visreallover · 2 years
In Every Timeline
Pairing: Past!Umbrella!Ben x G.N Reader
Summary: No matter the timeline, they will always love him.
CW: Angst (?), semi unrequited love, mentions of death (Umbrella Ben), AU where Umbrella Ben died when he was 26, 
Word Count: 816
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Five was right, this was officially worse than the apocalypse. Well, when is he ever wrong? The thought of skipping the event as a whole came to mind, but then Sloane asked Y/n to be the maid of honor. In the short time of knowing her, they knew how kind the sparrow was. Also, they felt like there was no choice. Sloane lost almost her whole family to the Kugelblitz. Without hesitation, Y/n did it for her but now as they sat in the corner, watching everyone dance, champagne in hand, they decided to leave. Leave them to have fun, but Klaus just refused.
“It’s a party! Lighten up! There could be worse things than Luther dancing.” Klaus said with a heavy sigh, begging them to dance, hell, even just stand on the dance floor.
“Klaus, as much as I love you, I refuse to dance.” Their arms crossed over their f/c outfit, which looked pretty damn good, considering it was the end of the world (again). “Come onnn! We have less than a day to live, don't be boring.” 
Klaus sighed, knowing why they didn’t want to. He walked away, quickly finding Five to annoy, leaving Y/n to their thoughts.
It felt as if they couldn’t do anything fun. Y/n couldn’t even smile now that he was back. Who?
Ben Hargreeves.
Y/n remembered just a few days earlier
The flashing of the suitcase blinded all of the siblings and Y/n. Thankfully, after a few seconds, they could finally see where they were.
They were back in 2019.
Everyone sighed in relief. Klaus was the first to break the silence, “Come onnn!” He tugged on Y/n’s sleeve like an impatient toddler, “We could use a drink!”
They all walked into the living room/bar area, for some reason missing the big, cold, empty mansion.
“Why is there a painting of Ben over the mantle?” Diego asked, obviously concerned.
Y/n’s eyes widened. They haven’t seen a picture like that of him since before the first apocalypse, which was almost 4 years ago. They were stranded in Dallas a year before Klaus, which meant they were alone for the first time in forever.
The only thing that Y/n’s mind was able to process was the fact that their father-in-law was alive and Five’s picture was replaced with a familiar face. Any words spoken by Reginald or any of the siblings went in one ear, and out of the opposite. Until seven words were spoken. Seven words were said from a voice that seemed like only an old memory.
“Dad, who the hell are these assholes?”
Since then, they’ve been avoiding Ben like a plague.Y/n could barely stand in the same room as him, which did leave the boy very confused but they didn’t care.
They couldn’t bear to look them in the eye. They might put up a tough facade, but if they looked at him, they’d crumble in an instant.
How could he do that still after years apart? Was it another secret power he had? It wasn’t even their ben, how could he-
A thump across the table snapped them out of their thoughts. Y/n looked up, about to tell Klaus no, but instead found Ben on the other side, standing while leaning on the table.
Y/n sighed, shaking their head slightly before standing up and leaving him. This only caused Ben to follow. “Why do you hate me?” Ben asked with his unusual snarky tone
Y/n ignored the sparrow as they continued to the bar, getting a drink with Ben right behind them, “I haven’t done anything and you’ve been rude to me!” He spoke once again
“It's a bit hypocritical of you to be mad, don’t you think?”
He looked at them with his normal angry look, “You know, if ‘your’ Ben did something, we aren’t the same. So just tell me what he did.”
Y/n furrowed their eyebrows, “Why do you care so much?”
Ben glanced to the side where Klaus was talking to Lila and Diego and it finally clicked.
Goddamnit Klaus.
“How much did he tell you?” Y/n asked, not looking at him, but their drink suddenly seemed very interesting.
“Not much, just that something between you two happened and then something happened to him.”
Y/n sighed. It was the end of the world, how bad could things go?
“I don’t hate you, I never did,” They sighed, “I think it’s impossible for me to hate you.”
Silence fell over the pair.
“Did you love him?” He asked
“More than anything…” 
They slowly looked up to see him already looking. He said, “As I said before, we aren’t the same. You may have loved me but I’m not him.”  He slowly walked away
They knew that, but after years of missing him, it hurt knowing this wasn’t their Ben.
“Hey Ben,” They called out to him, making him stop, “I was good seeing you again..”
Ben didn’t respond but instead walked away leaving them alone.
No matter what, they vowed on their wedding day to protect, love, and cherish Ben.
Y/n would always love him in every timeline.
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visreallover · 2 years
You're Not A Monster
Pairing: Viktor Hargreeves x G.N. Reader
Summary: Viktor lets his insecurities get the best of him, leaving him to make irrational decisions, but you won’t have any of it. (Based on that one scene in Stranger things with El and Mike)
CW: Angst if you squint, insecure!Viktor, post-apocalypse, Like 1 swear word (let me know if I missed something)
Word Count: 939
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The sound of rain tapped against the window as Y/n sat on the couch, slightly sunken as the couch embraced them, and the warmth of the dying fire. An empty glass of tea sat next to the now room-temperature cup. For the first hour of sitting here, They sat quietly. A book in one hand and the other continuously stroked the back of their cat, Kiara. The sound of her purring wasn’t enough to distract them from their worries.
Viktor was over two hours late.
After the apocalypse mess along with the other Hargreeves, Viktor has seemed distant. There were no longer any calm nights as the couple lied in eachothers arms, no more soft touches, nothing. 
The worry only increased when he began physically pulling away. There always seemed to be a distance between the two whether it was movie nights with the rest of his family or just them. Any meals together held an unknown tense silence. 
Y/n was brought back to reality when the sound of jingling keys tapped against the apartment door. Standing from my comfortable seat on the sofa, Viktor walked through the door, soaked from the rain outside. They could easily tell he was trying to be quiet, in order to not disturb his partner, but once his eyes landed on them, he became noticeably tense.
“Where were you?” Y/n question with both anger and concern in their voice. 
“Why are you awake? It’s almost midnight.” Viktor disregards the question, walking into the kitchen after hanging his jacket on a hanger.
“Exactly. It’s almost midnight! I was worried about you…” The end comes out in a broken whisper.
Silence falls upon us both, neither of them wanting to move.
Looking towards his feet, you notice the small puddle forming from the water. Sighing, Y/n walks to the bathroom, leaving him alone. 
Viktor stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking at his feet as he heard the shuffling of his partner in the other room. He was nervous as tons of questions swarmed his mind.
Are they upset? Did I make a mistake by leaving? Are they mad? What if-
His thoughts were cut off when he felt a soft towel wrap around his shoulders. Looking up in shock, he saw them averting eye contact, but carefully drying their boyfriend. 
“I don’t want you catching a cold.” Y/n muttered, as they pulled him to the couch in front of (what was left of) the fire.
They continue sitting on the couch, sitting next to each other but with a space between them. Y/n watches Viktor as he stares into the small fire, wrapped in a towel.
“Whats wrong..?” 
Viktor looks at Y/n for the first time in days. The sight of his eyes makes Y/n want to cry on spot. The distance became unbearable.
“Nothing’s wrong…” Viktor answers timidly.
“Don’t bullshit me Viktor. I want to be patient, I do but I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.” Y/n begs, desperate for an answer. “If I’ve done something, please tell me. If I said something, please tell me…”
Even after the two word answer, Y/n thought there was hope but any hope there disappeared. He looked at the fire in silence.
They sighed quietly and looked down at their hands. The ones that used to be held by their boyfriends but not anymore.
“Everyone looks at me… like I’m a monster.”
Y/n’s head looks up, waiting for him to continue.
“I… think they’re right. I am a monster.”
“Viktor… no, don’t say that…” Tears gather in Y/n’s eyes as they slowly turn their body, looking for any signs of discomfort in him. When there seems to be none, they slowly slide their hand into his. 
Viktor grasps their hand, not realizing how much he’s missed their touch. He leans into their arms suddenly, catching his partner off guard, but Y/n lets him.
After a few seconds, Y/n can hear soft sniffling below them. They slowly nudge them up to cup his face, wiping away the tears.
“I’m so sorry.” Viktor sniffs as more tears run down his face.
Y/n wipes his tears, shaking their head, “No, why are you sorry?” They ask quietly as they hold his face, almost as he were a glass doll.
“I pushed you away and I was awful to you.”
“No it’s-” They are cut off by Viktor shaking his head in disagreement
“No it was. It was horrible. I… I wanted to protect you. You’ve seen what i’ve done. I’ve hurt people, and I’m dangerous and-”
“-and you saved me too.’ Y/n cut him off before he would be able to break himself down further. “You saved not just me, but your family from the commission. You saved us from the guardians. Everything you’ve done was for your family.”
Viktor slowly became quiet as he took in their words. His tears came to a stop as the pair held each other for a while on the couch.
His eyes became heavy after a long, stressful week filled with self-hatred. He was finally in the arms of the one person he loved, and the one person who saw him as more than the ‘white violin’.
Before falling into the comfort of his brain he felt a blanket pulled on his shoulders as well as a weight at his feet which he would only assume was his cat. A warm pair of lips rested against his hairline and a warm voice filled his ears.
“You’re not a monster.”
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visreallover · 2 years
nah cuz why did nobody ask how tf a women birthed a freaking cube aka christopher
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visreallover · 2 years
I love that Viktor's coming out was essentially just
Viktor: I talked to Marcus
Five: you're an idiot, Vanya
Viktor: it's Viktor
Five: oh okay
Five: you're an idiot, Viktor
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visreallover · 2 years
The siblings stupidest moments in S3:
The revelation that Luther was scammed by a Nigerian Prince (Sorry, Nigerian King)
Diego’s is a dead tie between Large Hardon Collider and not knowing what an Octogenarian is
Allison thinking that Claire will still exist in this timeline (not a funny one, sorry Allison)
Klaus trusting Reginald (see above)
Drunk!Five not leaning slightly to the left to see who was making a deal with Reg (might let him off this one, he was tanked)
Ben being a huge puckering asshole to the umbrellas and then wondering why he wasn’t invited to the bachelor party :-(
Viktor leading with ‘lobsters and cows’ going missing and not ‘people’ when explaining the Kugelblitz to the sparrows
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