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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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Technology in 2022 is agile, fast-moving and able to maneuver through any business environment. At the face of the current revolution, you have the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey. They all look to the future in order to find an answer for the present, or better, a solution to a problem we haven’t encountered yet.
Imagining the impossible allows trail blazing entrepreneurs to imagine their world, much as a science fiction writer would. Now, with the advent of the convergence of multiple fields and industries, anything is possible. But, constraints do persist.
Task in hand:
Imagine you are living in a world where these constraints don’t exist. A world where you are able to access all the realms of future technology, art and science in order to meet consumer needs and wants. But, your aim is to solve a current unsolvable issue like - introverts at a social event, stage fright, solution to bring the roof of your mouth from a cup of coffee, nervousness, losing a good memory and trying to remember.
1. Design a product or service that will solve an unsolvable issue.
2. Why does this issue matter to you?
3. Determine the demand of the product
4. STP analysis
5. Unconventional marketing strategies with a timeline
6. Sustainable marketing practices
7. Design of the technology used to make sure that the product lasts longer and does not harm the environment.
Deadline : 7 AM TOMORROW
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
E-Vent-i-Lation (EDxMKT)
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Making art is, annoyingly, only a tiny part of being an artist. Networking to find clients, promoting your art and chasing down payments make up the everyday realities of being a creative professional. 
If you’ve come to the realization that you can’t do it all on your own—or you feel like your art career development has hit a plateau and could use a little professional muscle–you might want to consider hiring an art agent.
An artist agent is any professional who works on behalf of an artist to represent, promote, and sell their work. In many ways, they represent the business interests of the artist, whether by pursuing individual sales, licensing deals, publicity, or opportunities like teaching, events, or commissions for artists.
Not just the academic courses but students across India are learning unique extracurricular activities at home. The online market has extended the demand for such courses. 
The extracurricular market is projected to reach $5.8 billion in India in 2021 and set to rise in the coming years, reveals a study by IIM-Kozhikode students. It also projects the internet-using population to reach about 80 percent of 1.4 billion Indians by 2025 and is estimated to lead to 9.23 percent growth in the extracurricular market. 
Hence, at this rapid pace, artists and their requirements are bound to increase over time. Not just this, this will also give rise to various artist managers and agencies to play a bigger role in this perspective. That would be a stepping stone which would ail the boom of the digital economy.
Task in Hand
You are the Head of Marketing and Strategy and you are supposed to come up with a plan to launch your own Artist Management company. For this, you will have to be a part of the auctions to onboard some artists who will be in a contract with your firm. Post which, you are tasked to devise a strong plan to help them out to help yourself.
You are to make a Report and a PPT, including but not limited to the following:
Executive Summary
Company Details - Vision, Mission, Logo and Artists
Plan of Action
Strategic Plan of the next 2 years - Artist Tours and Agency Branding
Operational Plan
Backward Integration - Event Management
Marketing Campaigns - Artists and Company
Financials - Sources, Allocation, Revenue Model, Pricing Strategy, Break Even Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis
Public Relation - Strategy and Press Release
Introductory Video - Company
Artist Releases Video 
Extra Deliverables
The PPT and the Report has to be submitted by 8:00 PM tomorrow evening. Submissions need to be sent to [email protected].
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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Electronic vehicles have gained popularity after Tesla proves to the world what they are capable of and how they will save the environment. A lot of people have tried and failed bringing in new technologies and one such company is OLA. Their S1 electric scooters created a hype that brought the entire world to its toes only to be disappointed. With poor research and technical errors the scooters started malfunctioning and causing injuries. What once seemed as a dream soon became a nightmare and OLA hasn’t recovered yet. Even after the huge failure of the Electric Scooter, OLA is in talks of buying land to start manufacturing it Electric Cars. The company is aiming to gain 1,000 acres of land for a project of 10,000 crores. The company is highly ambitious with this project and aims to launch it’s first EV in 2024 changing not only the Indian but also the ASEAN market.
Task at Hand:
You are the CEO of OLA and the company has hired you to come up with an extensive plan to launch their new EV making sure that the same mistakes are not made as with the Scooters.
Executive Summary
Come up with a location for setting up the factory of 1,000 acres and justify for choosing the same
Sources of funds for the 10,000 crore project
Phase-wise implementation plan
SWOT analysis
Design of the EV
Convincing Strategies for the Government
Cost Breakdown for the EV
Unconventional Marketing Strategies for the new EV launch
Brand Ambassador for the project
Print Ads
You are required to come up with a presentation of not less than 10 slides.
Extra deliverables make us very happy :)
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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The world of virtual reality is slowly taking over the real one with everything going online, there’s no doubt that soon virtual reality will become THE REALITY. The world of VR helps you see and hear things in real time while being away from reality and this is not enough!! In a recent convention in Sydney, VR (Body Haptic) suits were introduced that would help the user to feel every sensation while playing or experiencing their favorite moments. Creating a virtual world that mimics the real world, but this one has infinite possibilities of choosing their characters, games or simply a location they want to discover. One can befriend people, collect coins and buy in-game items that could be delivered to your doorstep. All this, no matter how far-fetched it sounds, can be possible and change the face of virtual reality forever, making people live actual lives in the virtual world. Oculus VR, the pioneers in the industry have launuched an array of games and are considered to have the best quality headsets as well. With the body suits in picture, they plan on taking their mission to the next level by diversifying their game plan.They plan on making a virtual world, a platform with a plethora of games, characters, quests, coins, upgrades and a lot more. This would surely take the company to a height that no one has ever peaked.
Task at Hand:
You are the CTO of OCULUS and the founders of the company have hired you to create this virtual world, keeping the health, benefits, interests and key games of this world in mind. A lot of games do exist but that is where your world is different. It is not a game but a virtual planet and you are responsible for developing it and coming up with ideas to sustain and market this world.
You are required to:
Executive Summary
Come up with a detailed design to present to the Board for approval including the major attraction sites and revenues of income keeping every income sector in mind.
Detailed implementation plan of unconventional marketing strategies
Convincing strategies for investors
Convincing Strategies for users regarding health risks
Future plans and physical upgrades to make the gaming experience better
STP analysis
PESTLE analysis
A blueprint of the opening portal
Print ads
Design of your VR Gear including the body suit
A recorded PR statement in the form of an interview or a video ad.
You are required to submit a report of not less than 20 pages and a presentation of not less that 12 slides.
DEADLINE- 11:30 am, 25th Sep'22
Extra deliverables are always appreciated!!!
Have a not-so-good night sleep, to be marketeers!!!!
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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The functions of social media have been influenced by changes in the corporate sector to become one of the most important instruments for marketing strategy, particularly in brand health and brand development. Social media is now where consumers go to find useful information from the companies they do business with. They long for social media interactions. When individuals have a favourable social media encounter with a brand, according to 71% of them, they are more inclined to suggest that brand to their friends. When Facebook and other social media platforms first gained popularity, teenagers could interact with pals there. But those young adults are now grownups, and social media is now widely used by people of all ages. In fact, the number of adults using social media has increased from seven to 69 percent in only 10 years. 95 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 34 use social media on a regular basis.
Task at Hand:
You are given a product each for which you have to open a separate profile on Instagram. This task goes on for a number of days, each day having a different theme.
Day 1- Make an Instagram account and market the product with a minimum of 2 normal posts and 1 reel. You also have to come up with a new name for the product assigned.
Late submissions of links won't be entertained :)
Yellow pages - ECO 3 Pager - ECO 6 Walkman - ECO 9 Vinyl record player - ECO 11 CDs - ECO 31 PSP - ECO 37 Apple newton - ECO 38 Encyclopaedias - ECO 42 Phone booth- ECO 49 Landlines- ECO 56 VHS - ECO 67 Blackberry phones - ECO 69
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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ECO 11
ECO 19
ECO 27
ECO 29
ECO 31
ECO 34
ECO 37
ECO 38
ECO 41
ECO 42
ECO 44
ECO 46
ECO 49
ECO 54
ECO 56
ECO 59
ECO 65
ECO 67
ECO 69
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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Shane Issac is the creator of Earth 2. He asserts that product invention, control, and development have given him 20 years of joy. Earth 2 is a scheme that preys on fresh graduates and university students. 
One of the key reasons for Earth 2's rising popularity is the fact that it has such a cheap minimum investment and affiliate marketers. Many influencers, college students, and TikTokers are promoting Earth 2 (Earth2.Io) and pushing their followers to sign up using their affiliate code. In online fundraising and directing systems like Private Label Masters, this is a common occurrence.
Earth 2 has a very aggressive and lucrative affiliate scheme, in which influencers and bloggers may make a lot of money by introducing people to the game. Every Earth 2 client is given a referral code that entitles them to a 5% commission if they suggest a friend. This 5% of coins arises out of nowhere, and there is no mathematical explanation for how the corporation will be able to do so without removing money from other customers.
With the rapid rise and active participation of young minds in learning more about bitcoin, it becomes a market to tap into and strive to gain more followers within their scope.
Consultants, You've been hired by Earth2, which is seeking to take advantage of enthusiastic retail investors who have lost faith in the stock market by offering alternative investment options.
Submit a Report of at least 7 pages and a PPT of not less than 7 slides with the following deliverables -
STP Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Value Proposition of Earth2 with a clear brand manifesto
Strategies to promote Earth2 as an alternative investment platform and to ensure faith of investors
Identify potential brand and operational synergies with the following cryptocurrencies- Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin
Detailed implementation phase-wise plan of action that includes the transition to becoming a completely crypto based network
2 Print Ads
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas...
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A trip to Las Vegas is the one true friendship trip that every teenager dreams of! It's the ideal location for traveling, exploring, unwinding, and relaxing. It is, without a doubt, the spot to be in every season! Las Vegas serves as the ultimate destination for a friend's getaway any time of the year. Enjoy great camaraderie, along with spectacular live entertainment, nonstop action and delicious food – all under one roof! Paradise Travel Agency, Mumbai is a well-known travel agency famous for its hassle free, memorable travel experiences. With 25,000+ trips they have conducted so far, they are known for their ultimate trip to Las Vegas. With Paradise, you get to admire the skyline of Las Vegas from this 550-foot-tall Ferris wheel. Indulge in the gaming, shopping, and dining experiences. Their tour ensures that the tourists absorb the culture of the place in the most authentic way.
TASK AT HAND: You are a sales representative of Paradise Travel Agency. Woxsen School is planning to take the students of grade 11 for their annual school excursion to Las Vegas. Once the trip was officially announced by the school, many parents were against this trip and unwilling to permit their children for this trip. Owing to the backlash from parents, the school is reconsidering the idea of a trip to Las Vegas. As the employee of the month, with exceptional convincing skills, you’re required to convince the school to continue with the execution of the trip and the parents of the children of Woxsen School.
Create an Instagram account with a minimum of 3 posts
Chart the Itinerary
Create a tour package with all the details such as the price, facilities offered, safety measures taken etc.
Create a design for a website for your travel agency ( not a website, only the layout)
Marketing strategies to promote your tour package to the school and students (include minimum one Surrogate Marketing strategy and two more strategies of your choice)
Strategies to persuade the parents to permit their children for the trip.
Make a PPT including the above deliverables of minimum 7 slides
Extras are always appreciated! 🥰
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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· Font: Times New Roman
· Font Size: Body 12, Headings 14 (Bold)
· Alignment: Main headings centre-aligned; Subheadings left-aligned; and body justified.
· Line Spacing: 1.5
· Cover Page, Table of Contents and Page Numbers are necessary.
· Table of contents format: S.NO; Particulars; Page numbers.
· Borders on the pages are required.
· Report must be converted to pdf.
PPT Format –
· Between 5-10 slides for most rounds.
· Heavy use of SmartArt and Charts.
· All your presentations should follow a 7*7 rule, which means no more than 7 words and 7 lines should be present in a particular slide and should be saved &submitted in the same format (ECO00_RoundName).
Print Ad Format –
· A3 format
· Use Canva/ photoshop/ any other professional software you are comfortable with
· Pixels: higher than 1080p
· Logo on the bottom right corner
· Unique hashtag on the bottom left corner
· Convert file to PDF.
· All of them to be posted on your Instagram account.
· Visuals>text is expected.
Submissions Format -
· File Name Format: ECO Number_Task Name_Full Name (eg. ECO 01_Marketing plan Vedanta)
· E-Mail Subject Format: ECO Number_Task Name_Full Name (eg. ECO 01_Marketing Plan_Vedanta)
· All submissions must be sent from your Christ ID only to [email protected]
· Formatting irregularities will lead to negative marking.
Don't worry you'll get the hang of it!
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
Cred ki Credibility
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Advertisements are the backbone of any company. They bring out the creative essence of a marketer channeling all his energy to come up with a 45 second masterpiece which accurately describes the vision, mission and agenda of the company. One such company that has broken the matrix is Cred. Cred, with its exemplary team has succeeded in making advertisements the most engaging yet informative tools of marketing out there! Unfortunately, the advertisements lost their charm as they started being repetitive and in this world of rapid change, nothing is stationary. 
Task at Hand: 
You are the CMO of Cred and are required to come up with a video advertisement promoting the online credit card billing services. You can also work towards creating a new product/service but, remember the company, its values and its story. 
Submit a VIDEO AD (of not more than 30 seconds) and a REPORT that includes:
STP analysis
2. Product Description 
3. Reason for creating the ad
4. Ideal distribution strategy (for the video)
Make sure that the video is creative and matches the standard of the legacy of Cred advertisements. 
(Shoot the video in LANDSCAPE mode only. Remember, if your video is not of high resolution, (preferably 720p or 1080p) your video will not be accepted.)
Extra Deliverables are always appreciated!!!
Good luck
Your Event Heads <3
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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Participants have to choose any product or company and make TWO MEMES out of the chosen thing.
Book my show
Health and glow
Super Mario
Reliance Jio
For your reference, you can use any editing application or software like powerpoint, canva, kapwing etc.
Format to submit- PNG File Name- ECO XX- Name of the member who is submitting
(ECO 80- Yash)
Deadline- Today 6PM
Mail your submissions to [email protected]
Remember you will be marked upon the level of creativity and the fun element you add onto the task given. Late submissions will not be entertained.
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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no overnighter tonight, love y'all
sleep well. enjoy your last night of good rest :)
Your Marketing Event Heads <3
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vistasmkt22 · 2 years ago
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Welcome to the Vista's 2022 Tumblr Page!
This post is just to make sure that every participant is on the same page and so we can all breathe in and absorb all of this craziness together. All of the marketing tasks will be uploaded on this blog, so do make sure you follow this page.
Please reach out to any of us for ANY doubts that you have, trust us when we say this - DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK US FOR ANY DOUBTS, however silly you might think it is. We’ve all been there and done that, trust us!
Remember, you have only one submission to prove yourself, so make it count.
CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY (say this when you wake up in the morning)
Let us see who you really are through your work and beyond all this, have fun. <3
We don't hate you. Yet.
Love Your Marketing Event Heads <3
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