Virgil Is A Knightmare
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Isa - 25 - she/her - Your Local Cryptid - Aced It - icon by @patchworkofstars
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
Pictures of You
AU Prompt: Today was the first family gathering I’ve been to since we broke up and my little cousin that absolutely adored you asked where you were and I had to lock myself in the bathroom and sit in the tub for a half an hour and look through a folder on my phone of pictures I took of you to feel okay again.
Pairing: Logicality (Logan and Patton)
Word Count: 1,743
It was just before dinner when Patton arrived at his uncle’s house, they were celebrating his cousin’s birthday today. He looked at the empty passenger seat beside him before sighing and shutting his car off and stepping out. He grabbed his cousin’s gift out of the backseat and made his way up the sidewalk towards the house. He pushed the door open and was met with a room full of people, he sat the gift on the table by the door and went into the kitchen where he found his parents. They were over by the snack table so Patton wondered over to them to grab a snack. His goal for the night was to avoid talking about his breakup as much as he could. This was the first family event that he was attending without Logan as his boyfriend.
As he got to his parents his mom looked over at him and smiled, “hey honey, how was the drive?”
“Fine, nothing too exciting,” he answered grabbing a cookie off of the tray, “how’s the party?”
“Sam’s running around here somewhere, he was looking forward to you coming since you weren’t at the last party,” his dad responded.
“I know and I’m sorry I missed it I just couldn’t come alone, not yet.”
Him mom shot him a sympathetic look, “and that’s okay honey, but you’re here now so why don’t you try to enjoy yourself, Sam got a PS4 from his dad maybe you guys could play some games?”
Patton nodded and turned away from his parents walking over to the fridge and pulling out a soda. He glanced out the window and saw his cousin Sam out running around with a group of his friends, it looked like they were playing tag. Patton felt someone walk up next to him and turned to see his uncle. “Hey Patton,” his uncle said clasping his hand on Patton’s shoulder.
Patton smiled up at his “hi,” he said lifting his soda up to his mouth and taking a drink.
“How has college been, any tough professors?”
“College is good, and no not any toughies yet, but it is my first year.”
“That’s good,” his uncle paused, “Sam was looking for you earlier I told him I wasn’t sure if you were coming.”
Patton looked back out the window towards his cousin right in time to see him tackle one of his friends to the ground before jumping back up and running off again.
“Okay, I’ll go out in a little bit, maybe we can play a few games on that new PS4 you bought him,” Patton said smiling up at his uncle.
“Sam would like that, since you went to college he’s missed you,” his uncle said with a silent and Logan lingering in the air between them.
Growing up Patton used to spend quite a bit of time at his uncle’s house since his parent’s traveled for work and after his cousin was born he quickly became enamored with the little boy likening him to a younger brother as apposed to a cousin. After Logan and him started dating he brought Logan over sometimes and his cousin took a great liking to him. For the last two years of high school Patton and Logan would spend Fridays over at his uncle’s house babysitting his cousin, they were spend the night eating pizza, playing video games or watching movies. While Patton was okay at most of the games they played Logan excelled at them making Sam idolize Logan even more. Then they went off to college and the Friday nights stopped and then Logan and Patton weren’t together anymore. And Patton missed the last family event because he didn’t want to have to face his little cousin, and that made Patton feel awful, so here he was. Patton turned away from the window walking back over to the snack table reaching for another cookie before Logan’s voice echoed in his head, ‘you really should eat something of substance before dessert Patton.’ So Patton’s hand moved from the cookie tray over to the vegetable tray grabbing a few and walking towards the patio door that led to the backyard.
Patton stood in the backyard watching his cousin play for a few minutes while he ate his snack until his presence caught his cousin’s attention. Sam came running over full force and nearly knocked Patton to the ground. “Patton you came,” he shouted, “I told my dad that you would come for my birthday he didn’t believe me though.”
“How could I miss my favorite cousin’s birthday,” Patton retorted.
Sam giggled, “I’m your only cousin.”
“Exactly, no competition.”
Sam grabbed his hand and started pulling him back into the house chatting excitedly. “Dad bought me the new PS4 and a bunch of games I can’t wait to play it but dad said I have to wait until the party is over otherwise it’s rude.”
“He’s right, it would be rude to ignore your guests to play video games.”
Sam shrugged at his response as they reached the full kitchen. They walked over to the snack table where they both grabbed a cookie. Sam took a bite of his cookie while he looked around. “Where’s Logan, he’s gonna love this one game my dad bought me it has this really scary part at the beginning-”
“Logan isn’t here,” Patton interrupted his cousin’s rambling.
Sam looked up at him with confusion, “Is he coming later?”
Patton looked around at the people still in the kitchen, his parents, his uncle, and realized that no-one had told Sam that him and Logan had broken up. Patton’s heart started racing and the voices around him started to fade out. “No, no Logan isn’t coming,” Patton choked out before turning away from his cousin and moving passed his parents and uncle heading for the basement door. He pulled the door open and stumbled down the stairs walking through the game room that they had set up years ago and towards the bathroom. As soon as he got into the bathroom the closed and locked the door, turned on the overhead light and climbed into the bathtub. He sat in the tub for a few minutes trying to calm down before he pulled out his phone. He opened his photos and scrolled until he saw his locked album, he locked his album of him and Logan after they had broken up not wanted to be tempted to look at the pictures but right now all he wanted to do was see Logan. The first picture he saw was the last picture of him and Logan before their breakup, it was a selfie picture of Patton taken up a large tree on campus where him and Logan used to study together in between classes. Patton was grinning widely while in the background Logan had a small smile on his face as he looked at Patton.
As Patton scrolled through more pictures he found some more pictures of him and Logan from campus, pictures of them on different movie nights they had had over the years, even some from the nights they had babysat Sam. Patton was almost to the end of the album when he heard a knock on the door. Patton stopped scrolling and glanced at the door, he waited a few moments before he heard a knock again this time with Sam’s voice coming through the door. “Patton, can I come in?”
Patton got up out of the tub and went over to unlocked the bathroom door. He pulled it open a little and went back to the tub sliding down the inside again. Sam opened the door more and walked over to the tub sliding down to the floor looking at Patton. “Why did you and Logan break up?”
Patton looked up at his cousin, mind going blank.
“Why did we break up?”
Sam nodded staring intently at Patton. Patton’s mind came flooding back on the few months before the big breakup between him and Logan. Starting college had changed their relationship, more time was spent in classes and on homework. They had classes at different times, the few times they could have meals together were rushed to get back to studying. All of a sudden being in a relationship felt more like work than it ever had before, and then the fighting started, at first the fights were about small stuff, missed lunch dates, movie nights pushed back for more studying then The Fight. Patton accusing Logan of not caring about their relationship anymore, too focused on school to bother trying. Logan accusing Patton of still living in high school, not being mature enough for college. Patton yelled that if Logan thought he was too immature why was he with him, to which Logan countered with ‘I’m not sure why.’ Patton stumbled back at the confession before angrily turning towards the door, ‘well if you figure it out let me know.’ Patton came back to the present to see Sam still staring at him. “We fought, that’s why we broke up.”
“Why did you just say sorry, my dad said that when you fight you have to say sorry and then you make up.”
“It doesn’t always work like that Sam.”
“Why not?”
“Because-” Patton was at a loss for words. “it-it just doesn’t work like that Sam.”
Sam looked up at him with a look of disbelief on his face. “Don’t you love him anymore?”
“Of course, I will always love Logan.”
“Then it can work like that, just say you’re sorry,” Sam said with an air of finality standing up and walking towards the door. “I still want to play my new games with you.”
Patton watched his cousin walk out the door before he looked back down at his phone to last picture in his Logan album it was a picture of him and Logan with Patton leaning in and kissing Logan’s cheek, Logan face a bight red color and a shy smile on his face. And then Patton did something he hadn’t done in a while, he went to his contacts and pulled up Logan’s number. He thought back to what Sam had said and wondered if it was as simple as saying sorry. Patton clicked on the new message icon and simply typed, I’m sorry, can we talk, before locking his phone, climbing out of the tub and going to find him cousin.
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
50,000 Word Writing Challenge
I originally wanted to do NaNoWriMo this month but didn’t have an idea to write a full 50,000 story about yet so I decided to give myself a different challenge. So over the next 30 days I am going to try to write 50,000 words in different works. I’m not sure how this is going to go but we’ll see. The first story I am hoping to post tonight.
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
Hallo! I was just wondering, when does Virgil ask to see Logan’s neck? Is it ever where they’re friends are near and does anyone ever like catch them checking and see a bruise?
Virgil makes a pointed effort to only ever explicitly ask Logan about his neck when they’re alone (i.e. in the apartment at the start or end of the day), but he does a lot of unofficial checking on his own, and it isn’t always as subtle as he thinks it is
for instance, Virgil will lean against Logan on bus rides home from games and peer down the collar of his shirt, or he’ll hug Logan with the express purpose of glancing down his scarf. Virgil’s also now Hyper Aware of how Logan reacts when someone throws their arms around his neck for a side hug or other gesture of affection, and although he tries not to be too obvious about it, Logan isn’t exactly blind or stupid, so he notices what’s going on more often than not
( of their other teammates does, too, though perhaps i’m getting ahead of myself by bringing that up now) 
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
romanticizing mental illness is dangerous and misleading
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
All or Nothing Part 1
Summary: Roman is looking for a new apartment to live in after his current lease ends. Virgil is looking for a new roommate after his current one moves out.
Roman walked into the coffee shop feeling more dejected than he had in a while he had just meet up with someone who was looking for a roommate. The lease on his place was ending soon and he needed to find a new place to live fast. This meeting was the third in as many days and so far no luck. He made his way up to the counter where he saw his favorite barista, a freckly, curly headed Patton, who also happened to be his best friend. Once he got up to the counter and greeted Patton he ordered his usual small caramel latte with whipped cream. “So did you find a place yet?” Patton asked.
“No, I just met up with another person looking for a roommate but I don’t think it’s gonna work out,” Roman told the barista.
“Well someone was in here earlier today and was hanging a flyer up on the notice board, I think it might be a roommate wanted thing if you wanted to go see,” Patton informed him pointing towards the board hanging up opposite the counter.
Roman paid and made his way over to the board while he waited for his drink. Pinned to the board was a piece of paper with the words roommate wanted in large purple font at the top along with a description of the place, an email address and the name Virgil. The ends of the paper had been cut into slips of paper with the contact information on it so Roman pulled one off and put the paper into his pocket before turning around to collect his coffee. With his coffee in hand Roman made his way out of the coffee shop and towards his current apartment.
Virgil started his day the same way he had been starting his last week, endlessly combing through different roommate finding websites because his current roommate had moved in with his boyfriend and Virgil needed someone else to help pay the bills now. After scrolling through the website for a while he figured he might have to take a different approach, maybe he should try having the roommates come to him instead of him trying to find them? So Virgil pulled up a blank word document added a bright purple header and a description of his apartment and finally his name at the end. He printed out several copies and cut the end of the flyer into strips so people could grab a little slip that had his name and email address. He grabbed the flyers and his backpack and left his apartment. He was trying to come up with places to hang the flyers because he was still cautious of the type of roommate he wanted. As he walked down the sidewalk he came across a coffee shop and figured that would be a good place to start. He entered the coffee shop and walked up to the counter a barista came out from a doorway and came up to the counter to greet him and holy crap was he attractive. He was as tall as Virgil with dark hair and glasses. “Salutations what can I get for you today?”
“Um can I uh please get a-“ Virgil mumbled glancing up at the menu, “yeah can I please get um a small decaf latte?”
“Any flavoring in the latte?”
“I don’t think so?” Virgil responded.
“Okay that will be $2.75.”
Virgil handed over the money and snuck a peek at the name tag the barista was wearing, Logan. Just as Logan was handing the change back another barista came out of the back room pulling an apron over his head. “Hey Logan,” the other barista greeted before walking over to the espresso machine and grabbing the cup with Virgil’s order marked on it. Virgil went to walk away from the counter before he remembered the flyers that were currently located in his backpack. He turned back towards Logan before asking, “um do you guys have a community board or something like that?” Virgil felt his face heating up as Logan looked up at him from the register.
“Yes we do it’s hanging on the wall over there,” Logan answered gesturing to the wall behind Virgil.
“Do you mind if I hang something up there,” Virgil asked, “it’s totally cool if not I don’t want to bother you.”
The other barista who was making his drink looked up at that. “No problem kiddo you just head right over there and hang it up, there should be some push pins left over if not I have some more back here.”
“Cool, uh thanks.” Virgil turned away from the counter and walked over to the bulletin board that was hanging on the wall, he looked at a few of the other flyers hanging up before opening up his backpack and pulling out his own flyer and pining it to the board before walking back over to the counter to grab his drink. He left the coffee shop and headed towards the library figuring that would be another good place to hang another flyer.
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
All or Nothing AU
So awhile ago I saw an idea on tumblr from (discontentramblings) about a story where an asexual and a pansexual become room-mates and have wacky adventures. The asexual is really outgoing and a huge flirt while the pansexual is extremely introverted and socially awkward. I decided to make this into an AU with Virgil and Roman, with Virgil being the pansexual and Roman being the asexual. 
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
Can I please write this?!?!
Barbie Princess and the Pauper Logince AU where Logan is Annalise and Roman is Erika and they get married at the end and King Dominic is Patton and Julian is Janus and they also marry Roman and Logan and each other. All of them get married.
What about Virgil and Remus? you cry. Sarafina and Woolfy. Boom.
The Queen can be C!Thomas and Preminger can be the Orange Side.
Madam Carpe is just Madam Carpe
Do not sleep on this genius
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
“Wanna talk about it?” Roman sat up, leaning back against his pillows. “You only see Picani once a month now but looks like you need to talk about it.” Virgil shrugged and didn’t speak up, playing with the blanket in his hands to distract himself. “Is it the nightmares or is it you wanting to see our new friend?”
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
What I fucking love about the Sanders Sides fandom is that at least like 95% of us are queer, which means that a lot of us are ace and/or have sexualities that aren't attracted to men, yet we all have very strong opinions on the different levels of hotness of the Sides (who are all male, and, might I add, the same person). I just love that for us
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
i spontaneously decided to make a more comprehensive timeline of some of the events in the hockey au (including a couple of extra tidbits from year #2 that i haven’t elaborated on in the past), so. uhh, yeah.
i’ll definitely add onto it as i re-go through the tag (and maybe even add links fr specific events), but feel free to check what i’ve got so far under the readmore if you are So Inclined:
Keep reading
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
Might heck around and write something eventually
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virgilisaknightmare · 5 years ago
FOR THE SERVICE DOGGO AU: What's Princess's relationship with Virgil like because y'know he's an anxious boi?? Am curious. (Also Pat and Lo because why not)
Princess Approves of him because she can tell that Roman appreciates his company, but she doesn’t react to Virgil showing signs of anxiety like she does with Roman’s anxiety. She’s a service dog, so she’s only trained to just Roman. However, if Virgil does have a panic attack and she is NOT on duty (like when she’s home with Roman), she’ll comfort him in her own way. Not in an “I’m a psychiatric service dog” way, but in an “I’m a dog who loves people and you seem Big Distressed” kind of way.
As for Patton and Logan, she adores Patton because of how cuddly he is with her when they’re at Roman’s house. Patton spoils her silly and she loves it. With Logan, she appreciates him because of how much Roman loves him. Logan isn’t very cuddly with her or anything, but she can tell how much Roman appreciates his presence (because of disability solidarity between them), so she appreciates that. He’s good in her book.
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