vertexcomic · 7 years
Hey guys!! Sorry for the radio silence for basically... two months. I was hoping to post when I had a nice littler filler image to accompany this post but that’s clearly not happening. 
Basically what happened is I’ve moved twice since the new year and that combined with a slew of paid (!!!) & zine work have been eating my life. I was hoping on having this chapter wrapped up by April, but at this point I’d be lucky to have it done by June. 
As it is, it is unlikely I will be posting any pages until April, and when that time comes, update schedule is out the window as I attempt to catch up haha. 
If you want to check out any of the projects I’ve been working on, here are the ones I can tell you about: The Pantheon Press: a mythology zine, the first issue focused on Greeks myths Things Worth Dying For: a Harry Potter fanzine The Venture Bros Zine: Valentine’s edition!
Hope everyone else has been having a great year, & I’ll catch ya when I can !!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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This update was brought to you by FLOORBOARDS!! I meant to put them in last time we saw the den but forgot! And now they’re back with a vengeance!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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Hey guys thanks so much for putting up with me this past month and the no update last week!!! Regular updates should be resuming next week so you on Monday peace sign emoji
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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Wow! We sure are having a Time. A Busy Time.
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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Hey guys, no page today!! I’m pretty booked this month so I’m not sure there’ll be any pages until December. I’m pretty bummed out about it!! But in the meanwhile I’ll post little filler art on Mondays : )
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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~* TOMORROW’S HALLOWEEN *~  defs not the spookiest page we’re gonna get this chapter, but a slightly spooky update nonetheless
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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lot more background, lot less text! let’s get this show on the road!!!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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rendering that bust was.. not fun, i’ll be glad if i never see it again
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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this page makes me feel like i draw backgrounds for NUTHIN!!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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upon reviewing this page, i realize that the jump from frankie getting the keys out of their bag to them reaching the front door may be... much
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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hi guys i’m never drawing a car interior ever again!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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it took me FOREVER to name this chapter, so it doubles as advice to myself!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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YES INDEED IT’S A DOUBLE UPDATE which brings us to the end of chapter two and our ~* 50th page *~ :3c I’m am way too psyched to get this show on the road I couldn’t wait another week!!
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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penultimate page of chapter two, i am literally so excited for chapter three you have no idea
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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guys honestly... i cannot wait to do some scenes that dont take place at night or in dark rooms but
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vertexcomic · 7 years
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I actually had to cut some dialogue to make this page not look like a nightmare [eyes emoji] also c’mon guys, who wasn’t expecting the mouth to eat human flesh, like, furreal now
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