roleplay sideblog holla
16 posts
hi i'm violette, and this is my sideblog for my roleplaying character blurbs and such.
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violetterps · 12 years ago
woah the notes
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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selena gomez | Tumblr on -
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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i love jelena)))))
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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Vanessa Hudgens waits for boyfriend, Harry Styles. Harry Styles picks up Vanessa Hudgens, surprising her with Starbucks.
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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V: “Okay, I get the one in black and you get the one in brown.”
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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violetterps · 12 years ago
truer words never spoken
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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clay l. carpenter. twenty. piglet.
technically character number 2 because i'm ditching number 1.
definitely a thimble. but wouldn't you be if piglet was your spirit? how embarrassing.
or at least that's how clay sees it. according to him, you could not have based a worse character off of him. he'd rather be bambi. or you know, bambi's mom. anything but this.
but it makes sense. clay is a little timid, a little anxious, and he's got a stutter (that's sort of getting better but not really).
but a pig? seriously. he couldn't have been a prince or even one of the many dogs? thanks, walt.
running around as a baby pig isn't exactly ideal for him, so he's out on earth every chance he gets.
back to his anxiety: his one free therapy session linked the death of his mother and his anxiety, because he was with her when the accident happened. and apparently the trauma was enough to scar him for life. not that he remembers any of it, really. it's mostly repressed.
he only went to the therapy session because he saw an ad for it on the street.
they prescribed him with xanax, but he hasn't tried it yet. too anxious to.
i'll develop him more later but this is what i've got right now.
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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natalie michaels. new york citizen. nineteen.
character numero dos. don't judge me until i make three.
goes by natalie/nat/tally/tal/etc.
new yorker since birth, city girl since she was 14.
city girl is honestly the best way to describe her. she isn't afraid of the city, she is absolutely elated to live there.
she's kind of addicted to the hustle and bustle of it all and moving quickly and seeing everything.
new york is kind of her own disneyland, even with the portal and everything. she's lived here for about 5 years and she still hasn't explored everything.
she kind of tends to get caught up in her passion for the city and could use someone to calm her down and remind her to look at everything she's passing by.
right now she's taking a gap year fresh out of high school and is a paid intern for NBC. she lives in her parents house ten minutes outside of the city but she basically spends all her time in manhattan anyway.
when she's not at work or going for a stroll she likes to go to universe disney because, like most people growing up, she has seen 100% of the movies.
particularly the fox and the hound.
particularly the hound part.
and the guy it's based off of.
what i'm trying to say is she's in love with benji carmichael
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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Harry and Vanessa discussing their relationship in interviews.
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violetterps · 12 years ago
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olivia yvette hall. lady. seventeen.
say hi to my baby, liv.
liv was adopted straight out of birth by two loving parents who, unfortunately, could not have children.
she was a little spoiled by her adoptive parents.
she went to private school most of her life, so she was very sheltered.
she doesn't know her birth parents.
she's incredibly naive and easily swayed.
she's muted; she loves being in the big apple, even as a dog, but wouldn't mind going back to forneverland. of course, if someone were to talk to her about why one side is better than the other, she'd probably agree with them. easily swayed and all that jazz.
she's definitely a guy's girl, but not because she hates girls. she's just really bad at holding onto friendships, and guys are more okay with that than girls are.
she can't take hints. a lot of the times when she's lost people she thought she would be friends forever with because of a big fight, she never saw the blow-up coming. and people get frustrated when you can't pick up on those social cues but that's just how she is.
she likes to believe she's independent and can figure everything out on her own; and especially now that she's in one of the largest cities on earth, she likes to go exploring on her own which is incredibly dangerous on earth but she doesn't see that.
people have taken advantage of her trust in the past because she gives it so freely.
despite not being a great friend, she gets incredibly jealous when other people step in on her friendships.
and although she can't really take hints, when she finds something out that she doesn't want to hear, she flips at whomever is responsible and then curses at herself for being so naive.
in short: she's a fickle friend, naive, easily persuaded, and envious.
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