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##cenas #ancestry #ancestral #ancestralidade #budha #buda #sundari #nanda #sidartagautama #siddharthagautama #gautama #gautam #familia #bolhas #morte #jardim #mentes #unem #união #unidos #lumbini #kusinagar #maya #mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaysunday #universo #frenteeverso #acimaabaixo #shreembrze #family #krishna Ӝॐ⊕♁☯☧♀🌌🌞⊙🌗🌍🌓
Buda Sidarta Gautama Filósofo, professor e fundador do budismo Data de nascimento: BC 563 Local de nascimento: Lumbini Data da morte: BC 483 lugar da morte: Kusinagar (em Vila Industrial, São Paulo-Sp)
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The flowers are as white as snow, fragrant for ten miles, thick as clouds, overflowing with fragrance, intoxicating beauty. (C r e d i t)
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Fáskrúðsfjörður, Iceland by Jónína Guðrún Óskarsdóttir
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Bright thoughts make up a happy life, like flowers make up a bouquet.
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Canst thou envisage a worlde sans Blaumeise? For I hath traversed such harrowing domains.
Blaumeise (blue tit) im Büsnauer Wiesental, Vaihingen.
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