Why should you incorporate live streaming video apps to your work?
As modern technology keeps evolving, people nowadays prefer to do business through the Internet. But it is very risky and has a high chance of being scammed. So that is why we have live streaming video apps in order to lower that risk. What is it and what kind of benefits will we gain after mixing live streaming video apps to our business? If you wish to know more, this article may answer any confusion you have.
What is a live streaming video app?
True to its name, it is a software that allows you to record videos of yourself or anything related to your business then post them online in real-time. It is similar to live TV shows but on a smaller scale. Live streaming video apps are numerous, either you have to pay for it, or it is free to use. Here are some examples that are quite popular in our community: YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, etc. They are not only available on PC but also on mobile phone platforms, Android, and iOS.
Facebook Live is one of the most popular live streaming video apps
Besides its original purpose of live streaming, these apps can also help you make connections with people, find friends or maybe sponsors, giving you an easier time to spread your fame and expand your business. You can also check other streamers if you wish to purchase or learn something.
What kind of business should we use live streaming apps?
While anything can be streamed and shown, only a few can maximize the benefits from these apps. These businesses are mostly related to marketing, entertainment, and education. They can be either buying and selling, teaching a skill to other people, hosting events and conferences, and much more. If we cover all of these, it going to take years to mention them all, so we will talk about three conventional business that utilizing live streaming.
Selling your goods
While you can purchase products from any famous brand, you can instead buy home-made goods at lower prices. Occasionally, these goods can be considered exotic and can only be purchased from their creator directly.To let people know, the creator can start live streaming so they can showcase their goods to the world. This way, they can do advertising work while answering any question from viewers to build up trust, fame, and attract buyers.
After that, they may either wait for customers to come directly to their place to make a transaction or provide a shipping service with a small cost. Customer can pay in two ways, with cash or through credit card.
This type of business can be considered to most commonly used since it is quite easy, simple, and you can prepare these products before live streaming. Moreover, if you can sell an ample amount of goods and have a great review from customers, you can begin to plan opening a small shop.
Teaching or show-off skills
You should know there are quite a lot of online classes on the Internet. Although a recorded version is good enough, some people may prefer to live streaming their qualities or talents with or without a small entry fee, usually 1 or 2$. Although it is tiring and complicated, it can bring a few benefits to live streamers beside extra money.
One is that most recorded videos have to go through an editing phrase while a live stream video is not. Because of this, a live steam one is more trustworthy than a conventional video, since all your mistakes have been edited out.
Second, it will attract a few big-wigs in some famous brand or company, and you will have a chance to land a big job from them.
Finally, it can help to train your presentation skill and strengthen your nerve before the crowd. You don’t want to make a clown out of yourself now, do you?
This type is not accessible as you have to be extremely good and confident with your skills because if you fail, you will fail very hard and lose viewers in a blink of an eye.
Hosting mini game shows
Similar to a normal TV game show, you can host a mini show through live streaming apps. Yes, it is very complex, often require a sponsor, and you can run into trouble if you are unable to give out the reward. It doesn’t bring much income in the beginning, so only small organization do this type of business, not individual. However, if you are able to success multiple times, you will become famous and more viewers will join the game, leading to more money. Maybe you can get an invitation to host a game show on TV in the future.
Trivia Mob is a game show that will stream every Sunday and players can win up to 10,000$ in cash. Image Source: Techcrunch.
What kind of benefits can we get from utilizing live streaming video apps to our business?
First of all, you should know that trust is an irreplaceable factor in the business world that can decide whether you can get money or not. Live streaming is a great way to build trust as you can rarely fake through the camera in real-time without editing.
Another thing is that you will have a bigger market, unlike a normal store. People usually prefer to visit nearby shops in their district but through live streaming, customers from 1000 miles away may consider to buy your good or learn your skills at home. With a credit card, money can be transferred with just a push of a button.
Finally, you can build up your fame and may get a few big contracts that can fatten your pocket in a moment.
Live streaming video apps are a great tool to boost your income and reputation. If you can do a live stream video, it will become a great boon to your business. However, it also carries a risk of failing, and it can become a disaster. You may lose all the trust you have worked hard for, and no one will view your stream anymore. So you have to focus and be careful if you decide to go Live.
The post Why should you incorporate live streaming video apps to your work? appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/live-streaming-video-apps/
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Android Mobile App Development Service
The evolution of mobile apps has undoubtedly delivered many benefits to a user’s life. But it brings just as many challenges to businesses. Technology’s disruptive force is now killing off established companies sooner and faster than decades ago. While doing that, it squeezes in start-ups and small-scale companies to take over. No doubt, many seek to build their own apps, but do you know how to choose a find Android Mobile app development service?
So, whether you are a new or old business, launching a mobile app may help you survive and grow.
How Android Mobile App Development Service Can Help You
Ideally, your in-house IT team would do the job but don’t worry if they’re already working on too many projects. Our Android app development service can help. What follows is how we do that.
What is an Android mobile app?
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is used on mobile devices manufactured by Google, Samsung, LG, Sony, Motorola, HTC, Acer, Huawei, Xiaomi.
Native or hybrid apps running those devices are called Android apps which are accessible through the developer’s website or Google Play.
Developers able to code in Java programming language and use Java libraries may download Android software development kit (SDK).
SDK provides the tools, sample code, and release notes for building apps compatible with any Android devices. Professional Android app development teams around the world use this package, and we do too.
What if you do not have a clue about Java but want a DIY app?
Novice developers can try Android app builders which require no coding at all. These platforms offer a range of features to choose, customize and add to the mobile. Just like putting together pieces of a puzzle!
Why should you build an Android mobile app?
You may think an up and running website is enough for your business to satisfy your customers’ needs and catch up with digital trends.
But in the era of mobile, that is not the case.
Today smartphones and tablets are replacing desktops and laptops in people’s home and office. People no longer consider mobile apps a luxury, but rather a necessity in life.
So, your business cannot afford to miss out an opportunity to target the half of your audience that are mobile users.
Here’s how to picture it.
For a retailer, the app allows your potential customers to browse your catalog and shop online. In just a matter of minutes and clicks on the same device!
Now if you run a café or restaurant. Your users can get updates about offers and promotions, have a glance at your menu, order online or book a table, and earn loyalty rewards.
But why Android? Is it a more lucrative platform for developers than iOS?
The broader diversity of third-party apps and easier sideloading, among several other factors, make increasingly more mobile users choose Android.
Hence, many businesses target Android first to test the water; then they release an iOS app to approach more people.
How will our Android app development team help you?
Are you new to the app development scene? Are you looking for a reliable tech company to take on your project?
We’re here to offer you one of the best Android mobile app development services. Our incentive is to convert your business strategy into an appealing, user-friendly app that perfectly serves your purpose.
Quality Assurance
QA is crucial to ensure that your app works flawlessly and does not disappoint the users. We execute QA based on two principles:
the app works for your intended purpose,
all errors, bugs, and crashes are eliminated.
Here’s how we integrate QA into every stage of development:
Developers code; QA engineer writes automated tests.
Automated tests check whether any piece of the code breaks the already implemented functionalities.
Static Code Analysis – does the code meet our quality standards?
Unit Testing – does each unit of the app perform as designed?
UI Integration Testing – are app components integrated properly?
Virtual Device Testing – are there any crashes?
Every part of the code written by one developer is reviewed by at least one other developer.
Alpha/Beta releases are delivered to QA engineer who manually tests the app based on specified use cases.
The process is repeated many times until all features are deployed.
Highly skilled Designers & Developers
We take pride in the experience, technical expertise and innovativeness of our UX/UI designers and app developers. Here’s what we can offer:
User Journey Map – we visualize the user flow through your app while always keeping usability front and center.
Wireframes – we generate these digital, simplified visual concepts of the app’s basic structure.
Clickable prototype – we create this dynamic, interactive model of the app.
Visual design – we design UI mockups, animations, and screen transition.
App development – we program the app and prepare for its release.
App update – we periodically fix errors and release upgrades of your app.
We base the whole process on your business strategy and market research results. We also try to constantly inspect your feedback on the prototype and visual design, then adapt the app to meet your vision.
Thus, rest assured that your app will meet the needs of your customers in terms of use and cost.
Wrapping Up
Mobile apps provide an easy yet effective solution to fuel business growth. They allow a business to reach more people and reach the right people.
Is that also your current marketing strategy? And is Android users your target audience?
By now, you may have realized that our service is the right choice. We can make an app as per your vision and customer expectations in just a few months.
Our team of designers, developers, QA specialist are not only highly skilled. But also good at handling tight deadlines while maintaining high standards of work.
We hope this article can persuade you to go mobile-first with your business. And to consider our Android mobile app development service for your future projects.
The post Android Mobile App Development Service appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/android-mobile-app-development-service/
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React Native Mobile Application Development | Mobile Solutions
If you wish to know what exactly is a React Native mobile application and why choose it among many other code-compiling tools, then you come to the right place. Read this article so that your curiosity can be sated.
React Native is born after a promise from Mark Zuckerberg to make Facebook having a better mobile experience. Although it is only around 7 years from its birth to date, the tool has been on a meteoric rise in popularity, many famous apps aside Facebook, like Skype, Instagram, Pinterest, use it to compile codes, the heart of any mobile applications.
If you are an aspiring mobile application developer then you should know the term React Native Mobile Application Development while searching for a tool to make your apps.
The term means using React Native to create and build up many mobile applications and it can be considered to be the best choice for its vast utilities, convenience, and fast operation speed.
There are a large number of apps that are built from React Native and some of them is quite famous, like Facebook, Skype, and Instagram for example. If you want to know more about the React Native, read this article for any necessary information about what the tools is, how does it work and why you should use it.
So what is a React Native?
The React Native is quite similar to the React, which is a JavaScript library that builds up Facebook’s user interface as we know today. However, instead of working on a browser, the React Native runs on a mobile phone. That means we can develop and write scripts for our mobile app directly on any mobile phone platform. This is why the term React Native Mobile Application Development come around.
The application is written by using JavaScript mix with XML-esque markup, or JSX. Rather than using HTML to activate the codes, the React Native utilizing real mobile UI components to render up our application just like any other normal mobile apps.
The React Native is created, improved and maintained by the Facebook developer team.
Why should you use the React Native mobile application development?
There are quite a few good reasons that you should use React Native to make your app.
1. Using 1 codebase
The first one is that the React Native only use 1 codebase. What does it mean? In a normal scenario, we have to use 2 different types of code for Androids and iOS. However, with React Native, you only need to write 1 code then able to run on both platforms.
Although there are some slight differences, it is pretty much negligible. Through this, your code compiling speed with be much faster and you only need to do it once if you wish to create your apps that work on both platform.
You are able to check your application immediately with just a reload button after making adjustments to your code
2. Hot Reloading
Being able to check your app’s status while writing and fixing your code is another reason why you should choose the React Native.
It means instead of waiting for the apps to finish re-compiling, React Native can give you a preview of the finished product after a change in your code with just a button. This is called Hot Reloading, a great function that can save your time and effort while decreasing the number of bugs in the process.
3. Reusable Components
Next one is reusable components. Let’s say you have this cool application and you wish to integrate part of its code to another project. The React Native allows you to create blocks that are filled with reusable “native components”.
These blocks can be shared between apps and able to keep the look and design when it was in the previous owner. After that, you can either keep it that way or just make tiny adjustments suit to your taste. This will help you spend less time compiling code and test them, allow you to focus on something else and speed up the project.
4. Third-party compatibility
Reason number four is the React Native is compatible with pretty much every available third-party plugins. With this, you can say goodbye to Webview, which is needed in the past to test some function in the app.
If it is sound confusing, here is an example, let’s say you wish to add a picture-taking feature to your app, you can link it to your built-in camera with a native module. It also applies to other plugins, like Google Map, GPS, Bluetooth, etc. This will allow your app to run faster, smoother, and consume less memory of your phone.
5. A popular choice
One final cause is the React Native is widely adopted and very popular while still in the development phase. It is pretty good while in this stage, but by no mean that it is done. The Facebook developer team is said to invest a lot of their time and effort to improve it in the long term.
Also, you don’t have to worry about being left out in the future as a lot of famous apps utilizing React Native to compile the code.
Conclusion – using React Native mobile app development? Your call!
With all these reasons, you can see that the React Native is pretty much a must-go when choosing a good tool to develop your mobile application. React Native Mobile Application Development can consider being a time-saving grace, able to improve teamwork in a group and has a great development environment.
If this tool somehow feels unsuitable for you, you can check for another through the Internet. However, in my opinion, I think it is the best tool you can ask for in making your dream mobile apps.
To get started and learn how to use the React Native, you can go to its own website, which is https://facebook.github.io/react-native/, to check out its detailed tutorial and download the tool to your devices.
The post React Native Mobile Application Development | Mobile Solutions appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/react-native-mobile-app-development/
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Smart Home System App
We all love smart home technology, especially when it helps level up our homes and daily lives. As you know, here are many smart home apps integrating with many connected products to allow you to set rules and manage everything smoothly. So what to know about a smart home system app?
What is a smart home app?
A smart home app is considered as a home automation application used for remote control and non-computing tool management in the house. It’s often done on a smartphone or tablet and enables the user to create several actions for certain situations.
Integrate smart home app system to your living space
In particularly, you can make a saved scenario known as “leaving for work”. This includes setting the security system of the house, window coverings, lighting, adjusting the heating or cooling.
What features a smart home app should have?
With a single tap, it’s easy to control and manage your appliance even across the planet! Here are some badass features a smart home app should have:
Lighting control
Well, taking control of your lights from anywhere in the world is the best thing to do. You can turn them on, off, or dim them depending on your mood. Feel free to do this after connecting to hundreds of smart devices, setting up custom modes to control with one tap based on your schedule and habits.
Smart home: man controlling lights with app on his phone
So how come? When leaving home, going to bed or leaving on vacation, you can deactivate your lights right away with a mode switch. Besides, the app also features automatic lighting based on motion or following the time of day and ambient lighting conditions in and out of the house. Each tool can show its power consumption in real time.
IR devices
Nothing is better than controlling the infrared-based tools, including the air conditioner, TV, and other entertainment appliances right from your smartphone. It also works as a remote for smart TVs that accept all commands over the Wi-Fi protocols. Besides, you can adjust the heat pump, Blu-ray player, and sound systems with a smart home app. So feel free to change channels, volume, and program favorites when you’re away from home.
Control your Samsung TV from anywhere with a smart home app
Any product owning an IR remote control can be easily programmed into the Smart control system. And you can consolidate all of the remote controls into your smartphone and tablet.
Security sensors
Sensors will notify or alert you once there’s any fire, floor, or break-in spotted. You can receive detailed notifications straight to your smartphone related to all crucial events. By having the right sensors in place, it’s possible to get full oversight over all doors and windows as well as movement detected in different rooms within the house. The app will help you answer the following questions:
Add more security sensors to track motion
“Is your front door open or unlocked?”
“Which windows are still open?”
“Is there any unwanted motion somewhere in the house?”
Importantly, bigger homes tend to bring larger responsibilities, so it’s best to add more sensors to the property. This means the doors, windows, and other spots can get observed, which gives you and your family peace of mind when you’re away!
Specifically, it will let you monitor the yards and garages as well as notify you with all clips of anything abnormal.
6 challenges to consider a smart home system app
Having a smart home automation app usually, come with both concerns and risk factors. Let’s think of it – it easily tells anybody about when you’re away from home, when you’re often at the place, and which of the rooms will be most used and unused.
Your home network can be easily tracked and controlled by bad guys
Imagine such information like this would get into the wrong person, the bad results would come! Those invaders can break into your home when you’re away. So this risk involves a lot in enterprise theft and causes a big loss.
1. Your home network will be hacked
The big network of devices can be easily hacked, especially as it comes to smart homes, the threat could be bigger. How come? For example, the user who connects the smart home with his app will give away some important information such as presence in the house, when the users leave home, and when he gets to another place.
In other words, the user exposes himself too much to a potential hacker. This hacker won’t just access the user’s data but also access a big amount of his personal information! So before developing any smart home app, let’s take further precautions and ensure the device data not to be hacked.
2. You have to download too many apps to control
Think about having two different brands of smart tools for your house, like Nest or Alexa for instances. You have to download different apps for device control and communication. And remember that the Alexa App won’t be able to get the instruction sent by Nest at all. In return, such a thing only raises your hassles of using the app since it offers an unpleasant and messy user experience. Every time you try to adjust a device, you need to open a new app.
And the best solution for this is using the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This code will enable various parts to ‘chat’ with each other. Or it’s possible to create the 3rd-party service to make the tools from many brands communicate with your app.
3. It raises the level of complexity when it comes to law
There’s one thing you should know: the Internet bears more risks than technological risks. It possibly affects the legal foundation, such as data protection and product liability. And due to big data involved, it’s quite challenging to decide which laws are applied in certain cases. For instance, when a car without the driver encounters an accident, then who will take responsibility for it? Is it the owner or the manufacturer? This is one of the visible risks you can easily take when using a smart home system app.
4. Buffer overflow causes data hacking issue
“Buffer overflow” means a case when a program tries to write data to a fixed memory that that buffer is holding. And these overflows are known as the goals of all hackers who will exploit the Internet of Things system. The issue occurs once data starts to overrun the boundary of the buffer. As a result, it tends to overwrite the last memory locations and corrupts the essential data storage. The worst thing to happen is when the hackers will take advantage of this situation to control all the IoT tools.
The solution for you is spotting the overflow vulnerabilities in the source code, but removing them from the base would ask you to have consistent detection. You must be also familiar with secure activities for handling buffer overflows. Simply avail a language that won’t enable for them.
5. Denial of service attack affects all IoT-based projects
A denial of service will be utilized to form a blackout on your smart home tool. A few of these security devices will fail opening, which means that in case you won’t see any internet or power connection at all, such tools will enable access. Unluckily, the Denial of service attack is one of the most common strikes for your IoT-based projects. It can cause the server to slow down when there’s a big amount of traffic entering from the web.
Note that the Internet of Things can be seen in different devices, and there’s a large system of sensors linked to the Internet. Thus, the Denial of service attack can easily harm your organizations seriously. For example, its attack will deliver a big amount of traffic to the network, causing the server inefficient to reply fast.
So, the solution for you is to customize the smart home app following the user need as well as finalize its flow.
6. Your smart home app activates at the wrong times
Nothing is worse than having a smart tool that is constantly asking your attention for every wrong reason. In other words, it’s extremely frustrating to receive wrong security alerts on your smartphone. These are only silly alarms from the branches blowing in the wind, for instance.
To fix it, you must use the smart cameras that will neglect particular zones of your house or yard that often deals with daily motion. And you would be only notified if there’s any unidentified person spotted in the frame.
Wrapping Up
As you see, it’s always better to integrate a few modern technologies into your own space, but still pay attention to some problems they cause. We hope that you understand what those common issues are and how to solve or prevent them from happening effectively.
Please leave your comments below if you have any question for us, or feel free to share your opinion about this smart home automation in your homes.
The post Smart Home System App appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/smart-home-mobile-application/
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Why Do You Need Social Network App?
Recently, business people start looking up for a new marketing method, which is through social network apps. In this article, we’ll talk about digital social network known as a community which people build up through apps and channels. Like Facebook or Twitter, social network apps are to connect people, outsource, and manage.
Is it too fast to conclude? For those who are starting a business, looking for something productive and realistic, social network apps are an undeniable option. We want to explain that fact step by step.
Social network apps connect everyone and everything
What is the social network app?
Before investing in something, everyone needs to know what it is. So, what is a social network app?
The name tells everything. This program includes all digital apps legible to all types of internet devices. The apps are meant to connect people, create a community where people can exchange information, chitchat, and make FAQs for specific topics. It’s an online group of people who have a concern in common.
All social network apps, made for either domestic or universal use, are supposed to be compatible with all digital devices like cellphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop.
Nowadays, besides linking individuals, these apps contribute to building business, names, and brands. Social network apps focus on exploding young people who show professions in collecting, distributing, and managing information very fast by using digital devices.
What business should have a social network app?
In modern time, especially in this era of digital development, mobile apps are born with the mission of enhancing marketing effect, business expansion, sustainable growth. So do social network apps.
How do they help with businesses?
It is not that social network apps show off its entire effect on running a business. There are certain types of business where social media apps will help a bunch.
Online business
Online businesses become more and more popular these days because of low starting and maintenance cost. However, the fact that online stores are not in the view of consumers as off-line shops have slowed them down on the way to make their brand known.
At that time, apps which build social network show up as a help.
Social media apps, by its network, keep customers in touch with the products. Information about your brand goes spreading all over the region to region while you need to pay no money on advertising.
Sites like Facebook or Whatsapp, users reach millions, so they are the best places to introduce your brand.
Showing your brand on social media is much cheaper than paying for billboards, TV commercials, ribbons, and rental stores.
Social network apps are also useful to find potential customers because it’s easier to learn consumers by their social media activities. For example, if a user usually shares or searches for posts of cosmetic products, that person might be potential for a beauty product brand.
Small business
If you have a small business, using social network apps is a cost-saving plan regarding promotion cost, customer service, and labor management.
The biggest problem in small businesses is the lack of capital and human resources. They are supposed to perform less professional customer service because there is not enough cost to reach the customer immediately.
However, with an available network, they can contact with customers faster, study the case more quickly and then solve the problem in a short time.
Besides, by their network, they can keep customers in touch quickly. A person can be in charge of many clients at the same time that boosts up productivity but maintains low cost.
New business
Like small and online businesses, new firms who need to introduce the brand and seek potential customers should go for social network apps, too.
These handy mobile apps will support new business in settling down and stabilizing the brand name.
By using social network apps as the first marketing plan, the company has a chance to approach the market even before the official opening. This online marketing is much cheaper than traditional promotion plans for sure.
Besides, approaching via the channels where people are familiar with is a friendly way of advertising.
How social network app benefit you?
Speaking of why a social network helps certain types of business, we are sure that you get some ideas of benefits coming from these apps.
We would like to short it down in the following main advantages
Social networking apps are amazing to businesses
Effective promotion
Being in the same network with consumers first brings a good chance for advertising. You can reach anybody you want without paying for telephone bills.
You leave the message and the posts there and whenever those who want to study about your product can easily reach you in the same network.
Both buyers and sellers feel convenient.
Besides, the name of your band can come to customers naturally and repeatedly. It’s precisely what tradition advertising try to conduct.
Faster operation
By using the app, you can contact everyone in a blink, including colleagues, clients, consultants.
Without going out for the meeting, talking in hours, with networking, you can solve the problem much faster and more effectively.
Free insights on the market
From how users of the same network show off their habits, concerns, and issues, you are open and legal to have an insight into the market.
That free observation can help you to study potential customers, essential changes, and even the situation of opponents.
Your components are supposed to learn the same thing, too. But, it’s a valuable piece of data that you cannot pay for.
Final Words
We conclude that participating in a social network app will help business hugely. Networks built online are always open and easy to approach than an offline group. That is how you can reach clients then make benefits of business faster than traditionally.
The post Why Do You Need Social Network App? appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/social-network-mobile-app/
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8 Key Steps to Developing a Mobile App from Scratch
Our world is moving towards mobility. Everyone owns a smartphone or tablet. Mobile apps offer a unique opportunity for business and freelancers. ‘How to build an app’ is a milestone question for tech businesses and product companies. Let’s discover the 8 key steps of developing a mobile app from scratch.
1. Research
To bring your brilliant app idea into life, you need more than a Eureka moment. Detailed product strategy is a must! You conduct market research to discover:
What does your app do?
What is the suitable project size, device type, number of features and screens, tools and technologies, APIs?
Why would people choose your app?
How does the app help your company grow?
What problems can your app solve?
Customer/user and competitor research are important. Identify your target audience (who? how many?), your current top competitors, analyze their apps, compare their strategies. Tips: find a niche and try things they haven’t done.
2. Technical Feasibility Assessment
Why should your project get a green signal? To answer, mobile app developers conduct a feasibility study. Composed of technical, legal, economic, operational, and scheduling Feasibility.
This step is vital for app success, especially the analysis of technical resources. People, energy, information, software, hardware, time, your capital. All factors should meet your project requirements.
3. Wireframing
Your project begins with brainstorming ideas of how to organize app features (i.e. sketching out on paper). As UI/UX begins to form, wireframing (or building clickable prototypes) is critical.
Wireframes: the first mock-ups of your app are designed at the structure level. Also called information architecture, they lay out content and functionality of the app. To establish the basic structure best for user needs and UI/UX.
Basically, wireframing provides a rough template of all possible user actions. It helps you understand the user flow, user journey of the app. And how the app will look like on screens, how the elements will transition.
4. Interactive prototyping
Early and frequent prototyping helps build the ultimate app architecture. When creating prototypes, don’t forget to:
Set up your servers, app platforms, tools, tech stack, languages, storage and data caching solutions.
Keep your UI as simple as possible.
Select a user-friendly navigation method through your app features.
Ask family, friends, colleagues, experts to review your prototype. Do they think about it:
works like how you described,
engages and hooks them in,
has an intuitive user flow,
seem accessible?
5. Design
Good design means good UX (fast loading time, ease of use, delight from interaction). Some app design tips:
Declutter your UI, use progressive disclosure.
Reduce user effort and user input. Use autocomplete, field masking, dynamic field validation.
Make the app appear fast and responsive. Use skeleton screen, loading spinner, fun animation while the app is loading.
Show readable and legible text, HD images/videos in right aspect ratio.
Icon gives the first impression of your app. So, make it distinct and eye-catching! Also, choose your color wisely to convey messages about your app. Popular colors: blue (trust/reliability), red (speed), yellow (youth), black (luxury), pink (romance).
6. Development
Coding (programming) is crucial! Your code sets all the features with known functions. And bring it all together into a working product – you’ve developed an app of your own.
You can either learn coding to create the app (conventional method) or make use of app builder software. These tools get around the need for coding… how convenient! Alternatively, you can hire an app developer/tech company.
Things get simpler (and cheaper) if you’re a business with an IT team – they may already know how to code. But don’t worry if they don’t. Their tech minds may be up for a coding challenge.
7. Testing
QA engineers test the app for bugs and issues – followed by a beta test with real users. And edit according to feedbacks on UX. Refine every detail before release!
For app developers, we recommend beta testing services. They model all possible user interactions and perform tests on every screen to clean bugs, fix errors.
8. Deployment
Every app is unique, so the deployment process needs to be customized.
Launch: license, package, submit to app stores (different policies for reviewing and approving apps – so remember to check).
Installation: the device executes the coded instructions.
Activation: run the app for the first time.
Deactivation/Uninstallation: the app is shut down before updating, removed when no longer needed.
Update: new release replaces the earlier version of your app.
Common updates: faster, bugs fixed, new/improved features.
In Android/iOS device: automated version tracking.
There are obviously hundreds of things to consider, but don’t let that put you off. App development can be a fun and gratifying process!
Here’s our take-home message to help with your mobile app project. Always plan and concretize your app concept before start designing. Make everything simple and easy-to-use. Avoid confusing words and options in your app.
Now that you’ve known the 8 key steps of developing a mobile app from scratch. Just follow our quick guide on how to go from A to Z with your first-ever app building attempt. Time to share your amazing app with the world!
The post 8 Key Steps to Developing a Mobile App from Scratch appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/mobile-app-development-process/
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10 Tips to Choose the Best Mobile App Development Service
The innovation of mobile drastically influences how marketing strategies work. Many organizations launch their own-brand mobile app for online promotion and online business.
Would you like to do that? Probably by outsourcing a new app project? If yes, follow our top 10 tips to choose the best mobile app development service.
1. Execute your App Idea with a Clear Business Strategy
Planning is the first and foremost step. Having a unique idea is only the start, not enough to guarantee the success of your app. Your idea needs a clear goal, strategy, and roadmap to be communicated effectively to the app maker candidates.Check their portfolio and scrutinize their previous apps. You will understand how they have visualized similar projects. Then, you can predict how proficiently and creatively they execute your idea.
Never fall into the ‘great idea but fail on execution’ trap!
2. Avoid Developers who directly Jump to Coding
Search for a partnership in which the app developer firm takes into consideration your knowledge of the target audience, market, competition. During the first meeting, observe their attitude to your business strategy. A firm which recommends jumping immediately to coding is not an ideal partner.
Choose a firm showing a keen interest in your vision for the app and your market research results. Their product will be better suited to your target customers and more distinct from your competitors.
3. Find Developers with Experience in Cross-Platform Apps
Check out the apps developed by your potential partner. Do they work fine? Do the designs make sense? More importantly, does the company make apps for Android, iOS, Windows, or for all platforms? To confirm, ask whether it can create a native or hybrid app as per your decision. Hybrid apps are cheaper to build and would reach more mobile users, so they are better marketing tools.
A company with no or too little experience in cross-platform apps is not an ideal choice.
4. Look for Developers with Experience in Your Niche
In the vast industry of app development, few agencies build mobile apps for different domains. Their extensive experience should gain priority on your candidate list. You can pick an agency with experience in various domains, including your own. Alternatively, go for an agency working exclusively in your niche.
Niche specialization is vital for industries like healthcare, education, and logistics. The agency must be familiar with the regulations and rules which define your app’s functionality. Hence, offering you an appropriate and effective approach.
5. Always Ask for the Source Code from Developers
Check the transparency policy of the company. See whether they would show you their working process and progress. And whether they follow the agile software methodology. It is a good practice to shorten turnaround time and minimize the overall risk.
If they keep things confidential, ask for a review and adjust your contract accordingly. A must-have clause is your possession of the source code. Bring it along and transfer the project to another company if this partnership does not work out.
6. Hire Developers who Plan for the Future after Project Completion
App development is not a one-off task. It is crucial to plan for app support and maintenance before the project finishes. Go to a developer who gives an outline of the entire app lifecycle and the overall cost before starting. They should be responsible for fixing bugs, crashes, managing corrections, adding new features.
Both app updates and security updates are vital. User data and other confidential information must be protected at all cost. And not lost from the backup if the app crashes.
7. Don’t Just Go for the Cheapest Service
Try to avoid the cost factor. Find an affordable service rather than the cheapest one! Invest now and the return will be a high-quality, successful app. Always match your estimated budget with the quoted price. You can compare the price of your candidates as per functionalities. Given the constant price of your preference, ask them to list all the features they could offer.
Also, consider other factors that may increase the cost. Like the service’s popularity and the ratio of senior-to-junior developers/designers on the team.
8. Always Examine the Skills of App Developers
Evaluate the app makers’ proficiency based on these parameters:
Code readability
Rate of bugs, errors
Trusted QA, Testing coverage
Tools/Tech for testing, project management, version control.
It is critical to emphasize technical skills when researching app makers. Good indicators of their innovation level are official certificates and framework qualifications. Remember to pick a certified company housing qualified app developers and UX/UI designers! You need their expertise to implement your idea into a functionally, visually, externally consistent design. And skilfully build an eye-catching, easy-to-use app.
9. Choose a Company with Easy Communication Channels
Effective communication and delivery management are essential! Your partner can only work on your ideas and needs once you have told them clearly and early in the project. Therefore, check how much time the company arranges client call and meeting. These are occasions when they keep you posted about the project status, receive your guidelines and suggestions.
Frequent conversations help build a strong and healthy relationship with your service provider. You will also have someone trustworthy to outsource future projects.
10. Only Hire a Firm after Complete Research
The best way to select the best app development service is extensive research! Here are some smart steps to take before hiring:
Scrutinize their website, portfolio
Contact their clients for detailed review/feedback
View case studies, online rankings, customer ratings
Verify the experience/skills of app developers/designers on LinkedIn
Check online marketing plans, how they commercialize apps on social media
Ask for expert consultants to discuss your business strategy
Check transparency policy, communication channels
Check non-disclosure agreement, idea security measures
Look for wastages of time/resources in utilization pattern
Wrapping up: Move forward with confidence and trust
Outsourcing a mobile app project is a daunting task and a big investment. There are many factors to consider, but our article gives you the top 10 tips to choose the best mobile app development service. Now you can whittle your search down to the best IT company for the job. They are experienced and fully capable of bringing justice to your project. They can fulfil their promises on time and make your enterprise app a success.
So, have confidence in their expertise, trust the process, stay positive and collaborative. And wait for your killer app idea to become a reality!
The post 10 Tips to Choose the Best Mobile App Development Service appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/how-to-mobile-app-development-service/
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Why Should You Use iOS Mobile App Development Service?
Apple takes up a large part of Market share at the moment. Android users rate is leading the market, but in fact, 85% of revenue coming from Apple app developers. Following the development of mobile apps, Apple users possess many programs on their phone as well as devices which cause dull operation.iOS mobile app development service is a new supporter of Apple’s devices recently to systemize and enhance the whole performance.
iOS mobile app development service was born in corresponding to the demand of improving the phone performance, systemizing mobile apps, speeding treatment process, and overall.
What is an iOS mobile app? ��
Before we open a discussion on the app development service, readers need to know precisely what is an iOS mobile app.
iOS, like Android or Microsoft, performs as an operating system. However, while we can use Android in all devices of Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, and so on, iOS is exclusive in Apple’s mobile devices.
Therefore, if you are using an iPhone, iPad, or something else from this brand, continue reading. If not, you might save this article for future reference.
iOS mobile apps are both default and optional programs written for iPhones. For example, you cannot find Siri in a Samsung. Siri is also a signature mobile app for iPhone that other cellphone brands haven’t caught up with yet.
Where to find iOS mobile apps?
For all Apple’s devices, you can download or purchase iOS apps from the App Store, a default mobile app.
Using iOS apps is to make sure that the phone function normally. And also it’s convenient to sync your data with other iOS devices.
Why should you have an iOS mobile app development team?
If iOS is not yet the market leader in mobile apps, why still iOS but not Android? Android users are much more, but they are not potential customers in developing apps. Apple users, on the other hand, show the tendency to spend five times in comparison to users of different operating systems. And there are more reasons:
Loyalty to Apple’s product
Recent studies show that 62% of iOS users reacted satisfied with the system. By observing regular shopping habit, you might find people tend to repurchase Apple if they lost the previous devices. Or, customers might come for another Apple device if they already have one. iOS users will rarely switch to another operating system.
Privacy in Apple’s devices
Because Apple narrow is users of the operation system, the confidential is guaranteed high. Firstly, none of the other platforms can approach exclusive iOS apps, not even in Google Play. Secondly, downloading the app from other operating systems can cause a malfunction in the iOS device. Generally, this system is closed for outsiders. The system is more well-organized and managed.
For above-consuming habit, we preferred building iOS mobile apps than other platforms of the operating system. It is a potential market with loyalty and generous customers.
How Will Working With our iOS mobile app development service Benefit You?
iOS mobile app development service is not an independent business by any firm. It’s a shield that iOS users pay for better performance.
That means many corporations are providing this sort.
However, by our work on analysis and developing certain mobile apps of iOS in the past years, we guarantee certain benefits that all customers gain during working with us.
Quality Assurance
As experienced people in the field, we know the basic rules in developing iOS mobile apps, the standards, and the revolution part.
We take up every idea of customers without any doubt or rejection by our devoting in this career, all your idea matter to our work. There is nothing for us to take granted because we want all mobile apps developed suits customer’s inquiries the best.
And also, with our experienced staff, we promise to transfer your idea into a realistic and useful product.
High skilled Developers
During ten years of operation, we are experienced in all kinds of mobile app development. In our service since 2008, we join hand in building plenty of websites and mobile apps for specific local and worldwide companies. Therefore, we comprehend your difficulties, what you need, and what you should have in an iOS mobile app.
We have experts and skillful developers for not only iOS digital devices but also software, programs, UI/UX design. They are gifted to help your iOS mobile app with the best enhancement.
Generally, our staff is specialized in technologies such as Java, PHP, ET MVC, and so on. They are all certificated by reputational schools about IT and engineering. Therefore, we guarantee our work and products.
What makes us a better iOS app dev team
We understand that other firms working in the same field can have better staff with flying colors. So, what makes us a better iOS app development team in comparison with other corp?
We have experienced in coping with digital issues and specialization.
Experience in multiple industries (Travel booking, live stream, social platform, ridesharing app)
Speaking of technologies, we have experience in many sectors besides developing mobile apps. For example:
Travel booking
Travel Booking app will make traveling easier
Travel booking is one of the mobile apps that come in handy for any young people at the moment. Have you tried favorite apps like booking.com or Traveloka?
Those are travel booking apps, and they are fantastic for travelers.
These app helps to book hotels, flight tickets, bus, and tours much more quickly than the last time. You can view many places and price tags to find the best for you, directly leave rating and comment on service.
We are working on enhancing those apps day by day, studying customers’ behavior to develop the best app day by day.
Live streaming app is trendy recently because the young want to update their life more than a status.
Live streaming quality, length of time, effect, and soundtrack are all essential. We learn the people’s habit of live streaming and what they need to provide them an app which people can produce satisfying video and live streaming time.
Social platform
The social platform is one of our products. It’s not as well-known as Facebook or Twitter, but we are sure that having social platform app for a specific group is in our hand.
In our product, we focus on making an app with users’ characteristics. Besides, the app includes language, remark, and management tool to create a convenient social network.
Ridesharing app
Ridesharing is another app for traveling that belongs to our collection. However, we are proud that this app can help even when you are not on the trip.
Ride-sharing is an app where users and peer together and share cars. According to our observation, this app can help the user to catch up a vehicle much more conveniently, lower traveling fee. Bonus, there is more fun to share the ride.
Tech expertise (Native Reactive, Swift, e-commerce integration)
To produce those products, we have staff who are tech expertise. Common technology framework that we are using to create apps is Native Reactive, Swift, and e-commerce integration.
Native Reactive
It is a popular framework known as a tool to build iOS apps. This one works on the base of JavaScript and React. However, this programing language is faster and more convenient in comparison with its previous.
Swift is a programing language used to developing iOS and Apple operating system. In 2014, Apple published Swift as an official language which co-exists with the Objective-C – the primary programing language of Apple known before.
E-commerce integration
The final tool that we use for iOS mobile app building is this E-commerce integration. It’s to transfer data. Therefore, it helps us with outsourcing mainly.
Sum it up
So, to keep your iPhone running smoothly, more conveniently, we suggest developing mobile apps. Some mobile apps are built for internal use, to minimize the risk of malfunction and enhance phone performance.
However, to get that goal, you are supposed to find a trustworthy provider.
The post Why Should You Use iOS Mobile App Development Service? appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/ios-mobile-app-development-service/
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React Native Vs. Hybrid Mobile App Development, Which Is The Better?
In modern time, there are many language stacks operating systems where we build up the mobile apps. Among frameworks we apply, React Native Vs. Hybrid Mobile App developments are the most popular.
What are they used for? Why people prefer Hybrid apps than the other?
To find out which kind is better, we consider the speed of operation and development procedure of each.
Hybrid Vs. React Native
What is Hybrid Mobile App Development
Hybrid mobile app development is a method which creates apps through webview. Or, we can say, Hybrid apps work like a website but in phone operating systems.
Hybrid app development is based on language stacks like HTML5, Javascript, and CSS. As you can see, these languages are to develop general pages and sites for all platforms.
Hybrid belongs to no specific operating systems. It adopts the native platform and makes use of available phone utilities like camera or GPS. In short, people create Hybrid apps from a native platform with the sources, but after that, people will transform them into a universal app for all platforms.
Pro & Cons of using Hybrid Apps Development
There is nothing perfect, neither React Native or Hybrid apps. But in the industry of building new mobile apps, people have to go for a specific program.
React Native is the newer framework, but why do people keep working on Hybrid?
There are advantages of using Hybrid referring business apps. But there are minus points that Hybrid cannot beat new methods.
Hybrid apps are for everyone
Quick preview
Hybrid apps are in webview, so it’s very convenient to get the show on any digital devices. When developers want to make changes or enhance the apps, other users can see the update immediately on their site.
There are no needs to switch the platforms or devices if you build apps by Hybrid frameworks.
Unlike to React Native, which only operates in the native operating systems, Hybrid apps can run everywhere.
Developers will write the app once then release it to all platform and systems. Because of the flexibility, the app does not need a rewrite or develop in a specific source.
By doing so, the app has the least of a natural feeling. Ionic helps with adopting a few of platform features to make the app more customized.
Easy marketing
Some supporters in building an app from Hybrid is PhoneGap and Cordova which have existed in a long time.
Therefore, when Hybrid apps come out of the market, developers need no time to introduce or market to customers. Plus, they are compatible with all platforms so, consumers find it no difficult to use.
Inherited issues
Hybrid mobile apps development happens in all platform, and it uses all availability of the devices.
That sounds convenient, but it includes taking up problems of the browsers. Some threats like bugs or operating problems can come across the platform to platform, a device to device.
Developers will fix them, but it asks for skillful people. It’s a tough job.
Low performance
They use Hybrid to make an app for all. The app has to miss some features of this platform and other platforms to fit all.
Therefore, performance is expected to be low.
Generally, with high-end cell phones, the app will operate fine partly because development follows the latest technological updates.
But it’s not that all people have superb smartphones. Weak cellphones should expect slow performance.
Should you choose Native or Hybrid App Development
Considering the pros and cons of Hybrid apps, would you go for React Native instead?
Each framework performs a different mission on the work of app development. Hybrid is in the middle to fit all users. React Native is more specialized in the platform where it’s made.
What do you target?
React Native (for the single platform)
React Native is new to app development recently. Why Hybrid apps can be built in all platforms, React Native specializes in a platform where the app is supposed to operate.
For example, you want a mobile app for the iPhone; then you built an app on the iOS platform. If you want your app to run on Android, you need to rewrite it on the target platform.
Does it sound complicate?
Inexperienced developers can build a new mobile app from Native React. It’s an open source but simple and customized. The app created is supposed to perform as you wish from little touching to viewing. It meets all the needs.
Besides, the app will function smoothly on the native platform without inheriting any bugs or problems from original operating systems.
Despite all of those benefits, people still go for Hybrid.
Hybrid (for all platforms)
Hybrid is still more preferred because it takes less time to reach people.
As we mentioned in the earlier section, to run the new React Native app on another platform, users must build it again from scratch. It’s such a waste of time, especially with public products.
With Hybrid apps, you built once then all platforms can download it.
Same with updating or developments, all users can preview the new version immediately.
For example, you want a mobile app for your restaurant where people can see the menu, available tables, and special orders. Would you like customers can use it regardless of iPhone or Android users? Customers will not change their phone to eat in your place. The seller must adjust the system so that all clients can access. It’s how hybrid apps deliver the service – no people need to change; the app will adapt.
In the world of industry, it’s the best way to approach the market, consumers, and market new product. It saves time and cost.
Final words
Nowadays, people have to think about the time which mobile apps take to approach users. Performance or exclusivity must leave behind.
Therefore, although React Native provides better apps, people prefer Hybrid thanks to the flexibility.
And you, React Native vs. Hybrid mobile app development, which one would you choose?
The post React Native Vs. Hybrid Mobile App Development, Which Is The Better? appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/react-native-vs-hybrid-mobile-app-development/
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DIY Mobile App: How to make a mobile app by yourself
In today’s digital world, mobile is taking over the desktop as an integral part of our life. Mobile apps are the breath of many industries. But building own-brand apps is a bumpy road. Especially for start-ups, small companies, merchants, online stores, business owners lacking technical expertise. And for freelancers, artists, journals considering online promotion. Here, we walk you through the process of ‘how to make a mobile app by yourself.’ Dive into the stages of DIY app building and the best tools to help.
Top 3 platforms to easily create a mobile app
The fear of coding may prevent you from building a DIY mobile app. The good news should be, many app creation platforms now require absolutely no knowledge or experience of coding!
Appy Pie
Using this cloud-based tool to build a mobile app (even PWA) for all mobile platforms. It doesn’t require you to download or install anything. Everything is done online.
Just drag and drop pages… and voila, your own HTML5-based app! Only paid schemes allow you to create native iOS/Android or hybrid apps. The free plan gives you a web app.
Appy Pie stands out for this feast of (unique) features:
Real-time app revisions, push notifications, live analytics.
Integrate audio, e-books, websites/blogs, social media feeds, in-app purchases, GPS tracker, and more.
Monetize with ads.
Embed custom code, iframes.
Select theme, appointment scheduler tool, one-touch call.
Another good platform to turn your idea into an enterprise app for your company. Plan offers of IBuildApp come with tremendous value:
Easy drag-and-drop interface: just pick a template among 1000s, customize, add images, videos, text, and more types of content. And BAM! You’ve got a single app compatible with Android phones, iPhone, and tablets
Either resell your app or submit to Google Play, App Store.
Lifetime support plan: for a single app, available at a fixed price.
Preview your do-it-yourself app: use Android/iOS model to test-it-yourself.
Third-party integration partnerships: such as in-app shopping cart ready at your service.
For you to craft Android, iOS, HTML5-based apps. Like the company’s claim, AppMakr offers “the original way to make an app”:
Can create an unlimited number of apps and updates.
Features such as push notifications, live updates, HD photo galleries, music/video streaming, chat rooms, shared events calendars, in-app shopping, Maps integration.
Customizable design, functionality, the content of the app.
Real-time app previews.
Ad-free (all plans, including the free web app builder).
The editor may seem basic compared to stylish competitors. So maybe less fun to work with. But then again, AppMakr plans are among the most affordable on the market!
How to make a mobile app in 9 steps by yourself?
Make a mobile app? Follow these steps!
Define your goals: Be specific!
Ask yourself:
How do customers benefit from the app?
What aspects of your business does the app improve?
How does the app solve your problems?
What are the possible results?
Sketching ideas: What is your app’s scope?
Map out functionalities and features that bring value to your app, but keep it lean and mean:
Chatbot, Contact us
Appointment booking
Events calendar
Push notifications
YouTube/Spotify/… integration
Twitter/Facebook/… sharing
Market and Competitor research
Look at alternative apps on the market. Note their features, functionalities, layout – does anything stands out? What are your competitors’ mistakes? Find niches (are people looking for an app like yours?).
Wireframing: Create use cases and mock-ups
Use tools to generate wireframe (one per use case) and:
Show your app’s layout, UI, user flow.
Optimize the number, order of screens.
Try different screen flows to find the best.
Test wireframes and use cases: Is your app easy-to-use?
Use Invision (or similar) to make wireframes interactive, connect screens, link user actions – simulating UX. Detect friction points in user flow, test the intuitiveness of the user’s journey from opening to closing the app.
Refine every detail of your app based on feedback
List the revisions and updates that your wireframe needs according to testers’ feedback. Implement those changes, make a new wireframe for re-testing. Repeat until your all friction points are gone.
Select an app development path
Depending on your budget,
Code your app in your chosen programming language: you build a native/hybrid app from scratch.
Or use a mobile app maker: you need just minutes to build an app. Graphic design, App development
Visual details, image assets, visual effects, animations, motion graphics – you make these with a graphics template after coding. Things get more straightforward but more fun with app builders – just choose plugins and customize.
Test your app live: Is it ready for launch?
Use app testing tool (if you coded) or previewer (of app builders) to test:
app interaction,
the function of features,
the intuitiveness of layout.
Feedback is implemented to fine-tune every detail of your app.
Why should you choose an app development team instead?
You’ve got a clear vision to surpass your competition: by going “mobile-first.” And a brilliant app idea to make that vision real.
Now there’s a problem – who are developing that mobile app? Do-it-yourself or repurpose your IT/engineering staff? But aren’t you people already stretched too thin with projects?
Even with tools to speed up. You’ll need to go through stages, rearrange, and reprioritize your projects and technical resources. The mobile app market is booming. You can’t afford losing so much time!
Too slow to capture the market share and you risk the opportunity passing by! So, you look for a professional app development team:
Visionary: PM, your point-of-contact.
Designers: build and test wireframes, also design navigation method, content/graphics, UI/UX (for specific mobile platforms),.
Developers: code, implement the finished UI/UX layouts in a real app.
QA engineers: test and improve your app before launch.
Sales/Marketing: branding, advertise, communicate with app stores and customers.
Final thoughts
With DIY app builders, you don’t need programming skills. But knowing the key steps and basic designing skills is essential. Every app is unique. So, there’s no fit-all guideline on how to make an app yourself.
Start by asking yourself which platform is suitable and how to implement the steps. App-specific content and functionality attract customers. So, synchronize the app’s them with your website but be creative with features and layout!
If you (and your staff) don’t have the time, look beyond your company. App development teams can bring you app alive with quality and speed. Just need to find a perfect match!
The post DIY Mobile App: How to make a mobile app by yourself appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/diy-mobile-app-make-a-mobile-application/
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What is a Mobile Application? Types of mobile apps you should know!
The 21st century is the age of technology and mobile computing. At the core of all exciting and intelligent products are mobile apps. Convenient, fun, often free! You probably use them daily – to navigate the nearest Starbucks, read breaking news, and more. But have you ever wondered ‘what is mobile application’?
What is a mobile application?
A mobile application (or mobile app) is a computer program and software designed for mobile devices. You can easily download and use it on your phone, tablet, music player, smartwatch.
What is a mobile application?
Types of mobile applications
Native mobile app
Native apps are developed exclusively for a mobile operating system – hence the name, “native” for one platform. Apps built for Apple, Android, BlackBerry, Windows phone, Amazon tablet cannot be used in platforms other than their target.
Pros: High performance, consistency, good user experience, unlimited app usage.
Cons: High product price.
Hybrid mobile app
Hybrid apps are built using multi-platform technologies. These give a native wrapper to disguise and make hybrid apps compatible with all mobile operating systems.
Pros: Fast and easy to develop, low-cost maintenance, smooth updates.
Cons: Low performance, speed, overall optimization; may not look and act the same in different platforms.
Web mobile app
Web-based apps are responsive versions of websites available on the Internet. Behave like native apps but work on any mobile device.
Pros: Require minimum device memory; personal databases stored on Internet servers, accessed from any device.
Cons: Require the stable Internet line for proper function (redirecting URL, running browser) and user experience.
Seven categories of mobile application
Touchscreens offer a unique opportunity for games – by far the most popular apps. Games come in all flavors: Action, Adventure, Card, Role-playing, Sports, Strategy. Looking for a daily brain exercise? A simple pastime when bored? Or competition with friends? There’s always something for your taste. Puzzles aren’t the only games!
Also called Productivity apps, they include business-to-business apps, office, and personal apps. Extremely helpful when you’re on the run every minute of the day! We use them to read documents, exchange emails, track work progress, manage your finances. Booking, billing, buying, ordering – we can do all these complex tasks anywhere, anytime.
Practical people often use many utility apps – to take care of errands quickly and easily. Scanners, QR readers, device trackers, to-do lists, translators, weather, taxi apps are popular. There are also apps (or digital vaults) to secure your passwords, credit/debit card details. And hide your private photos, videos, sensitive info.
There are many educational game apps for kids to learn through playing. Adults benefit from apps for E-books, online courses, lectures, podcasts. What’s better than learning at your own pace? Many apps help you create flashcards, mind maps, quizzes. You can also track homework, tests, projects. And self-educate at home.
Everything from chatting, reading, searching for events, to streaming, checking social media. Entertainment apps are quite like games – fun, fresh, creative. They agitate your mind, keep you engaged in the chats, comments, photos, and videos you’re tagged in. You can also get updates on your favorite charts, movies, celebs.
Digital books and journals are available as mobile apps or PDF files that can be downloaded to your device and read on apps. Your current reading page will be remembered automatically. You can also highlight important parts and bookmark multiple pages for future reference. Perfect for reading on the go!
Want to shop online and track packages? Discover new places, recipes, décor ideas? Now you can.
Travel: Bookings, check-ins, city guides, recommendations on famous tourist attractions, translations.
Health & fitness: Calorie trackers, diet planner, workout, meditation manuals.
Food & drink: Digital cookbooks; platforms to share recipes, cooking tips, and food photography; reviews of cafés, restaurants, bars; food deliveries.
Where to find a mobile application?
iOS mobile app
App Store distributes Apple-exclusive and third-party apps. They’re accessible on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (all models supported by Apple’s iOS).
Most apps can be downloaded to any iOS device. But some are designed specifically for iPad or iPhone. You can also transfer some apps to Apple Watch and pair it with your iPhone. To customize your smartwatch’s face, notifications, layout, or sync music and photos.
Fun fact: Apple doesn’t make the best iOS apps! Microsoft, Google, and a few other big names launch awesome apps with desktop-like features. Apple’s own apps may seem very basic, and sometimes useless in comparison.
Android mobile app
Popular brands of smartphone, tablet, wearables such as Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Sony, and Google Pixel are Android-certified devices. With officially pre-installed Play Store to access Google’s apps and third-party Android apps.
Unlike iOS, you can download Android apps directly from the developer’s website or through the Play Store. Google Play features Music, Books, Newsstand, Movies & TV, Games services. Apps can be updated on Play Store independently of Android operating system.
Like iOS, Android apps are often free. Many paid apps also have their free versions, but they usually come with in-app purchases, ads, fewer features). Another type, subscription-based apps may offer a 30-day trial.
Who should have a mobile application?
Businesses should – for instant customer service and alerts about limited editions, seasonal offers, event invitations, loyalty specials. Blogs/newsletters often lack readership! Company may appear more innovative, cutting-edge, technologic than competitors.
Final words
Now you know ‘what is mobile application’ and have general knowledge about mobile apps. There are obviously more to the three types and seven categories described in this article. But it’s hard to divide apps into less vague groups, so we touch on the basics only.
Here’s the takeaway message: apps cater to your needs, make your life easier, more convenient, and content. So, use them to leverage your device’s full potential. And become digital-savvy and know-it-all individuals of 2019!
The post What is a Mobile Application? Types of mobile apps you should know! appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/what-is-mobile-application/
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Booking Mobile App Development | Mobile Solutions
To enhance utilities of iOS and Android, people are developing a mobile app, including online booking mobile apps. Using booking mobile apps bring convenience and real cost-saving effects to both businesses and individuals.
What do you think of when we mention booking apps? Is it a platform to book a hotel, flight ticket, and transportation? Yes, but there are more to do. Due to its popularity recently, many tech firms provide booking mobile app development service. How do they build it? Who are credible in the field?
Easy traveling with booking mobile apps
Online booking app
What types of online booking apps have they made so far? Users and business now are familiar with programs for traveling and ridesharing. Let’s take a closer look at how they are helpful.
Travel / Tourist booking app
Let’s imagine that you have a restaurant and you hire staff to manage all order and bookings from all customers. There are some issues which may arise. For example, he misses orders or mistake order. He cannot update immediate changes to the booking. Besides organizing requirements from customers, you are supposed to hire other positions like customer service, salesperson.
However, all those people’s job might be oriented in a mobile app like Yelp, for example. The app contains information like menus, extraordinary service, and sale programs. Besides, all orders booked, served or canceled could be updated immediately on the app. Troubles are minimized. So is the cost.
All travel and tourist booking apps are developed to follow the same purposes. They are born to help travelers with convenient planning, better references as well as instant option. But before that, they are developed to boost sale up for hotels, restaurants, tourist agencies with delivering better, smarter, and faster service.
Ridesharing app
Ridesharing is the same type of booking mobile app, but it serves in a smaller business- riding.
Ridesharing apps are tools where people can join using a vehicle like a car, motorbike, or van during the trip. The most massive and most apparent benefit of ridesharing is cost-saving.
Besides, users tend to go for ridesharing apps more because they provide fast and safe rides.
For instance, Grab users can have bike or cab in 5 minutes after booking. But how can these apps get users vehicle so fast?
A company like Grab have their drivers enroll in the app. Their identity is clear to the company, but their license, time, and skills are flexible. They are everywhere and at every time for the customers.
Get your ride more easily with Grab – one of the fastest growth ridesharing app
What technology do we use?
Have you very asked how to develop those booking mobile apps? Usually, people write the programs by a framework like Javascript, Swift, or Objective-C.
However, using React Native and Hybrid is the most popular and trustworthy. Why is that?
React Native
React Native is an accessible technology in developing mobile apps. It’s easy to use even with people with little experience of building apps. And secondly, it’s supposed to last longer than other modern frameworks like Objective-C or Swift.
With its creditability on iOS and Android, using React Native guarantee compatibility with cell phones, tablets, and digital devices.
Hybrid is also well-known for platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows. Using Hybrid is to produce a combination of native app and websites.
Its application in building mobile apps can bring many advantages. For example, it needs no extra programs to elevate the apps, which saves cost. Besides, the completed apps can be done with low maintenance requirements.
Why should you choose us as your online booking app development team?
There are many corporations which provide mobile app development team. However, working with us means extra benefits.
Skilled staff
We have IT engineers who can build mobile apps on different frameworks. Besides standard programs based on Native React or Hybrid. We are also capable of writing new apps on Javascript, Swift, and so on. Our engineers are all experienced so that we promised to bring you the best app development service.
Check out: Our mobile app development services that embrace one of the most popular online booking app in Vietnam!
There are not only mobile apps but also the diversity of platforms and devices on which we can develop and work.
By our experiences in 10 years, we guarantee to serve the best service, consulting, and products no matter which type of business you are.
Booking mobile apps are positively changing people’s lives. And to make your business powerful and reachable to every customer, you need those booking mobile app developments.
The post Booking Mobile App Development | Mobile Solutions appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/online-booking-mobile-app-development/
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The rapid growth of mobile devices such as smartphone smartphones and tablet tablets is considered the ideal environment for mobile applications to become famous. Every day, tens of thousands of applications are launched on Apps Store, Google Play, or other app stores.
These applications not only meet the needs of human interaction, entertainment but also serve many different purposes like sales, management, education, health, and so on. With that being said, the mobile app development service is tailored to be perfect and functional.
Mobile applications are becoming an essential and highly beneficial marketing tool. A popular mobile application design provides many useful aspects for users such as beautiful interface, outstanding features.
Users only need to download to use it freely without network (e.g., games, books, cooking, etc.). So mobile application downloads are increasing rapidly with dizzying speed.
Surprisingly, there is no such official definition for mobile application development services. But simply put, this is the activity of app developers building, designing and developing software, applications running on mobile devices. These applications are built by smart algorithms to give users the best mobile device experience possible.
These applications can be preloaded on phones in production platforms or distributed as web applications using server-side or client-side processing (e.g., JavaScript) to provide coverage application experience in the Web browser.
Application software developers must also consider an extended range of screen sizes, hardware specifications, and configurations because of the intense competition in mobile software and changes in each platform.
Mobile application development services have grown steadily, in revenue and jobs created. An analysis report in 2018 estimated that 10 million jobs were directly employed in 28 EU members, 85% of which were mobile app developers.
What is mobile app development service?
If you are app developers, developing an app for Android or IOS is still the question presented on the drawing board. We know IOS is a popular one, run on every Apple products.
And its main rival, Android by Google, are also deemed to be the big name, if not biggest. Each of these two platforms has its own distinct features, customers, coding language, and even the cost to maintain for a Mobile app developer to choose from.
iOS or Android who will win?
Creating by Steve Jobs back in 2007, IOS continuously upgraded and extended as it’s now a home for more than 2.1 million applications, with hundreds of features, such as gesture recognition supports and personal assistant Siri, and several more…
Apple’s iOS and compatible apps like iTunes, a media player app mainly focus on music, which unfortunately will discontinue its mother developer in 2019, And a data storage service name ICloud, saving billions of documents, or maybe hundred photos of your precious dogs that you resist to delete.
With iOS, creating an app meant to be without any difficulties. Their target audience is mostly teenagers, and around North America, Western Europe, and Australia. iOS users are also businessman entrepreneurs, and mostly wealthy.
iOSrun on Swift, an original programming language by Apple, which gives mobile app development service more flows and structures to work on, more comfortable to create apps. However, putting an app on iOS is not easy, consider that Apple App store follows stringent rules and depends a lot on design and interface.
That is why the cost to create and maintain the apps on IOS is quite expensive and requires a lot. Other than that, it is somewhat a good idea to choose iOS as a platform to launch your applications.
Presented in 2008, Androids, on the other hand, runs on multiple smartphone devices and praised by its versatility. Initially developed by Android Inc., Google has second-handedly brought glory to this mobile operative system; while still giving freedom to hardware manufacturers and Android’s devices users.
Android has various of usages beyond one software can comprehend, such as experimenting on non-phone electronics, a gaming platform such as Google Play or even an open-source platform for a lot of mobile application development service thrive their creations.
Having a lot of large smartphone brands such as SAMSUNG, Pixel, HUAWEI, and many more…, Android is taking over its target audience in Asia and South America. Many new features have been found in the upcoming Samsung Note X and Galaxy Fold. And an introduction for Android Q Beta 3 which reminds a lot of people of an IOS design.
With some comments about the lacks of appealing aesthetic, Android, using Java as their programming code, remains its creativity and gives their audience an easily customizable interface, and becoming more and more advanced in the eyes of the apps developers.
Monetization is significant to apps developers because customers tend to download the free app rather than paying in-App like Apple.
Our two main tiers for developing an app are Design and Development. If you want to pitch a perfect app idea, an excellent development service team is required. Mobile app developer and designer, a skilled IT team, will guide you through a list of thing they can do.
Even if they are proficient, don’t let your opulence blinds you, they may claim to be expertise and promise to build you a beautiful website, your ideas of how to make it are priorities, and you have to control your team to produce your perfect, million worth app.
Why do we need a perfect app development team?
To pick out a perfect team, you will have to understand these app companies and select the best option.
Some app development services will do all the work for you; these companies have proficient skills, proper management; some will even offer a marketing strategy. With that being said, a company like such must be extremely experienced, you should to ask some of their previous product, rather than ask what they can do.
Another difficulty is a different idea; somewhere along the way, you may find yourself disapprove your team works. It must be said. Otherwise, your app will be a misfit and out of place.
While these companies control most of your apps, others are required to just focus on one or two things, which is developing and designing your ideal app.
If your app is lacking pretty interface or overall messy, you need to find a team of professional designers, but do be careful, wisely pick a qualified team of designers and again, ask for their product, if they aren’t advanced, they usually don’t have an art director for UX/UI design.
And if you want a developer team full of IT experts and coder, make sure they can do cross-platform coding, whether it is Android or iOS.
As mentioned before, the demand for mobile phones is now increasing significantly, as those who use the phone often keep their eyes on many different applications which stand out and attracts them. Therefore, mobile programming is becoming very captivating for a lot of people.
The app store model is like a software supermarket. Programmers have the opportunity to interact with millions of customers on the app store. Those who know mobile programming can work for software companies, especially when their code skills are strong, implementing the idea into an app will become easier.
Other can quickly make money from writing as well as selling applications without mobile app development service. The app store model is like a software supermarket. Programmers have the opportunity to interact with millions of customers on the app store.
All tools and documents are available for your reference. However, the most important thing is that you must have a good source of motivation and environment to study, exchange, and get the best support. In other words, whether your mobile application is going to be favorable depends on many factors.
First and foremost, you should acknowledge the urge of competitiveness by carefully take into consideration that the startup market has existed for quite a while now and there is a wide range of well-trained app developers who are currently working day-to-day to launch new projects.
Knowing your audience well is another critical point to achieve success. Most of the ideas are targeted to a specific task or function rather than a particular audience. Target audience only becomes significant at the planning stage of marketing. However, you never should underestimate your target audience. After all, those are the ones responsible for the success of your application
The mobile platform that you will be focusing on also plays a crucial role. In the world of mobile devices, Android and iOS are still the most popular and optimal operating systems today. In short, to develop mobile applications for a specific platform, it is more convenient if you apply the language supported by that platform.
The best thing about being an app developer is to bring your ideas to life by turning it into a selling application. However, accomplishing it and bringing it to the user is not a simple thing, and only a few wrong actions can lead to an application’s failure.
Regardless of your career, if you do not have a career orientation and a clear plan, the path you will take is going to be difficult and frustrating. It is also the first thing that those who step into this path need to remember. Many difficulties will arise during app creation.
For example, you can sit for hours, even days, to code an application, but when it is almost done, you have to give up and replace it with a faster, more accurate solution. This is very difficult to accept, but inevitably, you will encounter this situation if you study programming.
You need to understand that programming changes very quickly, and there are many good ways to approach problems. Finding a new solution is the reason for programming.
In general, this is a high-income and attractive job, and it also allows you to create, solve problems, and understand yourself more. Indeed, it will be more difficult when you create your own without having a mobile app development service, but when it is finished, you will feel very worthy of what you have spent.
Choose mobile app development service team know what they are doing…
Custom software development (also referred to as bespoke software or tailor-made software) is the process of designing software applications for a specific user or user group within an organization. Such software is designed to accurately address their needs and preferences as opposed to traditional and more popular software.
Developing customized mobile applications is the perfect choice due to its several utilities. Consider this simple example. Two grocery stores offer customers a nearly identical range of goods. But at the same time, they have completely different tactics and goals. Thus they cannot have the same application. The design and functionality of the application should depend on the intent of each store and in each case.
The notable feature of developing customized mobile applications is the ability to deploy your ideas exactly the way you envision. In other words, developing a customized application to meet your business needs, and the final product will fit into your business’s operational path. In contrast, available application development solutions provide a common platform for everyone to cover as many companies as possible.
Customizable walkways also allow the development of a personalized strategy for each customer. This is feasible due to the combination of analytical tools with the early stages of app development. You can follow each guest’s preferences and create personalized suggestions to serve their needs. Forming close relationships with customers has never been so easy.
Finally, it indeed creates a highlight for the company. Return to the example of two grocery stores. One prioritizes delivery at home, while the other relies on a loyalty program. Therefore, mobile applications should emphasize the factors that make the difference of proposals.
The custom application is completely capable of doing this. Meanwhile, pre-built mobile application solutions are created to provide defined functions. Therefore, these apps cannot expand the features, so the company’s mobile proposals will be limited. In case you try to add some features, your app will become like a fake car – with good looks but lousy performance.
In short, the success of the mobile application development business depends on the dynamism and creativity. It also poses the problem of how to provide users with the best digital experience. The more social and media develop the more mobile applications developers need to pay more attention to the future direction of the mobile industry.
Now when you have fully understood the concept of a mobile application development service, go out there and spread your wings!
The post MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES appeared first on Vietnam Technology.
source http://vietnamtechnology.net/mobile-app-development-services/
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