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virgilisspidey · 4 days ago
"Should we go home?"
"Idk lemme roll for it"
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virgilisspidey · 4 days ago
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virgilisspidey · 7 days ago
so embarrassing to get obsessed with your own oc but it doesn't fuel you creatively or motivate you at all you just sort of sit there. like yeah I've been thinking a lot about blorbo from my mind. no images of them exist in the world and they have maybe 3 personality traits so far. I would rather die than attempt to write about them. I've spent the last 48 hours rotating them in my brain though
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virgilisspidey · 15 days ago
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been building a collection of posts from like minded individuals
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virgilisspidey · 21 days ago
"stop speaking like you're superior" do you know how much more agile your brain is when you're bisexual?
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virgilisspidey · 22 days ago
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i literally love when people realize positive reinforcement works like yes its so silly isnt it. but it literally works humans love juice reward too
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virgilisspidey · 28 days ago
When you're playing a privileged character for the first time and your dm basically allows you infinite money knowing full well my ass would be too overwhelmed to use it both in character and out of character will never not be funny to me
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virgilisspidey · 29 days ago
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i couldn’t think of a better way to communicate this so its this . my struggle
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
the orb continues to perplex mouse
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
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Messy as fuck woah????
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
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I need every Knuckles fan to rise up and stop this slander
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
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virgilisspidey · 1 month ago
people who don’t wear glasses will never understand the absolute humiliation of dropping your glasses under your bed or in a dark area and feeling around on all fours muttering “my glasses…. where are my glasses” like fucking Velma Dinkley and thinking to yourself BOY WOULD THIS BE A LOT EASIER IF I COUKD FUCKING SEE
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virgilisspidey · 2 months ago
I accidentally exited the app before I finished typing out my thoughts but I saw a post, I don’t remember from who and I can’t find it anymore about where the LMK characters would be sorted it they were to go to Hogwarts.
From what I can remember they said that:
MK would be a Hufflepuff
Mei would be a Slytherin or a Gryffindor
Red Son would be a Ravenclaw pretending to be a Slytherin
Pigsy a Slytherin (?)
Tang a Ravenclaw
Macaque and Wukong they had a hard time where to put them because halfway throughout the post they realized how complicated sorting is
They asked for other’s opinions as the other characters are starting to confuse them on where they should be sorted.
As someone who has read the books in elementary and endeavoring to rewrite the whole Harry Potter series for my own indulgence, I can confidently say that I know my way around Hogwarts houses and has sorted different characters from different fandoms before.
Long post ahead
First and foremost… what are the Hogwarts houses?
They are Gryffndor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin— named after the four founding fathers and mothers that established the school. What they value the most in a person is how they are chosen to their respective houses.
Gryffindor valued bravery, loyalty, and chivalry.
Ravenclaw valued intelligence, creativity, and wit.
Hufflepuff valued kindness, hard work, and patience.
Slytherin valued ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness.
You would think it would be easy to sort people in these four molds but the problem is that people change and develop overtime, making it harder and harder to put them into specific character traits that each house values. That’s why I see the original poster struggle, since they’re looking to far into the series for character development, making it harder for them to sort the characters into these respective houses.
But there’s one thing we have to remember…
They were all sorted when they were 11 years old.
They were all sorted in the time of their lives where they barely even started puberty. Where they barely even know who they are and what their place was in the world. They are sorted at a time where they are easily influenced by their peers.
And being sorted to a house doesn’t strictly mean that they have to remain acting with the traits that accepted them in mind. Take Gilderoy Lockhart and Peter Pettigrew for example. Lockhart was a Ravenclaw but what do we see him do? He steals the work of other brilliant witches and wizards and pass it as his own. There is no denying that he’s not smart, he is, he managed to get into Ravenclaw after all, but his methods, as he grew up, was becoming more and more of a Slytherin’s. Pettigrew, on the other hand, was describe to be a coward and a frequent follower. He does whatever other people want, and we can say that can be a Gryffindor trait of being loyal to his friends but what do we see later on? He betrays his friends, causing their deaths and going over to the dark side. A Gryffindor caused everything to fall apart, causing the main character’s parents to die, causing his entire friend group to fall apart.
With that out of the way, I know what you are really here for: the LMK character sorting ceremony.
Let’s start with the traffic light trio.
I think the original poster also minded the colors of the house as another basis but for this, we ain’t doing that.
What we are going to do is observing the characters when they showed up the first time or their earliest ever version. Afterwards we try to see what house they could’ve been sorted to after some character development.
Let’s begin.
MK is a Hufflepuff and I completely agree with that. Although it doesn’t seem so at the start, MK does exhibit traits of being a Hufflepuff by doing what he thinks is right and returning Wukong’s staff to him at a moment’s notice. Hufflepuffs are also known to be honest, and that’s what MK has been from the very start, honest about how it was his fault for the staff getting stolen, honest that he doesn’t believe himself to be the perfect fit to stop DBK, honest in what he views or thinks of himself. Although Hufflepuffs get stereotyped for being soft and uwu-ified by the fandom, MK represents the house very well as the series goes on. MK sticks to his ideals. He redeems characters left and right, displaying kindness no other character was willing to display. He is also hard working in training and trying to prove himself… however, Hufflepuffs also have flaws, that being, due to their impartialness, aka tendency not to take any sides, they often find themselves right in the middle of conflicts where they don’t know where to go. That conflict can be seen with MK as more and more of Wukong’s past enemies start to show up and more and more of his own past was starting to come to light. He is confused and doesn’t know which path to take, as Hufflepuffs tend to see things black and white. Til the very end of season 5, however, he showcased his Hufflepuff traits very well by making it the people’s choice to live on, and not his own as they start to rebuild the pillar.
Mei was being confused between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin but I do believe she is a Gryffindor. At the start of the series we are introduced to her as an adrenaline junky, she was a little bit jealous seeing MK running around with another person having fun, but her mood quickly changes to cold threats the moment she found out that MK was being chased in the not so fun way. She observes the Gryffindor traits very well, she is brave and chivalrous, and oh so loyal to her friends, and especially MK as she develops. What she said as the Samadhi Fire manifests within her is very Gryffindor-like, and most especially her anger. Gryffindor’s most negative trait are their temper. She is one angry character and we can see that consistently throughout the show. One thing that I also love to speculate in Gryffindors is that their weakness are other people because of their loyalty and Mei has always been afraid of losing MK as he becomes more and more distant, wanting to have their own monkey dragon bonding time in season 5 before it was abruptly cut short. She values their friendship too much is crushes her. Gryffindors tend to also be stubborn, attacking first and asking questions later, something Mei does. Henceforth, Gryffiindor.
Red Son, and I am going to contradict the original poster, is a Slytherin. There is no denying that he is very smart but the first ever moment we see him he was being ambitious about his invention aiding the return of his father. That is not to say the entire Demon Bull King family are Slytherins (although I love to believe PIF is a Slytherin and DBK was a Gryffindor), but that’s what he is when we first see him. He is a prideful character who wants to rule the world with his family’s side and using any sort of means to achieve it. The seizing of the weather tower is a work of cunning and resourcefulness, heck, his inventions itself is a display of his resourcefulness. Not anyone can lift Wukong’s staff and he managed to do it… with a gauntlet. As the show goes on, he does exhibit more and more of that Ravenclaw mindset as his family mellows out. Believe it or not, he still does want to do conquest but he prioritizes finding knowledge and researching about the Samadhi Fire. By being a combination of a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw, I do believe it helped him not being that single minded, as Ravenclaw’s do tend to rely too much on their own knowledge and not on other people, him being a Slytherin helps him acknowledge the fact that it is necessary to ask other people for help, like Mei in season 5 when he messed up and made an artificial Samadhi Fire pug creature thing. As I observed with Slytherins too, they tend to do things for their own benefit, like Red Son did in the Spider Queen special, where he would rather save the city just to get his father back rather than saving it for the goodness of his own heart, because of this, they tend to be a little bit harder to trust if they deem you not useful in their plans.
Now unto the rest of the Monkie Kid gang!!
Sandy, Tang, and Pigsy’s sections would be much shorter since I see them as pretty cut and dry.
Tang is a Ravenclaw through and through. He is someone who values knowledge so much and want to discover more and more, going as far as to write his own version of the Journey to the West as they search for the Samadhi Fire rings. He even geeks out a lot about all of the things he has learned and lets not deny that fact that he has saved their asses by giving important exposition and knowledge, so yes, Ravenclaw.
Pigsy, on the other hand, is different from op’s opinion (if i can even remember correctly). He is a Hufflepuff. Although it does fit for him to be a Slytherin because of his ambitions for his restaurant, Hufflepuffs are well known to value hard work and that’s what Pigsy is all about. He also tends to be blunt and honest about things, another Hufflepuff trait. And again, Hufflepuffs don’t have to be soft guys, he’s pretty much the epitome of what a Hufflepuff is.
With Sandy, oh boy I am gonna love this, he is a Gryffindor. Remember their character flaw being their temper? That’s why I saved him last for this trio of characters. He displays so many Gryffindor like traits throughout the show too, loyal to a fault, brave, and definitely chivalrous. As he grows as a character, we find him being more of a Hufflepuff, his kindness shows it all but just like MK, because he tends to be passive, he gets right in the middle of conflict not knowing what to do.
Now… what I know you’re all actually here for…
Wukong and Macaque.
Let’s save Wukong for last.
For these two we are going to base it all on the brotherhood period of their lives so most of it will be based on speculation on my part.
Macaque back then, isn’t like the Macaque we have now. We do see so little of them and I do think it is seen through Azure’s perspective most of the time, so we cannot truly see what his old personality really was like before his death. From what I can see, and this would seem out of left field, but he’s a Gryffindor.
He is loyal to a fault, loyal to Wukong most of all. We don’t know when these guys met, if it was before the brotherhood or during the beginning of it, but based on how Peng always loved to throw unnecessary shade towards him, Wukong and Macaque are very close. That is also based on the peach scene as well as the fact that they can be seen together in the season 4 intro first before it was the scene where Azure discovers Wukong, so it’s a bit safer to assume that they knew each other before the brotherhood gets established and this has led me to believe that Wukong was the only reason Macaque was even there in the first place.
From what we can tell on how others described Macaque in the past, he is a match to Wukong, they can fight really well together and have done so multiple times based on another thing in season 5 where they don’t even need to talk to each other to know what they were going to do, he also had this self sacrifice moment there too, something that I have observed Gryffindors do sometimes. This also leads me to believe that Macaque tried to fight in a more heads on approach like Wukong did before, not really utilizing the efficiency of his shadows much so he would match with his friend. It is safe to assume that he would be a Gryffindor…
But in his revival he is a Slytherin. His tactics has changed, being more manipulative, more cunning, if you will, rather than facing things head on. His tactics involved redirections, disguises, use of his environment, illusions, and big grandiose shows of power for intimidation. His personality changed as well, as one of the more negative Slytherin traits are the tendency to being selfish. Since he was revived and tried to avoid his job of freeing LBD knowing its consequences, he was forced to work under her to keep himself alive, he forged the fire too early to get out of her control. He is using the people around him as a means to an end, manipulating their thoughts and views on Wukong to pit them against him as a form of revenge.
And still… he is a Gryffindor through and through and that loyalty brought him back to working with MK to save the world from LBD. The people of his past always claim he was a coward but he was brave at that moment, he could’ve easily just dipped into the shadows and never show his face again after the Samadhi Fire was forged but instead he went back as MK and Nezha followed Wukong in his fight against LBD, he saved MK, he grabbed the Mayor for more information, he stayed tied up even though he can easily get freed, and he heard MK out. Even still, he stayed after LBD, hiding away in FFM, he gave MK some courage to make his own choices, he complained but saved Wukong from the scroll anyway, and fought his biggest hater and proved himself. He may not fight for Wukong’s sake anymore, but he did it for MK. He sacrificed himself so they can get away and save the world in season 5, he absorbed the chaos from Xiag Liu’s magic to give Wukong a chance to get to the pillar to stop MK with the knowledge that Wukong would throw himself there instead.
If that isn’t brave I don’t know what is.
Then there’s Wukong…
Although his life isn’t much of a mystery, we can read the actual Journey to the West if we want info about his life, but we don’t know how much LMK changed in regards to that, the brotherhood thing was different in the show, the Samadhi Fire too, so how much creative liberty did they give Wukong? We don’t know because despite being a crucial character, most of Wukong’s past and his friendships aren’t laid right in front of us.
From Macaque and Azure’s words, Wukong is selfish, used those around him, and overall, wasn’t the person they thought he was. We don’t see specific examples of those moments except for the confrontation under the mountain with Wukong and Macaque but from what we have seen during flashbacks, Wukong was always egotistical and ambitious, craving attention from other people and doing things just because he wanted to. He’s a cheeky little cunning monkey, although his cunning is’t like Macaque’s more calculated one, it’sm ore on the spontaneous side. Going for the Jade Emperor the second time after the Havoc in Heaven doesn’t seem so out of character but looking at it, Wukong at the time was nervous and fidgety, insistent and adamant that they were going to win.
How he acted in flashbacks and how people viewed him is so confusing since we haven’t seen things in Wukong’s perspective at all, which makes the tragedy of his character so good. Him being a Slytherin makes a good sense story wise since Slytherin’s are known as great leaders and tend to have a more leader-like role, being the king and all that. He also searched far and wide to look for immortality achieved it, and even dared to go against heaven for not acknowledging his ambitions, all the things he worked for to be one of the strongest and we can’t forget the stereotype of Slytherins being evil, with the Journey to the West being all about redemption, having him be a Slytherin makes sense.
Throughout the journey though, he started to act more and more Gryffindor like, a complete opposite to Macaque. We don’t see it, however, since the show loved to show us nothing about Wukong’s past with the pilgrims, but we can observe that Wukong definitely did change his ways, he became more of a hero than a menace, and although he still has that bad reputation amongst demons and celestials alike, he has grown to be selfless, another trait Gryffindors tend to have. He has grown so much as we can see in season 3 more as he slowly starts to own up to his mistakes, not faulting MK if he ever sees him is a bad mentor or a bad person in general for his past. He also has thrown his body in front of MK multiple times in the show to protect him, being a steady pillar for MK to lean on when things get rough, teaching him all that he needs to know as his successor, trusting MK more than he trusts himself, that level of loyalty towards the kid is so strong that he was willing to sacrifice himself in MK’s stead.
And it fits.
A Gryffindor acting more Slytherin like.
A Slytherin acting more Gryffindor like.
It fits with the show portraying the monkeys as two sides of the same coin.
These analysis aren’t perfect, of course, most of it is speculations and my own personal opinions, but I hope you like it!!
TLDR: MK is a Hufflepuff, Mei is a Gryffindor, Red Son is a Slytherin (and a Ravenclaw), Tang is a Ravenclaw, Pigsy is a Hufflepuff, Sandy is a Gryffindor (and a Hufflepuff), Macaque is a Gryffindor (and a Slytherin), and Wukong is a Slytherin (and a Gryffindor)
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