Oho, is that Johnny from Papa's Pancakeria?
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Makin' Bacon Pancakes
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vexjl · 9 months ago
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 finally being officially localized??? Dang, after so many years---
*checks notes*
Since 2011!!!
I've gotten so used to the fan translation that it'll be a process to get used to the new names lol.
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vexjl · 10 months ago
So they went ahead and nerfed a couple of Big Wave Beach levels. And they're not small nerfs, they're SUBSTANTIAL. Talking like removed Gargantuars, removed Octo Zombies, removed Fisherman Zombies, prolly even more as well! And since last year they've been reworking Lily Pad and along with it came major interaction changes (most notably w/ Fisherman Zombie).
And I'm just like, dude what the heck. Why. It's been what, 8+ years since these levels released and now they're receiving significant changes? Like, come on. Leave the Adventure levels alone and just let PvZ2 rest in peace!
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vexjl · 10 months ago
The WereCleaner
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This game is a fun game. It is a top town single player maze game that is very short. This game you basically are trying to clean up the school as a werewolf all while trying not to get caught by the staff.
If you do get caught by the staff you get to eat them and try to hide them and eat them then clean up the body and the mess that was made all while trying not to get caught.
This game is a free to play and in my opinion I would check it out if I were you since you really don’t have to pay anything for it. It reminds me of serial killer and viscera clean up since you never know what kind of messes you are going to run into the next night you work.
You also have to watch out for the security at the end, it becomes a little hectic since he is tracking you and you still end up having to clean up the building quickly and leave all while he is tracking. Other than that, this game is really fun.
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vexjl · 10 months ago
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Papa's Scooperia is the best, I cannot lie.
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vexjl · 1 year ago
Papa's Scooperia...
Papa Louie games are like a hyperfixation that's been resurfacing recently for me. I last played it with Papa's Sushiria 4-5 years ago and now I'm totally hooked on Papa's Scooperia...
Getting to rank 100 within 4 days is not normal behaviour. 💀
Papa's Scooperia is overall a pretty easy and straightforward gameria IMO. Though it has a really strict timing window on the baking station... I swear, if you misclick once after the alarm goes off, your cookies are just doomed to 99% rating because all the customers just kNOW that the cookies are slightly overdone. But the build station is pretty chill especially once you get to know the ice cream spacing. Adding the toppings themselves is very straightforward, kinda like Hot Doggeria.
Anyways, shoutout to Mousse and Whippa who are the coolest new closers I've seen from these games. They slayed every single outfit, especially their Halloween outfits.
Favourite non-closer newcomer is Fernanda, who also has a very nice outfit.
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