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vikuo-kuma · 3 days ago
“The Best of the Best”
—Teacher assistant! Hero! Reader x Various! invincible
Warning?: No use of Y/N but might use Reader from time to time(will try), obviously curse words, and maybe a description of some sort of gore? Might be OP reader(sorry for those who like character development)
Chapter 1
“And… 105! A new record, lil tech!”
A feminine voice called out as they walked out holding onto a clipboard. The woman with black and blue hair placed her clipboard down on the bench beside [Reader], grabbing the towel and water bottle from the exact bench.
“Thank you, and also, when did you come up with that stupid ass nickname?”, their face twitched, they felt belittled after hearing the sound of what the woman had called them. “Well I thought it was a cute nickname…”, the black and blue haired woman mumbled, twiddling her fingers.
“Just don’t call me that out in public, Lena”, they spoke like they were disappointed as they face palmed their face.
“Yay!”, Lena once again sparked with joy. “Oh that’s beside the point, don’t you have to go to work today?”, checking her clipboard while tapping on it with a blue pen.
“Shit! I fucking forgot! Thanks again Lena!”, they completely rushed out, figuring that they’ll just change while running towards the elementary school.
Lena just looked at the door where [Reader] had left through. “That stupid sibling of mine..”, with an awkward grin, Lena turned back to work.
The computer’s light gleamed against Lena’s glasses. Lena’s grin turned into a frown.
“Any other reports of this ‘mysterious’ hero”, Cecil’s anger seems to increase more and more after seeing a large pile of paper reports of this tech savvy hero. “This is the last one, sir. The first ever report on this hero”, Donald placed the paper on the top of the stack before returning to Cecil’s side.
“How the FUCK, did this hero go unnoticed by the by me?”, Cecil’s eye twitched, scanning through each of the pages of each report.
Donald didn’t answer the question, just staring at Cecil going off about this specific hero.
“It’s said that nobody had ever died upon their arrival”, Donald recalled from his memories, “no injured person either”.
“Are they intentionally trying to make us sound unreliable?!”
Before Donald could reply, the heroes walked in one by one. Each in their costumes.
They stopped talking once they see the look on Cecil’s face. It wasn’t a friendly one. “What happened Cecil? You usually call us when there’s an emergency like for an alien invasion”, Invincible crossed his arms, waiting for an answer from Cecil. Invincible wanted answers.
“Do any of you know who this person is?”, Cecil completely ignored Mark’s question, showing a clip of the recent news.
It was the same figure Mark had seen on the TV.
Face covered, hair covered, with the tech related suit. That was the hero alright. Nobody, however, knew who was behind that suit and mask. “No? Who the fuck is that?”, Rex pointed towards the screen with utter confusion.
Donald sat in the background, looking through each and every single report as well as the report numbers.
“A person who seems to do YOUR job better than you ever could, you nitwits!”, slamming the desk to reveal the reports of this mysterious figure digitally on the screen. The list went on and on, each scene differs from the others.
But there was one important detail that seemed to be constantly circled.
no injuries, NO DEATHS.
———— (´-`).。oO
“Achoo!”, a sneeze came from their nose.
“Teacher, are you ok? You seem to be sneezing— A —lot”, Oliver looked towards his tutor with concern, exaggerating the “a” in “a lot”. He handed you a box of tissues just in case. “Thanks, Oliver”, blowing your nose into a tissue.
“I swear I was fine when I came to your house”, you spoke after wiping your nose clean. You pointed towards an english question on the sheet of paper.
You had resumed your teaching with Oliver in his house that was until you got a ringing in your ear.
“I’ve gotta go, we’ll end our lesson here”, You quickly stood— at an inhumane speed— and dashed out of the house, leaving Oliver clueless about his teacher’s strange life.
———————— :(;゙゚'ω゚'):
A/N: Caffeine hate to see me coming. Also I literally have ideas pumping out of me.
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vikuo-kuma · 3 days ago
“Who are You?”
—Teacher Assistant! Hero! Reader x Invincible (series)
Information: So like hear me out, what if Reader isn’t a hero that works with the GDA. They help out whenever hear the news from their associates(might create an oc for it.) AND they’re from Earth. Reader just so happens to be a teacher who tutors Oliver and somehow never bumped into Mark.
“There’s an alien attack going on at an elementary school near a local area of Chicago, we’ll be zooming in on one of our reporters”
“A local elementary school? That’s strange why would any alien attack a school of all choices”, Mark stared at the television in the living room, sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal.
“Mark, quit staring at the TV and get ready to head to school!”, Debbie shouted from the kitchen while she finishes up chores. “Yeah listen to what mom said!”, Oliver said as he walked into the living room where Mark was.
“An attack on an elementary school?”, Oliver looked confused as he stared at the TV screen to see what Mark was watching. Mark looked towards his watch like he was waiting for some queue to check out the place.
“Strange, Cecil would usually call by now..”, a feeling of confusion and concern washed over Mark as he stood up ready to change into Invincible.
Before he left the room he overheard something from the T.V. screen.
“There are currently— wait! No— there are no hostages held in the elementary school, there seem to be people running out of the school!”
“What?”, Mark went back to the couch and sat back down, suddenly interested in the news. Watching intensely, he saw a figure fly out of the school. It wasn’t just the alien, it was a person too.
“Who is that?!”, the news reporter shouted with a shocked expression on her face. The camera man zoomed in on the flying figure holding the alien. They looked almost feminine, a mask and visor covered up their face, with a suit that looked almost tech related.
Punching the alien, the person created a ripple in the air and the alien went flying violently back into space.
The figure landed in front of the school, which revealed another person who was holding on tightly towards the mysterious hero. “You should be safe now”, the voice of the hero sounded robotic, but their eyes were humane.
“Thank you.. uh?”, the woman wanted to know what the hero’s name was.
“Thank you Technos”, The woman seemed to blush shyly like a high school girl with a crush.
The mysterious hero grunted, flying off before the news reporter could attempt to interview them. The reporters tried to chase after them but failed because they couldn’t fly at all so they resorted to interviewing the people.
“They were so cool! I want them to sign me an autograph!”, a kid shouted, trying to copy some of the hero’s moves.
“They’re kind of… hot”, one of the staff members spoke out, embarrassed to even look at the camera.
“That’s all folks, a new superhero has come out of hiding! It’s kind of strange how none of the Guardians of the Globe had come to save the day, don’t you think?”, the speaker chuckled almost awkwardly.
“Wait isn’t that where my tutor works at?”, Oliver finally spoke up, interrupting Mark’s thoughts.
“I think I gotta check up with Cecil..”, Mark muttered, walking out of the room and quickly changing into his hero costume.
“The servers are finally back on, sir”, Donald reported, standing beside Cecil.
“… Damn it, but apparently the alien attack was resolved by someone”, Cecil pinched his the bridge of his nose before looking at the report for the alien attack. His eyes suddenly sharpened at a specific detail.
“What is it sir?”, Donald looked at Cecil’s face with confusion. “It’s nobody from the GDA..”, Cecil replied, gripping the paper with the strength he has. “Nobody we know of”, he added with a look of uncertainty.
“Donald, set up a meeting with the Guardian’s of the Globe and be sure to include Invincible as well”, Cecil quickly ordered, “I’m going to get to the bottom of this”.
A/N: Guys did I cook, or am I cooked?
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vikuo-kuma · 6 months ago
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A/N: I’m disappear again tehe 😝✌️
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vikuo-kuma · 9 months ago
Forgotten Memories:[This might be a series]
Kenji Sato x amnesia! Reader
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Summary: An accident occurred in a Kaiju attack, where you were injured quite badly leading to your loss of memories. Memories with Sato
A/N: idk feel things 🤷‍♀️
“Alright, bye Mom”, you waved your mother off, seeing the car driving away. Being dropped off at place you weren’t familiar, yet there was some sense of comfort in the air. Standing in front of the apartment building, you started to walk into the lobby. “My childhood house?” You looked around, feeling some sort of strange feeling. It wasn’t a bad feeling, you just couldn’t understand it.
“[Apartment #]..”
Holding the key out to unlock the door, it was that feeling again. “If this feeling continues any longer, I might throw up”, you covered your mouth from trying to throw up the breakfast you had.
“Maybe I’ll feel better when I walk around the neighborhood…” closing the door back while slowly exiting the apartment, you ended up leaving the building to get some fresh air. Maybe hoping that the feeling would go away. The breeze hit against your skin, fresh air entered your nose.
“Definitely much better..” sighing a breath of relief, it was almost suffocating in that building. To think you’d have to be living there for a while, hoping for more memories to reappear. Starting to walk around, you see convenience stores, restaurants, and supermarkets around, giving it a homey feel. It was nice at first, before a random person had walked up to you.
She looked elderly, however she still had some color in her hair. “My, my, welcome back [___]”, she sounded kind, maybe a family friend? “Ah, hello Ms….” you tried to indicate that you forgotten who she was. “Oops, right. I was your family nanny, you can call me Gran Gran”, fixing her slight mistake, she helped fix your blouse you have on currently. Dusting away the little dust that hanged around your shoulder.
“Uh, ok… Gran Gran”, you felt really awkward in that situation, but also a strange relaxing moment. “Don’t worry about it, if you are in need of something, don’t hesitate to ask, you should have my phone number”, she reassured, patting your head gently. Nodding in response, you also tried to fight back the tears that were going to drop.
That was strange… you continue your walk with a lollipop in your mouth. Walking until you by accidentally bumped into something, wait no someone.
“Hey! Watch where you’re—” the stranger’s voice seemed to cut off, as he got a better look at you. He looked like he had seen a ghost, tilting your head in confusion. You even looked behind you to check for actual ghosts. “I—” the stranger tried to speak again, it was like something had clogged his throat. Looking back at him, he was wearing some sort of jersey with a pair of jeans to go along with it.
“Sorry, I’ll be on my way”, you didn’t want to stay in a staring contest forever, you were weirded out by his constant gaze. “Wait. Do you know me?”, he grabbed on to your arm before you could walk away.
“I’m sorry, am I supposed to know who you are?”
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vikuo-kuma · 9 months ago
Kenji Sato drawing 😔
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Someone on tiktok said this look cute???
Also his nose was a struggle 😔
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vikuo-kuma · 9 months ago
Extra: Sunrise
Summary: Kenji woke up after a nice 8hrs slumber but suddenly realized [reader] has been taking care of Emi for about 8hrs.
A/N: Birthday just passed 💅✨
“No, Emi you cannot touch that car..”
He was grumbling in his sleep, eyes twitching as the sun started to seep through the white curtains. Being quite comfortable, he tried to turn away from the sun hoping to continue his slumber. But it failed, miserably.
“What time is it..?”
Looking around trying to figure out where he was, finding out that he was still in your office. It was morning. His left eye didn’t seem to hurt anymore, seeing an ice pack on his lap after it had fallen off the use to be injured eye.
“Wait. Emi!”
He looked for his watch that kept track of Emi, but it wasn’t there. He continued to look around, and found a note right on the table beside him. It was from you. Reading the note, he slapped his face after realizing he had left Emi in your care.
“Wait. Shit! [___]!”
The thoughts of you being utterly exhausted filled him up with guilt. Instantly he got up and grabbed his jacket to head out.
But just as he opened his front doors, he was hit with the smell of coffee. You were sitting at the island counter, calmly sipping coffee.
“Good morning to you too”.
Taking another sip of coffee, you didn’t look tired at all.
But from his view, you looked absolutely stunning. Even though you were just sitting there in your usual uniform, maybe it was just the sun hitting you right.
A/N: I need more fanfics >:(
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vikuo-kuma · 9 months ago
Anger Management
Kenji Sato x Doctor! Reader
A/N: idk if you want to count this as a part two but eh. and it’s might just be mostly platonic idk how you want to take it but yuh.
“So… you’re saying that you got punched in the FACE, by the umpire”.
You were sitting in your office chair behind your desk as Kenji was sat on the exam table. He did look a little guilty, knowing full well that he was the one who started it. Fiddling with his fingers, he began to speak.
He was dragging out his words, not wanting to admit the truth. He seems to also be avoiding your gaze. You look directly at his obvious exhaustion and made a choice.
“I can take care of Emi for you”.
“Just give me her schedule, or something that you set up personally for her”.
He just looked at you like you were his hero, eyes shining with hope that he’s going to get the rest he needed.
“Thank you so much! I don’t know how to repay you, but thank you!”
“Gee you really do need sleep”.
Staring at him weird, you weren’t really used to him showing some sort of gratitude towards you. But you took his watch that he was handing over to you, and went to exit your office.
“Oh and you can sleep in my office, no one should bother you here”.
Didn’t that just make his heart swell, a little.
A/N: Imma stop feeding you guys fr, like make your own fanfics >:(
I’m a reader too damn it!
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vikuo-kuma · 9 months ago
Ken Sato x Nurse! Reader
“Shit. Not there—”
“Ow! What the heck Doc?!”
There you were, sleeves rolled up with gloves on both of your hands, cleaning up the wound Kenji Sato had gained from his Ultraman fight. While Kenji was struggling to keep still as you’re gaze fixated upon his body.
“Quit moving around, I told you it would take me a while with your stupid injuries”.
Smacking his arm out of the way, exposing the damage he was trying to hide.
“How the hell did you get that injured from that fight? I thought the ultraman suit would protect you. Unless there’s something more to the suit”.
“…It malfunctioned..”
You looked at him dead in his eyes.
“You’re lying aren’t you”.
“No! I promise I’m not!”
Quickly you tighten his bandages like it was some sort of corset.
“Ow! Ok! Ok! Maybe I am!”
You loosen up the bandages, wrapping around his torso properly. Then turn to face him again, your hands on his slightly injured torso.
“You know damn well it malfunction when you’re overworking it. What’s going on?”
Glaring at him making sure that he speaks the truth.
“I’ve been taking care of a Baby Kaiju..”
He looked away from your gaze, not wanting to have his ear drums break. Nor did he want to see your shock expression.
“Oh. So you’re a dad now”.
“You’re not surprised?”
Turning his head slowly while opening his eyes. By the sounds of it, he was relieved that you weren’t over reacting about a Kaiju.
“I have a Kaiju too”.
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vikuo-kuma · 9 months ago
I’m losing my shit.
Ken Sato x Model! Reader
A/N: I may or may not complete the request I already gained but brain rot is too much.
You wandered around, trying to hide from your fan girls and boys. As you happened upon one of the famous baseball players in Japan, Kenji Sato.
Known for his plays and looks, it’s usually something you never witnessed personally but here you are. Bumped into the famous Kenji Sato.
“Ah! Sorry about that, my head seems to be in the clouds lately”.
You quickly fixed your composure due to the fact that you hadn’t met someone who’s attractive like you. Hiding the blush well, you look away from his overwhelming gaze.
“Watch where you’re going next time!”
His voice rings through your ears, but it wasn’t loud enough for him to break your eardrums. Kenji looked at you weirdly, almost as if you were caught red handed. After all, you were wearing a hoodie over your head, hiding your face under it.
“Right… I’ll be out of your way”.
You started to turn away, walking back to the agency. But before you realized it, Kenji quickly grabbed your wrist, twirling your whole body around to face him. You were slightly shorter than him, but that didn’t stop Kenji from turning your whole body around to face him. Completely stopping you from going back.
“Not so fast…”
“Uh… Do you need something Mr. Sato?”
You look back at him, confused about his sudden grasp on your wrist. Both of your eyes met each other’s gaze as a sweat dropped from your face. He stared at you attentively, looking up and down at your strange disguise.
“What’s your name?”
You couldn’t really answered that as you were interrupted by the roaring wind passing by. And with that, exposing your whole identity to the world to see.
“Sorry again, but could you repeat your question again?”
“I asked what’s your name?”
Before you could reply, the moment was once again interrupted. However instead of the wind it was one of your fan girls, whose jaw had dropped.
“Oh, my, GOD! ITS [____]!”
The girl squealed, it was loud enough for the other fans to start crawling out of their hiding places.
“Crap, I gotta go now! It was nice meeting you!”
You shouted towards Kenji, who seems to be in utter shock. Who knew there was someone out there who was just as famous as him. He looked at your form as you ran from your loving fans. Looks like someone had gained a small crush.
“[____] huh…”
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
…Hello 🌝
I know it’s been a while since I posted but like teachers seem to like bombarding my class with homework and tests. 😕
And I’ve been trying to cope with the very little undead unluck fanfics, and I think I hit writers block for the first time 😔😔
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
Hi can I request? About Mashle and reader (genderless) like here's the scenerio.
So like the reader isn't familiar with the school and saw a group of people and it's mash friend group and the reader, then go ask mash where's the kitchen so the reader could bake and stuffs. Then Mash pointed and then yatta yatta and when Mash was alone he remembered the reader and went to the kitchen to see what the reader is up to, he then saw the reader baking a lot of pastries for friends and self.
Cupcakes and Sweets 🍭
A/N: I'm in pain while writing this, literally. 😔
Aimlessly, you traverse the corridors, trying to look for something specific. You weren't really familiar with the school yet, so getting lost was an easy thing to do. Slowly but surely you were getting tired from aimlessly walking around. You had visited literally everywhere but the kitchen. "Where the heck is the kitchen?", grumbling under your breath, your craving for sweets grew.
"It's like the kitchen grew legs and started running from me or something", your mood changed to one of an angry person.
"Also, where is everyone?", thinking that you could've asked someone for help. Your face puffed up all pouty. As you continued to walk, you saw a group of people up a head, quickly bringing up your mood. “Hey! I’m in need of help!”, shouting to the group, trying to get their attention. A seemingly dark haired male turned his head towards your voice.
“Who are you?”, he asked with a monotone voice, while tilting his head in confusion. The male stared at you blankly, trying to see if he could remember a person like you. “Well, I’m Y/N L/N and I’m trying to find where the kitchen is”, you huffed after running towards his direction.
“And well.. I’m kind of lost”, awkwardly looking away from the boy’s eyes. “Oh. Well it’s where you came from, you just missed the door”, he answered blankly, staring at the stranger person. You turned around and saw a sign hanging up below the door he pointed towards. The sign read in large letters Kitchen. Your jaw dropped, you had passed by this door multiple times already before the dark haired male had pointed it out.
Shaking your head, you turned your attention back towards the male. “Thank you so much!”, unconsciously, you hugged the boy with much gratitude and ran towards the kitchen door. What a strange girl, not as strange as Lemon though. The dark haired male blankly stared at your retreating form.
Wait. Just then the dark haired male realized that he hadn’t introduced himself to you. Oops.
At last, you were able to bake a few delectables and was still baking a few more things. However you were very busy in fact, you didn’t notice a familiar male standing at the entrance of the kitchen. He was just stopping by to check up on you, but caught a scent of baked pastries, making his mouth water.
You had a weird feeling that someone was watching you, so you looked towards the door and was met with the same dark haired male drooling while staring at the sweets on the counter.
“You want some?”, The boy nodded, entering the kitchen fully to try one of your many sweets you had baked.
Safe to say that he had fell in love with you after trying one bite.
Note: Doom soon, then Kaldo 😔🙏
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
Yall I promise once my projects are finished I’ll post more frequently 😢
Current line up: Mash, Doom and Kaldo
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
Perfect the way You are
A/N: being bombarded with request 😔
Warning: guaranteed to have sensitive topics, but it will be fluffy, either way if you’re uncomfortable with anything weight related you don’t need to read it, 🙏 (also smh Dot)
You always seem to find yourself staring at any sort of reflection. Whether it would be a mirror or even a window, you were always met with a vision of your younger self, being slightly thicker side. Even though, you had lost weight, your past always seemed to have ways to haunt you. Through the way you eat, through the way dark thoughts always find their way back into your mind.
Nevertheless, you had managed to slowly recover from your way of thinking, through the help of your parents’s support. But one thing still remains the same, it was the portion of food you would eat.
In time, though, your confidence had also improved, it was enough to ask your parents if you could go to school again.
And to your surprise, they allowed you to. Although they had agreed to let you go to school, tears were flowing down your parents’s eyes, finding themselves proud of your improvement on your self image. It was safe to say that they cared a lot about you and your mental health, seeing that your parents had bombarded you with many questions, ‘Would you be ok?!’ ‘Do you know a way to contact us?!’ ‘Update us whenever you can!’.
The usual things concern parents would say. It took you about an hour reassuring them that you were okay, and that they shouldn’t have to worry too much. Eventually they finally left, letting you to go into the school of magic at last.
During the months in school, you had made friends, which would then lead to the creation of friend group consisting of Mash, Lance, Lemon, Finn, and Dot. They had truly made you feel comfortable, they had made you feel safe. That safe feeling almost made you forget about your experience from the past. Yet somehow it was brought up once again.
You were at a picnic with the group, enjoying your time and the company they gave you. There was a variety of foods, spread on the table, making your eyes shine brightly. As you were ecstatic, wanting to try each dish that had caught your eyes. So, you grabbed a bite, tasting each delicacy your friends had brought. You haven’t noticed but they were all looking at you, smiling. They were glad they finally got to see you eat, knowing that you usually held in your hungry when it came to hanging out.
But that’s when Dot decided to speak up, “You know.. if you keep eating too much you’re gonna get fat”, with a smirk, it was a friendly gesture but it seems to have triggered something within you.
There was a sudden stop in your motion. Like you suddenly froze, the fork from your hand dropped onto your plate. Fat. That word was repeated over and over again in your head. It was like a key to destroying the wall you build around that experience. You closed your mouth, pursing your lips. Your mind started to cloud itself, filling it with dark thoughts you had pushed away long ago.
“Rig-” “What’s wrong with that?”, a voice had spoken up, interrupting you in the process, it was monotonous, very recognizable. Huh? Your eyes wandered to the sound of the voice. It was Mash, he was munching on a cream puff as he spoke. “I think that’s what makes them unique”, Mash continued to express his thoughts, you had a shock expression resting upon your face. You felt kind of weird, in a good way.
“Mash, I was joking..”, Dot tried to defend himself, but the dark haired male look at him confused. “But aren’t jokes supposed to be funny?”
Note: Love yourselves people 👹
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
Will be on break until Friday, I got a lot of schoolwork to do 😔
Edit: (the order of characters) Mash, Mash, Doom, then Kaldo 👍
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
💍 orter x reader where he has a soft spot for her yk
Softer than a Cloud
A/N: I nearly typed clothes instead of glasses 😔(Next up Mash)
Warning: Idk
"Do you seriously not know how to do your job properly? Get out before I pour sand into your mouth", The brown haired male send an intense glare towards the poor assistant, threatening them with his wand. Orter had a frown on his face, upset that he had extra work to do because of his incompetent assistant. Taking off his glasses, he rubbed his tired eyes. "Such incompetent people..", muttering under his breath while rolling his head around to loosen his stiff neck.
He decided that a walk was needed before he had to return to the stacks of paperwork sitting on his desk.
As he exited his office, and the brown haired male was greeted with you. Talking to a colleague while holding your shoulders like you were cold.
"So, I told her, 'you should go-", you were interrupted by the feeling of a coat being placed over your shoulders. Turning around, you saw your boss, Orter, standing over you without his coat. "You shouldn't be walking around like that, you'll catch a cold", the brown haired man expressed his concern, his tone of voice wasn't as stern as before. Which shocked your fellow colleague, and the assistant, who was staring around the corner. "Well, I was kind of rushing here, and I left my coat at home...", You replied, scratching your cheek lightly.
Orter sighed at your clumsiness. "You can keep my coat for the rest of the day, my office was getting too warm anyway", the other's eyes widened even more, staring at the scene in front of them. "I could also drive you home after work if you like", he continued, maintaining his eye contact with you. The brown haired male kept a neutral expression, while taking to you.
"Really? Thanks for the offer, but I'll manage..", awkwardly smiling towards your boss. You were about to take off the coat but he stopped your hands. "At least keep the coat on, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold and be sick the next morning", Orter insist, turning around to continue his walk.
Note: Husband material???
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
Ain’t he just a Morning-star 😏
Sorry I’ll stop 😔
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Note: he’s my short king 😫
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vikuo-kuma · 1 year ago
OH, YOU'RE THE ONE FROM TIKTOK, AND I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!! I'm not sure if your request for Mashle is open, but if it's not. It's okay!! Rayne Ames trying to protect reader. but in angst-like Thankiu <3
Only For You..
A/N: Spoilers I think, also I hope this is to your liking 😭😭— it might feel rushed 💀.
Edit: not me getting exposed slightly 😔
Warning: Angst, death, maybe gore?, fluff at the end though.
He was right there. So why couldn't he save you? You had your back facing against the enemy, the big boss himself, Innocent Zero. Holding your own against the him just to buy Mash a few more seconds, however, you had completely forgotten about your own defense. During this match, you had already used a large sum of magic, causing your nose and eyes to bleed profusely. Leaving you out of breath with no chance of healing your wounds.
“Y/N BEHIND YOU!”, Rayne had managed to shout out, he was trying to reach out for you, wanted to pull you away from the impending danger. But you were meters away from him and he was weakened. So, as you turn around, it has felt that time had slowed down. Witnessing Innocent Zero’s sharp arm stab right through you, impaling straight through your stomach. Your widened eyes slowly looked up at the tall white figure, his dark eyes looking back down at you like you were some insect.
WHY COULDN’T HE SAVE YOU?! Rayne’s eyes looked at the scene that was happening in front of him. The white figure took its arm out of your stomach, making you fall to the ground as you bleed out from your mouth and torso. The dual colored male tries to stand up, but failed trying to get even an inch off the ground. “Y/N!”, Rayne tries shouting for you, but no response.
As you could only hear a ringing noise, while lying there. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t hear anything, your vision started to fade. You felt alone.
Where were you? You couldn’t really tell, as you wandered around a white space. You continued to traverse the space, seeing strange images pop up while you go. Those images looked familiar, like they were scenes that were apart of your life. Headings forward, you see a bright light, it was more blue than the rest of the room.
You were confused, letting curiosity get the better of you, you decided to go even closer to the blue light.
Time had reverted, fixing everything. Every destroyed building, every injured person, it was all fixed.
Rayne just awoke from his weakened state, finally he was able to stand up. After transferring his magic, he had gained it back through the time revert. His head was pounding, as he instinctively placed his hand on his forehead. Y/N! The dual colored hair male, rushed out the building, looking around frantically for a (h/c) person.
He continued his search, looking at every corner possible, ignoring the pounding in his head. “Where are you..?”, Rayne had muttered under his breath, his stern face unchanging.
Finally, there you were, lying against a tree. Your wounds were healed, sealed up even. The large gash on your torso was gone. He looked at you attentively, trying to find any signs of you breathing. Then, he saw it, your chest rising as you breathed. It was really out of character for him, but the dual colored hair male hugged you, tightly. Laying his head down on your shoulder, as he takes in your scent.
“You’re alive..”, his voice wavered.
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