Vespasian’s public bath was located near the Pantheon and was completed by his son Titus in 75 AD. It was one of the largest and most luxurious baths in Rome, with a capacity of about 3,000 people. The bath complex included a frigidarium (cold room), a tepidarium (warm room), a caldarium (hot room), a natatio (swimming pool), a palaestra (exercise area), and various other rooms for relaxation and entertainment. The bath also featured a large mosaic of the Battle of Actium, depicting the naval victory of Augustus over Mark Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC. The bath was destroyed by fire in 238 AD and was virtually rebuilt here.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Dataset in Python - DataFrame
Spark’s primary abstraction is a distributed collection of items called a Dataset. Datasets can be created from Hadoop InputFormats (such as HDFS files) or by transforming other Datasets. Due to Python’s dynamic nature, we don’t need the Dataset to be strongly-typed in Python. As a result, all Datasets in Python are Dataset[Row], and we call it DataFrame to be consistent with the data frame concept in Pandas and R.
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the left shift (<<) and right shift (>>) operators in Python
Here is an explanation of the left shift (<<) and right shift (>>) operators in Python:
The left shift operator (<<) shifts the bits of a number to the left by a specified number of positions. Shifting left has the effect of multiplying the number by 2 for each position shifted. For example:
a = 5 # Binary: 0b101 a << 1 # Binary: 0b1010 = 10 a << 2 # Binary: 0b10100 = 20
Shifting left by n positions multiplies the number by 2^n.
The right shift operator (>>) shifts the bits of a number to the right by a specified number of positions. Shifting right has the effect of dividing the number by 2 for each position shifted (and rounding down). For example:
a = 5 # Binary: 0b101 a >> 1 # Binary: 0b10 = 2 a >> 2 # Binary: 0b1 = 1
Shifting right by n positions divides the number by 2^n, rounding down.
The left and right shift operators act bitwise on the binary representation of the number. This allows you to efficiently multiply or divide numbers by powers of two.
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do not use eval() for simple expressions or for expressions involving small DataFrames
You should not use eval() for simple expressions or for expressions involving small DataFrames. In fact, eval() is many orders of magnitude slower for smaller expressions or objects than plain Python. A good rule of thumb is to only use eval() when you have a DataFrame with more than 10,000 rows.
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P-Value is the probability that a difference in your data might occur as a matter of chance
So how do you go about determining whether there is a statistically significant difference in your data? One way this is done in data analytics is by determining a p-value for your analysis. Technically, a p-value represents the probability that a difference between two data measurements was just a matter of random chance (the way 52 tails versus 48 heads might be), rather than being a statistically significant difference (the way 68 tails versus 32 heads would be).
Put another way, a very low p-value represents a low probability that a difference is a matter of random chance and, therefore, a high probability of statistical significance.
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The range of skewness
The range of skewness for a fairly symmetrical bell curve distribution is between -0.5 and 0.5; moderate skewness is -0.5 to -1.0 and 0.5 to 1.0; and highly skewed distribution is < -1.0 and > 1.0. In our case, we have ~1.7, so it is considered highly skewed data.
There are ways to correct for skewness of the data. For example, log transform (np.log), Square Root Transform (np.sqrt) and the Box-Cox Transform (stats.boxcox from the scipy stats library). To learn more about these methods, please check out this article.
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Seegers setzte ein Grinsen auf, das eigentlich ein Lächeln hatte werden wollen, und zwinkerte ihm zu. Es sah seltsam verzerrt aus, als passe so viel Mimik auf einmal gar nicht in sein hageres Gesicht.

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run the WordCount example with an input text and see how the content of the input file is processed by WordCount
Start a new terminal
Download hadoop-3.2.3.tar.gz to your theia environment by running the following command.
curl --output hadoop-3.3.6.tar.gz
Extract the tar file in the currently directory.
tar -xvf hadoop-3.3.6.tar.gz
Navigate to the hadoop-3.3.6 directory.
cd hadoop-3.3.6
Check the hadoop command to see if it is setup. This will display the usage documentation for the hadoop script.
Run the following command to download data.txt to your current directory.
curl --output data.txt
Run the Map reduce application for wordcount on data.txt and store the output in /user/root/output
bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.3.6.jar wordcount data.txt output
Once the word count runs successfully, you can run the following command to see the output file it has generated. You should see part-r-00000 with _SUCCESS indicating that the wordcount has been done.
ls output
Run the following command to see the word count output.
cat output/part-r-00000
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四海齐名白与刘,百年交分两绸缪。 同贫同病退闲日,一死一生临老头。 杯酒英雄君与操,文章微婉我知丘。 贤豪虽殁精灵在,应共微之地下游。

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2023/10/20: 唐代存诗最多的白居易,流传至今的诗歌也只有三千多首
2023/10/20: 中国文学由雅到俗、由士大夫正统文学到市民文学、由抒情到叙事转变中的白居易叙事诗
◆ 一、十年之间三登科第(772—806)
2023/10/20: 男性情史悲剧助于闺怨描写
◆ 邯郸冬至夜思家
2023/10/20: 我意君心
◆ 长恨歌
2023/10/20: 君王掩面,黄埃散漫。芙面柳眉,夕殿萤飞
2023/10/21: 仙袂飘飘
2023/10/21: 通过对史实的改造与取舍,“净化”、“��化”、“美化”诗中李、杨的形象,不影响他们令人同情、赞颂
2023/10/21: 《长恨歌》悲剧源于爱得太过分、太出格,不顾爱情的社会影响
2023/10/21: 丹青画出竟何益?不言不笑愁杀人
2023/10/21: 魂之不来君心苦,魂之来兮君亦悲
2023/10/21: 诗人毕竟“不能忘情”,感到无法抗拒“倾城色”的“惑”,所以卒言“不如不遇”。一旦遇上,只能“生亦惑,死亦惑”了
◆ 观刈麦
2023/10/21: 南风陇黄
2023/10/21: 念此私自愧,尽日不能忘
2023/10/21: 微雨众卉新,一雷惊蛰始
2023/10/21: 北风利如剑,布絮不蔽身
2023/10/21: 念彼深可愧,自问是何人
◆ 二、救济人病裨补时阙(807—811)
2023/10/21: 正色强御,刚肠喔咿
2023/10/21: 启奏之外,有可以救济人病、裨补时阙、而难于指言者,辄咏歌之
2023/10/21: 首句标其目,卒章显其志,《诗》三百之义也
◆ 杜陵叟
2023/10/22: 善政不能及民者多矣
2023/10/22: 绝大多数封建皇帝只顾与官吏唱双簧
◆ 井底引银瓶
2023/10/22: 两心之外无人知,彼此甘心无后期
◆ 轻肥
2023/10/23: 把他们的骄奢淫逸写足,好比射箭,要引满而发,“结语斗绝,有一落千丈之势”
2023/10/23: 衢州人食人”的惨剧,正是这一小撮不顾人民死活的家伙掌握了军政大权的结果
◆ 三、中道左迁天涯沦落(811—820)
2023/10/24: 根情、苗言、华声、实义
2023/10/24: 谓之讽谕诗,兼济之志也;谓之闲适诗,独善之义也
◆ 欲与元八卜邻先有是赠
2023/10/24: 暂出犹思伴,安居须择邻
2023/10/24: 两岸人烟,一溪灯火
◆ 蓝桥驿见元九诗
2023/10/24: 每到驿亭先下马,循墙绕柱觅君诗
2023/10/24: 诗人内心正经受着贬谪的屈辱和愁苦的煎熬,急欲借遍觅故人之题咏来稍作安慰
2023/10/24: 此句他人尚不可闻,况仆心哉
◆ 放言五首并序(选一)
2023/10/24: 草萤有耀终非火,荷露虽团岂是珠
◆ 琵琶行并序
2023/10/24: 予出官二年,恬然自安,感斯人言,是夕始觉有迁谪意
◆ 暮江吟
2023/10/24: 草风沙雨
◆ 四、闲居泰适觞咏弦歌(820—846)
2023/10/24: 以当时心言异日苏、杭苟获一郡,足矣 敬宗宝历元年(825)三月,除苏州刺史,二年以病免郡事
2023/10/24: 为向两州邮吏道,莫辞来去递诗筒
2023/10/24: 元白 刘白
2023/10/24: 朝廷雇我作闲人
2023/10/24: 似出复似处,非忙亦非闲。不劳心与力,又免饥与寒
◆ 勤政楼西老柳
2023/10/24: 半朽树,多情人。开元柳,长庆春
2023/10/24: 未堪摩霄汉,只合觅稻粱
◆ 采莲曲
2023/10/24: 欲语低头笑
2023/10/24: 斜倚熏笼坐到明
2023/10/24: 秋霜手先知,灯底剪刀冷
◆ 钱塘湖春行
2023/10/24: 松排山面,月点波心
◆ 杭州春望
2023/10/24: 涛声夜入伍员庙,柳色春藏苏小家
◆ 除苏州刺史别洛城东花
2023/10/24: 残暑蝉���尽,新秋雁带来
2023/10/24: 卧迟灯灭后,睡美雨声中
◆ 与梦得沽酒闲饮且约后期
2023/10/24: 贤豪虽殁精灵在,应共微之地下游
2023/10/24: 不教才展休明代,为罚诗争造化功
◆ 览卢子蒙侍御旧诗多与微之唱和感今伤昔因赠子蒙题于卷后
2023/10/24: 平生定交取人窄,屈指相知唯五人。四人先去我在后,一枝蒲柳衰残身
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All Creatures Great and Small, and some other series that look nice
This seems to be a nice series, it's about the numerous adventures of a countryside veterinarian practice in 1930s to 1940s Yorkshire, England.

Scavengers Reign, 葬送のフリーレン, Pantheon Season 2, Loki Season 2, 岁月
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To give the average people a look at what can be done with today’s cutting-edge technology
I think HP knows that not a ton of people are going to buy this thing just because of that price. That said HP has been very clear that part of the reason why the Specter Fold exists at all is because they want to give consumers, the average people, a look at what can be done with today's cutting-edge technology. So maybe you'll be able to forgive that extremely high price tag.
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Resourcefulness and automation
You may notice that on every high performing team they have one or two developers who are the go to guys, the ones who get stuff done, who figure it out, who are responsible for the biggest, most challenging features and the most critical and damaging bugs. I know when I worked at Microsoft, the top senior developers were really running the team, and that's because they were resourceful. They knew how to fix every single problem, not because they've done it before, but because they knew how to find the solution. They went to StackOverflow, they went to Google, they read documentation, they consulted with their teammates, and now in this age, they're using chat GPT. You need to be a developer who goes out of your way to figure out problems, find solutions, and not just cry when you can't figure it out immediately. You need to use the resources available to you and use them as effectively as possible. Now, one of the easiest ways to be resourceful today is to know how to use A.I. tools like chat GBT, specifically to know what they're good at, how to prompt properly, and when to be cautious of the responses it's giving you.
The next skill you need to master is scripting and automation. Now, this can be in any language or technology that you want, but having the ability to work with the file system, quickly understand how you can write a simple script that doesn't need to be the cleanest code in the world that can automate a quick task, that can save developers even ten to seconds every time they open the code base, is a massive skill. I remember one of the best developers I ever worked with was really a master at scripting. Any time there was a task that was going to take more than, say, five, 10 minutes manually, he'd just whip up a quick script for it and he'd save myself and him a ton of time. Any time I had a pretty monotonous kind of repetitive issue, I'd just message him. He'd whip up a script, and it really made me realize how powerful that skill is. And it's been something I've been working on more and more. So trust me, understanding how to script quickly, being comfortable in a language like Python, Bash scripting, even something like Node.js is really, really powerful. It will make you stand out and most of all, it's going to save you a ton of time.
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"she couldn’t stop saying thank you. she knows real value and appreciation"
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Try and except blocks: group, as, .errno
When errors are of a similar nature and there's no need to handle them individually, you can group the exceptions together as one by using parentheses in the except line. For example, if the navigation system is under heavy loads and the file system becomes too busy, it makes sense to catch BlockingIOError and TimeOutError together:
def main(): · · · · try: · · · · · · · · configuration = open('config.txt') · · · · except FileNotFoundError: · · · · · · · · print("Couldn't find the config.txt file!") · · · · except IsADirectoryError: · · · · · · · · print("Found config.txt but it is a directory, couldn't read it") · · · · except (BlockingIOError, TimeoutError): · · · · · · · · print("Filesystem under heavy load, can't complete reading configuration file")
If you need to access the error that’s associated with the exception, you must update the except line to include the as keyword. This technique is handy if an exception is too generic and the error message can be useful:
try: · · · · open("mars.jpg") except FileNotFoundError as err: · · · · print("Got a problem trying to read the file:", err)
Got a problem trying to read the file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'mars.jpg'
If you’re catching a more generic OSError exception, which is the parent exception of both FilenotFoundError and PermissionError, you can tell them apart by the .errno attribute:
try: · · · · open("config.txt") except OSError as err: · · · · if err.errno == 2: · · · · · · · · print("Couldn't find the config.txt file!") · · · · elif err.errno == 13: · · · · · · · · print("Found config.txt but couldn't read it")
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