vinnbe · 1 hour
panic carefully starter for @shoutabe
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vinn is probably far more awkward around shouta than the younger might realize, but it’s not like he’s openly confessing how nervous he gets in his presence. instead, his nerves show in small, clumsy mistakes—a knocked-over display here, an awkward stumble there—paired with laughter that comes out just a bit too loud at shouta’s jokes. if vinn dwells on it, he finds it kind of pathetic. he’s clearly making a fool of himself, and all because he thinks shouta is cute. well, more than cute. he’s definitely crushing on the younger at an alarming speed, and it’s kind of scary.
nonetheless, vinn doesn’t distance himself from shouta like he usually would upon realizing he’s into someone. maybe it’s because they’re something like friends, or perhaps because they’ve been talking a ton during vinn’s shifts at his aunt’s convenience store whenever shouta shows up. he finds himself longingly staring at the entrance daily, hoping shouta will visit him again. his heart flutters whenever the door chimes, his eyes darting to the entrance with hope. god, he probably looks like a puppy waiting for its owner to return.
maybe he could stop himself from crushing harder if shouta weren't so infuriatingly perfect in his eyes, but alas, it's an impossible feat when vinn believes everything shouta does is worth adoration.
he’s getting bolder now. perhaps he’s on a mission to get closer to shouta—reasonably so. it was already a challenge to jump over his own shadow and invite shouta over to his aunt’s place. he's essentially asking shouta to meet his family, an enormous step considering they've never been completely alone in such a small space. the convenience store usually has at least a few other customers milling about, and the space is large enough to prevent them from having any proper privacy. but now, vinn is opening the door to his aunt’s place, letting shouta inside.
his hands are clammy, and he quickly wipes the sweat off onto his jeans as he watches shouta take off his shoes. “i’m glad you could make it,” vinn says, his voice just a touch shaky. “my aunt said she can’t wait to meet you.” his gaze flickers over shouta’s face, searching for any sign of discomfort. he knows this isn’t something everyone would be comfortable with, even if he’s aware of the fact that shouta could have declined his invitation to begin with.
when shouta finishes taking off his shoes, vinn stands there awkwardly, caught in the moment. he’s too busy admiring shouta to remember that this is shouta's first time here, and he has no clue about the layout of the apartment. “sorry, uh… follow me,” he finally instructs, motioning for shouta to follow him.
as they walk, vinn is hyper-aware of every step shouta takes behind him as he leads shouta down the hallway. he knows his aunt is busy washing vegetables for the dishes she plans to cook today. he clears his throat, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet space, and his aunt looks up, a wide smile spreading across her face the moment her eyes land on shouta.
she greets him with enthusiasm, a bright sparkle in her eyes. vinn feels a flush of nervousness as he introduces them. “shouta, this is my lovely aunt who has been asking a million questions about you.” he watches as his aunt steps forward, bowing as a greeting. "it's so nice to meet you shouta, vinn has told me a lot about you."
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vinnbe · 5 days
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hi there ! you can refer to me as liz (she/her). this muse has been on my mind for quite some time now, and i finally decided to join this lovely place to give cha vinn a home. thank you to all the warm welcomes i have already received, i can't wait to plot & write with everyone. also a quick note: i might be a bit slow at times due to a busy schedule, but i will definitely get back to everyone in time. below the cut i will list some quick information about vinn, but if you want a more in depth biography, you can find it here. if you would like to plot, don't hesitate to reach out or leave a like on this post, and i will come to you instead!
cha vinn was born on 14/09/2002 in inglewood, california
he grew up in an orphanage there, left behind by his biological parents due to unknown reasons
when he turned nine years old, an american family adopted him. although grateful, vinn still had a hard time warming up to them as he wasn't used to being part of a family
he was a troublesome child at first, getting into all sorts of trouble until meeting a music producer who worked with underground rappers
this was also when he developed an interest in music, learning to create his own beats and write his own lyrics
at the age of 16 vinn reconnected with his ethnicity and stumbled upon k-pop which sparked his interest in the genre and ultimately lead him to attending dance classes as he wished to imitate all the choreographies from all the music videos he saw
after turning 18, vinn decided he wanted to find his biological parents. he managed to contact his aunt, who helped him reunite with his biological mother living in korea
wanting to make an effort to build a relationship with his biological mother, vinn accepted his aunt's offer to move in with her and her husband
he also began working part-time at the convenient store they own, while attending university and giving private guitar lessons
his main goal is still to get scouted as a trainee and eventually debut
is rather quiet and a big introvert
he's a perfectionist who criticizes everything about himself
vinn still doesn't know who his biological father is, but he's determined to find him too
his korean isn't perfect, and he still has a strong american accent when talking in korean
most of the time he looks angry even though he isn't actually upset
close / deep relationships and / or friendships scare him, so he tends to avoid them
he's aiming to become a trainee at studio delta
although he is serious most of the time, he can be a big dork too, it just takes him a while to let loose
possible plots:
customers of his aunt's convenient store who have become accustomed to vinn's face as he works there seven days a week
people he is giving guitar lessons to
someone who wants to befriend vinn, but he's being reluctant in giving in, although they spend a lot of time together
other aspiring trainees with the same goal as vinn. they could talk about their dreams and fears, maybe even practice together
past flings or almost lovers. as vinn never commits to relationships, he could have left behind some bitter feelings or mutual understanding. either way, his excuse is usually the same: he's not looking for anything serious (even though he is)
there is so much more potential, i'd be happy to brainstorm anything, especially things related to following his dream of becoming a trainee. don't be shy to throw ideas at me or ask for specific plots, i'm happy to write whatever works <3
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vinnbe · 9 days
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vinnbe · 13 days
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*       ⸻      𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐎𝐔𝐓 : cha vinn , an original character written for wannaberp penned by liz .
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bio * intro
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vinnbe · 16 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ — like or reblog if you save it.
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vinnbe · 16 days
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vinnbe · 19 days
tag dump !
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