Vinyl Pipes has established itself as the most trusted brand for uPVC pipes and fittings and today is the largest supplier of uPVC pipes in the international markets. Vinyl today offers the largest, strongest, safest, and most efficient range of eclectic uPVC pipes for all water applications. The Vinyl Pipes offers a range of well casing pipes, pressure pipes, column pipes, screen pipes, and their respective fittings, which find application in irrigation, sanitation, housing, and drainage. Vinyl Pipes always puts Customer-first. The customer intimacy along with the focus on operational excellence, lead to the set up of a world-class manufacturing facility 10Kms from the seaport. This has enabled the company to ship to any part of the globe in under 21 days. .
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Solar panels nowadays are more efficient and economical than ever before. These advances have permitted a new generation of solar-powered systems. Most of these systems did not even exist until very recent times! The breakthrough in this technology has led to the complete eradication of any external power sources. The sun and the solar panels do the job by supplying all of the electricity needed to pump water from hundreds of feet underground.
Solar pumps replace fossil fuels, reducing carbon emissions and pollution while providing steady energy suited to drive the pumps. Post the initial investment, the cost of operating and managing solar pumps is minimal, allowing indiscriminate pumping of water. Easy availability and low and effortless maintenance are just a few additional features that make them a winning choice! This unfettered freedom may come at an extraordinary expense to future generations. From 2007 to 2017, the groundwater level decreased by an astonishing 61% in India- the biggest user of groundwater!! *according to a report by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB.)* We must brace ourselves for the water war anticipated to come in the upcoming time due to over exploitation if this scenario continues globally. No doubt the adoption of these pumps has been beneficial in saving the drain on energy resources, but the fact that it does not use energy can result in their being over driven – a rising concern. With this unregulated access to solar pumps, farmers are no longer limited in the amount of water they can use for their fields. The fact is that with the enormous chunk of irrigation is flood based, having unfettered access to water will inevitably result in over-exploitation of the already vulnerable groundwater resources, threatening the current as well as future populations to be doomed to unquenchable thirst!
#vinyl pipes#columnpipes#casingpipes#upvcpipes#pipes#solarpoweredpumps#solarpumps#waterwellindustry#dewatering#borewell#borehole
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Rust is a slow poison
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin
The worldwide Water Well Drilling is a $85 Billion Industry,escalating call for water wells across the globe has been fuelling the growth of the market. The same has worsened on account of the increasing use of water well water in agriculture and construction.
The year + of the pandemic has brought home the truth, for every country to be self-reliant for water and food, lending an impetus to the demand for water wells across the globe. Ringing warning bells among the environmentalists as recent studies show that water extraction outweighs replenishment, making it mandatory for all to consider ways to conserve water.
However, one of the biggest challenges the industry faces is RUST. Rust corrodes, through the years, it has been a serious contributor to groundwater pollution. It threatens not only the safety and pocketbook but also the daily quality of life.
Worried? You should be!
Rusting is a characteristic oxidative phenomenon, a second-leading reason for pipe damage in cast iron, copper, and galvanised steel pipes. When rusting occurs, a large number of issues follow. Rusting weakens the iron pipes over time, it prompts a spillage in the piping framework. Which, in turn, causes a breakdown in the borewells. Another serious issue is the contamination of the soil through which the rusted water streams. Water gets discoloured, develops a metallic odour and gets contaminated with rust flakes, making it unusable.
In the water well environment, there are two fundamental kinds of corrosion: electrochemical and mechanical.
Electrochemical corrosion is based on a chemical reaction occurring at the metal surface with the transference of electrons between atoms. Electrochemical corrosion comes in many forms such as galvanic, microbial influenced, crevice, pitting, etc.
Mechanical corrosion is a physical process where the body degradation of the metal happens due to interaction with solids present in the water, such as in sand pumping well. The water well environment, which exposes various metallic components to very capable electrolytes (soil and water) with dynamic chemical properties, is especially conducive to this scenario.
An assessment reveals that about 85% of water dispersion pipes used are cast iron and steel. Their long-term service and exposure to an aggressive environment in soil, maturing and weakening of metal lines have brought about a high rate of failures. For instance, the failure rate of cast iron pipes can be just about as high as 39* bursts for every 100 km per year in Canada; the failure rate of water mains in Australia is 20** bursts for each 100 km each year. Overall the outcome of pipe failures can be socially, economically, and ecologically disastrous, bringing about a huge disturbance in everyday life, substantial financial misfortune, widespread flooding, natural contamination and even casualties and so forth.
Corrosion is so prevalent and takes so many forms that one cannot eliminate its occurrence. However, it has been estimated optimum corrosion management practices could help save 25%-30%*** of annual corrosion costs in the United States.
In response to the extreme costs brought on by problems associated with corrosion, many products and technologies have been developed to help protect against, or at least slowdown, the various corrosion processes which threaten water well systems.
Perhaps the most effective preventive measure one can take to help prevent corrosion is to select the proper materials, to begin with. Whether it’s in the design phase or replacement during maintenance operations, choosing the right materials to withstand the corrosion forces present, is critical in extending the lifespan of a water well system.
Of course, several factors need consideration when selecting materials, including cost, design features, physical properties required, and compliance with regulations.
So, what is the alternative?
A cost-effective and durable alternative lies in uPVC pipes. They do not rust, support an almost frictionless surface that needs lesser energy to pump out water, cost-effective and have a long life.
Vinyl Pipes, manufacturer of the largest range of borewell pipes, has introduced lockable riser pipes designed to allow for perfect alignment of pipes. A rubber seal is provided with thread to ensure a 100% leak proof joint at high pressure. Square threads are so designed, to hold high loads the threads do not corrode rust or deteriorate up to 50+years of use
Couples are fitted with pipes and sealing with the patented power lock system to ensure that during installation and removal of pumps, the coupler does not come out & avoid slippage of the column. The special High Friction Thread developed by Vinyl removes the need for a Metal pin, thus, providing a Metal-Free Leak-Proof Column Pipe. To strengthen the pipes and make them suitable for all terrains, extreme temperatures & earthquake-prone areas, the pipes are put through a special Annealing process.
uPVC Pipes being light require lesser labour to install and are safer. Being recyclable, they offer value even at the end of their lifecycle of 50+ years. Lower maintenance cost lack of pollution makes them the submersible pumps’ best friend.
Incredibly impervious to corrosive forces, are bacteria-free, free of any harmful metals, resistant to acidic attack, they are a durable and safe option that promises quality water over the years.
The low friction surface of uPVC pipes drives pumps lesser for pumping out water, thus, saving both energy and adding years to the life of the pump.
The optimistic perspective holds the view that future generations will find undeniably more remarkable advancements and assets to utilize and oversee groundwater better than today. Even then, after all, is said and done, it is ethically incumbent on us all to deal with the current accessible water ideally and optimally so that we leave behind healthy aquifers.
At the time when water, the source once considered imperishable, is deteriorating at the speed of light, it’s critical to conserve it by hook or by crook.
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Pipes that will handle up to 20 tonnes of pressure - Vinyl Column Pipes .
These pipes are specially manufactured for handling high pressure.
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Vinyl Column Pipes Special Construct that makes them Stress Free.
Thick and thin: The thick and thin portions of the Vinyl column pipes have been developed in such a way to absorb the full torque produced due to the motor thus resulting in longevity.
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Customer’s always come first. we are committed to your customers.
At VinylPipes we are committed to our customers. Masked, with thinner staff & the right precautions the team is ensuring our customer orders leave on time. Honduras! Here we come!
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Vinyl uPVC column pipes are double in strength than other watering pipes.
1/6th the weight of Iron but 2xstrength of iron /steel pipes.
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World Environment Day
Let’s commit to the cyan cycle lets pledge give back some of what we take.
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Low your electricity bills.
Vinyl pipes in your borewells can reduce electricity consumption by 23%.
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Vinyl pipes for a winning borewell.
For long lasting, quality & sustainable water-well solutions choose vinyl uPVC Pipes.
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Vinyl pipes tested for optimum load bearing.
Vinyl Column Pipes
Designed & tested for optimal load bearing.
#vinyl pipes#column pipes#upvc pipes#pipes#PVCpipe#SolarPowered#solarpowredpumps#waterwell#dewatering#waterwelldrilling
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Solar Pumps Boon or a Bane

The world population of 7.9 billion (as of April 2021) has been growing at a rapid rate of 1.05% (as of 2020). With only 3% of freshwater to support this increasing population, we are treading on thin ice.
The ongoing climate changes, rising incidents of natural disasters, increasing uncertainty in the rate of rainfall are not helping matters.
We need technological advancements along with the implementation of sustainable practices to tackle the issue of water scarcity.
Solar pumping is the silver bullet (solution) for this challenge. Extracting water and sustaining life even in the remotest part of the world can be possible now thanks to solar pumps with green energy, less carbon footprint and lower energy consumption, making water-scarce regions soon a thing of the past. The case in point being, the development of a waterfront area in the deep desert heartland of Libya, where there is no electricity; solar power pumps have helped people there sustain life for years now. The same is prevalent in many parts of Africa, where thanks to solar pumps water is accessible in regions with no access to electricity or fuel.

Solar panels nowadays are more efficient and economical than ever before. These advances have permitted a new generation of solar-powered systems. Most of these systems did not even exist until very recent times! The breakthrough in this technology has led to the complete eradication of any external power sources. The sun and the solar panels do the job by supplying all of the electricity needed to pump water from hundreds of feet underground.
Solar pumps replace fossil fuels, reducing carbon emissions and pollution while providing steady energy suited to drive the pumps. Post the initial investment, the cost of operating and managing solar pumps is minimal, allowing indiscriminate pumping of water. Easy availability and low and effortless maintenance are just a few additional features that make them a winning choice!
This unfettered freedom may come at an extraordinary expense to future generations. From 2007 to 2017, the groundwater level decreased by an astonishing 61% in India- the biggest user of groundwater!! *according to a report by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB.)*
We must brace ourselves for the water war anticipated to come in the upcoming time due to over exploitation if this scenario continues globally. No doubt the adoption of these pumps has been beneficial in saving the drain on energy resources, but the fact that it does not use energy can results in their being overdriven - a rising concern. With this unregulated access to solar pumps, farmers are no longer limited in the amount of water they can use for their fields. The fact is that with the enormous chunk of irrigation is flood based, having unfettered access to water will inevitably result in over-exploitation of the already vulnerable groundwater resources, threatening the current as well as future populations to be doomed to unquenchable thirst!

Another casualty to the ease and low cost of access to Solar pumps is Drip Irrigation, the water & nutrient saving irrigation system wherein water is allowed to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. The goal is to place water directly into the root zone to reduce evaporation. Easy availability of water on account of solar pumps may not bring to light the need and benefits of drip irrigation.
Any situation with very few or no confinements and control is a call for exploitation; we must not be surprised when the same occurs with solar pumping. Depletion of groundwater is inevitable when exploration, extraction and utilisation is available to anyone and everyone at affordable costs.
The situation is aggravated by the low percentage (as low as 0.03%) of recharge water wells! We are regressing to an era where the rivers will once again be the only source of water if they too have not been destroyed with industrial pollution by then!
To avoid a dire situation, it is vital today to introduce appropriate guidelines and regulations on solar submersible pumps in water wells extracting groundwater. Governments and policymakers, around the world, need to come together, to draft policies to, monitor water extraction and recharge of water wells. The focus has to be on making recharging of wells a standard practice globally to maintain ecological equilibrium. In the absence of these measures, there is a likelihood of, no water in the wells in the next 20 years and subsequent absence of civilization.
One more measure to mitigate the problem is for wells to come fixed with IoT (Internet of Things) integrated pumps with smart water meters. These allow communication via connected gadgets and give the desired warning, guaranteeing that only a limited amount of water is extracted at a given time. It not only increases the efficiency but also decreases the resource-draining in the water extraction process!
Although many companies are working on integrating IoT in pumps, unfortunately, so far there has been a little-to-no commercial success.
Recharge wells are an addition to the list of solutions. The idea driving this is that water collected in the well would percolate into the ground and recharge shallow aquifers. However, in urban built-up spaces, percolation and recharge levels are low. Through recharge wells, rainwater is routed into shallow aquifers, which in turn enhance groundwater levels.
For rainwater harvesting, one key element is the one that routes water back into the well - the Pipes. Loss of water on account of breakage in the pipes can jeopardize the whole project. Hence one needs to choose pipes that are reliable, sturdy and enhance the sustainability objective. uPVC pipes are the answer. They do not rust or corrode, the smooth almost friction less surface allows for smooth flow of water, allowing for more water to flow through. Some companies offer weatherproof uPVC pipes that make them fit for every terrain.
The solar pumps solution is a positive step forward to preserve the Earth's depleting natural resources, but one needs to think beyond pumps. The frequent breakdowns in the water well & distribution system, the wastages and inconvenience, the resulting losses - all need redressal.
Switching from GI to uPVC pipes would be an easy yet effective step to reduce the maintenance costs & incidences. Quality uPVC pipes that are technologically advanced, optimized for load-bearing, are leakproof can be the icing on the cake.
It is important to ensure the next step is taken with caution to ensure that solar power pumps stay a boon for the industry, rather than a bane, harming nature and subsequently humanity.
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No water wastage with Vinyl Pipes.
Vinyl Column Pipes
100% leak free & torque resistant makes for more water, low- maintenance.
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Around the globe, all countries have realized the need to be self-reliant for water, food and shelter. All three have one common denominator –water.
This has poised the water well industry for tremendous growth. The Global Water Intelligence (GWI), predicts the worldwide water market to be worth of $914.9 billion by 2023.
Increasing population means need for more water. The consumption of freshwater has more than tripled* since 1950. 69% of the water is demanded by agriculture, 19% by industrial sector and 12% for domestic use, demand here has increased 600%+ (1960 – 2014). Yet demand in the industrial sector that will grow the most.
Today water wells provide water for 50% of the world’s population, 40% for irrigation.
With demands on groundwater on the rise the environmentalists are rightfully raising an alarm w.r.t Over-exploitation.
Replenishment has to be part of the system, along with prevention of over exploitation of groundwater.
In response to the rising concern, the drilling industry is exploring integration of technology to make borewells smarter.
Another big challenge is groundwater pollution. Till date borewell systems use GI & Steel pipes. These pipes rust, degrade the quality of water and pollute. Rust coupled with chemical seepage from industry & agriculture makes groundwater unusable.

Solution is in uPVC pipe - recyclable, metal-free, no rust, are, the smooth surface, allows more water to draw with lesser energy, need low maintenance. Experts such as Vinyl Pipes has developed Column pipes that are designed for load-bearing resulting in stress-free, torque resistant, leak-free pipes. Result, a reliable, enduring and environmentally friendly solution. These pipes are treated for extra strength to make them suitable for use in the toughest & roughest of terrains.
We need to look at improving management and execution for water utilities while minimising the damage caused Earth’s most valuable natural resource.
#vinyl pipes#CasingPipes#column pipes#pipes#upvc pipes#PVCpipe#SubmersiblePumps#pump#waterwell#dewatering#waterwelldrilling#Waterwell pipes
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Clean water every time with Vinyl Pipes .
Delivering Quality water is our responsibility.
Get Metal free/ lead free water only with Vinyl uPVC Pipes.
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Your Submersible pumps BFF.
Get your submersible pumps the best match – there is none better than Vinyl Column pipes.
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More water with Vinyl Pipes .
Save energy, More Water. Increased Life of pump . With Vinyl uPVC Pipes .
#vinyl pipes#CasingPipes#column pipes#pipes#upvc pipes#PVCpipe#waterwell#dewatering#waterwelldrilling#pump#SubmersiblePumps
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About Vinyl Pipes.
Vinyl Tubes Private Limited, a journey started in 1941, by Mr Jaychand Jain, with the intent of making drinking water accessible to as many as possible.
For eight decades, this family-run business has been committed to managing water.
Vinyl Pipes has established itself as the most trusted brand for uPVC pipes and fittings and today is the largest supplier of uPVC pipes in the international markets.
Vinyl today offers the largest, strongest, safest, and most efficient range of eclectic uPVC pipes for all water applications.
The Vinyl Pipes offers a range of well casing pipes, pressure pipes, column pipes, screen pipes, and their respective fittings, which find application in irrigation, sanitation, housing, and drainage.
Saumya Jain, took on the helm in 2013, with a clear focus on bringing about operational excellence, improving customer focus and establishing a clear product leadership.
The focus on operational excellence and customer orientation resulted in the setup of the 2nd manufacturing unit at Mithi Rohar, GandhiDham, 10 km away from one of the business seaport in the country.
Proximity to the port helped operational excellence in two ways brought down the cost of import and reduced shipment time to customers. Today Vinyl pipes can deliver within 21 days anywhere across the globe.
Reduced costs enabled Vinyl to offer more value to its customer both in terms of cost & turnaround time. Furthermore, the facility is geared-up to offer pipes of almost any dimension that a customer may require. Vinyl Pipes, today has positioned itself as a supplier of one of the largest range of pipes.
Product Differentiation and Quality, being the other defining pillars, are supported by an active R&D and QA department. Vinyl uPVC column pipes come equipped with a Patented Power Lock designed to take the stress of the torque and allow for perfect alignment at the joint. Vinyl Column pipes ensure a durable & leak-free solution for any water application. To ensure consistent & reliable quality all Vinyl UPVC undergo various processes and tests under high temperature to provide users with guaranteed stress-free pipes.
To ensure Quality all pipes undergo the Annealing process, here all the material is aligned to enhance the mechanical property of the pipe, adding years to its life. The anticipated life of Vinyl uPVC pipes is 50+years. Pipes being recyclable offer resale value to customers even at the end of their life.
At Vinyl, Customer trust is taken seriously. The team works hard to stay a step ahead of the curve, whether it is for certifications or customer support.
A strong after-sales support team ensures that Vinyl delivers on its promise of being a reliable partner in the industry.
Keeping in line with quality assurance Vinyl holds certifications from the Bureau of India Standards (BIS), Indian Standard Institute (ISI), International Standards Organization (ISO), and Conformité Européene (CE). The certifications bear testimony to the emphasis on adherence to quality standards. Third-party inspections from agencies, such as SGS, RITES, and CIEPT lend further credibility to products from Vinyl Pipes.
An ISO 9001:2015 certified company, Vinyl, holds a Management and production certificate from Six sigma and Just in time, Green practices compliance.
At Vinyl, Manufacturing is done as per DIN, ASTM, and GOST and is undergoing implementation for NSF 14,61, WRAS, ACS, KSA ( Korean standards ), Astm.SAAB.
Vinyl manufacturers out of two units one in Mathura & the other close to the port at Mithi Rohar, in Gandhidham, Gujarat.
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