaven and earth for one another if they really needed it. It was the bickering of siblings, that’s all.
However, with Minkyu’s particular brand of moodiness he’d been carrying with them for the past few weeks, his group mate’s comment hit him in a way that could only be construed as I want to pick a fight. Which, unfortunately for Moonie, Kyuu was ready to have. Rolling his eyes, he walked up to where Moonie was bent over, using his hip to shove him to the side and away from the cutlery drawer. “Move. You don’t own the kitchen.” 
The sound of him rummaging through the drawer for a spoon and chopsticks was loud, obviously making noise to emphasise his bad mood. There were about twenty meals in their fridge gifted from various Atlas artists, and Minkyu was finally going to help himself to some.
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the atmosphere in the borrowed atlas records dorm was less than stellar, each of the thirteen members seemingly doing their best to keep it together in front of the rest of the team but, with time, cracks were slowly coming to the surface. from an outside perspective, the group was soaring but from the inside, it seemed more like they were freefalling — luckily for the group as a whole, it didn’t seem like summit had caught on yet, which meant they couldn’t have fallen that deep yet.
still, that thought did nothing to comfort moonsoo, who went from upset to angry in seemingly three seconds flat, a testament to how bad his insomnia had been recently. minkyu’s harsh tone and loud rummaging dug at the vocalist’s nerves even more than it usually would, clutching the counter even harder than he was a second ago.
“you don’t own the kitchen either, asshole.” he muttered just loud enough for the dancer to hear, knowing that that was what he wanted. if minkyu wanted a fight, he would get one — fighting with the other was easy and familiar, something he felt like he could actually control.
standing up straight, moonsoo turned to face the other, a mix of rage and exhastion in his eyes. “do you ever think about anyone but yourself? does it ever occur to you that the universe doesn’t revolve aroun han fucking minkyu?” he spit the words out with more bite than necessary, frustration from everything that had been happening recently bubbling to the surface. much like any other time they fought, kyuu was an irritant, but never the actual source of moonie’s anger.
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
gyumin lets himself grin for a few seconds, untampered and giddy, and then lets the smile fade from his face. he’s brimming with happiness, and it feels like if he doesn’t keep himself in check, it’ll start to spill over at the edges. one date isn’t a big deal after all, even if it might feel like it is. but moonsoo’s response makes him feel warm and happy in spite of how cool jeju’s evenings tend to get.
“ but what about you ? ” he nudges one of moonsoo’s shoulders with his own. there’s still a smile in his voice, but this one is gleeful, designed to tease moonsoo. “ you can’t tell me that the only thing that happened to you over the last few days was that you realized it was hot and that you need a haircut. it’s been a few days since we got here already, and i refuse to believe that you spent every hour of it just thinking about the heat and your hair. ”
seeing the younger member so excited and happy only brought a smile to moonsoo’s face — if anyone deserved to feel that kind of happiness, it was gyumin. being an idol, he knew that a lot of things people their own ages did were almost impossible for them so for gyumin to have found someone who made him happy, even if it was just one date — well, moonsoo couldn’t help but match his excitement. 
at the maknae’s gentle teasing, moonie couldn’t help but roll his eyes with a smile. it was true that more than what he’d let on had happened but, as always, he was hard-pressed to give out more information than that. “you can refuse to believe it all you want, that’s all that happened.” he shrugged, pushing his hair out of his face. “i’ve been taking it easy — why is it so hard to believe that nothing happened? i’m not an exciting person.” he countered, smiling as he poked gyumin’s shoulder with his finger.
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
“i think you’d be surprised,” joonbin defended lightly. but, out of almost everybody in the group, moonsoo was the most difficult to keep up with. he really did his best to know peoples’ schedules, even if the didn’t know exactly where or with whom those schedules were happening. he didn’t need to know the details, he just felt better knowing what everybody was doing.
“they’re just things,” he proceeded to reassure him with a slight shrug, choosing to ignore the destruction of the picture that wasn’t just a thing to him. no point in letting moonie know he wasn’t handling that well. he could fake it for a conversation. “i think the best thing will just be jumping in again. things will add up once you get going. it really fucking sucks, but once you can focus your mind on something i think it’ll get better.” 
joon sighs a little and nods in agreement with moonie’s last comment, pressing his fingertips into his closed eyelids to slightly ease the headache that had been lingering in his skull since they’d gotten back from jeju. “yeah. i agree. this really hasn’t been ideal. i think we can all use some air and some space. anything else you want to do while we’re out?”
“i think you’re talking out of your ass.” he countered with a slight smile, knowing that unless he was passed out on their dorm’s couch, he was probably one of the hardest twentytwenty members to find, after the leader himself. he never did it on purpose but, with his ever-changing schedule, sometimes he could forget to let joonbin know where he was.
humming at joonbin’s words, he tried to let the sentiment sink in, even if they didn’t feel like just things. there was no point in whining and complaining — the situation was already over, the group as a whole having to deal with the aftermath of everything they’d lost. “yeah, i know you’re right.” he stared up at the ceiling, doing his best to let the leader’s words sink in but, right now, they just didn’t seem to want to.
“let’s get something to eat.” he offered, returning his attention to joonbin. though he last little bit had felt anything but normal, getting a meal with one of his members was something that would at least give him some semblance of normalcy he was craving. “i don’t even care what. let’s just get something.”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
a long whine precedes his reply, of course. it had only been a few hours, and mars had found his people many times over, already. their compliments had been rather empty (’you’re handsome’, ‘you’re so tall’, ‘look at your giant hands!’), but they still filled his ears with warmth. frankly, he’d become pretty good at consuming fruitless flattery like honey under the influence. a childishly-optimistic drunk, if you will. 
“moonsoo bak.” a thick, theatrical american accent dictates the name, an arm lingering around moonsoo’s shoulders in hesitation. well, he’s committed now; there was no going back. “you’ve hardly danced at all. and i know for a fact you’ve got a stellar jive.” his eye contact doesn’t waver whatsoever, and impressive feat for someone who was endlessly clumsy when he was sober.
briskly, as though it were damage control, he calls for two tequila shots over the bar and puts down a stray couple of bills he may or may not have picked up from the floor. mars refused to leave without seeing moonsoo have fun, if only because he’d feel absolutely awful the next day having ruined a fellow hermit’s night out.
“this one’s on me. and don’t laugh.” there’s enough conscience within him to acknowledge how laughable the offer was, as it was a pretty empty promise compared to the heavy bill weighing on the older boy’s card currently (mars would pay it back, probably, sometime soon.) nonetheless, it was a peace offering.
“one shot, one kill !”
the first few times moonsoo had made his way to clubs like the one they were at now, he’d looked exactly like mars — drunk on both the alcohol that seemed to never stopped flowing and the attention he got from people so pretty they didn’t look real. it was fun and easy to get lost in this kind of scene but it lost its novelty rather quickly, no longer feeling like he needed to be the center of attention to have a good time.
hearing his name flow out of mars’ mouth only brought a warm smile to the vocalist’s face as he watched the younger member, doing his best not to laugh at his words. “i’m not a dancer.” he supplied as an answer, shrugging and looking around. of course, he could be when the time was right but, tonight, he was more focused on the other twentytwenty member than himself, not really caring about what he’d usually do if he had come here alone.
mars’ instruction to not laugh was ignored, a soft chuckle passing through his lips as he watched the other order shots for the both of them. moonsoo had the inkling that the other would regret this in the morning but, as long as he was enjoying himself, the elder would let him enjoy himself for the time being. “you’re ridiculous, mars.”
still, that didn’t stop him from picking up and knocking back the shot in record time, clearly something he was more than okay at. though the tequila burned in its way down, moonsoo simply placed the shot glass back on the counter before returning his attention to the younger member in front of him.
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
it’s alright likely meant it was anything but, but that would be not as much related to the accommodations and more to the circumstances surrounding it. seungyong knew that he himself never would’ve been able to relax in another company’s dorms, when he’d disliked their own strongly enough already, and he didn’t envy any of the idols and trainees forced to relocate. it sounded like a nightmare.
“yeah, i can imagine.” he grimaced at that thought; he didn’t spend as much time in practice rooms as they used to, but the thought of having to vacate for trainees was grating in itself. “i got up to let you in, so what, two minutes?” he knew that wasn’t what moonsoo meant, but he couldn’t help but give the younger man a smile. before that had been too long, but he wasn’t about to admit that; it wasn’t like he could stop himself once he truly got caught up in something. to avoid further questioning, he took a sip of the drink, and then turned the conversation around. “was there something you wanted to work on?”
being stuck at atlas records was really only the cherry on top of moonsoo’s problems at the moment but, again, the thought of whining to the senior idol only made him feel childish and it didn’t feel like possibly getting a lecture today so, instead, he rolled his eyes at seungyong’s words, knowing he’d likely been sitting at his desk for hours on end.
“actually, there was.” unlike other times he’d come to seungyong’s studio simply to bother him and kill some time, he’d shown up today with at least some kind of purpose. setting down the box of treats he’d picked for himself, he riffled through his bag and pulled out a completely ruined notebook — one of many that needed to be thrown away but he just hadn’t had the heart to do yet. “the flooding ruined it. i’d been working on stuff for a while and it’s all going in the trash now.” he explained quietly, not meeting the other’s eye as he messed with the corners of the waterlogged book. “i still remember some of what’s in here, but most of it is just... gone. i don’t know, i just don’t want to throw it away before at least getting something out of it, you know?”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
most of the time, moonsoo was very good about separating his personal life and his professional one — if something was going wrong on one side, he could easily switch his focus to the other, letting himself forget about issues he had to deal with for a time. the only problem was, when both sides were starting to implode, it left the singer feeling a sort of vulnerability he wasn’t used to, one he didn’t like the idea of sharing with the rest of the members of twentytwenty.
with his usual comforts out of reach, it was becoming obvious that the idol was spiraling — the chocolate shoot had (to him) been a disaster, his younger brother wasn’t doing well and somehow that had become his problem and, to  top it all of, there was the ‘lovely’ situation that he still refused to deal with — it was a lot.
still being away from their dorms had somehow only worsened his insomnia, leaving the twenty two year old feeling exhausted on top of everything and, really, it was a surprise that none of kyuu’s passing comments had gotten to him beforehand. though moonie was just as guilty of the passing comments, he just couldn’t do it today.
“fuck off, minkyu.” his voice was low, emotion thick in his voice as he stood in the borrowed kitchen, letting his knees bend and leaning his head against the cool linoleum of the counter. closing his eyes, he took a breath — he would not cry in front of han minkyu. “just — don’t. please.” ( @minkyuvld​ )
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
he hesitates for a second as he selects his next words 
 but if there’s anyone in twentytwenty he trusts with all of his secrets, it’s moonsoo. “ — i went on a date. ” a smile spreads across his face in the same sticky-sweet way that honey might flow from a jar: slowly, and then all at once. he shakes his head once and then buries his head in his hands, careful to make the movement small enough as to not send moonsoo careening from where he’s leaned against him. an embarrassed, keening noise escaping his lips, albeit muffled.
it suits him, the saccharine. 
there’s something magic in the act of sharing a secret for the first time, something akin to using the first page in a brand new notebook or taking the first bite of an apple, and it blooms in his chest when he finally looks up at moonsoo. “ i’ve 
 liked her for a long time. so 
 it was nice. ” they both know that first dates for gyumin are 
 rare, and that first dates rarely turn into second dates or third dates. after this pattern had repeated itself a number of times, gyumin’d found that it’d be better to keep things like these to himself. but moonie 
 is moonie. “ i want to keep seeing her, if i can help it. ”
though the words surprised moonsoo, he does his best not to let it show — he can immediately tell that the information he’s being given isn’t general knowledge and that gyumin most probably hadn’t told anyone else yet, which brought a fond smile to his face. the maknae (along with mars) had truly taken a spot in moonsoo’s heart, both turning into people he was proud to call his younger brothers. he was glad gyumin was comfortable enough to tell him about his secret, hopefully knowing that the vocal unit leader wouldn’t go around running his mouth.
“you’ll keep seeing her, i’m sure of it.” he laughed softly at the sound gyumin made, reaching forward to brush hair out of the younger’s face. gyumin’s dating history was no secret to him but he still hoped for the best — if the younger member really liked this person, he could only hope they liked him back just as much. if it would help, moonsoo would happily sing praises for the maknae for at least an hour straight. “i’m glad it was nice, though. i’m happy for you, gyu.”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
          — oh, one more thing.
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if moonsoo was a stickler for time, his mother was ten times worse. one thing he remembers vividly about his childhood was that if his mother said something was at a certain time, you could bet she didn’t mean a minute later than that. it was part of the reason why moonsoo had grown so punctual as an adult, easily irked when people were even just a few minutes late.
this explained why, once every two weeks at seven thirty on the dot, the idol could be found sitting on his bed with his phone in hand. his mother’s calls never lasted long, but he knew there would be hell to pay if he didn’t answer. even in the midst of a flood, he knew his mother would call at the exact same time, expecting her third son to answer.
“omma —” he barely managed to get a word in after the phone rang, the woman already having decided the agenda for the evening. where some parents would ask if their child was eating well or resting properly, bak jieun often only worried about her sons’ careers. she’d spent their entire childhood preparing them for this life, so of course she didn’t want to see them fail.
the usual grilling from his mother went on like it always did, her pointing out faults in everything from his dancing to his singing to his leadership of the vocal unit of twentytwenty. like clockwork, she finished her little spiel with the same words — “i’m only saying this because i worry about you.”
moonsoo never doubted his mother’s love for him, nor if her concern was genuine but, with everything going on, the words weighed heavy on the twenty two year old’s conscience. he didn’t dare tell her about the notebooks lost and the pain that brought him, knowing she would dismiss it as childish writings that could’ve never become hits anyway. he also assumed she wouldn’t care much — even without having told her himself, he knew his mother knew about the flooding at summit before it had gotten out to the press and if she hadn’t cared to ask, it wasn’t worth bringing up.
fifteen minutes on the dot after the phone had rang, he expected his mother to give her usual rushed goodbyes to call another one of her sons. it’s how the routine had been for years, calls never extended unless absolutely necessary.
“oh, one more thing —”
the words caught moonsoo off guard, especially with the sudden soft tone his mother used. it was the tone she used a lot when her children were younger, one he hadn’t heard in many years.
“lovely passed away a few days ago. i know you loved her dearly, son. i —”
blood rushed to moonsoo’s ears all at once, drowning out the sound of his mother’s voice. lovely had been his cat, the one thing he hadn’t had to share or fight over with his siblings. she had been his best friend, the only one to keep him company during the night when sleep wouldn’t take him. and now she was gone.
“omma, i have to go. love you.” he knew it was rude, hanging up on his mother without letting her respond, and he was sure to hear about it later, but he didn’t care. lovely. his baby.  
letting the phone rest on the bed lent to him by atlas, moonsoo found himself getting to his feet, grabbing a sweater that didn’t belong to him and heading for the door before any of the other twentytwenty members could ask him where he was going. he didn’t know where he was going, mind foggy and preoccupied. he didn’t get far, the cold air of the evening seemingly hitting him like a ton of bricks with his first step outside.
and he cried.
cried for his lovely.
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
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     official2020  PS i miss you!!!! #moonsoo
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
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with @vldmoonsoo
bass thrums through his veins, a lightness in his feet and lifting weight in his head. the cool glass in his hands has now acclimatised to his body temperature, warm for once as people push past him in hordes. for once, his arms were exposed, and he could feel the varying bare and covered arms that squished by him. it was almost an overwhelming sensation. somehow, it provides some necessary gravity. 
the club mars had volunteered to join moonsoo at was a beautiful one. no expense was spared on the decorations, all just out of reach from potential drunken tyrades. he’s sure it wasn’t to avoid theft, given the hefty price one had to pay for entry (not even mentioning the scowl he watched the bouncer greet those in the line before him, demanding they leave almost immediately). 
“moonsoo, moonsoo~” a drawl accompanied his whiny tone as he wraps an arm around the older boy sloppily. a tiny grin flickers on his cheeks and he hears the other sigh. “this is my fifth drink and i feel
” comfortable. it was something he’d been chasing for a while, ever since he’d been starstruck with the realisation about he who shall not be named and everything started sitting less naturally on his conscience. and yet, alcohol had a sole ability to wash that away.  
“hyung,” he hiccups, “i feel great !”
loud clubs like this one had been a comfort for quite some time for moonsoo, being able to shed his idol skin and just be for a few hours, people often too inebriated to even recognize his face. a few times, he’d been at that level as well but that wasn’t why he came here, simply enjoying how the loud bass of the music forced out any sort of negative thought from his head. 
when mars had asked to follow along, moonsoo had hesitated — this was his comfort, not one he was keen on sharing with others but the younger member had been hard to say no to so, in the end, he’d let the other tag along as long as he behaved himself. naturally, that thought was out the window almost as soon as moonsoo put down his credit card for their tab, telling the younger to enjoy himself.
only two drinks in, the vocal unit leader was far from intoxicated — maybe a little tipsy, but still very much coherent. mars, on the other hand, seemed a lot further gone than his senior. “mars.” he couldn’t help but chuckle at the other’s antics, wrapping a steadying arm around him to keep him close. “you won’t be feeling so great tomorrow.” the smile was still on his face as he eyed mars’ drink. “maybe we should go soon, yeah?”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
“mmm. that’s true. i forgot. but that was in the time before i was in charge of keeping track of you so i think i noticed it less,” joonbin agreed thoughtfully, keeping his voice low. “they weren’t great. pretty much like these. i can’t believe i spent so many years on them without hurting my back with all the dancing we had to do.”
he felt moonsoo stiffen next to him when he brought up the bookstore, and while he felt a little bad for maybe touching on a sensitive subject, he knew it was something he, that everybody in twentytwenty, had to come to terms with. they had to start moving forward. “i lost all of my books except a couple,” he said, referring to the piles of books he’d had stacked against the far wall of their room on the ground. “and my laptop which
 really sucks. i’m going to have to save up for a while to get a new one. but i figured buying myself a new book to start collecting again wouldn’t set me back too much.” he sighed a little and let his eyes fall shut. the worst thing he’d lost, the picture of his sister, moonie didn’t know about. but it was the singular thing that twisted bitterness in his chest. that wasn’t his dongsaeng’s problem. “is there anything else you need to shop for? while we’re out?”
“you say that like you can actually keep track of me now.” he rolled his eyes, teasing the leader softly. he really didn’t remember much from their trainee days, especially not how the mattresses felt — though he’d probably thrown a fuss about it at some point, it seemed like such a nonissue years later, like a lot of things he’d complained about as a trainee.
he knew he wasn’t the only one to lose things in the flooding — as much was obvious from spending more than five minutes with kyuu, and joonbin’s words confirmed it as well — but that didn’t stop the mess of emotions sitting heavy on his chest. he’d have to get over it eventually, having no choice to move on and start fresh but he was allowing himself to be bitter for at least a little longer, until he became tired of listening to his own thoughts. “i’m sorry about your books. and your laptop.” sharing a room with the leader meant he knew were most things were in their shared space, and what books had most likely been lost. maybe he’d even buy a replacement or two in hopes of getting the other to smile. “all the notebooks under my bed are pretty much gone so i guess i’ll get a couple of those, just to have something to write in.” he shrugged, hoping the new notebooks would give him the same joy the old ones had. “it’ll be nice, to be away from atlas for a minute.”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
“I’m very sorry about what happened, I imagine staying at another company’s dorm isn’t that comfortable. I would take all of you to my apartment if I were allowed.” She was completely sure they all would fit if they moved some furniture around, but of course, that wasn’t possible and she hadn’t even suggested it. After all, it wasn’t her decision. She just worried a lot, but that was her default mood.
She held the door open for him to walk out and made her way to the nearest bench, placing the food on it and her bag on the ground. “If you ever need a break, you’re always welcome at my place. I might not be the best company around right now, but I offer homemade meals and any movie you want to watch.” Not seeing her members as often was taking the best of her, and seeing Summit so empty wasn’t really helping.
As she pulled the food out of the bag, she realized how hungry she was. It hadn’t been her intention to skip a meal, it just happened. She supposed she had so many things in mind that she didn’t even know what time was it. “Have you been well? I have to say that I miss our early breakfasts, it was one of my favorite parts while recording.”
moonsoo knew immediately that saeun’s words were genuine, that she would absolutely take in the thirteen members of twentytwenty in a heartbeat if she could. the thought made him smile, even if he knew that all of them squeezes together in her apartment would be far from ideal, it was the thought that counted. “it’s not, but it’s not permanent. i think we just keep reminding each other of that pretty much daily.”
making his way to the bench, he sat next to her and placed the drinks between them, proud of himself for doing something nice for saeun. “i appreciate that, thank you. i think you’re good company always, noona.” he smiled at her, knowing that he wasn’t the best company to have around either right now. still, he might consider taking her up on her offer at some point, even if it’s just for a few hours.
“our breakfasts were nice, i miss them too.” it had made his days slightly less unbearable, looking forward to seeing the woman in the early hours of the morning. “i’ve been... alright. holding it together, i guess.” he shrugged, opening his drink and taking a sip. “what about you? i feel like i never see you anymore.”
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vldmoonsoo · 5 years ago
it was that part of the day when evening turned into night, but it wasn’t like seungyong would notice from the space inside his studio. he wasn’t getting an awful lot done, lately – his inspiration was low, and so was his drive, with his album just recently released and his mood haven taken a downturn sometime around the camping trip. that didn’t mean that he couldn’t work, though, and he’d taken some time to look through older files and discard those he didn’t like before a glance at the clock had reminded him of moonsoo’s visit, and he’d tossed the trash that had accumulated on his desk.
and now, the younger man was inside his studio, in the desk chair that was usually occupied by a gym bag or a jacket, and seungyong turned to pull open the snack drawer before moonsoo could open his mouth to ask for something. it was the kind of tradition he wouldn’t want to be rid of, even if it meant restocking. “don’t get greedy and eat everything in there, i’ve got groupmates over sometimes.” he rolled his shoulders back, curled his spine, then relaxed back into the chair. “how’s atlas treating you?”
rare were the times that moonsoo showed up to seungyong’s studio empty handed and tonight was no exception, one iced coffee in hand for the senior idol. he’d handed it to the other before sitting down, smile not quite reaching his eyes as he leaned forward to check out the treats that were in the drawer. it reminded him of when he was young, and that was a nice change of thought from where his mind had been spiraling lately. taking out a box of pepero, he leaned back in his chair before shrugging at the other.
“it’s alright.” the truth was he hated being at atlas, but it seemed whiny to admit it to seungyong, so he held his tongue. “i’m not a fan of being able to get kicked out of practice rooms by trainees but it’s not for much longer, so.” he shrugged again, practically ripping open the box in his hands. maybe he was a little more stressed out than usual but, then again, so were most of the summit media groups — so who was he to complain? “how long have you been sitting in that chair, hyung?”
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