villain-number-one · 1 year
//This rp blog is now archived/retired for the time being. Thanks for a fun 6 years! And for the list of my active blogs, follow this link HERE.
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villain-number-one · 1 year
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villain-number-one · 2 years
“Yeah.. he definitely was terrible.” It took Robbie a few moments for his brain to process what Cheryl had said. “Wait... when did you meet him? He’s... he’s been dead for 20 some years.” Confusion was apparent on his face.
LazyTown - Cheryl/Robbie
“I’m her baby.” Robbie smiled a bit at that. “She still says that, even now.” He went quiet for a few minutes. “I… well… I was always told growing up that I was a burden… again, my dad’s doing… so I guess I heard it so much that I believe it. I’m a burden to everyone.”
“Hey.  Your dad is, no offense, a terrible person.”  She laid her hands on his shoulders in a friendly gesture.  “You are your mother’s son, first and foremost.  Don’t listen to anything your father says.  I met him, and….well, I won’t talk about it but it wasn’t fun.”  @villain-number-one​
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villain-number-one · 2 years
nights headcanons! send an emoji for my muse to talk about…
🌙 last night
🌕 their bedtime rituals
🌑 a sleepless night
🌝 a night out
🌛 a night spent with someone
🌖 a night they’ll never forget
🌒 a night they want to forget
🥮 a dream
🌚 a nightmare
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villain-number-one · 2 years
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Something I tried to make in canva, tried to make more but I wasn't too satisfied with this one to do it, but I don't hate it that much to not share so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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villain-number-one · 2 years
“I’m her baby.” Robbie smiled a bit at that. “She still says that, even now.” He went quiet for a few minutes. “I... well... I was always told growing up that I was a burden... again, my dad’s doing... so I guess I heard it so much that I believe it. I’m a burden to everyone.” @ckingsbury1967
LazyTown - Cheryl/Robbie
“I know he does. I mean, he willingly put himself between me and our dad, once. It… was bad.” Robbie fidgeted nervously as he recalled. “I know Mamma loves me; she trained me to be the villain I am!” a brief smile crossed his face. “But… I feel like I burden her as well…”
Cheryl grinned.  She could 100% see Roberta Rotten spoiling her youngest boy.  “I’m sure she’s very proud,” she reassured him, patting his shoulder.  “What makes you think you burden her?  I don’t think you’re a burden at all.”  @villain-number-one​
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villain-number-one · 2 years
“I know he does. I mean, he willingly put himself between me and our dad, once. It... was bad.” Robbie fidgeted nervously as he recalled. “I know Mamma loves me; she trained me to be the villain I am!” a brief smile crossed his face. “But... I feel like I burden her as well...”
LazyTown - Cheryl/Robbie
Robbie nodded. “I live in the lair mostly, and sleep in my chair. Sometimes I stay at Glanni’s house but… I feel like I just get in the way, he’s got his own life, you know? I manage as I can.”
“I’m sure your brother wouldn’t mind having you stay over sometimes,” Cheryl told him encouragingly.  “He does love you, you know.  He may not always show it, but the love is there.  Your mother loves you too, you could always visit her.”  @villain-number-one​
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villain-number-one · 2 years
It's sinday! 💦 | Send my muse the dirtiest questions you can!
{ multimuse blogs please specify muse! }
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villain-number-one · 2 years
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transparent robbie to sit on ur blog
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villain-number-one · 2 years
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villain-number-one · 2 years
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when u wanna be cool and sporty like ur bf but u just can’t get it quite right
keep trying buddy
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villain-number-one · 2 years
Robbie nodded. “I live in the lair mostly, and sleep in my chair. Sometimes I stay at Glanni’s house but... I feel like I just get in the way, he’s got his own life, you know? I manage as I can.”
LazyTown - Cheryl/Robbie
Robbie hesitated at first, but then sat next to Cheryl on the bench. It was obvious he still wasn’t 100 percent used to anyone besides his family and Sportacus.
“I… sleep here sometimes.” he remarked.
“On the bench?”  She frowned, shaking her head.  “No, no, you need to sleep in a bed.  It’s better for you.  Don’t you have a house?  Or a bunker of some sort?  I thought I heard that you lived underground.”  @villain-number-one​
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villain-number-one · 2 years
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Robbie Rotten
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villain-number-one · 2 years
Just think about it: Sportacus teach kids to be physical active. He shows them how to play sport outside and encourage Stephanie to spread her dance and singing everywhere. But you know what's Sportacus' home? A FUCKING AIRSHIP WHERE HE'S PEACEFULY CHILLING WHILE ROBBIE LIVES UNDER FUCKING GROUND AND CAN'T GET EVEN 5 MINUTES OF QUIET BREAK
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All Robbie ever wanted is just not get disturbed in his own home by dancing kids on his own roof
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villain-number-one · 2 years
Robbie hesitated at first, but then sat next to Cheryl on the bench. It was obvious he still wasn’t 100 percent used to anyone besides his family and Sportacus.
“I... sleep here sometimes.” he remarked.
LazyTown - Cheryl/Robbie
Sportacus nodded, waving to them both, as he took off.
Robbie tried to hide his face in his hands. “I’m not blushing, it’s sunburn.” he mumbled.
“It’s overcast,” she reminded him with a grin, “but okay, it’s sunburn.”
She moved to a nearby park bench and sat, patting the spot next to her so Robbie could sit with her.  “C’mon, take a load off.”  @villain-number-one​
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villain-number-one · 2 years
Sportacus nodded, waving to them both, as he took off.
Robbie tried to hide his face in his hands. “I’m not blushing, it’s sunburn.” he mumbled.
( @ckingsbury1967 )
LazyTown - Cheryl/Robbie
Both the hero and villain blushed at that statement, turning a deep shade of red. They looked at each other, eyes locked for a few moments before the awkward-but-cute scene was interrupted by Sportacus’s crystal beeping.
The Elf was jolted back to the here and now by the sound. “Someone’s in trouble!” He said, looking at the town surrounding them.
Robbie was still blushing, a look of confusion on his face.
“It’s OK, Sportacus,”  Cheryl told him, waving him off.  “Go save the day!  I’ll keep an eye on Robbie for you.”
She grinned at the still-blushing Robbie.  “Your face is all red,” she whispered, nudging his arm with her elbow.  @villain-number-one​
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villain-number-one · 2 years
How life has me rn ^-^
…but literally tho.
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