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she lights herself on fire just to worship something glittering.
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
“Yo,” spilled out around the space of a Juul tucked neatly in the corner of her mouth, a sharp inhale not unlike a child fishing for the last drop of Berry Blast in a crushed juice carton sending a thin veil of smoke snaking out with her next breath. “So you’re the last person on earth. Wait – no. It’s you and Bill Murray. You’re dying of hunger. Just, like… stomach singing a battle hymn kind of shit, and Bill looks really good. Good like…” She paused, licking her lips with one brow hitched a few inches higher than the other. “Good. Dahmer vibes. Do you eat him? Or do you succumb to starvation out of respect for Ghostbusters?”
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“Huh,” Jade replied, just barely. More like a mumble followed by a contemplative stance into the distance, as if this required a great amount of mental exertion. “Ideally, if I were going to eat a human, I’d rather eat... like, Robert de Niro. God, especially 70s era Robert de Niro. What I wouldn’t give to take a bite of him.” She reached over to pull the juul out of the other’s mouth, inserting it into her own like a USB and exhaling a cloud of vapor smoke. “Gross. You should get the mango ones.” Shifting her legs like a fidgeting child waiting on the bench of a her first softball game, she watched from a distance a group of boys messing around on skateboards, quite as badly as Jade might have been. “Do you think they have mango juul pods?” she asked in a low voice, using the juul as a pointer finger gesturing over to the group. “Is there like an inside thing with the youngins where that’s what they deal now instead of Adderall?”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
“No? Fair enough. I guess I should’ve adopted that philosophy before Daddy Smurf came onto me. Or rather, came on me. But Marlene is a doll. She reminds me of the lady who owned my favorite ice cream place near Revere Beach. Can’t say anything about the threesome, but the other two, almost definitely. She must get bored of selling $1 bottles of flavored vodka to college kids like us. Go for it.” She raised the gun again but missed before he could open his mouth. Thankfully the third attempt hit its mark, the sweet taste counteracting the sharpness of the alcohol. “Third time’s the charm. That’s the good shit. Who’s your next mark?”
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“Yo, what? There are dollar vodka bottles over there?” Jade practically jumped at the idea of it, as if she hadn’t nearly blacked out in high school via $2 wine. That was packaged in paper cartons. “That must be the equivalent to drinking isopropyl alcohol, I bet. I need to pick up some next time.” She spun around like a doll in a music box, clutching the couch as she perched herself on top of the arm rest. “I’ve just about shot everyone in this damn town. Need a... fucking... cowboy hat.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
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Beaming with the same intense happiness, Jo doesn’t mind her touches – foreign fingertips pinched to the tight skin of his cheek, the occasional tug of a stray curl – it’s all welcome. In fact, it’s something he dares to bow into as it’s offered. His tongue is brought back into his mouth well into her commentary, and he quickly signs an offhand reply to her assumption (“no, I don’t have any worms!”), only to soon realize that she might not even understand. Red flag that the Devil’s nectar is locked and loaded, traveling right up to Coordination Central! Hardly embarrassed, more-so sheepish than anything else, he knocks their shoulders together.
Jade’s knee is pat with a light palm, a thank you for her service. It’s then that he comes face-to-face with the fact that: hey, I don’t think I know her name. Lips purse in thought. He searches her eyes for a moment, her lips, her brows, reads her expression. That palm comes to join the other in grasping her own, Smirnoff gun and all, caught within the confines of a hand-holding session gone right. His introspective pause meets its end moments after, like a mysterious woman in a hooded cloak handing off hints to lead his company to her own profound, heroic destiny.
“Sorry, should I start using this?” she asked a bit more slowly, gesturing at the phone in the boy’s hand. Cautious was never a word Jade could use to herself, but for some reason, being in the presence of Jo made her want to be. Calmer even. There would be times in high school where she felt the need to reduce herself, though this was... different. You’re way in over your head, she thought. Maybe she was -- they hadn’t been talking that long. “Your call,” she beamed, looking over to what the boy was typing next. 
She wanted to type more, trying to remember tiny symbols used to make emoticons in her head, though the buzz in brain made her feel too warm and lulled. “Mmm. I love emotional people. My brother always tells I’m really transparent about everything, which is like, really good. At least that’s what mom told me when I was younger. I think Logan... he.. and like other people.. can get angry at me for it, though,” she said, coughing as an excuse to interrupt herself. Of all things, oversharing was most common as Jade drunkenness kept growing, blooming in a way that would devour whoever managed to keep her company. It made her feel guilty sometimes. Noticing the two of their palms clasped together, she squeezed the other’s hand, coupled with a small smile. 
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
Eyebrows promoted (what felt like) ten inches further up her forehead, Zelda blinked at Jade like she’d just been slapped across the face with a large salmon purchased from the market and bundled up in newspaper to keep it fresh. In truth, next to girls like Jade and Alex, Zelda was a ragtag misfit, a puzzle piece you’d have to cram into place with sweat beading up on a wrinkled brow in order to make it fit. They were all exotic, bright splashes of colour seen in a sunset where Zelda was the mottled greens and blues of mould on a maturing cheese rind, as un-extraordinary a girl as a sandwich made with two ends of crust and no butter. Where they thrived in talks of sex and boys, Zelda wilted. It was often, in situations like this, where the group of them would be hanging out and chatting up nonsense, that Zelda would have to fall quiet and pick at a loose thread on her Levi shorts, cheeks heating up as sordid talk got thrown around like it was nothing. In all honesty, as strange and whimsical as Zelda liked to be at the best of times, she still hadn’t mastered the art of acting careless over intimate encounters. Maybe it was something one had to learn, like a numbered set of origami instructions to fold the perfect swan. “No guy’s ever made me a geyser, either,” she admitted, giving as little information on the topic as possible before flouncing into a Donald Trump impression to brush it beneath the carpet. “Sad!” Craning her neck as she remembered the boy lingering at her kneecap like an unwanted member of a Christmas carol service during a family argument on the festive holiday, Zelda edged her leg an inch sideways to avoid the grizzle of his facial hair. He felt like a brillo pad. That or a welcome mat. “Jade! God, I feel… hot,” she confessed, suddenly flapping a hand at her cheeks and marvelling over the way it riled up a breeze against her pink skin. Everything amazed her when she was this high, even basic physics. “I don’t get the Harry Styles hype. I’d rather fuck a centaur. Or a merman with a long beard that goes all the way down to his ankles, one that’s… white. Like god but with scales.”
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“Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Jade chimed in, raising her eyebrows as she grinned at Zelda. Re-lighting the joint, she took another huff with it nestled between her two nimble fingers, resembling Audrey Hepburn on the movie poster for Breakfast at Tiffany’s but with a bit more of an unkempt appearance. There would always come a point in the night where Jade’s wavy hair would be sticking out in different directions, her visage always reflecting that of the zany older sister on 90′s television show. Which, usually, was the kind of look she tended to opt for. Passing the joint back to her companion, she scooted over closer to Zelda, absentmindedly taking a few locks of blonde hair and running her fingers through them to form a braid. “Are you fucking kidding?” she nearly jumped from her seat at the girl’s response, eyes practically bugging out like a cartoon at the near notion that Zelda didn’t find Harry Styles attractive. It was always theatrics with her -- it had always annoyed her brother whenever he had to tell her something she didn’t want to hear. Maybe he doesn’t want to date you because you’re a fucking lunatic, J. Maybe Mom’s mad because you’re really good at breaking her heart. She bit her lip reflexively, suddenly realizing her face in the moment. “Christ. Who are you? What, so you’d fuck Mr. Tumnus from Narnia? Kinky. You know that woman who runs the So Sad Today account on Twitter. She wrote a book about that. Mermen, I mean. I peeped it at Barnes & Noble the other day and it was... a lot to take in. Slimy dick and all. Super weird.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
With hazy eyes the girl watched Jade climb over to him, stifling a laugh at the eagerness of his kisses. “Jesus… he’s ravenous. Probably hasn’t eaten for weeks. Someone get this boy a Nature Valley bar.” As Jade hopped off, Alex put her legs in the boy’s lap, swinging them over, his mouth now red from Alex’s lipstick and Jade’s kisses. “Think he might try to chomp on your bones if we blow him. She’s a girl, JD, not a snack!” She declared, slapping him on the arm, grabbing Jade’s hand and pulling her back onto the couch. He pawed at Alex’s bare legs, running his hands along them as he looked between the two of them. “Um, my room’s right upstairs. I have this awesome Arctic Monkey’s record we could listen to,” he suggested, nearly causing another fit of laughter from Alex. 
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Jade joined in on the laughter, the two girls creating a round of choruses that tilted heads. It was clear how much energy emanated from the two while they were together, a force that would ultimately overwhelm the boy-victim that was practically wrapped around their fingers. “Hopefully it’s not the newest one. Quite frankly, I listened to one song off of it and my boner was immediately put to sleep,” she ranted. “Actually that whole band kind of sucks. Tainted for me ever since an ex insisted playing Mardy Bum while we made breakfast and then wanting to bend me over the fucking stove.” She wanted as the boy’s eyes widened, causing her to howl like a wolf in laughter. “Aww, look at his face, Alex! His brain’s like a movie reel. A free peep show, to be honest.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
Cas perked up at the mention of Smirnoff Ice. “The red white and berry one? Fuck yes!” The next thing he knew, his pale blue shirt had a slightly darker blue stain right near his shoulder, but the mood he was in (and the number of drinks he’d already had) made him laugh it off. “If this is where Daddy Smurf’s cumshot landed, that’s some terrible fucking aim. Hopefully yours is better. In my humble opinion, this is the best Smirnoff flavor. I hate that they only have it during the summer. That’s why I stock up and just keep them in my cabinets so I can have it all year round. Marlene at the liquor store probably thinks I’m an alcoholic. But hit me!”
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Blinking wildly at the boy like the infamous meme, Jade looked up at him as if he’d suddenly grown two extra heads. “Hmm. Bold of you to assume you’d be bound to see my cumshot aim at any time. I don’t fuck at first sight, sir!” she declared, jumping to her feet and pointing a yellow fingernail at Cas’ chest. “Marlene at the liquor store sounds like a doll. She looks like she needs some excitement in her life. Or maybe a re-bleach of her roots. Or a threesome. She always glares at me when I pick up some forties.” Squirting the water gun, the shot of blue liquid coincidentally landed right beneath the boy’s bottom lip before squirting again properly into his mouth. “Whoops. I’m... out of season right now. Haven’t trained in a hot minute.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
“Oh, ew.” Their nose scrunched up, distaste written on their face that the mention of the other movie. Now they definitely weren’t going to watch that movie. The second kiss was much nicer, though, and took their mind off the awful movie. It was over a little too soon, but they weren’t about to say that. “I don’t think they’re gonna have a clean Windex bottle on hand, Jade,” they said, snatching the water gun from them. “But we can go hunt down a bottle of wine or something, that sounds reasonable. And I think your mom overreacted, what did you actually have in the bottle?”
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“Damn. If I emptied it out and still got some kind of poisoning, do you think I could sue the folks who live here?” she frowned as she squirted the water gun mid-air, spewing tiny droplets of blue liquid towards nothing in particular. “Oh, there was actually Windex in the bottle. I was merely threatening to drink from it. I’ve only done it once before. Tastes exactly how you’d assume Windex would taste like.” Skipping towards the kitchen, she snatched a bottle of Sangria right behind a couple who’d abandoned it to make out in front of the counter. “Horny bastards. What will you be left with when the revolution comes?” she nearly spat, unbridled chaos manifesting from the deep swig she took from the lip of the bottle before handing the bottle over to Rory. “God, this definitely came from Rocky’s. It tastes like it was two dollars. Absolutely no taste, the two of you. Just off the shits, I guess.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
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A barrage of sickly sweet alcohol takes him by the hair, guides him around like a puppet. The punch in his cup had enough kick to keep his spirits light, but this is like a steel-toed Doc Marten to the gut, cheeks sucked in as he swallows that Smirnoff down and intends to keep it there. Jade’s hand has his jaw in a vice, dopey smile tinted blue as he shoves his tongue out of his mouth for inspection. Purpling, a syrupy mix of artificial colors paints the flesh. He’s pretty pleased with a lackluster outcome.
The tip of his tongue remains stuck outside his lips, an indicator of the grueling thought process that goes into screwing his head back on straight. Her energy is intoxicating, if not the rush of drunkenness shimmying down his throat.
Throwing her head back in laughter, a twinkly giggled permeated the air as she wiped away a bit of blue from the side of the boy’s mouth. It was her favorite feature maybe, her laugh. It was the one thing about her that was most recognizable, perhaps, at least according to her brother, as if every other part of her personality didn’t exude the energy of turning heads by themselves. “You’re so cute,” she gushed, moving her hand from his jaw to his cheek, pinching ever-so-slightly with the fervor of a grandmother with too much candy in her purse. “You remind me of a cat I rescued once when I was seventeen. He was like this really beautiful tabby cat that followed me home. My parents let me keep him for a week until he ended up shitting in my brother’s backpack. And then we took it to the vet and found out he had worms. You don’t have worms, I assume.” She tried not to focus on Jo’s tongue, though his mouth in general -- how it was open slightly just above her fingertips -- was rather distracting in that moment. She felt the urge to calm... whatever was inside her, down, for once in her life, suddenly wary that she could be perceived as too much. Jade always knew that about herself, her ability to be a liability, though she never particularly cared until rare moments like these. “You seem pretty fine to me,” she replied, snaking another one of his curls around her finger absentmindedly. “Just a few more... squirts and you’ll be the serenity Smurf in no time!”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
Her lipstick smeared after kissing Jade, she leaned back, ruffling the boy’s hair as he sat up, still gazing at the two of them. “Keep it in your pants, young lady. Not very proper of you.” The guy, his breathing heavy now, maybe from the drugs or form the show they had put on, finally opened his mouth. “Shouldn’t I… kiss her now?” He asked, dopey grin crossing his face when he looked down at Jade. “Only if she wants to. Be careful, he has a tongue like Nagini’s,” Alex told the girl in her lap. The straps of her silky, sky blue tank had been falling down steadily. “Nearly just avoided a nip slip catastrophe. JD would have nutted on the spot. I hate it when they finish too fast.”
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“Fucking charity case, I guess,” she responded, flailing herself so that her head was upside down, hair grazing Alex’s legs as she squinted up at the boy. Sizing him up, she could tell he was younger, maybe, freshly recruited into whatever fraternity considering he looked like a rejected Riverdale character. Springing up like a Jack in the Box, she climbed over to his lap, hands snaked around his neck to show that she was in control. It only took seconds for his tongue to be shoved down her throat and his slinging around her slim waist, hands getting dangerously closer. Pulling away, the boy peppered doggy-like kisses to her neck. “Down, boy,” she mumbled, sighing. It felt good – any physically intimacy felt good to her – though the wetness of the boy’s mouth mixed with his musky smell of beer made her suck in a breath as if she’d just swallowed a lemon. “Can’t tell if you’re about to devour me or not. Cannibal mode! This isn’t the movie Raw, you know.” Leaping off of him, she stood up, peering down at both of them. “What’s next? Blowjob in the middle of the party? I bet JD’s a real exhibitionist.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
“What the fuck even is that movie about?” They really had only ever seen clips from it, gifs and screenshots, nothing ever giving them any context. It was always one of those movies they’d heard of but had never seen, some cinephile classic, gave them the same vibes as Pulp Fiction. The kiss was sweet, and the vodka tasted like blue candy, and Rory couldn’t help but grin. “I liked the kiss more than the water gun.”
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“Time travel. Duh,” she emphasized, raising her eyebrows. “Edgelord galore, obviously. Right up there with like, Fight Club. Two movies that straight men love that also include men I’d love to blow!” She leaned in for another kiss, this time deepening it slightly, tasting the familiar blue raspberry of the vodka with the hint of something mintier. Peppermint, maybe? Shaking the water gun, Jade frowned at the blue liquid sloshing, remnants of it indicating a need for a refill. “Damn. Who here’s got wine? Ooh, or a Windex bottle cleaned out. Then I can do that thing where I pretend I’m drinking Windex. Once I nearly did that to get my mother’s attention in high school and she took away my computer for a week. Bit of a cunt move, to be honest, considering I lost my save file of Zoo Tycoon because of it.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
Perched up on the top of a worn leather sofa like a parrot atop a pirate’s shoulder, Zelda had been silently appraising the pit of her punch cup while a boy droned by her kneecap about something unintelligible before Jade pranced into the room, attempting to find Gary Oldman’s face in the red reflection at the bottom. To put it gently, she was at the same stage of high she’d been once when she’d wound up crying over the thought of a friend’s pet hamster accidentally inhaling some of the fumes and forever going cross-eyed. It was a thankful save, that Jade showed up when she did, because she couldn’t, for the life of her, remember what it was the boy was attempting to talk to her about and the anxiety over admitting to it had been eating her alive for what felt like the past century. “Oh… blue,” she commented in delayed reaction, reaching up to sift fingertips over the ebbing stain before she popped a first finger into her mouth, attempting to taste the faint damp it had left on her skin. Failing miserably, she frowned. “False! Ejaculation travels ten miles per hour. Man, oh man. Just not fast enough. That was only seven,” came with a solemn shake of her head as if she had any method of calculating such, before she tucked her hair back from her ear and revealed the joint readily perched behind it. “Boing! Big reveal. Like a penis springing out of a guy’s boxers when he finally pulls the elastic down. Say hello to Sweeney Todd! Oh…” Her face fell, distraught at the mix up of references. “That’s a musical. Don’t know what… Don’t know what I was going for.” Smile perking her features once more, she plucked down the joint between finger and thumb, oblivious to the fact the boy seemed to think he was involved in their conversation still. “Want? Willy Wonka’s finest.”
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“You’re bluuuue, da ba dee da ba daa,” Jade sang, kicking a leg up to the top of the sofa as her elbow supported the weight of her upper body. She looked like a grown child, sitting up right slightly. If it wasn’t for her elbows, she’d probably be upside down, brown hair swinging across the wooden floor as the blood would eventually rush to her head. I wonder if that hurts when you’re dying, she thought. “True. I’d believe it. I’ve seen squirting videos of PornHub dot com. Where does that shit even come from? Is it like, mixed with pee or has no guy gotten me off to the point where I’m nearly shooting liquids out like a fucking geyser?” She chuckled a bit at the looks she got from around the room, watching as a girl near them scooted closer to her friend with eyes rolled. “Prudes everywhere, Legend of Zelda. Prudes!” she half-shouted. Her eyes furrowed with confusion as she took the nearly-done joint from the girl’s hand, inhaling a bit before squirting another shot into her mouth. “What’s Sweeney Todd again? That’s a Tim Burton joint as well, right? I always confused him with Edward Scissorhands. God, imagine you’re about to hook up with a man and then you realize he’s got blades as fingers. Actually... might as well feel the same as Harry Styles fingering you with all those vintage rings on. That’s hot.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
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Jo raises both hands, tripping over his own heels in a premeditated stumble backwards. Yikes! he mouths, cheeks flushing, Solo cup crunched within a tight fist. His stare keeps rocking from eyes to lips, the flash of a confused grin clicking into place as realization takes hold. He’s able to gather a good range of what she’s saying, palms falling to itch at his sternum, to pinch at the stained fabric of his sweater in shaky accommodation. It’s a compliance that comes with the seat he’s all too prepared to take at the farther end of the sofa.
Haphazardly flashing the screen her way, he only reels it back to add and edit his previous quip. The whole ordeal is rushed, seeing as he feels the overwhelming need to keep her attention.
Biting her lip, Jade leaned over to look at the smartphone, brows knitted in confusion before realizing the boy was using it in terms of communication. “Oh! Thought you were about to show me something jarring. Like that Boku anime that people make reaction videos to because it’s just... nevermind. Don’t look that up.” Scooting closer to the boy, her eyes raked over his dark curls and the almost Greek statue-esque shape of his nose, despite his soft atmosphere. “I’ve never actually seen Smurfs. Is there actually one called Horny or are you just naming yourself?” she smirked, tugging at one of his dark curls as it bounced back the second she released it. Leaning against the couch, she reached over softly grip his cheek, his mouth open ajar slightly enough for an open-mouthed kiss, if that kiss, however, was the kind that would high school boys would use to try out the washing machine method in a girl’s mouth. She squirted the watergun three times into his mouth. “Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots!”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
“I’ve literally never seen Donnie Darko in my entire life and now I don’t think I want to,” Rory laughed, shaking their head. “Also, I will have you know, he peaked in Love and Other Drugs, when he got to see Anne Hathaway’s boobs. I don’t think I’ll ever be more jealous of any man in the entire world.” They snorted, and they held their hands up when Jade pointed the water gun at their face. “No, hey! Aim for the mouth, miss thing!” But they couldn’t really stop laughing.
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“What? It’s a good movie. I literally didn’t stop thinking about time travel for like, a week. I was even Frank the creepy bunny for Halloween that year. People always say I look like Jena Malone in it, which enables me to fantasize about making out with Jake Gyllenhaal even more,” she replied. Leaning over without a thought, Jade planted a chaste kiss on Rory’s lips, then pulling back to squirt a shot of Smirnoff into their mouth with one thumb still grazing their chin. She shrugged as if she’d just delivered a nonchalant hug. “You said aim for the mouth! That could mean lots of things. I’m just covering all the bases.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
Closing her mouth and swallowing the blue liquid, Alex grinned widely afterwards, hands reaching down to play with the girl’s dark hair, their companion staring at them with two wide, blinking eyes. “Nah, no interruption. I think his name is JD. Or JP. Probably JP, he doesn’t have Christian Slater’s energy. Think he’s rolling or something, he hasn’t spoken in ten minutes since he tried to finger me in full view of the eyes of Gosh,” Alex told the girl, the guy mumbling “ouch” in annoyance, before grinning at both of them. “What do you think? Me, you, her, in a dirty frat bedroom? I smell romance!” In an impulsive gesture, Alex leaned down to where Jade was sitting, their lips colliding as the girl still sat looking up at her from below. “Think he’s jealous. You got him all riled up. Blue balls are a real struggle, Jade, don’t take it lightly.”
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“Holy shit, JD?” Jade exclaimed, swiveling her body like a snake as her chest rested in Alex’s lap, elbows supporting her upper body as she nearly fell into the boy’s lap. “You ever threaten to bomb a school? You don’t really look like the Columbine type, though. Actually, he kind of reminds me of the football players that shoot each other. ‘I love my dead gay son!’“ She turned her body again, nearly writhing like a fish out of water until she was interrupted with a kiss from Alex. Mouth locking with hers, she tasted blue raspberry between their tongues as one hand was clutched to the girl’s hip, other using her shoulder as a handle. “Ooooh, stop,” she murmured after pulling back. “We can’t give him a free show like this. Fuck, I think I’m hard now.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
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Jade’s dramatics had made some heads turn but for the most part, people went back to minding their own business, busying themselves with their own chaos and dramatics of any college party. Running a hand through his hair, Danny’s nose wrinkled at the idea of drinking something so sweet, shaking his head slowly only to be sprayed with the blue liquid despite his response. A long sigh escaped him before he laughed, reaching up to rub three fingers along the damp fabric of his t-shirt. “Dare me to go streaking. I’ll get arrested somewhere along the way and get a warm blanket to wrap myself in.”
“Okay. I dare you to go streaking,” Jade replied, deadpan. Her eyes stayed fixed on the curve of the boy’s happy trail as he lifted his shirt, a stare that was half unfathomable and half hungry for something... anything. “Though, I feel like you just want an excuse to get naked. Fair enough, Danny Phantom!” She hopped off to the couch and to her feet once again, squirting yet another shot of Smirnoff ice into her mouth. “Fuck, actually? I could go for a skinny-dip. I’ve heard the same Drake song about forty times in the past two hours and no one’s even properly dancing to it. I know this is upstate, but Christ. Toronto is miles away.” Checking her reflection in a mirror accenting the space above the couch, she adjusted one of the piercings in her ear before making eye contact in her companion once again. “Hey, is my tongue blue?” she asked, sticking out her tongue like a serpent. “I want to feel like Jenna in 13 Going On 30. Maybe you can be the naked hockey player with the umbrella over his dick.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
It had all happened a little fast; one second Rory was watching and then the next, their shirt was blue, right there on the shoulder, sticky with vodka. “As long as it wasn’t Papa Smurf, I’m fine.” They grinned, moving their hair over the opposite shoulder to avoid getting even more liquor than already was on it from the first blast. “Please tell me you have better aim than this accident will lead me to believe. Like, you’d never get it in my eye or anything.”
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“Oh my god, what was the Smurf discourse in that one film? Was it... hm,” Jade trailed off in her thoughts for a bit, before her eyes lit up once again. It was like a lightbulb had conjured from thin air above her head the moment she spoke. “Donnie Darko! Jake G in his fucking prime. Just truly... some wank off material for teen me. Oh, wow, TMI. Anyways, I’m wrong, maybe, because I think he goes on a philosophical tangent about how the Smurfs are asexual. ‘What’s the point of living if you don’t have a dick?’ Poetic cinema, honestly.” Tilting her head, she cocked the gun towards Rory’s head, imagining a laser pointer right in between their eyebrows. “Um, I could totally hit you in the eye with this. Or your third eye. I’ve killed men before. You don’t want to test this.”
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vivadalene · 7 years ago
Currently sprawled out upside down on the couch, Alex’s red heeled boots were tapping against the wall as her disposable frat guy of the night tried to kiss her neck, in his high state placing sloppy, limp pecks against her skin. As Jade rocked the couch with her leap, Alex shot up and laughed, brought back into the action of the party by the dark-haired girl’s antics. “Jesus, collateral damage!” Alex declared, looking at the blue liquid that had sprayed onto her hand, licking it off to get a taste. “Yum. Almost tastes like like a glittery vag. Metaphorically, of course.” Her brown eyes drifted down to the stain, letting out another laugh as she examined it. “You’re the icon of the feminist agenda. A proud Smurf slut. Come on, shoot your load,” Alex urged her, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue for the girl to spray the water gun at her.
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“There’s more where that came from,” Jade winked, sprawling herself even further until her head landed on Alex’s lap. Grinning like a child at the disposed boy next to them, she made the gesture of squirting the water gun straight onto Alex’s tongue. “Pew pew! Looks like Chad feels left out,” she commented, nestling her hair into the girl’s thigh as she looked up at the frat guy, whose expression was equal parts dazed and fascinated. “Sorry, did I interrupt something? Woops. All this talk about pussies and cumloads are probably making his hard-on skyrocket into oblivion. Like a lone lil sprout among weeds.” She pinched the boy’s thigh, much to his annoyance. “So cute! His first boner. I can see the threesome in eyes shining like dollar signs.”
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