"Nah, it's chill- I know it was an accident... I just need to like- get used to you, is all?" replied Virgil, shuffling his little feets. "Honestly, Patt, I understand". He gave a small smile, followed by a giggle, as Patton started to tease Logan- making the poor hound blush deeper and deeper.
"Wait... demons can get married?" he quipped, fidgeting with his sleeve. "I... um, centuries of being with Lo? Whoa... that- wow". Purr. Toothy grin. "Centuries~". Nah, look at the little tail swish- that's a happy kitten right there.
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P20, P21, P22↢
Patton frowned deeply, and now he looks both nervous and uncertain. He glanced over to Logan who gave him an encouraging nod. "Yes, that's not my fault... But it's my fault for continuing it after you told me you were easily scared and didn't like loud noises... I shouldve stopped...and I didn't... And for that I apologize... I'm sorry. I'll try to calm myself down when I'm around you. I... Well..." Patton shrugged, "Maybe I would've upset you so much by not listening to you that you won't have cared if I didn't do it on purpose? I... Duh! Of course I wanna be your friend!" Patton grinned, "Since the moment I met you I considered us to be friends! Any friend of Logan's is a friend of mine!"
Patton giggled softly, "You can say that again! He really is amazing." He winked at the already blushing Logan. "You've got yourself a real keeper here, vee. He may be a pain in the ass sometimes but he'll always have your back when you need it. You are very lucky! And you know what? He's lucky to have you too! You two make a perfect couple! I can't wait to see you centuries from now, possibly married, and still living happily together." Patton made a daydreamy sigh.
Logan groaned at that, his face bright red. "Pat... You really can't make this any more embarrassing, could you?"
"Can you blame me?" Patton chuckled, "You're my best friend, Logie! Of course I wanna see my best friend happy and in llloooovvveeeee!"
"Ugh!" Logan playfully shoved Patton, "You are so annoying sometimes! I swear!"
2 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P20, P21↢
"No, no, it's not your fault, honey! I should've explained myself better! I'm sorry I scared you for a moment there. I'm very sorry. That was my fault. I'm sorry." Barbara immediately apologized, feeling awful for making him feel scared. "He has? Oh, good, okay, cause that would be an awkward conversation to have if he didn't... I just assumed he would've told you, I'm sorry for not thinking before saying it." Barbara paused and tilted her head, "Scared? Why scared?"
Poe grumbled when he was picked up by Lily. He crossed his arms, clearly not happy one single bit. He babbled something underneath his breath at Virgils command, obviously not happy but he'll be good...for Virgils sake.
"We'll be right here if you need us! Just call us if you need him!" Lily hummed then she moved to sit down with Poe on her lap.
"I'll be doing him after I do you." Barbara hummed when Virgil came over and sat down on the chair. "My, my, you have very thick hair, my dear." She tied the towel over him so the hair won't get on him once she starts to cut. "This may take a bit. Hm... Let's start by washing your hair. Come over here, dear."
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Virgil smiled when he saw Romano, nodding. "Stay here, I'm going back to Patt".
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-P20, P21, P22, P23↢
"Vee! I'm sorry! I..." Logans eyes darted between him and Janus. "I'm sorry."
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TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-P20, P21, P22↢
"Ok," Logan nodded, sitting up. He blinked in surprise as Virgil disappeared, but soon relaxed and drank his tea.
31 notes · View notes
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-P20, P21↢
"You saved everyone, Vee. You're the hero. You're the one keeping everyone safe. I... I couldn't even keep him safe when you sent him to me."
31 notes · View notes
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
"Of course! You helped me so much! You were the first person to ever call me a prince! You gave me the confidence to be me! I... thank you." He bows, unsure what else to do.
33 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
Patton grinned upon the thanks and giggled, "No problem! Let me go get a cart for all of this!" And within a second he had already zoomed off with the many items and clothes in his hands.
"Call me if you need me, yeah?" Logan whispered to him as he was kissing Poe's head.Poe grinned at the kiss, his hands reaching up in an attempt to grab onto him. But his arms were too short to reach his dad. And when Virgil started walking away, though, he whimpered and started tearing up.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. Vee is gonna come right back. Don't worry. Why don't we see if you'll like this chew toy?" Logan lightly bounced Poe on his lap to distract him.
It was quiet in the changing room for a bit, until suddenly the curtain was opened slightly and someone came walking in. "hey! I found this vest, I think it'll look really good with the polo, I think!" Patton grinned as he closed the curtain and held up the pale purple vest. "Or maybe it's too striking. Hm... Let's see how it looks on you!"
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Virgil chewed his lip as he glanced back at Morgan and gave a small wave, swallowing. "You be good now, bubba" he cooed, leaving the room with Logan. This was it. Things were about to change forever. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Okay, breathe. If Roman doesn't accept this, so be it- no big deal, right?
He walked with Logan, chewing his lip harder and harder the closer they got to Roman. He was even grasping his boyfriend's finger harder too. Oh god, fuck. There's the door. Roman's door. Which meant- he was on the other side, and that meant- fuck.
🐺💍-Part 17-💍🐺
TW: Rape, abuse, injury, injury (detail), misgendering, forced, swearing, child loss, character death, Janus, Remus.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16↢
It wasn't a very important detail, but the cats that were cuddling up with Virgil just a moment ago...suddenly vanished. Wait, where did they... Oh, they were now cuddling up against Morgan. Along with the crows. Every animal had their eyes closed and appeared to be concentrating. Huh, that's a funny sight on birds and cats-
But then Morgan's eyes suddenly opened. And her pupils were completely gone, leaving just pure white eye sockets. Well, that's creepy.
But before Virgil could focus too much on that, the scenery around them suddenly changed drastically.
Instead of a dark room...they were instead in a bright white laboratory room. There were lights shining down on them, blinding them and making it hard to see. Laying on the cold hard white ground were two wolves, two malnourished filthy wolves.
"NO!!! NO! DONT TAKE HIM AWAY!! DONT TAKE HIM AWAY FROM US!! HES ALL WE HAVE!! PLEASE!!" Roman... That's Roman. He was sobbing, crying, and screaming his lungs out. He was being held back by a group of humans in white lab coats with shock rods and guns being pointed at him. Because of his weak state he couldn't fight back against these humans. He was too weak.
A human stood at the opened door. He held a pup in his hands. A pup that was screaming and crying for his parents.
A pup...that had the same different colored eyes as virgil. A pup that even sounded slightly like Virgils cries. A pup who's fur coat resembled Virgils hair.
"Aw, how sweet. A wolf actually showing emotions! That's something you don't see every day. Well, unfortunately you'll never see your precious pup again. I've got big plans for this little dude here. He's going to give me thousands if not billions of dollars! He's going to make me rich!" The human grinned wickedly, "As for you two... You'll be rewarded greatly for your efforts. Oh yes, you two will be rewarded greatly... Guards, kill the female. I've got no use for her. Keep the chatty one. He may be of use to me later."
25 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19↢
"I... I know, vee... I know... But... we're stuck... We can't do anything to help him... It's frustrating but that's our only option... Hm... Remy will probably just fuck Charles if given the opportunity. I think he's done it before, has he, Charles?" Logan glanced over to Charles, who immediately nodded his head, his hands coming down to grip the bottom of his shorts.
"Yeah..." Logan sighed softly. "It's unfortunate. And trust me, I wanna help too but I can't and-" Logan stopped when Charles walked past him to stand before Virgil, and he blinked as Charles took Virgils hand. Huh, he never likes to touch anyone, or even likes it when someone touches him. But...here he is, willingly touching Virgil. Wow.
Charles gave a reassuring nod, and a small smile. Yeah, he's hoping he could too... That would be nice. Though, in the back of his mind, he highly doubted it. But the hope is nice. And... Yeah, he hopes that he won't be too rough on him too. He kept on that smile, even though he knows that's probably not gonna happen. Then he moved his hand up at that question and gave a thumbs up, letting him know that he approves ofb that. He let go of Virgils hands so he could start walking to the door. Before he left though, he turned and waved to all of them. Then he left...
"bye, Charles! Please... Be careful..." Logan sighed once he left, his sorrowful eyes looking up to Virgil. "I feel bad for him..." He hugged Poe, "He has no say in the matter at all... It's not fair..."
25 notes · View notes
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19↢
"Patt wouldn't do that to his future kids... do you have any clue who he was trying to make you marry?"
30 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18↢
"Yeah, tell me about it." Sarah glared at the baby, "It was driving me nuts and it won't shut up! Hey, I figured if you couldn't shut it up then no one could. And besides, you fucked something up here. So you fix it. Don't come crying to me cause you can't fix your own mistakes." Sarah huffed as she rolled her eyes. Then she scoffed, "Did you hear anything that I just told you? Of course you didn't..." She sighed, "We've never had sinners arrive back to back like this. normally we have one sinner and the next dont arrive for another...century or so? And, weve always had adults! Typically porn addicts or shit like that! We've never had a fucking baby before!" She shrugged, "Fuck if I know. But listen, if Janus finds out about this...thing...then he'll send it off to the same facility that Charles was sent to. Do you want another Charles on your hands? So you deal with this. You fucked something up in this hellscape so you fix it!"
The baby paused when Sarah glared at him. He frowned and suddenly snarled back, but when he did the shadows came out again and it snapped the bed below him. Oh... Great... Don't piss off the baby, got it. He was still snarling at Sarah when Virgil started walking over to him. Almost immediately the shadows went away again and he smiled at Virgil. He giggled softly as he was picked up, and he started fiddling at Virgils shirt with his claws.
"I... Don't know?" Sarah admitted with a shrug. "I've never seen an overlord baby before? So, like, maybe? But why would it show up here and not somewhere else? Like, I always thought overlords had a special... I don't know...place where they came down to hell from? And why is it a baby? Just... Ugh... You deal with it. I have a migraine I have to deal with now..."
26 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12 P13, P14, P15, P16, P17↢
Charles nodded to Virgils questions, a determined glimmer to his normally emotionless eyes. He was determined to help his friend through this. He didn't want to just stand back and watch his friend suffer if there was something he could do to help. He may not be able to do much, thanks to the fact that he's an imp and a small one at that, but he wants to help in any way he can. He shook his head immediately when Virgil mentioned grossing him out. He pointed to the toilet and made a motion of scrubbing it, then he huffed and crossed his arms. Oh, so he would regularly clean toilets so he's seen his fair share of gross things, is probably what he's saying. And... Yeah, he has a fair point. He is Janus' personal imp, after all, he probably cleans the entire tower and then some. Fuck, he probably cleans the sex toys after filming. So he's seen his fair share of grossness. Helping Virgil out with this is most likely the least gross thing he's ever witnessed.
Then he nodded and moved to sit down on the toilet seat, motioning for Virgil to continue. Well... Vee, it doesn't look like Charles is going anywhere, I think you're stuck with him. He shook his head at the question about Logan sending him. Nope! He came here on his own accord...for once. He crossed his arms once again, and raised an eyebrow, giving Virgil a look like 'i highly doubt it, stop lying.'
26 notes · View notes
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18↢
"Not physically. I... he came into the kitchen and said you got scared I was out here alone. Then... conversations ended up with him saying he had feelings for me. I... we came in here and I offered to help him release the pent up arousal. Then... uhm... then afterwards he held me there on the couch.' Logan can't meet Virgils eyes as he recalls the last hour.
31 notes · View notes
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17↢
"Yeah! I'm chill!" Roman calls while thumbing through one of the books.
30 notes · View notes
TW: Swearing. Spiders. Sexual Torture.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16↢
"That makes sense. My library would have the most books on magic. What type are you looking for? Mystics I would assume?"
31 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16↢
"Yeah, I mean, it does happen sometimes. Like with Janus, there are a few snakes but they don't look anything like Janus. So it's weird... But I've noticed the ones that look differently have the most powers, and typically become the overlords? So maybe that has something to do with it? I'm not sure." Logan shrugged, "It is what it is-" He suddenly stopped at Virgils remark, and he started bursting up laughing. "I guess in a way you're not wrong! I certainly am one of a kind!" He giggled, trying to laugh through the discomfort.
"H-Huh? No! I'm fine! No, no, it's not my leg! No, no, I understand! I want you to be thorough too! It's best for my feathers if you are thorough and-" Then Virgil spotted his arm and the blood, and his ears went back. "No! No, you're not hurting me. You're really not. I know you didn't! I just... It's... It feels really really weird having someone else touch my feathers? It's not painful, just like...really really uncomfortable..."
"Y-Yeah! Can you go faster? If possible? You're doing a really good job! Its... It's not you, it's me. It really is. I'm sorry I'm being a pain again. Maybe the more you do it the more I'll get used to it? I'm just... I'm sorry..."
25 notes · View notes
TW: Rape. Misgendering. Swearing. Blood. Demons. Janus is Valentino.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15↢
"I thought you knew your body was doing that? Most demons do." Janus shrugged, "It's your body's hormones acting up, there's not much you could do about it even if you did know." Janus paused in his sipping so he could look up to him. "Does that mean you remember when you were alive? You told me you didn't..." He shook his head, "Life wasn't great for any of us. And so we gave life a middle finger... God and his angels don't like that." He shrugged again, "It's why most of us end up down here... So you and I are in a similar boat... Except down here you can be as nice as you want... And I can't."
His eyes trailed after Virgil as he continues to move away. "It's not your fault..." Janus whispered as he watched him head out. Once he was gone though, he placed the drink on the coffee table, grabbed the remote for the TV, and turned on the TV to some random station. Then he laid back down and curled up under the blankets so he could disappear forever.
Charles gave a nod to the instructions. He can do that! Sounds easy enough! He gave a small wave to Virgil as he closed the door behind him. He went back to help Janus the best he could. Though...it looks like he was done drinking that hot chocolate... Oh shoot, that's not good. He was instructed to help him drink! He can't do that if he stops drinking it! Oh, shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot...
"Vee? Vee!!" Logan was waiting in the lobby in his customized chair. Thankfully he was dried and even had some clothes on, looks like Sarah did help Logan after all. He rushed over to Virgils side where he anxiously took his hands and looked him up and down. "Are you okay?! Those aren't my clothes, I don't even know whose clothes those are! What happened?! Sarah told me she left you at Janus' building! I yelled at her for doing that, but she refused to go back to check on you! Did Janus hurt you?! Fuck, I'm so sorry, I should've been there. You don't need to go to that bastard again for my expense. Seriously though, did he hurt you? Are you hurt anywhere?!"
23 notes · View notes