viral-now-co · 7 years
Putin on Russia Conspiracy Theories: ‘Have You All Lost Your Senses over There?”
Russian President Vladimir Putin mocked conspiracy theories linking President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and his own government, asking NBC News’ Megan Kelly whether Americans had “all lost your senses over there.”
In the interview, marking the inaugural episode of NBC News’ Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly, Putin faced a barrage of questions covering every aspect of the many allegations that Democrats as well as the media have made.
He dismissed any notion he had a close relationship with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and mocked the idea that Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had nefarious dealings through the Russian ambassador:
For me, this is amazing. You created a sensation out of nothing. And out of the sensation, you turned it into a weapon of war against the present president. Well, this is, you know, you’re just, you people are so creative over there. Good job. Your lives must be boring.
Later, the mockery became more intense:
Kelly: There have been questions in America about Donald Trump’s finances. He hasn’t released his tax returns. There have been questions relating to this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it. There have been questions about the communications between the Trump campaign as well as the Kremlin. All of which has Americans asking, “Do you’ve something damaging on our president?”
Putin: Well, this is just another load of nonsense. Where would we get this information from? Did we have some special relationship with him? We didn’t have any relationship whatsoever. There clearly was a time when he used to come to Moscow. However, you know, I never met with him. We’ve lots of Americans who visit us. I think we’ve representatives from a hundred American companies which have come to Russia. Do you think we’re gathering compromising information on all of these right now or something? Are you have you all lost your senses over there?
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Dancing Policeman Steals The Hearts Of Everyone At Manchester Benefit Gig
Tens of tens of thousands of people packed into Old Trafford Cricket Ground to watch an incredible line-up of artists in memory of the victims of the Manchester bombing.
Coldplay joined Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Take Little Mix That, Pharrell and others. Emotions were high as several artists paid tribute.
But midway through the concert, the camera panned to show a policeman adorably dancing with concert-goers.
A policeman skipping with young fans at #OneLoveManchester. This is actually the moment I broke. pic.twitter.com/F7Iw871WoQ – Mark Savage (@mrdiscopop) June 4, 2017
People on social media melted.
We’ve some wonderful public servants in this country who deserve more recognition for the efforts they make to keep us content and safe. – Thankerton Barry (@ThankertonBarry) June 4, 2017
I’m not a very sappy person, I do not find children cute but damn this melted me – Bethany Marsh (@bethany_marsh) June 4, 2017
How awesome :pray::sparkling_heart: – s wells (@sharonrwells) June 4, 2017
When I saw this, I cried. #OneLoveManchester – mir (@mirivecchi) June 4, 2017
It’s believed that tonight’s benefit gig raised about £2 million alone, along with the more than £2 million raised from a page on GoFundMe.
Featured Image Credit: Twitter/Mark Savage
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viral-now-co · 7 years
The Real Reason Trump Pulled Out Of Paris…
…Is because he’s a very powerful bullshit detector. We know this thanks to a fascinating and unwittingly revelatory article in the German newspaper
The paper reveals how, in the days running up to President Trump’s decision to quit the UN Paris accord, he received a series of deputations from EU leaders urging him to change his mind.
“For me it’s easier to stay in than step out,” Trump told them.
This really is true. Since his momentous Rose Garden speech announcing his plans to pull out of Paris, Trump has taken more flak than a thousand-bomber raid over Berlin in ’44.
He’s upset his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, his daughter Ivanka, his financial advisor Gary Cohn. In addition to that, he’s given the entire liberal half of the planet, plus sundry conservative squishes, the perfect excuse they needed to dismiss him as a science-denying loon in thrall to Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Evil, etc…
Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris isn’t good for the world or America.
What was it that tipped Trump over the edge?
Well as he made clear in his White House speech that is brilliant, it was about American jobs.
But while I’ve no doubt that that fact provided the rational basis for his bold, principled decision, I think we can look elsewhere for the tipping point.
And here it’s, in black and white, in Der Spiegel‘s account of the way the G7 leaders tried to badger Trump in the summit in Taormina, Sicily.
Leaders of the world’s seven most powerful economies were gathered round the table as well as the issues under discussion were the global economy and sustainable development.
Emmanuel Macron, the newly elected French president, went. It makes sense the Frenchman would defend the international treaty that bears the name of France’s capital: The Paris Agreement. “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries,” Macron said.
Then, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reminded the U.S. president how successful the fight against the ozone hole had been and how it’d been possible to convince industry leaders to reduce emissions of the harmful gas.
Finally, it was Merkel’s turn. Renewable energies present significant economic opportunities. “If the world’s largest economic power were to pull out, the field would be left to the Chinese,” she warned. Xi Jinping is clever, she also would take great advantage, and added. The Saudis were preparing for the post-oil era, she continued, and saving energy is a worthwhile goal for the economy for a lot of other reasons, not due to climate change.
At which point, Trump’s bullshit detector should have been bleeping off the scale. Let’s examine those arguments, one by one.
First, Mummy’s Boy Macron’s line that “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries.”
The first half is trivially true: climate has indeed been changing for the 4.5 billion years of the planet’s existence. However, the notion that recent climate change is catastrophic, unprecedented and significantly man-made is a shaky theory, not a proven fact. And in just about any case it’s beside the point. Even supposing that climate change is all those things, it doesn’t alter the fact that Paris is a pointless waste of money, especially for countries such as the U.S. which are expected to bear the burden of the cost.
As Bjorn Lomborg has calculated, using the alarmists’ own models and data, if every signatory nation sticks to Paris then the effect will be to reduce global warming by 0.17 degrees C by 2100. At a cost in excess of $100 trillion.
As for the “affects the poorest countries” part – even if this is true, there are better ways of helping poor countries than bombing the U.S. economy to the dark ages. Like,  promoting.
Canadian Prime Minister Bieber on the Ozone Layer, next.
As Matt Ridley shows in some detail here, the vanishing ‘ozone layer’ is more or less an urban myth trotted out by environmentalists mainly to justify their insatiable advocacy of world-government-style eco-regulation.
The ozone layer is healing. Last week, or so said the news. As a result of a treaty signed in Montreal in 1989 to get cleared of refrigerant chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the planet’s stratospheric sunscreen has at last begun thickening again. Politics has averted Planetary disaster.
For reasons I’ll explain, this news deserves to be taken with a large pinch of salt. You don’t need to dig far to find evidence that the ozone hole was never as dangerous as some people said, that it’s not healing and that it may not have been caused by CFCs.
The timing of the announcement was political: it came on the 25th anniversary of the treaty, and just before a big United Nations climate conference in New York, the aim of which is to push for a climate treaty modelled
See these memes get as memes are repeated, over and over again? That piece was from 2014. It’s possible for you to lay money that it won’t be the last time some environmentalist or politician brings it up to “prove” that concerted intergovernmental legislation works because it “healed the ozone layer.”
 the Mutti of all Globalists Mrs Merkel, herself.
“Renewable energies, said the chancellor, present significant economic opportunities.” Yes, I suppose they do, if like Elon Musk you’ve got your snout buried deep in the subsidies trough, or like Warren Buffett you like to profit off the tax credits  or like wind and solar developers everywhere you just don’t care about the bats and birds sliced and diced, the countryside spoiled and the people who have their sleep disturbed as well as their property values trashed.
Now do you see what I mean? President Trump pulled out of Paris for lots of sensible reasons. But the one that tipped him over the edge was quite simply this: when you’ve got your fellow leaders of the free world insulting you with arguments you know to be bullshit and treating you like you’re some kind of an idiot, well suddenly all of it becomes crystal clear what you’ve gotta do…
You call those charlatans’ bluff and remember why it was that people voted you to be President of the U.S.A: because they wanted someone real doing the job, for a change, and not yet another of those charlatans…
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Democrats Are Asking Hillary Clinton to Step out of the Spotlight
Democrats are reportedly fed up with Hillary Clinton’s litany of excuses for losing the 2016 election and are asking her to step out of the limelight.
The consensus among former Clinton aides, former Obama aides, and Democratic strategists is that Clinton’s remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee and others for her election loss are hurting her image as well as the image of the Democratic Party, the Hill reported.
“She’s apparently still really, really angry. I mean, we all are. The election was stolen from her, and that’s how she feels,” one longtime Clinton aide said.
“But to go out there publicly again and again and talk about it? And blame the DNC? It’s not helpful to Democrats. It’s not helpful to the country, and I don’t think it’s helpful to her,” the aide added.
Former DNC Data Director Andrew Therriault was a lot less restrained in his criticism of Clinton, calling her accusations against the DNC “fucking bullshit.”
Clinton has also gone on-the-record blaming former FBI Director James Comey, the Russians, the press, her primary and general election opponents, and even sexism for her election loss.
Some aides and strategists think Clinton needs to step out of the spotlight and let that role is taken up by new leaders in the party.
“If she’s trying to come across as the leader of the angry movement of what happened in 2016, then she’s achieving it,” said one former senior aide to Obama. “But part of the problem she had was she didn’t have a vision for the Democratic Party, and she needs to now take a break and let others come to the forefront.”
Despite those advisers and her aides say she’ll remain in the public spotlight to discuss the 2016 election to promote her book which will be released.
Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons says that she should talk about where she went wrong in the election as opposed to blaming others for her elections.
“It would be nice to hear a little more about the things she did wrong, which I believe mattered more than that which she’s discussed,” Simmons said.
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viral-now-co · 7 years
London Attacker Known to Police, Allegedly Appeared on TV Jihad Show, Linked to Anjem Choudary
One of the London Bridge attackers was allegedly a well-known Islamist, who appeared on Britain’s Channel 4 TV station, was reported to police, and could be linked to the network around notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary.
Based on numerous reports, the suspected London Bridge terrorist appeared in a Channel 4 documentary last year, which also featured the “new Jihadi John”alleged Islamic State executioner Abu Rumaysah, hate preacher Mohammed Shamsuddin (also know as Abu Saalihah), and infamous social media radical Abu Haleema.
Twelve people, including four women in niqabs and men in Islamic robes, were arrested in Barking yesterday after raids at a flat believed to be the home of one of the attackers. A 55-year-old man was released without charge.
Suspected terrorist “Abz” unfurls the black flag of Islamic State during the 2016 Channel 4 film on UK radicals (Credit: Channel 4)
The 27-year-old suspected terrorist is well known as “Abz” in the film. According to The Times, one of the suspects was born in Pakistan, grew up in Britain, and has really been named by relatives as one of three men who rampaged through the capital this Saturday.
He’s thought to be the attacker who was strapped to him and wore an Arsenal shirt.
Based on an associate, interview anonymously on the BBC’s Asian Network, he was reported to the anti-terror hotline numerous times. It was claimed that police were warned the suspect was trying to radicalise children in a local park.
Police have asked the press not to fully identify the terrorists at this phase, but say they know who they are and will release their names “as soon as operationally possible”.
Among the attackers, wearing an Arsenal football shirt and fake suicide vest, lying in the street after being shot by police (Credit: Instagram/fried_chicken)
Anjem Choudary (centre) pictured alongside Abu Haleema (far right) protesting for the release of hate preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad on the 27th of February 2015 (Credit: Rachel Megawhat / Breitbart London)
Mohammed Shamsuddin, who “Abz” is filmed alongside in the Channel 4 documentary, was an associate of notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary, who founded the now-banned terror group al-Muhajiroun.
Mr. Choudary has been linked to numerous murderous terrorists, including Michael Adebolajo, one of the killers of Fusilier Lee Rigby, and the 7/7 London bombers, and was convicted last year of supporting Islamic State.
Abu Haleema and suspected Islamic State executioner Abu Rumaysah were also associates of Mr. Choudary, and both appear in the same film “Abz”.
In the Channel 4 program, the suspected London attacker is shown in a scene when the group of radicals, led by Mohammed Shamsuddin, pray in a central London park and unfurl a black flag that is identified as that of the Islamic State.
Suspected London Bridge attacker ‘Abz’ (third from left) prays in Central London behind an Islamic State flag led by hate preacher Mohammed Shamsuddin (Credit: Channel 4)
The group mock the police when they may be questioned and tread a delicate line through the film, appearing to praise Islamic State, a group that is banned, but not backing them.
Islamic State has now claimed the London Bridge attack.
At one point close to the Channel 4 film, Mohammed Shamsuddin smiles as he watches Islamic State execution videos and laughs. “The guy’s foaming at the mouth, wow!” he says. “And I’m eating, hahahaha.”
Abu Haleema, who has associated with Islamic State recruiters, says: “for the record, I don’t support the Islamic State”, when challenged, before bursting out into a fit or laughter. “Just for the record so I don’t get nicked [arrested]”, he adds.
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Woman Died In Her Fiancé’s Arms After Being Hit By Van In London Terror Attack
A woman died in her arms that were fiancés after being hit by a speeding van in the London Bridge terror attack on Saturday.
Christine Archibald, 30, from Canada, was on the bridge Tyler Ferguson, with her fiancé, when the attacker began a rampage, which may end up killing seven people.
When he heard the screech of tyres, Tyler was walking ahead of his fiancée. He saw people being hit by the van as he turned around, his family have said.
Tyler carried out desperate attempts to resuscitate her but she died in his arms after was hit.
Tyler’s brother, Mark, told CBC News: “He heard tyres screeching and he looked back, and he just saw the mayhem going on as well as the van hitting people.
“He tried CPR on her. First responders showed up right away and they tried to do. She passed in his arms.”
The attackers would go on to stab people through the Borough Market area at random, before armed police arrived on the scene and shot them dead.
Tyler’s sister, Cassie, told CBC News: “He’s broken into a million pieces. He held her and watched her die in his arms.”
Cassie added that Tyler is so heartbroken he can not eat or sleep.
The couple were living in The Hague, Netherlands, where Tyler was working as an accountant.
Tyler was joined by Christine for the weekend, and had been sent to London with his job. It was the first time she’d visited the city.
Mark said: “she’d never been there before so they decided to take a walking tour of London in the night time.”
Tyler is waiting because of his family.
A statement from the heartbroken family of Christine said: “We grieve the loss of our beautiful, loving daughter and sister. She believed that each person was to be valued and respected and had room in her heart for everybody.
“She lived this belief working in a shelter for the homeless until she moved to Europe to be with her fiancé. She’d have had no understanding.
“Please honour her by making your community a better place. Volunteer labour and your time or donate to a homeless shelter.
“Tell them Chrissy sent you.”
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he’s ‘heartbroken’ over the attack.
Featured Image Credit: Facebook
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Christian Farmer Barred from Michigan Market Because of Views on Gay Marriage
A Catholic apple grower in Michigan has been barred from a city farmers’ market over his views on same-sex marriage, after he refused to host a lesbian couple’s wedding at his orchard.
Stephen Tennes, the owner of Country Mill Farms, has sold his fruit and vegetables at the East Lansing Farmer’s Market for the past seven years. After city officials learned of his Christian belief that marriage is the union between one man and one woman, they invoked a non-discrimination policy to exclude him from being able to sell at the farmers’ market.
Tennes says he was barred from selling his produce after his business, Country Mill Farms, refused to host a lesbian couple’s wedding at its orchard in Charlotte, 22 miles outside East Lansing. Explaining his position on Facebook, Tennes cited his “Catholic belief that marriage is a sacramental union between one man and one woman.”
In a statement, the city of East Lansing said the farmer’s decision not to host a same-sex wedding violated a “long-standing ordinance that protects sexual orientation in addition to the Supreme Court’s ruling that grants the right for same-sex couples to be married.”
In point of fact, the city introduced a modification to the city’s farmers market vendor agreement just this year requiring sellers to comply with East Lansing’s Human Relations Ordinance. Among other things, the ordinance prohibits discrimination on the grounds of gender identity, sexual orientation and expression.
The city’s punitive action targets the farmer’s use of his own private property, 22 miles outside the city and well outside its jurisdiction. Mr. Tennes has declared that he doesn’t discriminate against LGBT customers at the farmer’s market, and gladly sells his produce to all comers.
“It’s our faith that informs us how to treat all who come to our farm as well as the farmers market with dignity and decency … serving customers of several races, religions, cultures and people who identify with the LBGT community,” he said.
When it came to hosting a same- Tennes felt obliged to decline.
“Our faith and beliefs on marriage and hosting weddings within our home and in our backyard of our farm have nothing to do with the city of East Lansing,” Tennes said at a press conference.
In accordance with Gay Star News, the biblical view of marriage is “homophobic” as well as the City of East Lansing barred Tennes for his “homophobic religious views.”
On Wednesday, May 31, Tennes filed a federal lawsuit against the city of East Lansing seeking his reinstatement at the market.  According to the lawsuit, Country Mill is the only business to have been prohibited under the market’s anti-discrimination policy.
Tennes is being, represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a nonprofit legal organization specializing in religious liberty cases. They’ve asserted that his religious views on marriage have no bearing on his involvement at the market and said the city’s actions amounted to a First Amendment violation.
“Steve and his farm have been singled out and excluded from full participation in the life of the community for only one reason,” said ADF counsel Kate Anderson. “Steve expressed a viewpoint the city didn’t like.”
“If the government can shut down a family farmer just due to the religious views he expresses on Facebook … then no American is free,” Anderson said.
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viral-now-co · 7 years
WHO: United States Among Least Polluting Nations on the Planet
Despite recent attempts to paint the United States as a major global polluter, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. is among the cleanest nations on the planet.
In the most recent WHO report on air pollution, the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air on earth, significantly cleaner in fact in relation to the air in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Japan, Austria and France.
While France and other G7 countries lamented the U.S. exit from the Paris climate accord, America’s air is already cleaner than that of any other country in the G7.
Following standard practice, the WHO measures air pollution by the mean annual concentration of fine suspended particles of less than 2.5 microns in diameter. These are the particles that are responsible for most deaths by air pollution and cause diseases of all sorts.
Based on the WHO, exposure to particulate matter increases the risk of acute stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, lower respiratory infection and lung cancer.
The report, which analyzed the “annual median concentration of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) for both urban population and rural and urban population” found that the United States was one of the most pollution-free nations in the world.
The annual mean concentrations of particulate matter in the air range from less than 10 to over 100 µg/m3, the report states. At the very low end of the spectrum, the United States has a concentration of just 8, while China has a concentration more than seven times higher at 59, India at 66, Egypt at 101 and Saudi Arabia with the worst air pollution at 127.
“The mean annual concentration of fine suspended particles of less than 2.5 microns in diameter is a common measure of air pollution,” the WHO states.
A series of other such studies corroborates the WHO report on water and air pollution.
In a recent of the 25 cleanest cities on earth, the sole country to boast three cities among the cleanest on the planet was the United States of America, with Chicago coming in second place, Honolulu coming in fourth, and Portland, OR, coming in sixteenth. No cities from India, Russia or China made the list in any way.
Similarly, another list of the 15 most polluted cities in the world featured three cities from China, three cities from Saudi Arabia, plus a whopping seven cities from India. No U.S. city made the list.
A third list, ranking the ten cleanest and ten most polluted cities on earth, placed two U.S. cities on the list of cleanest cities on the planet. Two cities led the list of the most polluted cities in the world from China. The list was made by two Russian cities. Again, no U.S. cities were found here.
With such relatively clean air throughout America, how can even reputable news agencies like Reuters continue spreading the well-worn lie the United States is one of the “biggest polluters” in the world?
In place of follow the time-tested practice used by the World Health Organization, which measures levels of disease-causing pollutants that get into people’s lungs, some have played a shell game, swapping a new measure of “pollution” based solely on emissions of carbon dioxide.
The problem with this specific ploy is it’s dishonest to say it’s and that carbon dioxide isn’t a pollutant. CO2 is odorless, colorless and non-toxic. Grow and plants depend on it to live, and some are drawn by human beings into their lungs with each breath they take to no ill effect.
Growers pump CO2 into greenhouses to produce stronger, greener, healthier plants.
Current levels of carbon dioxide concentration in the environment are substantially lower than they’ve been during earlier periods in the planet’s history. Without human intervention, the concentration of CO2 has climbed as high as 7,000 parts per million (ppm) in prior eras, whereas at present the concentration is just over 400 ppm.
Some experts, including UN climate scientist Dr. Indur Goklany, have defended rising CO2 levels as a good thing for humanity. Goklany has argued the rising level of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere “is currently net beneficial for both humanity along with the biosphere generally.”
“The benefits are real, while the costs of warming are uncertain,” he said.
It might take some consolation in the fact that among G7 nations, it’s the cleanest air of all, while the United States must remain vigilant to keep the level of real, dangerous pollutants to a minimum.
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viral-now-co · 7 years
[★TRENDING] Lee Kwang Soo starts crying in the Russian sea — Koreaboo
Lee Kwang Soo, Yang Se Chan, and HaHa all shed tears in the center of a Russian ocean as they expressed their compassion for Kim Jong Kook.
In a recent episode of Running Man, Lee Kwang Soo, Yang Se Chan, HaHa, and Kim Jong Kook were required to catch king crabs and 10 other different types of sea creatures; otherwise, they’d be sent to a horror house in Japan.
This horror house, the Super Scary Labyrinth of Fear at Tokyo’s Fuji-Q Highland amusement park, is said to be one of the scariest places in Japan and has even made it into the Guinness Book of World Records as being the longest and scariest house of horror on the planet.
Image Source: The Travel Intern
Individuals who fail their missions in Running Man is going to be punished by being sent into the horror house, and therefore the members went to great lengths to avoid the punishment by seeking out empathy among the other members.
Kim Jong Kook said he wished the team succeeded in the mission so that one of the team members needed to be sent into the horror house and started by expressing his honest opinion about the punishment.
Lee Kwang Soo tried to buy his empathy by faking tears, and therefore misunderstood him and believed Kim Jong Kook would be responsible for choosing who’d go into the horror house.
Soon, HaHa and Yang Se Chan decided to play along with Lee Kwang Soo, where Yang Se Chan tried to keep his eyes open in the wind show he understood the pain behind needing to make this kind of difficult decision and to make fake tears.
Soon, all three of them were vying for Kim Jong Kook’s empathy, in that their crying became even more exaggerated over time.
Watch the hilarious clip below!
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Noel Gallagher Could Not Attend The ‘One Love’ Concert Due To A Holiday
Liam Gallagher took aim at his brother, Noel, in a series of tweets, blaming him for there being no Oasis reunion in the One Love Manchester concert this morning.
Liam apologised for the absence of his big brother in the tribute gig, describing him as showing his ‘true fucking colours’ for failing to perform. He added that Noel should have ‘got on a fucking plane’ and ‘played [his] tunes for the kids’.
Here’s exactly what he needed to say…
What an amazing night last night pure love vibrations nobody comes close to Manchester love forever LG x – Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) June 5, 2017
Oh and if anybody’s seen rkid tell him he can come out now as you were LG x – Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) June 5, 2017
Manchester id like to apologise for my brothers absence last night very disappointed stay beautiful stay safe LG x – Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) June 5, 2017
Noels out of the fucking country were not we all love get on a fucking plane and play your tunes for the kids you sad fuck – Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) June 5, 2017
Fuck the reunion mate it ain’t about oasis it is about people helping other people and he is once again shown his true fucking colours – Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) June 5, 2017
The reason has been revealed.
Noel’s rep told the Mirror that the former Oasis guitarist was on holiday over the weekend, adding: “Sadly, Noel WOn’t be at the concert this weekend. He is been out of the country on a family trip that is longstanding since before the concert was announced and is unable to attend.
“Needless to say he’s very supportive of the event and wishes everyone huge success on the day.”
It is unlikely this revelation will stop Noel copping flack over his no-show, especially given that his younger brother flew back from a gig in Germany – playing two shows in one day.
The prior Oasis frontman performed his new single ‘Wall of Glass’ as ‘Live Forever’, which he dedicated, as well in front of the 60,000 strong crowd.
Coldplay joined Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Take Little Mix That, Pharrell and others for the show of yesterday. Emotions were high as several artists paid tribute.
It is been reported that the benefit gig raised over £2million, in addition to the more than £2million raised from a page on GoFundMe.
To donate in the United Kingdom, you can text ‘LOVE’ to 70507 to give £5 or donate online via this dedicated British Red Cross page: http://www.redcross.org.uk/LOVE
Featured Image Credit: PA Images
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viral-now-co · 7 years
January 8, 2011: Kathy Griffin Blamed Sarah Palin’s ‘Crosshairs Map’ for Gabby Giffords’ Shooting
On May 30, comic Kathy Griffin tweeted a picture of herself holding a head that was designed to be President Trump’s, suggesting that Trump had been beheaded.
The New York Daily News reported the photographer supporting the picture, Tyler Shields, defended it as an instance of “art.”
Shields stated that Griffin began discussions that resulted in the picture “She came to me. She said she’d like to do something political, that she’d adore to do something which makes a statement.” He included, “ It a cooperation. It wasn’t totally me, although it wasn’t entirely her. Without Kathy, I ‘d’ve never done a picture like that. She’s the only man I can see doing this … Not lots of folks are brave enough to do something similar to this.”
This is ironic when one considers January 8, 2011 — the date on which Representative Gabby Giffords (DAZ) was shot by the mentally ill Jared Loughner. That shooting happened after former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had requested traditional voters to target particular Congressional districts in the 2010 midterm elections, so as to vote representatives who voted for Obamacare out of office.
SarahPAC, Palin’s political action committee, had released a graphical showing crosshairs on 20 swing districts subsequently held by Democrats in Congress which could switch to Republicans. Due to Palin’s successful sanctions of candidates in those swing districts, Republicans in the 2010 midterms won 19 of those 20 targeted races. The one district that remained Democratic was Giffords’.
The SarahPAC 2010 targeted Congressional districts map
This really is the way Griffin responded to news of the assault on Giffords:
Seeing the news? Congresswoman in AZ,who’s ON the crosshairs map of Sarah Palin was SHOT in the head 2day. Joyful Sarah?
AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He’s the political analyst for Equipped American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at [email protected].
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viral-now-co · 7 years
I replaced my smartphone with a Nokia 3310, and I never want to go back
For the past week or so, my Android smartphone was benched—I place it into a drawer, and for the following week, just touched it. Instead, I utilized the new Nokia 3310, a reboot of Nokia’s 17 year old mobile of the exact same name, which was once renowned for its longevity and close-indestructibility. 
I believed I Had endure the week in the hands of a dumbphone—that I Had miss it all, my e-mails, my programs. The week went and came. Was it terrible, but I am tempted to never return to my Android mobile. Actually, I am tempted not to return to any kind of smarpthone
If it seems amazing to you personally, and you would like to bunch out to purchase the new Nokia 3310—if it even works where you reside—keep in mind: There Is nothing special about this mobile. 
The Nokia 3310 is a dumbphone. It is similar in function to a Nokia 150. It allows you to get and take SMS messages and calls. It is got a little color display, and a 2-megapixel camera, which you will not use, because it shoots crappy pictures. It is got a built in Opera browser and program support, which you also will not use, because they largely suck (at least when compared to the same encounter on a smartphone), and additionally, everything is slow. It is got a incredibly crappy calculator program, with just the most fundamental of functions. And do not get me started on the typing encounter. You have probably forgotten how difficult it’s to type on a numeric keyboard, and trust me, you are better off having forgotten. 
Most importantly, the Nokia 3310 is not even affordable. It begins at £50 in the UK (€49 in Europe; not accessible the U.S. yet). The Nokia 150, which has nearly the same specs, prices less than half the sum. With the 3310, you are paying the additional money to really have a cellphone that kinda resembles the first Nokia 3310. Simply it is thinner, lighter, and, conversely, likely is not even as permanent. 
The back camera is there, but it is hardly worth your time.
Picture: Stan Schroeder/Mashable
And that is the overview of the Nokia 3310 there. The cost? In the event you loved the original mobile worth it. And to be honest to Nokia, they understood where using nostalgia’s concerned precisely what they were doing. 
It appeared from my pocket, it generated near-universally joyous responses. “So cool” “They’re still making those?” “I need one for my children.” “Does it have snake?” (It does, actually, have Snake—but a modern variant, arguably crappier than the first). 
However, in the event the mobile itself is not, well, wonderful, then what is all this discussion about never going back to a smartphone? The Nokia 3310’s a dumbphone, plus it is nearly as good as entry as any dumbphone to the smartphone-free life. 
What I got from changing to the Nokia 3310 for a week was a little bit of rest. 
The smartphone-free life isn’t a fresh theory. Folks have attempted, and wrote about, a lot more striking efforts—including staying off the net for a year. But I was not looking for a stunt. The web is my life; I can not remain offline for long without shifting my occupation. What I got from changing to the Nokia 3310 for a week was a little bit of rest. 
From assessing the Facebook feed every 10 seconds remainder. Remainder, from the never ending circle of assessing email, subsequently Twitter, subsequently Instagram, subsequently Facebook, then email, again. Remainder, from always looking things up online. How many IBUs does this IPA have? How much is this car? What is the name of the tune that is playing on the radio?
Poor schmucks in the backdrop toil away on their smartphones while I love the quiet life with my Nokia 3310.
Picture: Stan Schroeder/Mashable
I recognized I really did not want the info overload in my spare time. During work hours, I Had get my dose in the previous week. After that, I Had leave my notebook in my home office, pocket the 3310 (it is so little, I always thought I lost it) and go take a walk, spend some time with my child, or read a publication. 
I recognized I really did not want the info overload in my spare time.
After a week, I think content in the dumbphone universe urge hovering to always check what is new. I receive a message or a call and that is all right. When was Sylvester Stallone produced? Hell, I do not understand. In the event that you would like you check it out. 
There are several other edges. At £50, the Nokia 3310 might not be economical, but it is much less expensive than most smartphones. If it is stolen by a person, no huge deal. I do not even have to worry about information; no passwords are saved on it. I am able to take it to the shore, worry-free. 
Its battery lasts forever by standards that are smartphone. Two weeks of battery life? Not impossible now, but I am not certain: I just charged it once so far. One less thing to worry about. 
There are times once I miss my smartphone— when I am working out, or when I must assess a ferry program and the wifi expires, and I can not tether my laptop to my mobile. Or when I sit at a restaurant and everyone around me is staring at their smartphones, and I feel as a weirdo. 
On such occasions, I Had pull out my 3310 and instantly curse it, mainly because it is simply not a great time-killer (and I was completely finished Snake after two days). It is like having a smoke that will not light. 
But most of the time, I am grateful for having the ability to soak up the real world around me. In the previous week, I Have read two novels. I spoke to folks more. I presume my food tasted. To put it differently, my Nokia 3310 dumbphone has managed to make my life brighter—and it might possibly, in the event you let it, do the same for yours.
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viral-now-co · 7 years
There’s A Chicken Big Mac And Looks Spectacular
There is not actually lots of matters you can do in order to enhance a Big Mac. Perhaps remove? Depends on what you enjoy, actually.
However even in the event that you are a gherkin hater, it is minor blip in an otherwise perfect scenario. You see, you can have your Angus steakhouse fire grilled toasted bun hamburger bollocks that are savory, but when you are looking for a no nonsense straight to the point order, you go for the Big Mac.
Nevertheless, there are several other alternatives, including McChicken nuggets, which constantly fill hole. You are often tempted by the McChicken sandwich, which is great, but is not quite as great as the Big Mac.
But worry not – behold the The Grand Big Mac Chicken.
Could not help but think of @peternowak while attempting this in Barcelona. The Grand Big Mac Chicken @McDonaldspic.twitter.com/KQ9vr1gdT7 – Mike Yawney (@Gadget_Man) March 3, 2015
Because lots of folks enjoy to mix and match their Maccies food, McDonald’s in Australia have apparently drawn inspiration in that, whacking at two breaded chicken pieces between the buns, instead of the standard patties.
Promotional material for the hamburger reads: “Think of our most iconic hamburger. That Big Mac Special sauce. That crispy iceberg lettuce, melting touch cheese, onions, pickles, and needless to say, tasty chicken. That is correct, chicken,” the chain said. “At Macca’s we are mixing up the classics, blending the well-known Big Mac together with the classic McChicken to produce your new favourite hamburger.”
Uproxx reports that they are obtainable in Qatar, Egypt, the UAE, Spain as well as the Netherlands, which is anticipated, because all great things appear to occur away from the united kingdom.
It is not worth attempting to get someone at the land of the golden arches make on for you, as they will likely get it incorrect and to try.
Alex Moran understands just what I am on about.
He purchased a ‘simple cheeseburger’ from the division of the St John in Leeds, and was just given a piece of cheese between two pieces of bread.
He was given a fucking cheese
Alex said: “I could not believe it. The initial thing I did was reveal one of my work buddies who instantly began laughing. Because I did not have enough time, I used to not take it back. I was a little annoyed in the beginning but saw the humour in it.”
Based on Alex, he is purchased a cheeseburger that was simple numerous times before, but never had this problem.
He needed to eat the ‘McDoanld’s equivalent of a cheese toastie’ because of the fact he did not need to go starving.
Featured Picture Credit: McDonald’s
Wed May 31 2017 22:54:51 GMT+0100 (BST)Wed May 31 2017 22:54:51 GMT+0100 (BST)
Mark McGowan in 
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Liam Gallagher’s First Solo Track ‘Wall Of Glass’ Played Exclusively On BBC Radio 1
Liam Gallagher’s first solo single has been given an exclusive play on BBC Radio 1, this evening.
‘Wall of Glass’ is the first tune outside of his former bands by Gallagher Oasis and Beady Eye, and you understand it is large, when you were listening.
He posted a snippet of the track to Ha Prohibited G and afterwards to Spotify below the name Facebook. He debuted the song live during his first solo live show last night in Manchester.
Give it a listen and see the video…
LG returned to his hometown of Manchester to give people a first glance of his solo content, yesterday evening.
In the cozy Manchester Ritz, he walked on stage to raucous applause and cheers, before going right into ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Star’, the very first tune from his former group Oasis’ classic debut record, Definitely Maybe. Booming on the feeling that was excitable, he followed this up with a mix of new and old melodies.
This was more than simply a hometown show that is typical, yet. The vocalist was returning to the city where his career started, only one week after a terrible act of terrorism had rocked it.
In complete shock and totally devastated about what is gone down in MANCHESTER sending Love and Light to all of the family’s involved LG x – Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) May 23, 2017
Twenty two candles graced the stage for the whole set, and in between tunes the crowd erupted with performances of ‘Do Not Look Back in Anger’. The tune became Gallagher’s old group’s second number one single in 1996, and has lately been resurrected in the aftermath of the strike as an anthem for Manchester. Chants of ‘stand up for the 22’ broke out during the evening.
After bringing out former Oasis guitarist Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthurs for a performance of ‘Be Here’ to close the show, Liam returned to perform a heartfelt a capella performance of ‘Live Forever’ as an encore.
Where the spirit of Manchester was totally encapsulated it was a really amazing evening.
The night started with ‘Fuckin’ in the Bushes’ clouding before the group started into the immediately recognisable ‘Rock & Roll Star’, which was followed by another Oasis powerhouse, ‘Morning Glory’, through the loudspeakers.
Gallagher subsequently debuted four new tracks, ‘Selfish Soul’, ‘Wall of Glass’, ‘Fearless’ and ‘Paper Crown’, the stand out being ‘Wall of Glass’, his first single which will probably be played on Radio 1 tonight.
The brand new tunes do not especially sound like anything but do have moments of ‘Oasis-ness’. One thing is for sure, though, they all sound mega.
Noel Gallagher tracks that were written were played as ‘D’You Know What I Mean’ got a rare live appearance, and ‘Slide Away’ was played in all its glory. Both Noel and Liam once stated the initial record of ‘Slide Away’ was Liam’s “greatest ever singing”. He definitely did it justice on this particular occasion while it might not be possible to genuinely reproduce the sung from 1994.
Liam and Noel on ‘Slide Away’. Credit: Big Brother Recordings
The Child subsequently gave the crowd three more new melodies in It ‘Does Not Have To Be What Manner’, ‘You’d Better Run, You’d Better Hide’, and ‘Universal Gleam’.
‘Be Here Now’, an unusual choice of tune, stopped the main set. Talking to NME Liam had formerly said that he adored the tune for the lyric “kicking up a storm from the day that I produced,” which is fitting, given that he kicked up a right rage yesterday evening.
After what felt like ten minutes, LG returned to the stage after pint rest and a drawn-out cig, maracas in hand, singing ‘Live Forever’ with all his mite.
He said: “Manchester, I really like you, we adore you, look after each other and I Will see you again.” All profits from the show are going to families impacted by the Manchester assault.
In the event that you have seen his High Flying Birds and Noel dwell then you will understand it is amazing, a scene at which you lift your pint in the air can place your arm all around your mate and sing your lungs out. But as it pertains to Liam, it is about getting “mad fer it”, truly fucking going for it.
There is something about him.
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Tech Leak Supposedly Shows The Final Design For The iPhone 8
The following instalment of the show that is iPhone is really, very expected. It’s going to be published on the 10th anniversary of the authentic Apple iPhone, so many are excited to see what the huge business has in store to mark the event.
While Apple tries its hardest to keep a secret to the brand new mobile, there are leaks. And in 2017, leaks are more like floods because tongues have been wagging a lot.
One guy, who goes by the Twitter handle of , has been quite instrumental in telling the world ahead of time what our precious handsets will look like before they are released.
Have a look in any way the leaks he compiled last year:
However he is continued his campaign with all the iPhone 8 and it is considered the brand new handset will look like this:
You truly would not consider it… :smirk: #iPhone8pic.twitter.com/4zjA5YbRY1 – OnLeaks (@OnLeaks) May 30, 2017
From what you’ll be able to see on the pictures so, the back double camera will soon be piled in addition to each other as opposed to side by side in the iPhone 7+.
Another fascinating point is that there’s no home button. In case these images are the real deal it’s going to back up that is an iPhone which takes up the whole display, and what many have been anticipating.
As stated by the Daily Mail, we may also anticipate wireless charging abilities, a pure white model, the aluminium back will soon be replaced by two glass panels (yay more glass to get busted) and facial recognition.
Benjamin Geskin at iDropNews lately made some predictions concerning what it will look like, placing it in a rather sleek theory layout.
The idea reveals that controls for Safari, phone calls, music as well as the finger print scanner run along the underside, whereas the lock and house displays stay much the same.
– OnLeaks (@OnLeaks) May 30, 2017
Tai Jeng-wu, president of Sharp, making smartphone displays, has lately suggested that the iPhone 8 will feature an OLED display.
“The iPhone has been evolving and now it’s changing from LTPS (low temperature polysilicon) to OLED panels,” Jengwu told a group of pupils at Tatung University in Taipei.
“We do not know whether Apple’s OLED iPhones will be a success, but if Apple does not walk down this route and transform itself, there will be no invention. It’s a disaster but it’s likewise an opportunity,” he said, as stated by the Nikkei Asian Review.
Technology specialists think that OLED displays provide the most effective form of screen due to its better colour reproduction, although this can send the cost of the apparatus soaring. No longer will users demand a backlight when shooting videos as well as pictures. An OLED-based display lights up unique pixels when required.
There is no official date set for the brand new iPhone but it is rumoured to be outside in September or October.
Featured Picture Credit: Twitter/PA
Thu Jun 01 2017 00:12:54 GMT+0100 (BST)Thu Jun 01 2017 00:12:54 GMT+0100 (BST)
Stewart Perrie in 
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viral-now-co · 7 years
Not even Elon Musk could sway Trump on the Paris Agreement
Elon Musk has the ear as an associate of the business advisory council of the White House of President Donald Trump, and he’s not been scared to utilize it to lobby him on crucial problems. One of those is global climate change. 
And yet Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla who has been pushing the world toward a future of renewable energy, was unable to carry the Trump government to stay in the Paris Climate Deal. This really relies on multiple news reports on Wednesday saying the government is going to take from the watershed understanding. 
It was not only Musk pressing the U.S. government to stay in the pact. Thirty CEOs of a number of the planet ‘s biggest firms co signed an open letter to Trump previously this month. Names contained Jeffrey Immelt of General Electric, Marc Benioff of Salesforce, Richard Branson of Virgin Group, and Robert Iger of The Walt Disney Company. 
“We’re committed to working with you to create jobs and foster U.S. competitiveness, and we consider this can be best attained by staying in the Paris Agreement,” read the letter.
Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft were among the 24 firms who ran a similar letter as a full page advertisement in the D.C. versions of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post. This letter claimed that the Paris Agreement helps America create jobs and reduces business risks associated with global warming. 
The Paris arrangement is regarded as the world’s most all-inclusive plan to fight climate change. Former President Barack Obama was a driving force behind negociate the treaty, which went into power in 2016.  
The treaty is seen by many corporate as well as authorities leaders as favorable for companies. 
“If President Trump does pull out of the Paris climate deal, I suspect he’ll be alarmed how unpopular this determination will be with company,” said Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, chair of the Business and Sustainable Development Commission and former deputy U.N. secretary-general, said prior to Wednesday’s conclusion. 
“This tips things back in ways that’s not merely tumultuous for company but possibly highly dangerous for all of us as citizens. So he may be even more surprised to discover how few take the opportunity to march back with him,” he continued. 
The move of the Trump government is just one more setback to Silicon Valley. The government has worked to restrict and further dismantle the H-1B visa application, which businesses like Facebook rely on to recruit foreign workers. The traveling prohibition also spurred furious resistance from technology giants. 
Despite Trump inviting top technology leaders for a roundtable in December, he’s done little to demonstrate that he really has the executives’ best interests for a much more sustainable future in your mind. 
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viral-now-co · 7 years
The Nuclear Option: Trump Dominates World While Maddow Hypes Fake Scandals
In now’s hopelessly indifferent and sheltered media, Mr. Trump and his antics are pearls before swine.
It tells something to you that the best-rated show on television now is MSNBC’s insufferable Rachel Maddow. Ms. Maddow is one of those folks terrified of having anyone on her show more intelligent than her.
That’s good. The serious issue is that she’s only scolding and so boring and professorial.
Additionally, Ms. Maddow is unable of comedy. All pleasure expires on her desk.
Mr. Trump’s latest triumphal tour of the Middle East and Old Europe was covered by Ms. Maddow and the dull media as the Excursion of Seven Scandals. As well as the scandals were stupid and small.
French whatever Emmanuel Macron was hailed for allegedly humiliating Mr. Trump by shaking his hand extremely hard. (I ‘m not making this up.) I think for a man robbed from his cradle, this really is huge lad sort of junk.
Subsequently there was the hand-holding — and lack thereof — between Mr. Trump and the first lady. It wasn’t fake news that Melania Trump actually did seem to pull her hand away and even smack Mr. Trump’s when he attempted holding her hand.
A) This ISN’T a scandal. Happens on a regular basis. B) Our first lady is one tough cookie.
But, oh my goodness, to hear the Ms. Maddows of the world go on and on about this junk. They really take all the pleasure out of everything.
Probably the most effective scandal of the whole trip came when Mr. Trump wiggled like a bull salmon swimming upstream to get to the front of the bunch of world leaders so as to make himself front and facility.
Firstly, the man is a New Yorker. Maybe you have attempted to get on a train in Nyc? Perhaps you have seen Sen. Chuck Schumer cut through a bunch to get to a mic?
They’re New Yorkers, plus it’s they are.
Second, Mr. Trump is president of the United States of America, by God. He damned well better be on the front row, dead center, irrespective of how really many leaders of small pipsqueak nations he must shove away to get there.
With that, Mr. Trump once again demonstrated that he’s worthy to be commander in chief of the best nation on world.
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