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dependent roleplay blog for radcliffefm.
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
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"i wouldn't let one anywhere near my clothes," vienna responded, "besides, i'm a firm believer in cute pajamas," this comment earned a small laugh, "that's an excellent idea," she smiled, "i'm sure it'll gain far more attention than a petition."
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viennaā€™sĀ  responseĀ  emitsĀ  aĀ  laughĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  bellamy.Ā  āĀ  theĀ  onlyĀ  thingĀ  iĀ  couldĀ  thinkĀ  ofĀ  isĀ  likeĀ  ā€¦Ā  aĀ  sleepĀ  shirtĀ  andĀ  thatā€™sĀ  meĀ  beingĀ  generous.Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  shakesĀ  herĀ  head,Ā  butĀ  chocolateĀ  huesĀ  flickerĀ  overĀ  toĀ  theĀ  brunetteĀ  withĀ  interest.Ā  āĀ  iā€™mĀ  notĀ  tooĀ  sure,Ā  butĀ  iĀ  thinkĀ  aĀ  petitionĀ  wouldĀ  beĀ  aĀ  greatĀ  start.Ā  youĀ  know,Ā  iĀ  couldĀ  evenĀ  writeĀ  myĀ  nextĀ  opinionĀ  pieceĀ  forĀ  theĀ  gazetteĀ  aboutĀ  itĀ  toĀ  fanĀ  theĀ  flamesĀ  andĀ  getĀ  moreĀ  peopleĀ  onĀ  boardĀ  withĀ  it.Ā  āž
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
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"oh come on marlowe," vienna whined as she looked at her roommate, "you have to least give it a chance," she added, "try it on. i guarantee you won't want to take it off." it was unusual for vienna to show so much care towards someone else, but that just meant marlowe was special.
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marloweĀ  lookedĀ  upĀ  fromĀ  theĀ  dressĀ  she'sĀ  holdingĀ  whenĀ  viennaĀ  spokeĀ  upĀ  ,Ā  headĀ  shakingĀ Ā dismissivelyĀ  atĀ  theĀ  ideaĀ  .Ā Ā āĀ  ohĀ  ,Ā  noĀ  ,Ā  noĀ  !Ā  i'mĀ  notĀ  ā€”ā€”Ā Ā āžĀ  sheĀ  letĀ  herĀ  wordsĀ  trailĀ  offĀ  ,Ā  unsureĀ  what'sĀ Ā theĀ  rightĀ  wayĀ  toĀ  goĀ  aboutĀ  thisĀ  .Ā Ā āĀ  iĀ  meanĀ  it'sĀ Ā gorgeousĀ  ,Ā  ofĀ  courseĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  iĀ  justĀ  don'tĀ  thinkĀ  iĀ  couldĀ  makeĀ  itĀ  workĀ  .Ā  i'mĀ  notĀ  likeĀ  ,Ā  asĀ  fashionableĀ  asĀ  youĀ  ,Ā  obviouslyĀ  .Ā  it'llĀ  lookĀ  terribleĀ  onĀ  meĀ  .Ā  inĀ  factĀ  i'llĀ  probablyĀ Ā makeĀ  itĀ  lookĀ  terribleĀ  .Ā Ā āžĀ  afterĀ  allĀ  marloweĀ  wasn'tĀ  theĀ  typeĀ  toĀ  wearĀ  dressesĀ  oftenĀ  ,Ā  soĀ  itĀ  didĀ  feelĀ  aĀ  littleĀ  bitĀ Ā outĀ  ofĀ  characterĀ  forĀ  herĀ  .
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
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although there was a part of vienna that wished chester had the balls to fight back, she was primarily relieved that he didn't mention her decision to commandeer their living room. she'd much prefer to operate as she pleased. "right, i didn't realize getting a snack required so much lingering," her eyes narrowed momentarily, before she returned her focus to the clothes.
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There were a few ways that Chester could play this. The typical 'do I know you,' route, to acknowledge a common history but downplay it. Then there was the full-on acknowledgement, in which everything would have to be laid out flat and in front before moving on. Neither of these seemed particularly appealing to him. He had successfully gone a decent amount of time since the move-in just avoiding his suitemate completely, but Vienna had taken stronghold in the living room, and fiery words were shot at him before he had time to skirt over to the kitchen. He had no choice but to respond, but stared blankly for a second before he could bring himself to say something. "Yeah," he sighed, heading into the kitchenette. "I wanted a snack. I've got it."
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
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"i wouldn't be caught dead in any of it," vienna responded with a laugh, "god, that would be amazing," she sighed, "do you think we should form some sort of petition?" is that how things even worked?
STATUS: open MUSES: bellamy & your muse LOCATION: the student store
āĀ  whoeverĀ  isĀ  designingĀ  theĀ  radcliffeĀ  merchĀ  inĀ  theĀ  studentĀ  storeĀ  needsĀ  toĀ  beĀ  putĀ  behindĀ  barsĀ  becauseĀ  whatĀ  theĀ  hellĀ  evenĀ  areĀ  thoseĀ  ??Ā  āžĀ  isĀ  bellamyĀ  beingĀ  aĀ  bitĀ  dramaticĀ  ??Ā  maybe.Ā  shouldĀ  sheĀ  maybeĀ  reconsiderĀ  aĀ  stintĀ  inĀ  theĀ  theaterĀ  clubĀ  ??Ā  alsoĀ  maybe.Ā  butĀ  whileĀ  sheĀ  mayĀ  exudeĀ  someĀ  melodrama,Ā  sheā€™sĀ  notĀ  aĀ  liarĀ  andĀ  uglyĀ  theĀ  merchĀ  isĀ  !!Ā  āĀ  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  seeĀ  whyĀ  itā€™sĀ  hardĀ  toĀ  literallyĀ  askĀ  theĀ  fashionĀ  designĀ  majorsĀ  toĀ  throwĀ  somethingĀ  togetherĀ  asĀ  partĀ  ofĀ  theirĀ  capstoneĀ  projects.Ā  iā€™dĀ  putĀ  myĀ  wardrobeĀ  inĀ  theirĀ  handsĀ  ratherĀ  thanĀ  whoeverĀ  isĀ  tryingĀ  toĀ  makeĀ  usĀ  lookĀ  likeĀ  weā€™reĀ  setĀ  toĀ  goĀ  golfingĀ  atĀ  sixĀ  inĀ  theĀ  morningĀ  inĀ  florida.Ā  āž
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
location: their suite participants: vienna sun & chesterĀ d'aramitz ( @lcnelypainter )
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"do you need something?" vienna didn't bother to look up from the stack of clothing in front of her as she addressed her roommate. he hadn't yet earned that level of respect, a point which was further made evident by her decision to commandeer their shared living room with part of her wardrobe.
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
location: their suite participants: vienna sun & Ā marloweĀ hwang ( @r4ncours )
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"you should keep that," vienna looked up from the mess of clothes that had taken over their living room, just long enough to catch marlowe admiring one of the many dresses. "it'll look incredible on you," she added, though her attention had already returned to the pile next to her. it was amazing, how little regard she paid towards their third suitemate.
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vienasun Ā· 1 year ago
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tag dump !!
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