Victuri Big Bang
390 posts
A Big Bang dedicated to the relationship of Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
Are all the stories posted now?
Sorry for the slowness in responding! The fic that was just posted was the last one I knew of, so that should be all of the fics for the bang!
- Cary
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Exchange Student
Word Count:
5808 (First Chapter)
A LOT of sexual innuendos and awkward shenanigans! 
Additional Pairings:
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Georgi Popovich/Anya.
Yuuri Katsuki knows that he’s by no means a model student, but seriously, he doesn’t think that he deserves this level of shock at 7:30 am.
In retrospect, he should have thanked the headmaster for giving him a wonderful wake-up call. After all, there was no wake-up call that had you wide awake like suddenly being told that your idol was going to study at your school for an entire year and train with your quidditch team. A bucket of cold water was nothing in comparison.
“Phichit, I’m resigning from the Quidditch t- no, fuck that, I’m transferring to another school,” Yuuri said, eyes wide with horror. “I can’t do this.”
Or: Yuuri’s Big Gay Crush is coming to Mahoutokoro, and Yuuri is Not Okay with this.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Author: japansace
Artist: adreamorasong-art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
A snowstorm has hit Hasetsu like none the town’s ever seen. But Yuuri Katsuki (age six) isn’t afraid! He senses something out there in the wide, white winter wonderland, so he goes off to find it! Or… save it, more like. Because it’s a little boy his age, passed out in the snow. Despite his weird dress and unknown origins, the Katsukis take him in. But who is this strange boy? And why won’t this eternal winter end? Does it have something to do with him, perhaps? Or could it be that there’s a force far greater than them that isn’t satisfied with this little town yet?
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Author: starsorts (tumblr | twitter | ao3)
Artist: sorariin (tumblr | instagram | tapas | dA)
Word Count: 3958+/in-progress
Rating: T
Warnings: Underage Romance (non-sexual), Anxiety
“There it is again now, the rise and the fall in his stomach – the hope and the reality. Because the truth is that no matter what happens, Yuuri will never feel the same way. Three years of hoping has taught him this. The events of last year have taught him this. He has since learned to dull the sting."
With graduation on the horizon, high school senior Yuuri Katsuki wants nothing more than to get an interview with Victor Nikiforov, his gorgeous, enigmatic, theatre-obsessed classmate, for his final piece in the school newspaper. Although Victor has always declined to speak to anyone on the paper, he suddenly agrees to a feature article in exchange for Yuuri’s help with the senior musical. As graduation looms, Yuuri’s not the only one working against the clock to figure out how to encapsulate Victor in his article – Victor is also making one last-ditch attempt to get Yuuri to return his feelings.
High School AU where Yuuri is a student newspaper editor and Victor is the star of the drama department.
AO3 | tumblr/instagram
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: Together/Alone Author: bonyenne Artists: TheWaywardSong and Aethelwolf
Beta: izzyisozaki Word Count: In progress, estimated 30k+ Rating: G, may become T Warnings: None apply Additional Pairings: None Summary:
On Yuuri's eleventh birthday he makes a wish to meet Victor at one of his competitions. Since then it's been a tradition of his: watching Victor's competitions and dreaming of the conversations they might have if Yuuri were there.
There's only one problem with the situation.
It's not real.
How do you handle falling in love with your imaginary friend? How do you handle it when he's based off your real-life idol?
Victor has a secret, a fairy prince who's come to visit him at nearly every figure skating competition since he was fifteen. Maybe he's a little old to believe in this sort of thing, but he's positive there's something deeper going on here, and he's willing to do nearly anything to break whatever curse might be keeping them apart.
There’s only one problem with the situation.
He’s not allowed to ask.
How do you rescue someone when you don’t even know what curse they’re under? How do you even begin to figure it out?
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: Shatter My Shackles, Let Me Fly Free
Author: Tothebatcave53
Artist: mferret9
Word Count: 695 first chapter, additional chapters reaching total of 15K
Rating: mature
Summary: As a songbird, you spend your days performing for your owners, singing and flashing your feathers to make other humans jealous. Victor finds it loathsome but he's content enough. He's given everything he desires, yet he misses the feeling of the wind in his feathers and the open sky around him. And then Yuuri comes into his life, the most beautiful creature Victor has ever seen. Life is suddenly surprising again, each day with Yuuri a new adventure even if they can only look at the sky from behind their cage bars. Victor's not lonely anymore. Until one day, Victor's rescued by a group of activists. The only problem is that Yuuri's left behind. Now Victor must find his way back to bring Yuuri with him.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
Title: What We Are
Author: @athena1919
Artist: @cleardye
Word Count: 3k/~15K
Rating: T, will be M.
Warnings: None
If there's one thing Yuuri is wary of as an ollamh, a master of the harp, it's the sidhe. While many other musicians, writers, and artists of all kinds are eager to meet and please a powerful sidhe with their craft and claim one of the blessings the sidhe are so well-known for, Yuuri is more wary of their mercurial nature than anything else. He can even convince himself that he's fine on his own on any day that he doesn't have to play for the other olluna.
That's true, at least, until he meets Viktor, a captivating daoine sidhe who challenges everything Yuuri knows about the otherworldly beings and whisks him away to Mag Mell. Suddenly, Yuuri finds himself being offered everything he's ever dreamed of but unable to accept any of it.
Link to fic on AO3
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: draped in your love, I breathe
Author: @katzuyas
Artist: @littorella
Word Count: 5k on ch1 / 90k+ full
Rating: will be explicit at some point
Warnings: anxiety attack, vomiting, slight angst, graphic smut
When Phichit Chulanont, the best friend, main model, and face of Yuuri's brand of designer fashion wear decides to branch out a little, Yuuri is more than supportive. It is purely on accident that the man whom Yuuri admires (more like crushes on to the max but will die if you tease him about it), the famous Victor Nikiforov, is holding a casting for his next runway show, and since Yuuri is a good friend, he can't let Phichit go alone, now can he? Little do they both know that they're going into a meeting that will change all of their lives. For better or for worse.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: Sleep My Love
Author: @narcissuspseudonarcissus
Artist: @8Verity8
Word Count: 21,537
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings
Katsuki Yuuri was a Bajoran freedom fighter who was captured 5 years ago by the occupying Cardassians. He has just been rescued from one of their hidden Prison Camps by the Federation and is recuperating under the careful attention of one Vedek Victor Nikiforov, a Bajoran Priest who Yuuri admired for years before and during the Cardassian occupation. Yuuri’s recovery is slow but steady. The only blot on the horizon is that he seems to have uncovered a plot to kill Kai Baranovskaya the religious leader of the Bajoran people. It seems the Prophets haven't finished with him yet.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Title:  Hypoxia
Author: @katineto
Word Count: 5k/~25k
Rating: M, to become E
Warnings: violence, references to past and hypothetical rape, references to torture
The great Rus’ Empire has secured its victory over the Yashima, and the Tsar’s heir Viktor Nikiforov happily treats his exotic war-prize to the very heights of luxury. But it’s not only the Yashima who are discontent, and between scheming nobles, rebellious provinces, and a burgeoning revolutionary middle class, Tsar and empire both are beginning to crumble at the edges. Indeed, Viktor himself is not so loyal as he likes to pretend, and his new husband not so meek…
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Author: comeonandrockmyfandom
Artist: mferret9
Beta: IchigoQuinn
Word Count: 28,500+/ ?
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Amnesia, past references to death, blood, betrayal
Additional Pairings: Nishigori Takeshi/ Nishigori Yuuko, Leo de la Iglesia/ Ji Guang-Hong, Jean-Jacques Leroy/ Isabella Yang, Michele Crispino/ Emil Nekola. Some hinted future pairings with Otabek Altin/ Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva/ Sara Crispino, and others.
After the fire, Yuuri’s pack has always been on the run, with places always passing them by before he can blink almost. From here to there even to everywhere, they never really stopped to settling down for more than a few months at most as they moved onward. But now Mari is willing to open their pack to new members and give up the title of head Alpha so they can all fight for said title by next full moons time.
Needless to say Yuuri is worried and nervous about all of this. He understands they need to open their pack more after the fire and all the death 5 years ago but to give up the title willingly just to see if someone can get it randomly almost? That just seems crazy!
Especially when he thinks about how that man with stunning blue eyes could pretty easily steal away that title as well as steal his heart away too. If he hadn’t already done the later part in a past that Yuuri can’t seem to remember.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: .0005" Gold Plate
Author: Adelth 
Artist: Shadhahvar
Word Count: WIP, 10-12K?
Rating: M
Warnings: violence, implied/referenced torture
Summary: Viktor Nikiforov is an infamous FSB agent, a dedicated and proficient operative since his days as a teenage cadet. No one knows what to make of it when he walks into an American embassy and offers to turn in his signature gold-finish makarovs in exchange for asylum. Obviously he can't be trusted, but he also can't be turned away, even if he has some strange requirements.
This is how Yuuri Katsuki, disgraced field agent, ends up fake-married and living in suburbia with a former(?) Russian spy who won't stop telling their neighbors he's Yuuri's mail order husband.
Fic | Art (tba)
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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I've Searched my Whole Life (For You)
Author: downbyashes (tumblr  | instagram | ao3)
Artist: sorariin (tumblr | instagram | tapas | dA)
Word Count: 7332
Rating: T
Warnings: Referenced Past Suicide Attempts, Near Death/Drowning Experience
Additional Pairings: Past Victor/Chris
How would you live your life, knowing you couldn’t age, and couldn’t die? That’s Victor Nikiforov’s reality. He has no way of growing old or dying, and he couldn’t remember ever aging even a day. Not much affects him on a regular day. In fact, most of them blended together. Until, that is, he met and saved a young boy from the ocean while on a trip to Japan. He's never forgotten the encounter, and it prompts him to visit again only twenty years later, to see what became of that boy. He's lived his life keeping the people of the mortal world at arms length, but this is going against everything he's lived by.
ao3 | tapas
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Title: A Voice Weeping in the Distance
Author: @muttthecowcatridesagain Artist: @dead-exitium Rating: Teen Wordcount: 6k Warnings: mentions of depression and anxiety Other tags: soulmate au Summary:
He was sitting in the stands, then, watching Victor Nikiforov skate his winning program. And as Victor finished his program, spinning fast and halting with his back arched and his arms thrown over his head, Yuuri felt . . . hate.
It was from his soulmate. Yuuri’s hands shook. He balled them into fists.
His soulmate hated Victor Nikiforov.
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: Something Shiny Author: @locallygrownavocado Artist: @toastylibertea Beta: @anonbaph Word Count: 8,237
Rating: Teen and up
Legend had it, if you walked into Stammi Vicino Dress Sellers, made a self-deprecating comment, and waited about five seconds, a beautiful silver-haired Russian would appear and make all your dress dreams come true.
Sadly, JJ didn’t get the chance to try.
“Welcome to Stammi’s,” the teenage receptionist practically growled at him. “I’d ask you what you need but judging by that suit, you need an intervention.”
Aka the story of Victor, Yuuri, and their dress shop adventures, featuring their resident angsty receptionist. It’s mostly just a fluffy design au sprinkled with the occasional theater reference, because hey. What did you expect?
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Fic Title: some kind of magic Author: @yoyoplisetsky Artist: @cutiepurin Beta: @lydia-theda Word Count: 14,904 Rating: General Summary: Viktor Nikiforov, crown prince of St. Petersburg, is engaged to marry Prince Katsuki, who is second to the throne in Hasetsu. When he arrives in Hasetsu to meet his betrothed, Prince Katsuki is ill - too ill to meet with him, or so says the royal family. While waiting to meet his betrothed, Viktor meets Yuuri in the gardens. He must work for the castle with how often he’s there, and Viktor quickly realizes something bad - he’s falling in love with Yuuri, despite being engaged to the prince.
At least Makkachin is enjoying Hasetsu and all of the unique wildlife. Hasetsu’s got an odd quirk to a lot of their animals, it seems - there’s a blue square pattern around their eyes. Link to fic | Art is for later chapter
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victuri-big-bang-blog · 6 years ago
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Title: That Fire in Our Hearts
Author: @viktuuri-katsudon
Artist: @impatvish
Beta: @ryneisaterriblefan
Wordcount: 5K / 6 chapters
Rating: Teen and Up
Each and every one of these kisses meant the world to Yuuri. They built him from the ground up, they shaped his whole being.
They made him as he is today.
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