viperstrikes · 12 days
If you’ve seen me post about this already I apologize — it wasn’t showing up in the tag. This is a bit of a triggering one so please read the author notes before proceeding. Otherwise, enjoy!
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viperstrikes · 13 days
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pretty much
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viperstrikes · 13 days
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They're so fight-fight-kiss.
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viperstrikes · 2 years
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viperstrikes · 2 years
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viperstrikes · 2 years
my unreliable ass could never be a narrator
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viperstrikes · 2 years
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i’m scared of ending up alone.
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viperstrikes · 2 years
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➠ Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader ➠ Genre: Angst, with a lil fluff ➠ Type: Series ➠ Trope: Soulmates ➠ Word count: 1,606 ➠ Warnings: abuse/mentions of abuse, trauma, swearing?, alcohol use, JJs (dickhead of a) father ➠ Summary: Soulmate trope where the bruises you get on your body matches your soulmates. If you get hurt, your soulmate will also get the bruise, and vice versa. ➠ Author Notes: I haven’t posted in a minute (like 6 years lololol) but let me know if y’all want a second part to this!
It’s all so surreal, the way you find out who your soulmate is.
It happens in some sweaty, alcohol-stenched house in Pogues territory, a place you’ve called home for almost two years. You remember the music creating a rhythm in your bones, a sort of cloud fogging over your brain from how much of whatever the hell was in that punchbowl you had already downed. You came here with your friend Alice, and you were both on the dance floor having the time of your life.
You thought you guys looked stupid, but it still didn’t stop you.
Until, well...something else did.
It hits you sharply, the feeling sprouting from your lower abdomen so strongly that you stumble forward a little.
“Jesus,” Your hands dart to where you feel the bruise forming. “Not again.”
You knew what was happening, though, hell, given your soulmates track record, it was far from your first rodeo.
The first time you had ever received a bruise on your body—one that you knew wasn't caused by your childish antics—you were seven.
It happened suddenly, a powerful jolt shifting in your bones and the overwhelming sensation of something not being right following quickly after. It didn’t hurt—it was far from pain—but somehow, you knew in that moment that you’d rather experience pain a million times over than have to undergo the dull and almost numb feeling that made you feel so empty that you wanted to cry.
You ran to your mother, a blubbering mess while you rubbed at the bruise on your arm with an incoherent string of words tumbling out of your mouth. She had explained it to you then; opened you up into a world where soulmates existed. Where the bruises that seemingly appeared out of nowhere had meant that there was someone who was meant for you. Where the person you were bound to collide with was your other half. Your missing piece.
And you hated it.
But it wasn't the idea of soulmates that you hated. You didn’t mind having comfort in knowing that someone out there had the same fate string as yours.
Your issue was that your soulmate seemed to be a careless, chaotic idiot. Most people are careful, most people know that the second they get a bruise that their soulmate will sport a matching one, but your other half seems to be completely insensitive.
Even now, as you stand in the middle of a crowd but somehow feel more lonely than ever, that much is apparent.
You don’t feel like dancing anymore, and so you hurriedly break off from Alice - she doesn’t seem to notice, which, thank God - to get some space.
You trek up the stairs - pushing past a couple who’re sucking face, and pull open the first door you see, the world sounding like a murmur behind the door when you close it.
But then,
“Whoa, you ever heard of knocking?” The voice is only a sliver of familiar, if anything, but it’s enough to get you to turn around to see that you’ve taken refuge in a bathroom, and that JJ Maybank, of all people, is shirtless and staring at you through the mirror in front of him with an incredulous expression crossing his features.
“Oh.” You still, taking note of the blood in the sink and his shaky hands, but not staring for longer than you should.
The last and only time you spoke to the guy was a few months after you moved here last year, where you quickly realized how awfully smart mouthed he was. From what you heard, he got into trouble, was a bit rowdy, and has broken one too many hearts, but he’s somehow completely private about his personal life; keeps to himself a lot and really only socializes with the only three friends he seems to have.
“Yeah, oh, sweetheart,” JJ breaks eye contact with you and tenses his jaw, grabbing the rag on the side of the sink and dabbing it around his lower abdomen.
It’s then that you notice the bruise blooming on the surface of his skin; a bruise formed in the same place you’re feeling completely hollow in on your own body. You think it’s a coincidence, but when you see another fading bruise on JJ’s wrist - one you woke up to last week - your breath hitches a bit.
You expect the realization to hit you in some sort of way, get you excited or tingly or warm or even nervous. Something, anything. But JJ looks too angry and was obviously hurt, notably enough that the only thing you can wonder isn’t if JJ is your soulmate - the soulmate you’ve been waiting for - but rather why the pain you feel from the bruise suddenly hurts twice as bad.
You quickly look away, and you decide that it’s to let JJ hesitantly continue inspecting the wound - something that makes him hiss and wince and swear.
Definitely not because of the real possibility that you and JJ could be...
“I’m...so sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here-” You tried again, but JJ pointedly cuts you off.
“Well someone is in here,” He's irritated. And a bit drunk, you note. But there’s something a bit off about the expression he wears on his face. Like he’s...weary. 
You don’t blame him.
“Right,” You say, but there’s a foreign feeling pooling in your stomach and you find yourself stepping forward. JJ pauses then, eyeing you like you’d just done something stupid, a bit of drunken scrutiny laced in his eyes.
You ignore it. “I could help. Y’know, with...” You gesture towards his chest, “My moms a nurse so I know a few things.” 
JJ doesn’t miss a beat to turn around and face you, silent but still wincing from the pain. The bruise looks worse in that light, like it stings and itches, but JJ doesn’t look phased about it at all. He just looks at you through a stoic-faced expression, jaw tightened - but, he nods, eventually. And you’re honestly really… surprised at that.
It takes you a few minutes, but you eventually get his wound cleaned and bandaged up, trying desperately to hide any sort of panic or discomfort that starts to grow alongside the bruise on your own skin. It feels the same as it always does, but different. Somehow.
Maybe it’s because you know who it belongs to this time. And that knowledge comes bottled with way too many questions that you don’t think JJ can handle at the moment. He looks too lost; somewhere deep diving into the pits of his mind, body slumped against the bathroom counter as he begins to pull his t-shirt back on.
The last thing you need to do is psych him out with the truth of knowing that you’re it. “The One”. Someone the universe had picked out for him.
“So, what was so urgent that you didn’t stop to check if the bathroom was occupied before going into it?” JJ  breaks the silence, but there’s no malice to his words. Just a bit of amusement and a lot of curiosity.
“I-uh…” You don’t know what to say, or how to say it, really. JJ looks too tired and you don’t want to blurt out that you think you’re his soulmate - and even worse, that you’re fucking scared of the odds because it’s JJ Maybank. He has a rep with girls, and he doesn’t seem serious about...well, anything.
Except for maybe whatever had given him that bruise and gotten him looking pale and dim-eyed at this stupid, stupid party.
“Just needed to get away from everyone for a bit,” You give him a small smile, hoping it’s enough. And apparently, it is. At-least judging by the way he relaxes a bit, like he’s not on edge anymore.
“Yeah, these things suck ass sometimes,” He pulls something from his pocket and - oh. Blunt and lighter. “Don’t blame you at all. Shits stuffy,” He takes a few puffs after lighting it, lolling his head back before outstretching his hand and offering you some.
You blink, almost denying it before you figure that it could help you ease up; especially with you still trying to hold down the urge to cry because of how bad the bruise has made you feel this time around.
You wonder briefly if he feels it too, underneath the actual pain of it all.
“You gonna be okay?” You ask quietly, handing the joint back to him.
There’s genuine surprise in his face when you say that, and you pretend that you don’t notice the curious gaze he gives you - like there’s something about you he can’t quite pinpoint.
And - yeah. If only he knew.
“I’ll be fine. Always am.” He reassures, jaw a little slack, and then adds on hesitantly: “Thanks for the help, and for not asking questions or freaking out.”
“Course,” You nod like it’s that simple. Like you two have known each other for years and this was a common occurrence. Like there was nothing strange about sitting in a bathroom with JJ Maybank and getting high. “It was my fault for barging in, but I won’t tell anyone. Promise,” You hold your pinky finger in the air, and JJ raises a brow at you.
He seems to be pondering over something, but he decidedly reaches forward to lock his pinky with yours. He’s warm, and now that your thoughts have died down a little, you notice in this proximity that he smells a lot like a bonfire.
“Guess it’s a promise, then.”
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viperstrikes · 7 years
Active Child - “Silhouette” Ft. Ellie Goulding
Show me wear it hurts...
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viperstrikes · 7 years
Kiss [Rick Grimes x Reader]
This is for @eurusholmmes who requested a Rick Grimes kissing imagine! This one kind of got away from me, but I really hope you enjoy it! Sorry it took so long!
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Words: 3,500
Summary: The course of you and Rick’s relationship told through the kisses you share. 
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Sadness, pretty much everything you can think of
A/N: I am so proud of this; this is like my 9th symphony. I hope you all enjoy.
Keep reading
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viperstrikes · 7 years
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viperstrikes · 7 years
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Stranger Things Appreciation Month 2017
DAY FOURTEEN: Favorite outfit from season 1 - Nancy’s red jacket
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viperstrikes · 7 years
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viperstrikes · 7 years
I’m never trying to hurt people, but somehow, that’s all I ever end up doing.
Journal Entry; 24 Sep 2017 (via thoughts-into-ink)
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viperstrikes · 7 years
So I joke about everything, because if I’m laughing then it isn’t real, right?
from an unfinished story #950 (via thoughts-into-ink)
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viperstrikes · 7 years
I see everyone as a story. That could be beautiful, but it isn’t, because I don’t see anyone as a person, just something I could write if I broke them perfectly enough.
Journal Entry; 27 Sep 2017 (via thoughts-into-ink)
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viperstrikes · 7 years
I keep apologizing in my head. Like if I say I’m sorry enough, the universe will realize its mistake and you won’t be gone anymore.
from an unfinished story #952 (via thoughts-into-ink)
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