i entered the void state
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
how do you feel after void? like do you remember your pre void life? does everything feel new or do you feel like you've always had all these things? have you tried time travelling?
please read this answer for your questions and no i have not tried time travelling and don't plan to, but i may want to in the future since it may be cool to relive some memories once i start travelling and stuff :)
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
after having this blog for about a week, i can honestly see why so many of you struggle with your manifestations and reaching the void state, this isn't to say it's everyone, but many people seem like they just don't want to? so many of my asks just want things done for them, ask questions that are obvious or in my void state post already, don't want to try a lucid dreaming technique for more than a week, they didn't lucid dream during their nap so they give up, they don't want to meditate for more than 30 minutes et cetera.....
i'm sorry to say but i cannot answer these asks, the only thing that will help some of you at this point is some tough love, i mean come on, your DREAM LIFE is waiting for you to arrive TODAY but you don't want to get there because you get too sleepy to meditate or practice a lucid dreaming technique? so you're messaging me about how you decided to sleep instead? what am i meant to do with that information? you just need to PERSIST
honestly this has really shocked me because i didn't realise that so many people who have been struggling for so long are just not really trying. i know this isn't everyone, i am only talking about a certain group of people of course, but it's still very shocking to me, but it also makes a lot of sense why i see so many success stories say they got to the void by finally just persisting and simplifying it, too many of you complicate the void by trying to find shortcuts and answers that don't even exist instead of just GOING THERE. sorry if this is a bit harsh and i know almost all asks are well intentioned but at the end of the day, i can't want your desired reality for you, if you don't want it that bad, no one can help you
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
I'm going to go into Void and manifest the life I want, but I don't know what kind of life to manifest.I can be a dancer, an actor or an idol?please can you help
only you can decide what kind of life you want ti be living, just think about which one you would realistically want to live out each day :)
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
I m practicing your intention setting method I did 3 days I set intention to wake up by 6am but woke up by 5:55am does that count? After that I set intention that my friend will text me but nothing happened🥲 I also set intentions to wake up in void nothing happened 🥲
yes that counts but please remember there’s a reason i said to do the easy ones first and then the slightly harder ones and only then to move onto even harder ones. setting yourself up to be overwhelmed is only going to cause disappointment and stress! patience is key :)
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
somewhere in the middle of afternoon nap, I was awakened naturally and I just started to take deep breaths and MY BODY STATTED VIBERATED AND MY HEAD WAS SPINNING. I REMAINED CALM BECAUSE I KNEW ALL THESE WERE VOID SYMPTOMS. this is the closest I got to void and i am so proud of myself. I will tap into void sooner and come back with success story.
congratulations! i can’t wait to hear your success story
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
I’m not that anon but who are those bloggers who can help us like seriously I wanna know because there were some bloggers who took money and never helped their followers. Do you know any blogger who can help me?
wdym? well this one for one, and i'm sure searching void state or loa would bring up many more
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vixenvoider · 1 year ago
Is it guaranteed that if you stay still and awake in your bed you will enter the sleep paralysis no matter what?
Because I've been trying the sleep paralysis method for waking up in void but last night I stayed still and awake for like 50 min but nothing happened so i eventually decided to sleep
I am even ready to give it 2 hours but is it guaranteed that staying still and awake will lead you to sleep paralysis?
idk because i never used sleep paralysis to get to the void but when i practiced mediation i would usually try around 3 hours each night and get close around that amount so it’s worth trying
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
Hey! Some people say we can’t manifest the void for others is it true or they just don’t wanna help us?
the void is you so yes you have to do it yourself, but luckily you can get there whenever you want and you already have several bloggers who go above and beyond to help you :)
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
I already have a good intentions, and a good prospective memory, but mild or just put my intention has still not worked, do you think maybe I should try fild and put my intention to wake up without move?
i'm not sure i understand your question but if you want to try that method i think there are apps you can get that you don't need to turn off yourself so when it goes off you can remain still
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
lucid dream "challenge"
this is more experimental and not confirmed but it is easy and aligns with how i lucid dream so i'm thinking some of you might want to try it. sorry if it's already been done, though i don't think it has
set an alarm for every single hour, when the alarm goes off, ask if yourself if you are dreaming and answer yes or no. do this until you get into the habit of asking yourself this question all the time, and feel free to throw in a reality check if you want to.
this is not about changing your mindset or creating confidence, this is just creating a habit. eventually you will start to become more aware in your dream, you will ask yourself if you're dreaming in your dream, and then you can affirm for the void or just have fun doing whatever :)
the reason i recommend trying this is because it's a habit and not a method, you can do this and keep manifesting however else you want in your life in the meantime, it also doesn't take any energy and should be easy to start doing everyday,
if you try it please let me know how it works for you
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
i’m currently talking a break from shifting and trying to get into the void state to work on my mindset and self concept and worth but i really recommend @vixenvoider ‘s intention setting practice. its only been a few days and i already find it easier to set my intentions which i had been struggling with a lot. I don’t know about others but for me my mindset really depends on how i feel about myself so i’ve also been repeating a few affirmations here and there whenever i remember to and i’ve genuinely never felt better about myself in general and it’s made me realise just how easy it is to get into the void state, shift realities and basically anything i’ve ever wanted to do.
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
hii I'm so sorry for sending the "what did u manifest" ask... I just found the answer on your post.. I really apologize...
But one thing rhough- you said you manifested money. How did it actually come in the 3d?like did you just get it out of nowhere or what
as i said in my original post i made a plan that would make sense for how i acquired the money in my country, so i don't want to explain because i don't want to share my country. if you're asking how it technically showed up then it was just in my bank account, no cash or checks or anything.
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
I want to change my face and body dramatically (as if I am a different person), but I don't want other people to know that my appearance has changed (as if I've been that way since birth, and I want my past photos to change automatically). Is it possible to manifest like this in the Void?
yes you just need to revise that that's what you want, make your intention that this would be how it works for you
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
Did you have any practice for manifesting before you go to the void state?
technically i only discovered the law of assumption within the last few months and before that only knew about the law of attraction which i didn't thing was good for me but after learning about loa i realised i have been a pretty strong manifester my whole life. when i was a kid i used to think it was god lol and when i got older i thought i must have some guardian angel or i just had good luck when i needed it but now i realise i was just manifesting my own reality, because i had the mindset of "things will work out in the end" and internally i think i was really telling myself i always believed things would go in my favour so they did. but don't read this and think i had super powers or anything lol it was always really small stuff like once when i got in trouble at school and the teacher said he would call my parents i for some reason just believed he would forget and he really did. just those sorts of things.
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
you don't have to answer this but why do you think there's so much void hate lately?
my personal opinion, probably just because a lot of people find it hard to access? i don’t think people who have reached the void would hate it but tbh i’ve only seen people talk about why they don’t get that people hate the void and not really people actually hating the void. i guess i was never checking those blogs so i can’t really speak on them or their opinions
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
I've been on my void journey for 1 year, I always get very anxious during meditations and lately I see a lot about lucid dreams, so I consider it a sign to enter the void through dreams. I always have very strange but fun dreams, in some of them I feel like I can touch things and I can feel them touching me, but it's never really been 100% lucid. Do you have any tips on this?
try reality checking?
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vixenvoider · 2 years ago
Hey i read your success story so congrats on getting to the void💓💓 Also i saw your intention setting practice and im gonna practice it!! I will update you on that..can i be your 👽 anon if you dont mind?
yes of course you can!
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