violent ends
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violentedelightes ¡ 2 years ago
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Entering the peculiar scene between Noah and her father, Carmen didn’t really question the stranger’s involvement in her father’s business. There were enough people Merry-go-round-ing near her father, always appearing out of the blue and disappearing just as fast. They really were just a handful of people Xavier really trusted, so she didn’t pay too much mind towards Noah. The fact that he didn’t leave when she entered the room, however, made her quickly aware of his presence. The demand of her to be kind and respectful got ignored, for the most part at least. She’d located herself near the window front, looking out over New York City. Once turned around, she held her arms in front of her throat, forming an X, her tongue sticking out. “So that’s what this is? Somebody for my own safety so I don’t– you know. Swim with the fishes or whatever these clowns on television once said.” This wasn’t a movie but the real deal, something Carmen was too aware of. Now more than ever. “Come on then, bodyguard. Noah,” she corrected herself before moving on and out of the room again, wondering if he’d follow.
“What did you do to get into that pitiful position of having to be my bodyguard, mh? The army not paying enough anymore? Sad.” She grinned then, turning around once they were completely out of reach from everybody else. “I really hope you like house music and don’t mind a line of coke every now and then. I really hope you’re not a fucking prude, Noah.”
Despite his stoic demeanor, Noah almost smirked at Carmen’s defiance and sass. Almost being the key word. As of now, he perceived her as a bit of a spoiled brat, a party girl whose father would rather offload her onto him than discipline her himself. Then again, he didn’t spend much time with people like this so he wasn’t too aware of the way their world worked. Nevertheless, he didn’t anticipate becoming friends with his charge. “Thank you, sir. I will report back as necessary.” Once dismissed by the Aguilar patriarch, Noah began his duty and followed Carmen out of the office.
“Injured in combat,” Noah answered matter-of-factly, following behind the woman as his eyes darted around their surroundings to familiarize himself with them. “House music is made by talentless idiots who happen to have a synthesizer at their disposal to create atrocious monotony that they attempt to pass off as art. And cocaine will make your brain rot, and is illegal.” He likely didn’t need to go into detail about that one, and he knew that Carmen was going to ensure that he had his work cut out for him. “And I hope you know how to follow orders and not get us both in trouble, Miss Aguilar,” he shot back firmly, knowing he was not in any position to give orders but he hoped she knew that he would not stand for any bad behavior. “What do you usually do during the day? Work, school, philanthropy?” 
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violentedelightes ¡ 2 years ago
Eliana’s 30th birthday party, near the Aguilar mansion @violentedelightes
Truth be told he was a fool for entering Aguila territory without at least one soldier guarding him, just having his back if necessary. His father didn’t even know about his whereabouts – Dexter even considered just telling him to hear him cry out his son’s name once more before Dexter would go on and kill him. The throne, and Dexter? The usurper. 
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Arriving at the mansion, he peeked from in between the bushes in the far back, until he spotted her. A beauty, he must admit, but nothing he couldn’t handle. At the very least she’d make good press if they were to start their epic war now that their parents were, let’s just say old and tired, boring. He intended to create a spectacle, something that witnesses wouldn’t forget. “You look lovely today. Anything to celebrate? Anything of importance?” he asked, though jokingly adding a grin and slight mocking bow to inform her that it was just that: a joke, about her, of all people. “This has nothing to do with the Costello’s, so don’t get any fuckin’ ideas, yeah? Thought being nice wouldn’t hurt.” His gaze towards her turned icy. They’d fight until the bitter end, no matter the cost, if it meant to take over New York City for good. His intention was to take over as soon as possible. If she knew? He had no interest in taking her on as the mere son of the boss, but to be the boss himself. “We’re just little piglets raised for slaughter, don’t get any fuckin’ ideas about your life having a happy ending or something.” He raised one eyebrow.
Smiles and camera flashes, that was Eliana’s night in a nutshell. As the heir to the Aguilar empire, it was only fitting that her thirtieth birthday celebration was an event for the books that her parents spared no expense on. Taking a glass of champagne after dancing with yet another potential suitor, the woman excused herself and pulled her shawl over her shoulders as she stepped outside for some fresh air. Her friends were doing shots, her parents were socializing with friends, and Eliana felt suffocated. But if she was being honest, she felt like that more often than not lately. And then there was that voice, the one she would recognize almost anywhere.
“You shouldn’t be here, Dexter.” The warning was spoken with a bite, but her eyes were full of a challenge. If there was anything she knew about him, he wasn’t going to take her warning to heart so easily. “I know that your family isn’t the smartest, but I think even you know better than to start anything here. You’re on my family’s territory, and it’s my birthday.” As his assurance that he wasn’t here on family business, Eliana’s eyes instinctively narrowed in distrust. “Forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you would seek to spend time with me if it wasn’t with some sort of ulterior motive. Are you planning on tying me up and taking me back to your evil lair?” she joked, a teasing smile crossing her features. “You don’t know anything about my life,” she stated flatly, downing the rest of her champagne. Not even Carmen would understand her position as well as her own enemy did. Once their respective fathers stepped down, it would be Eliana and Dexter at each other’s throats, and the cycle would repeat itself with their children. It was a generational cycle that was too established to break. Sighing and not acknowledging his words, the woman looked away before her eyes returned to his features. “I don’t intend on letting you ruin tonight, so shoo. Go do whatever boring thing you were doing tonight before your boredom led you here.”
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violentedelightes ¡ 2 years ago
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violentedelightes ¡ 2 years ago
closed starter for @lovecrowncd​ (carmen) location: xavier aguilar’s home office
He had led a dozen soldiers over a deployment period as their corporal, handling a young woman with a penchant for partying was not going to be a challenge - or was it? Nodding appreciatively as Xavier Aguilar commended him for his service to their country. Fifteen years and four deployments, Corporal Feldman. The army’s loss is our gain. “It’s just Mr. Feldman now, Sir. And thank you,” Noah replied politely, understanding that he was now a civilian upon being honorably discharged from his service and no longer carried the rank he once did. “And I will serve your family with as much honor,” he vowed, having yet to meet his charge. Would he be eating his words?
And there she was, entering her father’s office as Noah regarded her respectfully. Carmen Aguilar, the second of two daughters. A party girl with a penchant for wild nights, based on what he’d heard. Mr. Feldman is a decorated army veteran, served for a decade and a half and was involved in active combat as a corporal. He has come highly recommended and vetted, and will be your bodyguard. You will treat him with the respect and authority he deserves. “You may call me Noah if you prefer, Miss Aguilar,” he greeted directly in turn, nodding at her with acknowledgement as her father listed off the rest of his thoughts. Was Noah’s purpose for protection or punishment? Perhaps a bit of both.
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violentedelightes ¡ 2 years ago
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Oliver Jackson-Cohen as James in Surface (2022) episode three “New Person, Same Old Mistakes”
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violentedelightes ¡ 2 years ago
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