Your hair grows so fast
Like a testament to how long it's been
Since we've seen each other
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Finding the meaning in your life is hardly ever reciprocated so just give yourself little victories in life's small pleasures
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The embodiment of dissatisfaction True suffering Devours the best of us While the rest of us Waste away
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Heartstrings collapsed Calloused as my fingers And their base at my palm Overworked and exhausted Hardened to any discomfort Oblivious to any ailments Working ceaselessly to what end? Who can define your truths? We beat on
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Falling in love every day Hating the way you say you love Every day but a little more Feeling much less than before
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This dimension writhes in anger Forming pools of hate Little bubbles popping Red with fear and pain The whole globe engorged Fill to burst
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I gave you my humility You wasted it Shot it back through the glass Now I'm chasing it
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Hallowed be the death in me The life before, buried Return me to the void Let me soak and brine Brooding until My answer questions back Swirling my spirit Til I fall from the black Tumbling into a light Churning my spirit into flesh
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