18 posts
Mostly art and short stories with the occasional bunny picture or rant.
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viperrose773 · 5 months ago
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viperrose773 · 9 months ago
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Finished mural, took about 20 hours.
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viperrose773 · 11 months ago
Happy Easter!Here's a grumpy bun
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viperrose773 · 1 year ago
Oh, will wonders ever cease?
Blessed be the mystery of love.
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viperrose773 · 1 year ago
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Magical desert house thingie!!!
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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New Pictures Done!!!!
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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The feathers and flowers.
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
Hot, it’s hot… but that's not right.
It’s not supposed to be this hot is it?
Maybe it’s supposed to be this hot? I'm not sure. The heat feels wonderful though. It's like sunshine on my skin, bathing me in an impossible warmth. So much warmer than my usual freezing beds.
But If I fell asleep in the kelp like normal, then why am I so warm?
Where did the cool waves of the ocean go? The fish and crabs that never fail to wake me? The slimy embrace of kelp wrapped around me just so?
I'm not in the ocean anymore. The fact is indisputable and strange. Concerning in more ways than one, but not unwanted nor bad, as the sun feels wonderful on my skin, which has not felt sunlight in so long.
Prying my eyes open, I'm greeted with the sight of sand. Great hills of sand far as the eye could see, big and small, just sand and more sand everywhere. It's soft underneath me, almost sucking me back down into its warm embrace, even as I try to wrench myself up into a standing position.
My legs wobble, unfamiliar with the act of standing. Rarely had I left the water before, except on the off occasion that I braved the village. Having to claw my way out of the water, bag of wares slung over my shoulder and weighing me down.
Usually pulling myself from the water was painful, for I always stumbled once I finally yanked myself fully onto land. Having to rely heavily on my tail to keep me balanced while my gills closed up and allowed for human breath. The whole experience was always unpleasant, nothing like waking up in this sandy wasteland.
Managing to catch my balance was easy once I got my footing, my tail helpfully balancing out my weight. The sand did not hurt my sensitive scales as I thought it might. It was shockingly gentle with me, mearley caresing my skin as it passed, the winds not even daring to get it stuck in my eyes.
Not knowing what to do, nor having anything else to do, I start walking. It could’ve been hours that I walked, or maybe it was mere minutes, I'll never truly know.
Walking , walking, walking.
How long have I been waking?
How far have I gone?
Does it even matter anymore?
Did it even matter in the first place?
I suppose It really doesn't matter how far I've gone or how long I've been walking. Nothing matters anymore, I don’t even know how to get back to the cold abyss I call home, I don’t even know if I want to go back.
It was a miserable life I lived, maybe it’s a good thing that's gone now? I'm not really sure, though right now I'm not sure about much of anything.
Maybe I died and that's how I got here? This could be the afterlife? Unlikely but possible.
I keep walking, never getting tired. Doesn't matter how far I go, my body never craves water, skin never dries out or burns. The muscles in my legs stay strong no matter how far I walk. That's odd but not the weirdest thing that's happened today.
There's something in the distance. It’s hard to make out and nearly covered in sand. I walk towards it, covering the distance between me and it with steady measured steps. Carefully making progress in my trek.
It’s closer now, I'm nearly there. It’s a house? Yes, I think house is the right word for it. I reach the house, a careful hand reaching out to touch it. Its surface is rough and dirty from years of being out in the sand.
The house itself is small, only a few rooms. The outside is pale blue, faded from the sun. peeking through the door I can see there is more sand on the inside. Big piles of it, blocking off several rooms and spilling like a waterfall back into the desert.
It was warm in here, warmer than the rest of the desert. The sunlight spilled in through the cracked widows, bathing everything in a warm soft light. It was so nice.
Suddenly I am very tired, and there is a wonderful little nest of sun warm sand and soft fleece blankets, tucked away into the corner. Sleep sounds very nice, there is no reason for me to not sleep, I don’t need to find any sort of food or water anymore, for I don't appear to need it any longer.
With that in mind I lay down snuggling into the sands. I close my eyes and let the sleep take me. I think I will sleep here for a very long time.
Maybe even forever? Who knows.
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
Random idea, what if soulmates weren't necessarily romantic?like if two people fit together perfectly and we're destined to be soulmates but just like no romantic stuff?
Stuff like..
Two best friends who had known each other forever and were closer then anyone?
A master artisan and their apprentice who they had taught for years and now worked side by side?
Partners who had been working together for so long they were perfectly in sinc?
Siblings who were close as could be?
None of these relationships are romantic but what if there was a world were they were all soulmates? And a soulmate was just the person you fit with best, someone who would be there for you and support you no matter what, who would love you unconditionally and always be there for you, people who just took care of each other through thick and thin, just soulmates.
That's all,bye!!!
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
This is absolutely amazing!!!!!
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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I'm just a little tired...
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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Enchanted forest vibes are the best!
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
The Enchanted Forest
Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was a weak, sickly thing, unable to work, and strange in nature. The villagers despised that little thing, for she couldn't work and was always eating up resources and valuable medicines being sick. Even the girl's own parents thought her a hindrance.
The decision was made to abandon the little girl to the woods. The hope was she would have a painless death at the jaws of some beast. The girl's parents were informed, the child collected, and one of the villagers sent to abandon the child.
Most children cry when left, but the little one didn’t make a sound. She only started with wide unblinking eyes. The villager sentenced to leave her was perplexed by this behavior, but was unable to dwell on it as there was much left to be done, back at the village.
(In the future when the villager told this story. They would call the girl a changeling. She would not be remembered as a child but instead a monster, dangerous in nature. Something that is entirely fae, a nasty thing replacing a human child. Her story would be one used to trick children into behaving, a horror story that lasts years.)
The forest witnessed the girl's abandonment, for this was no ordinary forest. It was full of magic, of enchantment. Home to the peculiar and mysterious. Safe haven for fairies and mythical beasts of all shapes and sizes. 
The forest was not pleased with the villagers, for the treatment of something so small should be gentle, not this harsh abandonment that the little one got. So the trees all came together to take care of the child. They stooped low to the ground, folding the child gently in its branches.
By now it had been a long time since the child had been left, as the trees were not fast. The girl was cold and stiff, her body broken and bruised from the abuse it had suffered. The trees cradled her within their leaves, passing her gently from branch to branch.
All the fae were summoned to watch, from pixies to brownies, every leprechaun and banshee, even the changelings were invented to this occasion. The child was gently laid upon a bed of jasmine, while the fae came up one after another, bringing gifts to the forest child, the one who gained its favor.
They bestowed gifts upon the girl, all manner of things from cakes and clothes to flowers and moss, some even healed the wounds bestowed upon the girl. This exchange of gifts continued until every creature had presented something, the girl now looked pristine in appearance and was surrounded by all manner of knick-knacks and fauna. Looking almost as if she was in a nest.
The forest called out, loud enough for all gathered to hear, loud enough to echo through the trees and paths of the forest. It said that this girl shall be the protector of this forest, and all the fae as well, treat her with kindness as it's what she deserves for her hardships and her help.
While this choice confused many, the fae respected it as the forest knew best, it was their home and what the forest thought was best was the best choice. The fairies all kneeled down, bowing their heads in respect to both the forest and its new protector.
The forest raised the girl up into the branches of its trees. Suspending the girl high above all the other creatures, coxing the trees to grow higher to suspend the girl above the entire forest. The girls nest was a safe haven, high above all others, a place where she could watch over everyone, a safe place just for her, somewhere warm and filled with flowers kept forever alive.
The magic of the forest was unparalleled, unlike anything else in this world. The forest used its powers to warm the little girl, rousing her from her eternal slumber so she may protect the forest for as long as it stands.
The protector of the forest rose, and the forest was forever changed. While many may believe that the girl would be confused upon waking she was far from it. The girl questioned nothing, feared none of the starang creatures, and defended the forest unconditionally and with an iron heart. Her powers fed by the forest itself.
The fae creatures of the forest adored her, for she represented the very heart and sole of the sacred land protecting all who enter, and keeping out those who wish to hurt. 
The pixies didn't dare to pull pranks on the little one for she was strong. Instead they helped her, leading travelers away, scaring children who got too close to the forest's edge and lulling the girl to sleep with the sound of bells and harps. The girl was thankful in a silent way, showing her affections by leaving gifts of cake and milk out.
The banshees and bogies of the forest wouldn't even consider traveling near to the protector. The creatures had no desire to trick and torment the little one who protected them so well, as such they kept their tricks and horrors far away.
The child appeared to like the female spirits the most out of the forest's residents. Despite the brownies best attempts at wooing her favor by cleaning and doing chores for the girl. The child didn’t like the help though she appreciated it in some sense. After some particularly enthusiastic attempts at helping, the girl surrounded her nest with rings of daisy to dissuade the fae from coming near her safe haven.
The protector would often be seen by the washing women, sitting and listening to all the stories, while the women washed their bloody linens. Or the child would be spotted near the Glaistig, helping the spirit herd cows. Sometimes the girl would even be discovered sitting in quiet company with the Leanan-sidhe. The spirits found this amusing and happily allowed the company.
The fae of the forest constantly invited the girl to their revels. Promising music and festivities galore. But not a single one could convince her to join, not even her most beloved of spirits, the girl much preferred to stay perched in her nest, high above all where she could protect to the best of her abilities.
While the fae were saddened by this, they understood that the little one must protect them. Even if it meant the child had to spend her nights high in the branches of her nest, surrounded by jasmine. Spending so much time in that little safe haven meant the girl always reeked of jasmine, so much so that it was easy to tell where she was at all times.
The scent of jasmine became such an integral part of the child that the fae started to refer to her as such. Jasmine, they whispered between each  other in the treetops. Jasmine, they said to each other under the safety of the streams. Jasmine, they echoed between the rocks. Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Little protector who always carries the aroma of flowers, we shall name you, Jasmine.
The girl seemed appreciative of the name, thought you'd never guess for she expressed no thoughts on the matter. She always replied when you called her name, no matter how quietly it was whispered the girl would always hear, nobody knew how she always heard but it never mattered.
Jasmine would protect this forest for many years to come. Warding off wandering travelers, shooing away children who got too close, cultivating the most horrifying of reputations to keep the villages far away from her forest. 
But if you are very lucky and plenty nice to the fae, Jasmine might just let you into her forest, where you will experience the greatest of thrills and partake in the most splendid revels. 
You might even be able to catch a glimpse of a young girl, just the barest flash of long brown hair, or a whisper of white fabric, possibly even a hint of vibrant green eyes. 
But above all, look out for the scent of jasmine for if you catch a whiff, know she's nearby and is watching you closely till you leave, for this is her forest and she will protect it eternally.
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
Colorful dragon,lizard, thingie!!
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viperrose773 · 2 years ago
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