viivaldi · 6 months
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viivaldi · 6 months
tbh this might be controversial but as someone VERY pro palestine so many fellow anti zionists are out of touch as fuck.
first: stop treating bisan like she's beyonce she just wants to be a normal person safe at home. of course give her a platform and a voice but stop acting like she's the next taylor swift that very clearly makes her uncomfortable.
second: a shit ton of yall are out of touch about the boycotts. of course, please boycott as much as you can but if youre harassing a starbucks or mcdonalds worker who doesn't even want to work there and is on the brink of homelessness, who inst privileged enough to just quit, you are not the good person you think you are. just because you are financially okay doesn't mean other people can just cut their only source of income especially with how bad the economy is. that's helping no one.
2.5: PLEASE stop telling people under the age of 18 who depend on their parents (who don't respect boycotts) that they should starve instead of eating if their parents get mcdonalds or dominos? like of course boycotting is one of if not the most important resource, but those kids arent CHOOSING to break boycotts thats not their choice some parents just don't listen. kids need to fucking eat and no sane activist or palestinean would want ANOTHER child to go without food.
instead of bullying poor people please actually do things that benefit palestine
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viivaldi · 6 months
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“7-30” by Yizheng Ke
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viivaldi · 7 months
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Bill Mayer: 'The Offering' (2017)
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viivaldi · 7 months
“you should be at the club” i should be by the sea. i should be in the mountains. i should be awestruck and rendered speechless by the majesty of the natural world. if you even care
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viivaldi · 7 months
Genuinely crying at work rn. They have thousands of old photos (from the 50s to the 90s) they asked me to scan (so they can create a digital archive). Today I found a photo from a 80s protest with a banner that says "FOR THE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN". It's been 40 years. It has been a lot more than that, actually. And still.
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viivaldi · 8 months
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viivaldi · 8 months
"you sound smart" that's because i've spent years doing academic writing to the point that it's my default cadence plus or minus the use of profanity as a tone indicator
"you sound stupid" that's because i'm dumb as fuck
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viivaldi · 8 months
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The Status of Things Elizabeth Shull Colored pencil on paper
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viivaldi · 8 months
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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viivaldi · 8 months
Babe you’re so delusional you belong in a Dostoevsky novel
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viivaldi · 8 months
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jan 2016.  by Arina Vital
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viivaldi · 8 months
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viivaldi · 8 months
most of my scars are from skin picking which is funny to me because it's like anti-tragic symbolism. i'm so self destructive that my body has to keep putting child locks on all my wounds.
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viivaldi · 8 months
sorry i got scared by the passage of time. can yuo hold my hand
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viivaldi · 8 months
the line between "sacred" and "scared" is the placement of a single letter. which probably means nothing. but i'm going to read into it.
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viivaldi · 8 months
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Donkey in Zamora Province, Spain hauls flowering nabiza (turnip plants) to be pressed into vegetable oil
National Geographic - March, 1978
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