vievecorcitylocations · 2 months
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Please join us for the upcoming exhibition: Metamorphosis on Canvas, August 12th, 2024 | 6PM-10PM.
The collection features reknowned artists from Vievecor City and beyond, with special guest Judas Samara.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the community.
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vievecorcitylocations · 3 months
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In view of the blood emergency, Shard executives declare that:
Premium donors will be available to Roşu Clan members only. In addition, we are working around-the-clock with our distributors and internal teams to ensure that member orders and shipments are fulfilled in the upcoming weeks and delivered to your homes. Any excess blood bag supply will in turn be donated to the Crimson Vale Hospital.
We are accepting donations at this time and encourage any willing citizens to partake in the blood drives across the city. More on that here.
Over our five hundred years of history, we have maintained an excellent safety record and we plan on keeping it this way. For that reason, we will be reviewing our procedures and will put in place any recommendations from the authorities to ensure that the situation remains under control. We take no responsibility for an issues ocurring outside our premises or concerning non-members.
The safety and well-being of our members, employees, and neighbors are our first priority at this time. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope that you understand our decisions.
Please refer any queries directly to our support team.
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vievecorcitylocations · 5 months
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The ANCIENT ELVISH RUINS are located in a magical space in the middle of Vievecor City Park and can be accessed by magic or by rappelling down the 32ft/10m diameter hole that appeared next to the treant, Grayalder after they took root in the park.
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It is very clear from the architecture of the ruins that this place belonged to the elves, but it is difficult to determine exactly how old they are as the buildings seemed to have been built a very, very long time ago. Not much of these ruins remain apart from a two storey section of a building being the part the remains the most intact.
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Some speculate these ruins to be millions of years old, belonging to a time long forgotten... There is not much left inside these ruins after so many years have passed, but what is most impressive is a large mural that still exists on one of the walls in the building.
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This mural depicts a time before humans where an ancient war is taking place and it looks to be fought between the deities and demons, with the elves taking either side. An inscription at the bottom of this mural in ancient Elvish script reads 'The Great War'.
This Great War happened in a time long, long past. No elf in existence today would have intimate knowledge of it, but some might have heard tales that almost seem like legend of a war that spanned many, many centuries.
While no living elf will have intimate knowledge of this war, it is possible that some extremely old deities or demons might...
This location is currently restricted to supernatural elders and the elves of the Westwood clan only. It is currently under guard and protection of the Westwood clan with the help of the deity elders. OOC: Players can use the information in this post to plot with other player characters who might have more information about these ruins. Players are also welcome to have characters try to break into these ruins. Should they get caught in the process, they will be dealt with by their respective species elders.
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vievecorcitylocations · 5 months
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vievecorcitylocations · 9 months
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You are all invited to the Art Exhibition of works by local artist Judas Samara.
Opening at Crocus Art Gallery on January 20th and running until February 29th.
( @vievecorcitylocations everyone pls feel free to treat it as a mini event and visit the gallery ♥ )
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vievecorcitylocations · 9 months
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A new gallery has opened it's doors in the cities favourite art district, Garond. This new space will celebrate and lift up the diverse community of artists that Vievecor City has to offer. The space will be used for independent and up and coming artists in the city.
Regular exhibitions will be run, changing from month to month with a new artist taking up residency in the Crocus Art Gallery space.
Owner: Atlas Westwood Location: Garond
(1/1) Owner - Atlas Westwood (@atlaswestwood) (0/1) Art Curator (0/2) Security
( @vievecorcitylocations )
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vievecorcitylocations · 9 months
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Divinity Tower
"There is a deity within us who breathes that divine fire by which we are animated." -Ovid
Built by Effendi Enterprise, Divinity Tower sits in the shadow of Effendi Plaza, just across the street. Its dark, industrial architecture is accented by the grays and purples of the interior. The building's main purpose is to produce Divinity Magazine, a nationally recognized high-fashion and lifestyle magazine created by its CEO Divya Effendi. This magazine is all about living the most divine lifestyle, and unleashing the goddess within.
~The Thirteenth Floor~
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Secret messaging and warnings have been passed between the city since the dawn of its birth, but a magical collaboration between the Remington Coven and the Effendi Coven allowed it to become more mainstream. On Divinity Tower's 13th floor, you'll find the Vievecor City Gazette, a supernatural news publisher for the non-human of VC.Only accessed by the most trusted supernatural journalism and technical staff, the thirteenth floor allows those to create and distribute the Gazette without fail or fear of breaking the golden rule.
Some jobs within Divinity Tower include:
Divinity Magazine:
Divya's Personal Assistant- (0/1)
Journalists- (0/3)
Photographers- (0/3)
Stylists- (0/3)
Other publishing and fashion related jobs upon request.
Vievecor City Gazette (Must be Supernatural):
Editor and Chief- (0/1)
Writers/ Journalists- (0/3)
Photographers- (0/3)
Supernatural technology Specialists- (0/3- must be a member of Remington Coven)
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Bouncer (0/1) -
Bartender (1/1) - @patoconnor
Dealer (1/1) - @patoconnor
Security Guard (0/1) -
Host (0/1) -
Hostess (O/1) -
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~ 我 ~ Ware ~
Ware is a bar situated in a building owned by Ayumu Nakatomi in the Shipyard. This building also houses a gambling den and a brothel and serves as the Rakuen Enterprises headquarters. Ayumu has multiple other businesses in the form of more bars, gambling dens and brothels scattered across Klin, Hedon and the Shipyard.
On the ground floor of this building, the lavish bar Ware is accessible to anyone interested in artisanal cocktails and high-end spirits. It is a relatively popular bar but most patrons only know of this level.
Customers who enter this bar always describe it as feeling mysterious, magical and just slightly unsettling. They will find their eyes playing tricks on them when they spy paintings or art pieces moving from the corners of their eyes. Humans are particularly tickled by this, but supernaturals know that illusion magic is at play.
Some jobs on this level include: (only supernaturals may apply for these jobs - preferably spirits)
Bouncer (0/1) -
Bartender (0/1) -
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In the basement there is a gambling den that is only accessible by invitation only. Ayumu's business contacts and people he chooses to invite can access this level, including humans.
Some jobs on this level include: (only supernaturals may apply for these jobs - preferably spirits)
Dealer (0/1) -
Security Guard (0/1) -
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On the second floor of this building are a series of private rooms that Ayumu's business contacts can use for entertainment purposes. Hosts and hostesses are available on all levels to entertain clients and customers.
Some jobs on this level include: (only supernaturals may apply for these jobs - preferably spirits)
Host (0/1) -
Hostess (O/1) -
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Bouncer (0/1) -
Bartenders (0/2) -
Dancers (Human Only) (1/?) - @wcirdo
DJ (0/1) -
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The latest business venture of vampire mogul Izak Vörös seemed to pop up overnight, much to the delight of those who were looking for a bit of hands-off fun. Decked out in red and pink drapery, dim light effects, sultry beats, and plush, high-end furniture and decor make it a proper "gentleman's" club, and every night from 6pm to 2am, you can watch as erotic dancers put on a show just for you. There are three VIP rooms that you can rent out, as well as your dancer, and there is a bar located on the far right wall. However, the establishment is BYOB, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for certain drinks if you know what's on the secret menu. The dance bar is located in Kiln, and all species are welcome.
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Some jobs at The Bunny include:
Bouncer (0/1) - Bartenders (0/2) - Dancers (Human Only) (0/?) - DJ (0/1) -
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Located next to The Bunny is a pay-by-the-hour love hotel designed after East Asian hotels in the same category. The hotel is three stories high with the first floor being dedicated to private bar rooms and the front desk, while the second and third floors are for the rooms themselves. Each room has its own theme and available amenities (such as BDSM items, hot tubs, complimentary champagne, showers, etc), ranging from the romantic, to high-class, to even downright strange. Available rooms and their themes are shown on a high-resolution screen at the front desk. There are options for overnight stays. Privacy is taken very seriously. All species are welcomed, as well as all sexual orientations and inter-species mingling.
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Some jobs at The Hutch include:
Front Desk Assistant (0/1) - Cleaning Crew (0/2) - Bartenders (0/2) - Security (0/1) -
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Lunar Heights Pub
Address: 35, Russell Street District: Chissob Hill
Owned by Jaxon Reed, The Lunar Heights bar pub almost become synonymous to the Chissob Hill district. Those who vist it, are instantly reminded of the pass of many a-generation and stay for the wonderful ale, the grub and the plentiful amount of rock’n’roll coming from the guest bands performing on stage every other day.
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All species are welcome -well, almost. Unsurprisingly, werewolves make up most of Reed's patrons and they do not like it when anyone messes with what they feel is rightfully their space. Things can get a little hairy at Lunar Heights (pun fully intended), but hey, the place still stands, right?
If you’re looking for a laid back place to disconnect, this is yours.
Some jobs in Lunar Heights include;
Manager (0/1) - The manager of Lunar Heights must be close to Jaxon, as he would not trust anyone to make sure the pub runs as it should. Any major decisions must be discussed with him but, generally speaking, they are allowed freedom to do so as they please.
Waiting staff (0/3) -
Bartenders (0/2) -
Security (0/2) -
Guest bands / musicians (0/1) -
Cleaning staff (0/2) -
Any job inquiries can be made to the manager or Jaxon himself.
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“Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before… Quoth the Raven ‘Nevermore.’” 
Nevermore Bar and Grill was established in 2003 by the youngest of the Lycaon lineage, Gwendolyn Lycaon, to combine her love of culinary arts and the macabre. Making her name in the culinary scene for her frightfully, fanatical style, Gwen wanted to bring her fame and feasts to the city that ignited her creepy creations. Inspired by her idol Edgar Allan Poe and best selling cookbook “Deathly Delights in Dining” all things dark and disturbed can be found within the walls of Nevermore, including a sinfully crafted menu to satisfy any insatiable appetite. The bar is located in Garond and is open to both human and supernatural alike. Word on the street is there might be talks of a second location coming soon to Droitwich
“Quaintest thoughts, queerest fancies- Come to life and fade away. What care I how time advances; I am drinking ale today.”
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Some jobs in Nevermore Bar and Grill include:
Manager of Nevermore: (0/1)
Nevermore Servers/Kitchen Staff: (¼)
Gwen | Head Chef ( @gwen-lycaon )
Nevermore Bartender: (0/2)
Nevermore Entertainment/Dancers:
Nevermore Finance Manager: (1/1)
Augustine| @augustine-lycaon​
(OOC: If your character would like a job here, please contact @gwen-lycaon​ for plots)
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Plastered around town are flyers trying to get to call a number (which is Judas’s number) to join the band he’s looking to start. Everyone is welcome to call and come try their had at an instrument. ( @vievecorcitylocations )
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The PUNCH CAGE is aptly named for the entertainment this underground supernatural-only club provides. This is the only place in Vievecor City where any supernatural can enter themselves into organised fights to win money, prestige or to simply let off some steam. 
This club is located in Inner Vievecor in the district of Hedon where it borders Klin and patrons enter via what looks like a door in an abandoned building. Once they enter, a steep set of steps brings them below ground to a club where a large fight cage stands in the middle.
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Supernatural fighters are allowed to go all out and use their supernatural abilities in these fights. The cage itself is not protected by any magic, allowing destructive spells, fatal curses and even fighters themselves to be flung out into the audience. All this adds an additional layer of thrill for the spectators and spectators are watching these fights at their own risk. 
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This club is also heavily reliant on betting on each night’s matches where the winning fighter will be able to take home a cut of the winnings themselves. These nightly fights will end when one party is knocked out cold. 
In addition to the nightly fights, there will always be one night every quarter where different sets of fighters agree to fight to the death -- this night is called Fright Night. Tickets to watch these fights are usually sold out within minutes of them going up for sale on the dark web. The prize money for the winners of these fights to the death amount to $100,000 each and their images will be immortalised on the Punch Cage’s Wall of Fighting Infamy. 
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Some roles/jobs in the Punch Cage include: (only characters in the supernatural community can work at Punch Cage)
Owner of Punch Cage (0/1) - The owner of Punch Cage can be any species as long as their bio makes sense.
@ursanazyalensky​ (1/1 Club Owner)
Punch Cage Bartender/Bookie (0/1) - The bartender in Punch Cage also acts as the bookie for the club and will actively take bets that any bar patron wants to place.
(0/1 Bartender/Bookie)
Resident Fighter (0/1) - This fighter is a permanent fixture at Punch Cage and must be of a species that can withstand a lot of brutal fighting. e.g. werewolf, demon, vampire or deity.
(0/1 Fighter)
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Vievecor City Library
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ABSYNTHIA is the biggest demon-run nightclub in the district of Hedon. Taking up an entire abandoned warehouse that was built in the 1800s, this club is popular amongst all the inhabitants of Vievecor City because it often boasts the best line-up of techno DJs in the world. 
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The main room of this club is focused on techno with state of the art sound systems and almost floor to ceiling subwoofers set to bring the house down every night. There are smaller rooms on the second level featuring house music.
The club’s opening hours are from 8pm to 8am every day.
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What some unwitting humans and supernatural patrons do not know is that Absynthia is also a club where they can enter with their soul, but their body might leave with another. (See the spirit ability ‘body-hopping’ HERE.) 
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Demons, spirits and dark witches prowl this club to tempt and trick these patrons into surrendering their bodies by making deals or going into demon contracts with them known as exchanges. This is especially tempting to humans who believe that they are being promised the ‘most transcendental experience of their lives’. Supernaturals are less likely to be tricked, but this is not always the case. 
These exchanges commonly involve a person with a host body, a foreign spirit and a demon or dark witch who brokers the deal. In these exchanges, the foreign spirit is able to take hold of a host body and exist in it for the length of time stipulated in the deal. During this time the soul of the host body will exist as a spirit and be able to experience everything about being a spirit before a demon or dark witch can help to remove the foreign spirit from the host body. This does not often pan out as demons and dark witches have been known to revoke the deal/contract without reason.
This makes Absynthia a dangerous place to enter, but given the lawlessness of Hedon and the technical lack of loss of life and deals being struck, there is little that the other species can do about these exchanges.
Some roles/jobs in Absynthia include: (only demons can apply for these roles)
Owner of Absynthia (1/1) - The owner of Absynthia must be an Underworld demon.
@astrid-lundquist​ (1/1 Club Owner)
Bouncer of Absynthia (0/1) - The bouncer of Absynthia is responsible for curating the clientele of the club by granting or denying access to people at the door. They also act as club security even though not much is needed.
(0/1 Bouncer)
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