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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
Advisor Report #2
 MEETING DATE & TIME: Apr 5, 12:30 – 1:00
  In 3-4 sentences, please describe what was discussed during your meeting.
 In this meeting we discussed my progress and how to showcase my project during ArtsFest and Academic Showcase. Although my plan was just to have a table, Harold made good points about having the actual product there on a phone, so I have something to think about in the future. We also discussed the way I would present and have information on a poster or something to inform people and catch the eye of people as they are walking around.
 In 3-4 sentences, please explain what the next steps you will take with your project will be.
 First, I have to make a poster, so I can have something to show for Academic Showcase and have it look professional. I must also complete my project and have everything working correctly and have it functional and think about my presentation during ArtsFest. I also have to make a quick composition as background music so it won’t be quiet and awkward.
 Please use the space below to indicate any further questions, concerns, or confusions that were NOT addressed during the meeting.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
Advisor Report #1
 MEETING DATE & TIME: Feb 12 12:20 – 12:40
 In 3-4 sentences, please describe what was discussed during your meeting.
 We discussed my project at this meeting and how I would go about doing it. We talked about how I had to learn new software and Harold showed me some websites like Lydia to help facilitate this process. He also gave me some tips and advice on what to put into my project as a canvas. We talked about the future and my timeline and we fixed my timeline so it better fits.
 In 3-4 sentences, please explain what the next steps you will take with your project will be.
 The next steps for my project would be to get some inspiration of different pixelated artforms and try to emulate and create my own style for the project. I will also need to work on the overall aspect and get programming the basic foundation. I need to start coding and have a framework ready for the next meeting to showcase my app in the future.
  Please use the space below to indicate any further questions, concerns, or confusions that were NOT addressed during the meeting.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
Academic Showcase Plan
Academic Showcase
Name: Vince De Guzman
Project Title: Emoji Maker
Detailed Description: An android app where the user is able to create and design their own emojis to be used in various messaging applications. There will also be a default keyboard with my own personal art style of emojis that people can use and edit to their own wish. The canvas will be a grid-based style meaning the emojis will be pixelated and presented in a pixel art style. The user will also be able to load and edit preexisting emojis.
1. How do you intend to present your presentation/performance at the academic showcase? I plan to have a table or something to put my laptop on with both the code and the actual application in view. So that people who are interested at the code can look at it and people who just want to create can also do that.
2. Do you plan on presenting a poster?  (This will cost $20 to print and is due to Harold and I by April 20th, 2018) No.
3. What equipment/tools will your presentation/performance require?
What will you provide (a personal laptop, an interactive art piece, props, food) etc.? Laptop
    b.  What will you need provided by the University (projectors/whiteboards/tables etc.?) Table
4. How much space will you need? (a table and/or chair, multiple tables, a “stage”) Just a Table to put my laptop on
5. If your project includes a presentation/performance component how much time will you need? Does not include presentation/performance
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
Learning Agreement
CPSA 250: College Park Arts Scholars Capstone: Solo Project, Spring 2018
 Name: Vince De Guzman
 Advisor: Harold
Weekly Meeting Time: 12:20 pm
 Purpose/Mission Statement: Put this in the form of a few sentences about what you hope to accomplish this semester. What will the end result of your project be? What will you learn or gain from the experience? Do you have other goals?
 This semester I hope to accomplish something I have never done before. I have no experience with the visual arts or with programming myself with no direction. I want to create an android app that combines these different passions of mine, art and programming. The result is an app where people can create different emojis to use in messaging and texting. I will learn the difficulties of creating both art and programming as these two skills have different difficulties to them. I would also like to publish this app to the app store and maybe improve upon it in the future.
 Learning Objectives:
These are more specific than the mission statement. Be sure your objectives are clearly stated and respond to what you expect to do, learn, and experience as a result this project. Please list at least three. These should scaffold toward your final project.
  Learn how to create an     android app
Have a finished product at     Arts Fest with a demonstration and if people want to they can download it     on their own android phone
Learn different methods to     create pixel art
I want to experience the     final product coming together displaying my passions, the arts and     programming
 Workshop Process:
How will you complete the project? What research or preliminary work is required? What materials will you need? What steps will you take to create the finished project? How will you perform or present your work?
 How will you document your work and research in your process binder/notebook?
 I will complete the project by first familiarizing myself with the software I’m using, Android Studio. I will go through many tutorials and create the UI for my project. Afterwards, I will focus on creating my own pixel art emojis drawing inspiration from many different artists and the way they used pixel art to capture different emotions. Finally, I will combine both the UI and my art style to create a finished product. At Arts Fest I want to have a downloadable app, so people can download the app if they want to, but I would also have my laptop showcasing the app and the code if people are interested in that. In my process binder, I will show all my inspiration and weekly updates on the state of the project, whether it is improving the UI or drawing different emojis.
Please include a list of resources you have used/may use in the planning and execution of your project. You may include books, websites, music, video, personal communication, etc.
 Project Timeline: Include dates and deadlines set by the course syllabus, as well as self-imposed benchmarks for what you would like to have done at certain points in the semester.
 2/21 – 2-minute presentation on the UI, I have so far
2/28 – Have the framework finished
3/7 – Make sure the app is functional and doing everything I want it to
3/14 – Work on the design and make the GUI more modern and intuitive
3/28 – Have the UI finished and start working on the pixel art
4/4 – Combine both pixel art and the UI to create a finished app
4/12 – 4/19 – Finish the app, tie up some loose-ends and present during peer review
4/26 – Finalize my presentation and get ready for Arts Fest
4/28 – Arts Fest
5/2 – Dress Rehearsal for Academic Showcase
5/4 – Academic Showcase
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
Final Reflection
What was the most challenging aspect of completing your project, and why? (This might be technical aspects, time constraints, problems that arose, etc.—be honest, this is your space to reflect!)
There were a lot of challenges in the process of completing my project. The top two difficulties lied in learning the software I was going to use and how to manage my time. I needed to balance the amount of work I did with this project and with my course work to make sure I didn’t fall behind in either of them which was difficult. It was also hard to learn a completely new software and write a whole program for it. There was also a challenge in motivation as sometimes I wouldn’t be motivated to work on it and sometimes I wanted to scrap the project.
Looking at your learning agreement(s) on ELMS, how do you think you succeeded (or not) in completing your Learning Objectives? Which ones did you fulfill? Which ones did you not fulfill? Why?
I think I was able to meet most of my learning objectives. I was able to create an android app and have it presentable and have a demonstration. I also brought together my passions such as the arts and programming. However, I wasn’t able to focus on actually creating the pixel art and having it downloadable because I was so focused on the coding aspect I neglected the art aspect. I also wasn’t able to have it be downloadable because I thought I would have an android phone available and transfer the data on it, but it wasn’t working when I tested it before Academic Showcase.
What were the most helpful aspects of the (semi) weekly class meetings? What would you like to see added or subtracted for next year?
The most helpful aspects was really seeing how everyone else is doing in the project. I like to see the progress everyone is making and seeing it come together on the weeks leading up to ArtsFest motivated me to work on the project so I don’t get left behind. I would like to see more group work inside of class as the collaborative effort really pushes each other to work on the project and better it. Something I think would be cool is if it would be possible to interact with other sections as well just to see their progress.
What part of the project were you most proud of? Why?
The part that I was most proud of was actually the coding portion. I didn’t think I was going to be able to learn this software and basically make an android app from scratch with no direction or tutorials. I had to learn from the beginning every step of the way so it was very challenging. However, I’m proud that I pushed through and am able to add this valuable skill to my skillset and resume.
What part of the project would you have changed if you could? Why?
The part of the project I would have changed would be my design and the user interface. I would have made the main menu have more colorful and be better pleasing to the eye. It would have been better to make it colorful and attract people to play with it. Also, I would have put more effort into my poster to not make it so boring. I could have played with the template more and put more effort into it to attract more people to my project.
If you had to offer advice to next year’s Capstone students, what would it be?
It would definitely be to work on time management skills and make sure you don’t fall behind. It would be beneficial to have timeline and actually follow it make sure you stay on time. Also when you are choosing your capstone project make sure to choose something you are interested in or try to challenge yourself. By combining it with an additional thing you are passionate about it becomes easier to work on it and do well on it.  
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
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Working at Bitcamp finalizing the code.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
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First try in making a logo for the app, it’s interesting and maybe add a little more detail but I like the direction it’s going in.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
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Late night work on the code after not looking at it for a while.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
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Watching many different shows such as Avatar the Last Airbender, and looking at these different styles gives me inspiration towards the direction I want to go in my art.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
I found this tutorial to make my UI design more modern and sleeker and more user friendly.
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vincedprocessbinder-blog · 7 years ago
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I found multiple emojis from deviantart by Mimillie. I love the simplistic aspect of it and she has many different emotions that I can take inspiration from
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