victimdead · 7 years
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Frankie’s bat
Frankie’s weapons vary depending on mood. If they are irritated/in a sadistic mood, they’ll use their bat, they most use it to bash their victims head in and make them indescribable. They’ve had the bat since they were a kid, they added the nails and added the heart and taped the end themselves.
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victimdead · 7 years
[text] I just need some of your time and all of your body. - niiightbringer
Frankie was just finishing beating up a child abuser with their bat and they paused as they heard their phone chime. “Hm? Please stay put-” They leaned down with an almost too sweet smile. “-Or else I’ll splatter your guts all over this floor. Be a good boy and stay.” they pat his bloody head and reached for their phone.
“Oh, It’s my lovely boyfriend, you would love him.” They chimed out, texting back quickly.
[My Little God 3:45 pm] I’ll be over in 10, wait for me, sweet boy.
They set their phone down and swung their bat slightly in their hands. “Hm, now. Where were we? Oh!  I was about to bash your head open!” They grinned maliciously, swinging their bat until the sharp nails killed their victim.
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victimdead · 7 years
John didn't feel guilty about using Frankie, though he should. If he was damned to live on this hellish plane then he needed something to keep him going and this dangerous human with all the power of a minor deity was the perfect thing for him to cling to. He was currently sprawled across their laps, sucking at their blood soaked fingers– it was the closest thing he'd tasted to ambrosia. – nonconformingaddict ( shdbdus i hope this is okay ? )
Frankie had just finished killing off one of the thieves in their midst and hummed softly before nodding at their henchman to leave. “How cute.” They murmured but pulled their fingers back abruptly. “But sadly for you, Ii have work to do, stay there and sit pretty.” They turned on the water and washed their hands. “Later.” They promised.
“I have more thieves to kill.”
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victimdead · 7 years
Cuddly vampire Fawn casually clinging to Frankie, nuzzling into their neck and generally being needy. He was only a fledgling and everything was too much, too scary; he spent most of his time clinging to the killer and in varying states of age regression. "You smell so good..." He murmured, hiding his face in their neck. "Makes me hungry..." - nonconformingaddict ( uhvdetbbd i'm so sorry )
Frankie was in the middle of business when Fawn walked in and he looked at their henchmen. “If he moves an inch and yes that includes talking, shoot him.” They ordered as they sighed and picked up Fawn and carried him away. “‘Are you hungry, pretty boy? You wanna feed off of me, baby?” They cooed softly as they tilted their head, exposing their neck to him.
“Go ahead baby.”
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victimdead · 7 years
@nonconformingaddict // from HERE
Frankie let out a sad hum as they finished drying their hands. “Oh, darling. You don’t know what he was planning to do to you. I was saving you.” They looked at him with a sad gaze. “He was planning on doing horrible things to both you and I. I can never forgive that. I did love him but I can’t stand for anyone hurting you, baby.”
They set the towel down, “You need to know that if I could have avoided this I would have but I couldn’t let him harm you, my pretty boy.” That was a complete lie, they could have stopped it but they were angry and they went over board and killed that man in cold blood for even thinking about touching their precious John.
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victimdead · 7 years
“killed him? wait, what, literally?” - nonconformingaddict
They had been Frankie’s closest friend but they had expressed their lust for their lover and Frankie couldn’t stand for that. Frankie let out a small hum as they continued to wash the blood off of their hands. “Yes, he’s dead, darling!” They sounded more cheerful than they should have in all honesty.
“Isn’t it great! Now everyone will think twice before trying to steal my lover from me!” They grabbed the towel to dry their hands. “He won’t be missed, don’t worry. I already have him replaced.”
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victimdead · 7 years
ᴸᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗᵉʳ ᶜᵃˡˡ !!
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victimdead · 7 years
Frankie just sits around, humming a cheerful tune as they read a book about murder and where to hide a body.
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victimdead · 7 years
I both love and hate all the vore on my dash, wtf guys
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victimdead · 7 years
hey,,, uh,,, please love my child oc
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victimdead · 7 years
Fawn was just sort of dozing on and off on Frankie's couch with his headphones on before bursting into seemingly unprompted laughter. "Yo, oh my god, Frank!" He called between giggles, unplugging his headphones and rewinding the song he was listening to. "It's– it's fuckin' me!" With that he pressed play, allowing his music to play aloud. "— lettuce, crouton. You been sleepin' on the shooters, fouton..." - nonconformingaddict ( i was listening to shooter by clipping and i'm sorry )
Frankie looked amused as they listened quietly. “That’s… an interesting song… I have a meeting, I’m going to be late. Behave yourself while I’m gone.” They leaned down at kissed Fawn’s forehead.
“I’ll be back later, the mood I’m in depends on whether I kill the guy or not for stealing from me.”
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victimdead · 7 years
what would frankie be like in a relationship with two subs/littles?
They’re pretty much a soft but firm dom. Like, they would be really soft and weak for their lovers in general but they still deny them stuff because they gotta be a good lover and not let their lovers make bad decisions.
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victimdead · 7 years
Alex looked over at the boy and smiled lightly, sitting up a little in Frankie’s lap. “John?” he repeated. He nuzzled against them again and lowered his voice. “He’s pretty, can we keep him?” Of course, Alexander was just as happy as can be with Frankie. But why have one lover when you can have two? John looked from Frankie to Alex and nodded.his head.
“I get it,” he replied. “I just don’t understand why you’re holding me for ransom. He won’t give you anything, he’s been trying t get rid of me for a while.” Not that he was complaining. He’d been treated well here, he was pretty comfortable. He was slightly worried about Frankie, though. They’d been almost possessive over him, It was almost concerning, but so far they hadn’t hurt him, so he was okay with it for now.
“Don’t think of it as randsom, think of it as... He owes me too much and I can’t have that. Plus, we haven’t gotten to the fun part yet. I have a gift for you both, my darlings.” They grinned, eyes filled with anticipation as he snapped their fingers. “Bring them in!”
And there they were, Alex’s and John’s dads, badly beaten up and in chains. “How pathetic.” Frankie snickered. “Both of your father’s have caused you pain, so I’ll have to kill them!” They sounded so cheerful, so amused and happy.
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victimdead · 7 years
“Your darling?” Eliza was beyond confused. Part of her was convinced they were crazy, that she needed to turn tail and run and not look back ever again. Another part of her considered calling the police. But she worried that both those options could end up in her upsetting them. And after seeing them murder someone with a pen, she was not about to do anything that would make them upset.
“Alright. What’s your name? And how do you know mine?” Eliza stepped forward slowly, stopping only when she was in front of them. “And we need to get out of this alley, you’re all messy. Let’s go clean you up, yes?”
Frankie was slightly disappointed that Eliza didn’t know them, disappointed that Eliza wasn’t as in love with them as they were with her but never fear, she’d learn more about them, they were certain about it.
“My name is Frankie Lennon, your secret admirer!” They grinned widely, seeming proud of it. They wouldn’t call themself a stalker, they just loved to watch Eliza without her knowledge of it.
“Hm. I suppose. It’s so sad that that fuckwad’s blood is on my clothes.” They sighed sadly.
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victimdead · 7 years
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victimdead · 7 years
Dying rp Starters
"Stay with me. Come on, just a little longer."
"You're gonna be fine, okay? You... You'll be fine."
"No. Oh, no. No no no. This can't happen. No. You can't die."
"Shush, just concentrate on staying awake, okay? Don't sleep."
"Oh my god... Don't give up! You can't give up!"
"You can make it through this. I know you can. Y-you have to..."
"Where did they shoot you!? Where did they sh-- Oh... Oh, god... Oh please no..."
"The doctor explained everything to me... I... I can't just let you go like this. I need you."
"Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive."
"There's nothing they can do. I-- I'm so sorry."
"No. They're wrong. They're wrong, okay? You're not gonna die."
"Please, fight this. You have to fight it. You have to live."
"Don't die... Don't die on me. Please..."
"Listen to my voice, okay? I need you to stay with me. I'm bringing you to the hospital."
"I wish I could tell you everything was going to be fine..."
"Come on, now. You've lived through worse than this. Just... Just live through this too."
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you."
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victimdead · 7 years
On your rules and about pages, you sometimes refer to your muse as "he/his", although you've indicated that their preferred pronouns are they/them. If you're portraying a transgendered or non-binary character, please be careful with this.
Also, on your ‘About’ page - “Jewish” is not an ethnicity. Judaism is a religion.
And I would maybe consider changing the word “yandere”? There are plenty of better ways to describe that. Try saying they’re “psychopathic” instead. Just a friendly tip.            
Thank you for informing me! Most of the muses I take on use binary pronouns and sometimes I’m still in that cycle of using he/him pronouns, as you can tell I am not Jewish, I put down the ethnicity and religion that Frankie’s face claim has.
Thank you for telling me!
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