vickydpaton · 6 years
Be Present
Life. I have said “I do not know how to live life”, or “I do not understand life”
I realize the problem is in the fact that I all too often decide not to live fully engaged in the present. I allow myself to get tangled up in the past or fumble with the idea of my future.
The past is full of stationary memories, they do not change or alter in placement. Choosing to live life tethered to the past…
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vickydpaton · 6 years
Lost Soul
I am a chronically lost soul. This is what I have come to identify as.
There are constant reminders floating around in my head about how lost I am.
I am lost. It is a statement I know. Yet it swirls around in my mind like a question.
Memories of what I had, or what I almost had, questions of who I was or who I am play havoc on the feeble hold I have on what feels like hope and happiness.  I…
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vickydpaton · 6 years
“If someone is unpleasant to you, draw a halo around his or her head in your mind. He/she is an angel who came to teach you something.”
— Yoko Ono
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vickydpaton · 6 years
Closing Down
This is my last post on this site.
I have found it to be a chore to keep up with this website. It bothers me that I have left it sitting quietly for weeks on end. I have finally made the decision to pull the plug on it. However, I would love for you to continue to follow me on my other platforms.
Artwork Archive: https://www.artworkarchive.com/artwork/vicky-paton
Instagram: @vicky_artist_paton
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vickydpaton · 6 years
The Artist Statement
As a young artist, you will inevitably hear many stories and be given mountains of advice about what you can expect from being an artist and what the “art world” will be like. We all know this to be true of every nook and cranny of our existence. If there is advice to be given, well, of course, we will hear about it. Afterall is this not what I am doing here at this very moment?
The notorious…
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vickydpaton · 6 years
Do You Like to Read?
Do You Like to Read?
I will forever love the good old fashioned paper book. Yet I will adapt with the times for the sake of convenience and download some books on to my phone or tablet. I like this for the times when I am out and about and find myself stuck waiting in the car unexpectedly for my daughters or husband, or if I am sitting in a clinic waiting room, things like that. I do not always have a book on me, I…
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vickydpaton · 6 years
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vickydpaton · 7 years
Artist Showcase
I am taking the opportunity to share the love. I would like to make this a regular feature on my website. Check out this artist, his work, and his wonderfully inspiring story. I will also give a shout out to Art Life here as well, find the link to the Facebook page in the video link. (Please note*)
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vickydpaton · 7 years
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Colour is a beautiful thing! As of late, my paintings have been colour-filled! For so long I avoided colour opting for black, white and grey as my pallet. Colour is a beautiful thing!
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vickydpaton · 7 years
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 Sold The first watercolour I have done that I am happy with. And it sold immediately!
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vickydpaton · 7 years
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What do YOU want? Knowing what you want in life is not always the easiest thing to communicate. At least that's what I find to be true.
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vickydpaton · 7 years
Day 2 of 2018.
This year is will be amazing.
I have to tell you that I can best describe myself these past few days as feeling like a sponge.
I have the most intense feeling of “soaking up”! And it’s energy that I am soaking up.
This has left me feeling expansive both mentally and emotionally but drained physically. However, I anticipate the physical toll to dissipate as my body “catches up” so…
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vickydpaton · 7 years
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High Energy Vibes I love this place. Tofino, BC. I feel so alive standing on the beach breathing in the cold salty air!
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vickydpaton · 7 years
Show up and Vibrate
Whatever place we find ourselves in right now is the exact place we are meant to be.  All that is required of us is that we show up, share our light, work to expand peace around us and above all approach everything and everyone with the vibration of love that we all possess. It is not our responsibility, nor is it within our scope to determine what our destiny is supposed to be. We by no stretch…
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vickydpaton · 7 years
Daily Dose of Inspiration
I have to admit my ability to stop and focus on something for more than a minute is rare. Normally what I end up doing if I see something that interests me is save it to read later. Unfortunately,  my “read later” list is getting too long. I fear that by the time I get around to reading the material it will no longer be relevant to me. So yesterday I spent the afternoon going through all my saved…
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vickydpaton · 7 years
This is me imperfections and all
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I have been working like a mad woman to get ready for not one but three markets this this month! Here’s the kicker, I have never been in a market before so I don’t know what the heck to expect. Basically I am winging it. Let’s be honest though that is pretty much how I operate with most things in my life.
When I first decided to partake in the first market I had only planned on selling my…
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vickydpaton · 7 years
The Simpler Side of Life
It is true that as we get older we seem to naturally progress towards a more simple a more refined way of living. The events we partake in no longer have a frenzied edge about them and if they do it is not by choice. As I was sitting in my living room this evening looking at the decorations I had put up the night before I thought to myself is this it? Is this as festive as its going to get this…
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