Criminal Backgrounder
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vIrTual Identity #1
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virtualcriminalbackgrounder · 5 years ago
vIrTual Criminal Backgrounder
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Jas Mann was arrested by Toronto police on 15th July, 2012 based on a complaint of Criminal Harassment by Jean-Claude Paquette, the owner of after Mr. Mann sent out a tweet that exposed DDP Studios as a unethical brand that doesn't practice what it preaches. Mr. Paquette is listed as a key PR contact for Occupy Toronto and Mr. Mann was furious to discover that DDP Studios was doing story board sessions with around a deal with Donald Trump's Miss Universe Corporation, and at the same time posting articles supporting Pride Toronto on their website when Occupy Philosophy is against the commercialization of Pride festivities.
Mr. Mann had initially reached out to Mr. Jean-Claude Paquette on 21st June, 2012 when searching for local Toronto Occupy contacts using the Occupy Together Directory.
647-857-9212 is the contact number listed on it and its the cell phone for Mr. Paquette. On reaching out to him. Mr. Mann had a great conversation and as a result of that Mr. Paquette shared his email address with Mr. Mann and scheduled a time to meet the following week.
The links below have the complete summary of all the interactions between Mr. Mann and Mr. Paquette.
By Email:
via Text:
Voicemails left on Mr. Mann's Cell by Toronto Police Officer Clinton Westell and the second Emails with TPS14:
Emails with TPS14:
Emails with Toronto Police TPS14:
Despite the last email sent by Mr. Mann on 14th July at 9:09 pm, two Police Officers broke into the virTual HQ and arrested him for Criminal Harassment.
Also, here is a link to the copy of all tweets sent out by Mr. Mann from 11th July to 14th July - he was in constant contact with @TPS14,
As a part of bail conditions, Mr. Mann was restricted from going online.
Here is a copy of the brief description he put together to Mr. George Smitherman  (who he happened to be interacting with just before the arrest )the same day he was released on bail. It was send out using text messages. There are other Toronto citizens that have been subject to harassment by Toronto Police and Mr. Mann wanted to touch base with him as for Mr. Smitherman's support.
Mr. Mann intent is to make the Toronto Police more accountable for its rampant disregard of Constitutional rights of Canadian Citizens, bullying tactics, and unlawful arrests, and an update in the Canadian Criminal Harassment laws which are being misused by vested interests to curb little people to speak up publically against unethical entities/acitvities.
"I was arrested by TPS Div 14 on Sunday morning. The cops forced my landlord to hand over the set of spare keys to 209 Gerrard St. East Unit 3, entered the premises without a arrest warrant and jumped on me sleeping after knocking down my bedroom door. I was manhandled and kicked around by two TPS 14 officers in my undressed and semi-conscious state.
There are tons of other details but in a nutshell, based on the attachment that I tweeted out earlier and shared with you on 14th July 2:00 pm, I was charged with Criminal Harrassment for expressing my views and was not allowed to apply for bail on Monday under my own cognizance as per the Bail program for folks with no previous criminal record.  On Tuesday my landlord engaged one of the top barristers  n Yorkville and he was able to bail me out and also lower the bail amount from 10k to 1k. I have a medical disability that got escalated by the rough handling and forced
confinement in a cold cell and my pleas to get medical assistance fell on deaf ears of TPS 14. By the time I was finally shipped from Old City Hall to Don Jail, the nurse who examined me was able to record my injuries and the undershirt I was wearing had bloodstains.
On 19th July,  I visited my family doctor Mr. Albert Tsang and various X-rays etc were taken. My first hearing is on 1st Aug. Since I happened to be interacting with you, I felt emboldened to share my plight with you as I was warned by TPS 14 officers that they will make sure I am not able to live peacefully in GTA.
Also as a part of bail conditions, my online access has been restricted.
I can only use the phone. Hence the texts.
My twitter feed has the links to recorded voicemails from two TPS14 officers as well as other records -
and various twitter accounts like the Senate of Canada have been copied on various messaging that proves that TPS14 is adamant to curb my civil rights around free speech. And the court has forced me to continue living at the same address on Gerrard and Sherbourne - where I now feel like an easy prey for other Toronto cops.
Plus I am a Social Media Strategist and my means of livelihood have been taken away by the Court by restricting my Internet access. It's my first experience with the Canadian legal system ever since I immigrated in 1999 based on my skill set - and I worked hard like most immigrants do to make Canada my home and I earned the Canadian Citizenship after relinquishing my Indian Citizenship. And I have a demonstrated record of professional achievement and I have Global Credentials in the IT World.
Non-withstanding my pleas to the TPS14 Detectives that the tone and intent of my messages are my views as an active supporter of the Global Occupy Movement. I am a citizen of a free country but my constitutional rights were infringed as a cursory look at the messaging I used can
provide the proof that speaking against unethical businesses and brands has no link with criminal harassment. I have already served two nights in the
Prison with hardcore criminals and repeat offenders - in retaliation for leveraging freedom to express my views based on first hand experience with And I have to now pay expensive legal fees for defending myself as the Canadian Judicial System has apparently decided to treat me as guilty based on zero evidence of intent of physical threat by the co-Owner of DDP Studios Jean-Claude Paquette.
Based on the content in the tweets above, Jean-Claude of filed the criminal Harrasment charge - which ordinarily would have resulted in a written notice from the Court to appear on a a set date and time to defend myself, not a preemptive arrest, without a arrest warrant being produced.
I was also subjected to a Level 3 search in which I was made to undress fully and police officers poked into various places left unmentioned in wn effort to make sure I was not hiding something dangerous on me.
Despite the fact that I was arrested while sound asleep in my nightshirt in my bedroom clueless that I will be spending the next 24 hours being subjected to third degree methods to discourage me from using social media against exposing certain factual aspects around the brand promise on the DDP Studios Website and the listing of Jean-Claude\'s DDP Studios official phone number and email address as Occupy Org\'s primary contact in Toronto.
DDP Studios is in the process of negotiating a deal with Canada's largest distributor Alliance Films for a programming contracts around Donald Trump's Miss Universe franchise controversy relating to the disqualification of Jenna Talackova as a contestant when it was revealed that she is a transexual.
I was tweeting Donald Trump and Alliance Films to draw their attention to the fact that Occupy Movement is against Corporations, DDP Studios felt that this would negatively impact their chances to win the contract with Donald Trump and Alliance Corp as the linkage if DDP Studios with Occupy activities tantamount to conflict of interest. Shortly after sending me a terse text message warning me to stop contacting Mr. Trump or Alliance films Jean-Claude called me up and threatened me with dire consequences and made disparaging and insulting remarks around the fact that I was a Immigrant and part of the taxi drivers breed , not a real Canadian so on so forth. After listening to his racist rants, I hung up on him. And I texted him that I was against liars, cheats, sissys and faggots. And that he cannot stop me from using social media to expose the fact that DDP studios does not live up the brand promise of being an "ethical community".
I also retweeted numerous message that highlight the fact that in the current era, the term faggot is used synonymously with the term loser or stupid, not with sexual orientation. But despite the twitter handles
@TPS14 and @TorontoPolice and various other official Ontario and Federal Twitter Accounts including that of Michaelle Jean the former GG of Canada in my tweets around DDP Studios, I was charged with Criminal Harassment for calling the openly gay DDP Studios contact Jean Claude Paquette a liar/cheat/sissy/and a faggot.
Yes I used these terms for him - as he is all the above. And if that in Canadian Law equates to criminal harassment then perhaps the Canadian Legal System needs a major overhaul. And till then Canada should take the claim back that it's the safest country in the world in terms of protection of human and civil rights.
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