I'll have you dancin' to my tune in no time!
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Indie Pokemon SV Giacomo Ask/RP Blog Written by Sand-Rose Rules | About
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vespinado · 2 years ago
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The Dull Surprise™️remained on the Unovan’s face for a moment longer, as if he was watching a Rellor roll its quarry away.
“…Is this an art thing?”
    YEAH, THAT’S ABOUT the sort of response he’d expected- Heck, he’d been expecting worse! Giacomo manages a chuckle at the question, turning his own eyes down at the table before looking back up at the stranger.
    ... Wow, that sandwich was hard to look at, huh?
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❝Eheeeh... Man, I’d love t’ twist it like that and make myself seem like some kinda... ‘Avant-Garde’ type of dude, but whatever kind of art this could count as ain’t my scene.❞
    He looks back down and moves to press a pick into the top of the sandwich despite it all, placing his hands down flat on the table afterwards.
❝Nah. This is just what I had t’ work with for lunch. Starvin’ artist life doesn’t leave you with a lotta lunch money. So, no second plate?❞
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vespinado · 2 years ago
|| Inbox call! Mutuals, Like this post (and reply if you're a sideblog) for some Giacomo shenaniganary in your inbox! Feel free to drop in my DMs if you'd like anything specific!
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vespinado · 2 years ago
‎ THAT'S ANOTHER WIN in the books, as far as he's concerned. All of his pensive dramatics melt away in an instant to betray his giddy excitement at the offer of sweets. He's all too quick to accept the box offered to him. Free snacks!
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❝Aw, nice!! Looks like we're livin' another day after all!❞
@vespinado replied:
❝Guess I'll starve and waste away...❞ 😔
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"You shut up and take these Poképuffs." There's two dozen of them, with an assortment of flavors. "'Starve and waste away' my ass."
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vespinado · 2 years ago
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|| Hey, hey! Give this post a little Like/Reblog if you'd be interested in interacting with a Private Post SV Giacomo! Muse written by Sand Rose!
Rules || Muse
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vespinado · 2 years ago
Tag Dump!
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vespinado · 2 years ago
About the Muse
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Name: Giacomo Espinosa
Age: 18
Height: 5'8’’
Pronouns: He/Him
    Leader of Team Star’s Segin Squad, de facto second in command of Team Star as a whole, and full-time wannabe DJ, Giacomo is warmly regarded among friends as a sharp strategist with a talent for bringing people together. While a little rough and mean-looking to outsiders, Giacomo is a genuinely friendly (and sometimes a little awkward) guy with an odd adherence to his own personal rule-set and an endless pool of devotion to those he calls friends.
Canon information can be found here!
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vespinado · 2 years ago
Rules (Mobile)
✦Have a bit of general information for potential RP partners first ✦
✧ I have 7+ years of experience
✧ I am private! I will generally only roleplay with mutuals, but I will make exceptions for multimuse blogs!
✧ I am OC friendly.
✧ This is a multiship blog! This means that any and all shipping is in a separate verse unless stated otherwise.
✧ I am completely willing to roleplay with duplicates of the same character.
✧ Mun is a shy bean! If I follow you, it is safe to assume I am interested in interacting with you.
✦I only have a few rules about roleplaying in general ✦
✧ Proper spelling and grammar is expected, but I can understand if English is not your first language. I won’t get upset over a few typos or missing commas, but please try to keep it readable.
✧ Please try not to give one or two sentence replies to RPs. It’s fine on occasion or in a crack situation, but replying with single sentences makes it hard for me to think of a well-crafted response.
✧ Absolutely no Godmodding or Metagaming. If you have a history of either, it is likely that I will refuse to RP with you. Please do not take this personally. 
✧ Please keep NSFW asks to a minimum. Muse and I are both of age, but I can get a bit uncomfortable writing it out sometimes if it’s unprompted.
✧ Please be patient! I try to respond to all RPs as quickly as possible, but we all know life doesn’t always work that way. Feel free to IM or send an ask if you believe I have forgotten.
✧ Please talk it out with me in IMs if you want your OCs to have any sort of pre-established relationship or the like with mine. 
✦If you want to IM me for any reason, go for it. It can be IC or OOC. No matter if you’d just like to talk, have a question about a RP/Ask of ours, etc. I’m always happy to talk to you! ✦
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