victoriaflame-blog · 12 years
Thankful Post
I keep seeing all of these people post on Facebook about what they are thankful for per day and I want to chime in without being too mushy. I'm thankful for my husband. I'm thankful that as hard as he works on his video game of two years that comes out today he still spends hours with me trying to find the video game I have been waiting on to come out- Lego Lord of the Rings. Then instead of playing his game he watches me play mine and has fun. Good stuff hubs.
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victoriaflame-blog · 12 years
Mom: I met this nice wine guy at the supermarket the other day.
Me: Oh, was he a sommelier?
Mom: No he was white.
Me: Joke of the night.
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victoriaflame-blog · 12 years
Tony: He's pretty much my coolest friend.
Me: Well I haven't met him.
Tony: Yeah I know.
Me: So he's so cool he doesn't hang out with you?
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victoriaflame-blog · 12 years
Local News
I find the local news the best medium for comic relief. Probably because they still interview real people on the streets and not just the glossy people you see everywhere else on tv. Tonight's topic- the goverment working with restarants to cut calories and encourage portion control.
Reporter: How many calories do you need to comsume in a day?
Local Dude: Well now that's a good question. I mean probably 4-5,000 calories.
Reporter: It is actually 2,000.
Local Dude: Oh...
Cut to b-roll of shots of unsuspecting overweight people walking on the street. The local news does this b-roll all the time. Thats's probably where the term came from- big rolls.
Local Dude: Well the goverment shouldn't be telling me what not to eat.
People get upset when you tell them you shouldn't eat 4-5,000 calories per day.
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victoriaflame-blog · 12 years
Stop being so clingy
So with election season upon us I have been seeing my friends on Facebook post some things a tad radical in nature. Here is one of my thoughts on a recent picture I saw below:
The caption was "I love the Midwest." Now I grew up in a small town. I was surrounded by natural beauty if you will. Greenery, four lovely seasons, gorgeous mountains, and a lake...I wanted out. I was beckoned to the city by some inner desire. Now as a city dweller I do not feel that we should destroy all of nature. I actually believe in being energy efficient, recycling, and conservation. This includes driving cars that do not hurt the environment. An environment that I don't even really enjoy on a regular basis. Now someone who lives in nature and is proud of it I cannot understand why they would cling to a vehicle that is working to destroy it. Furthermore, why would they belittle those who try to do better by nature. Now I understand the need for big trucks in the country. We used our truck for hauling everything from 2x4s to ball gear. People have a prerogative to drive gas guzzlers but don't hate on those who work to save the very environment you live in everyday.
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victoriaflame-blog · 12 years
Funny Thread From Reddit
Ghosthunters has been on the air since 2004. How long would you keep watching a show called "Moosehunters", if they never saw or heard a single fucking Moose?
How I Met Your Mother has been on the air since 2005. Who wants to bet they'll find an actual ghost on Ghosthunters before we meet Ted's fucking wife?
How I Boned A Bunch of Women Before I Met Your Mother
I don't get why he's always complaining about women though. The caliber of women he's dating is ridiculous - they're all ridiculously attractive. classic schmosby.
It's entirely possible that Ted's exaggerating.
Oooh I like this theory. We're watching all this through his eyes. It'd be great if in the end he ends with a hot ass chick, and as they walk away we see them for who they really are-Tom Arnold and Roseanne.
Bob Saget and his dead wife from Full House. The entire show is a prequel. John Stamos and Dave Coulier do cameos in the final episode. The Olsen Twins are not contacted for inclusion.
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
Presh Pres
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President Obama is adorable
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
A cocoa crawl sounds amazing right now.
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lavender hot chocolate
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
Make it Happen! hahahaha
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
In preparation for the final movie, I’m rewatching all of the films to date (thanks, ABC Family, for that well-timed marathon last weekend and sorry, my DVR, for taking up so much space). In the middle of Prisoner of Azkaban last night (I’ll admit that I had this thought before last night) I had a revelation.
The books should be named after Hermione Granger.
Yes, yes, sad times about that whole your parents thing dying, Harry. Please see the condolences card I sent you 12 YEARS AGO for my sympathy. In the meantime, look at how many people are COMING OUT OF THE WOODWORK to be your new mentor. Even McGonagle is like, “hey kid, here is a free fancy broom. Just because that one time when your parents died and you’re good at catching shit.”
On the other side of the common room, we have Hermione. Who is muggle born, which means she simply doesn’t have that same built-in support as Harry. She can’t go home to her parents and talk about how people keep trying to kill her because her parents just wouldn’t understand. And while she’s at school, instead of having every single teacher fall over their magic wand to get on her good side, she’s held down. People won’t stop talking about her Muggle parents and it’s all she can do to keep up her studies. By which I mean, BEING BETTER THAN ALL OF THE SCHOOL.
And when Snape assigns homework, Harry is all “Wah-Wah, there is sport tomorrow, fulfilling my responsibly will be so hard.” MEANWHILE Hermione is MOVING FUCKING TIME so she can take more classes. Because girl knows SOMETHING is happening and she needs to STUDY THE EFF UP. 
When the time comes around to fight, the boys are like, “oh wow, look at this thing that happened. Isn’t that crazy” while Hermione is like, “idiots, I figured that out like 5 books ago. CAN YOU PLEASE FOCUS.”
And after she saves the day and just about everyone in the entire book/series/magical world tells her that she’s “the smartest witch for her age,” is it Hermione who finally gets the fancy broom? Of course not. SWOOP IN AN STEAL THE GLORY AGAIN, HORRIBLE HARRY.
In the final book, girl has to wipe her parents’ memory of any trace of her so they’ll be protected. Essentially orphaning herself. But do people feel bad? Do they start going all Harry Potter on her? No. They are like, “Oh, hey, Hermione, all of my friends and family who still love me and still know who I am are getting together for a massive party. You can come if you want.” and she’s like, “Jolly, fucking jolly, assholes.”
And in the end? She gets stuck with Ron. Ron who did not age well, Ron who really hasn’t done much more than sulk since that one time when he moved the pieces correctly in Wizard’s chess. Ron. I mean, at least let her have a little something, something going on with Sirius before he dies. Sirius is deserving of a woman like Hermione. 
Finally, I present you with this photo from last night’s premiere. Here are our favorite kids (God, Neville, stop being so goddamn hot), and who stands out? Hermione. Girl is like, fuck this bullshit. I own this series. I OWN THEM ALL> 
So much truth.
Wow this is awesome.
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
Looking forward to July 15!
Here’s a recipe I found online, it tastes amazing!!
Regular Homemade Butterbeer Recipe 1 Bottle IBC Cream Soda (tastes exactly like the regular Butterbeer base) Foam (makes enough for two servings of Butterbeer): 1/3 Cup Heavy Cream 2 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Tablespoon Powdered Sugar 1...
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
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GPOYW engagement edition
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
At a car dealership...
Me: Wow Tony you look so good driving this car.
Car Salesman: Woah do you need a job?
Me: ...don't tempt me.
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
Had a great royal watching party.
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victoriaflame-blog · 13 years
happy friends and family! shop now
Thanks! I just used this coupon!
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victoriaflame-blog · 14 years
Oh, it is on like Genghis Khan wearing Sean John in Bhutan!
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victoriaflame-blog · 14 years
Yum the couture creamery!
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