virtual-emily · 1 year
How to be a Competitive Freelancer?
Article Source: https://emilymgomez3.wordpress.com
As many people enter the Freelancing Market, ONE problem arises:
The truth is – Freelancing is highly competitive.
So how can you stay competitive as a Freelancer?
While some Freelancers can master the art of marketing themselves and their skills, the Freelancing Market is overloaded with competition, making it hard to compete. And although it is very difficult to turn that challenge into an inspiration to try to stand out amongst other Freelancers, I think the truth is that in the Freelance Industry, there is always room for each of us. : )
First of all, it is very important for you need to become an expert in your chosen Freelancing niche. Isn’t it better that clients come to you instead of the other way around? Here's something you can read to guide you on how to do that from Creativelive.com. You can also achieve that by making sure you build up an impressive reputation. Secondly, never stop learning. If you have mastered your field, always keep updating yourself with the latest trends and tools in the Freelancing Industry. How to stay updated as a Freelancer? Here's how: TrackingTime.co. Finally, learn to master marketing yourself on different Freelancing Websites to make it easier to find work. As long as you keep Adapting, Upskilling, and Aligning with your client’s needs, you will always be at the top of the competition. : )
Additionally, you can check out this very helpful Webinar from Surge Marketplace on how you can be a competitive Freelancer:
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virtual-emily · 2 years
Graphic Designer: Freelancing vs. Employee
Have you noticed that Freelancing is becoming more and more the norm? If you have decided to be a freelancer as a Graphic Designer, here is a guide to help you become one:
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virtual-emily · 2 years
Working Harder or Working Smarter as a Virtual Personal Assistant?
To become an ideal Virtual Assistant you need to be eager in learning a new system of how you work. There are complexities in tasks that you need to perform to deliver the Client's requirements. Here are the tips for Working Smarter as a Virtual Assistant:
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